♧ Chapter One : Savior

The Outlaws

Chapter One 

The night was dark, there was no sign of stars as the snow started raining beautifully. Aera stopped painting and walked towards the window. What a beautiful sky, she thought. Really did she know that night, her life will change drastically. 

As she was staring outside, she noticed there were a lot of black sedan parked outside her studio. Men in black suit moved out from the sedan and observed around. Aera thought to herself, They.. are uncle’s underlings. This could be bad. 

One of the men lifted his head and his eyes met hers. He pointed towards Aera and she knew she was no longer safe in the studio. Aera quickly grabbed her bag and dashed out from the studio through the back  door. It was cold but the blood pumping in her veins warmed her. Aera ran as fast as she could, away from her studio. Tired running, she hid in the dark alleyway. She took out her phone and immediately calls the police however, there was no reception at that time. She cursed to herself and when she lifted her head, her hands were trembling badly. 

The group of men was there, surrounding her. She was trapped. One of the men stepped closer to her. “Are you Han Aera?” He asked sternly. Aera shook her head, denying him. “You are not Han Aera? Then why are you running away?” 

“I-i’m not!” Aera said, nearly shouted. 

“Follow us while we’re asking nicely,” The man said. “We have been ordered to bring you alive or dead if you resist,” Aera turned around, only to see men blocked her way. “You have nowhere to run, Young Miss,”

“I don’t have anything to do with my father’s business, why are you trying to get me?!” Aera asked, frustrated. 

“You are the key,” He answered impatiently. He moved towards Aera and grabbed her wrist. “I’m not going to waste more time.” 

“L-let me go!” Aera struggled under his grip. She kept hitting the man with the bag she was holding. The man grunted as he snatched her bag and tossed it away. “Argh!!” Aera screamed loudly as her body has been carried to the man’s shoulder. “HELP ME!! HELP!! THIS IS KIDNAPPING!!” Aera wriggled as hard as she could. She pulled the man’s hair and hit the man many times.
He fed up. He released Aera and her body hit hard on the ground. “You noisy !” He slapped Aera’s cheek hard. “You hit me while I asked you nicely!” He grabbed Aera’s collar and again, slapped her many times.  

“Argh!” Her body slumped to the snowy ground. Her lips were bleeding as to the man’s harsh slap. Her eyes were teary and her heart silently prayed. God, let it be anyone; human, devil or angel to lend me a hand. I don’t want it to be like this. I don’t want to die like this. 
As she was about to close her eyes, she heard a voice, echoing. “Do you really take pride in hitting a weak woman?” 

“Who the hell are you?” The man asked the stranger behind him. The stranger wore a white prosthetic mask with hoodie covering his head. Aera was half conscious, she only hear the stranger’s deep husky voice. It’s an angel’s voice, she thought. 

“The kind hell that won’t open its gate for,” He said as he pulled out his gun. “Nuisance,” 

The men took out their guns, pulling its trigger and pointed towards the  stranger. “Are you from another gang? Or are you the same troublemaker from before?”

The stranger tilted his head. “It seems you’re from that mafia group, The Black Dice,” he stated. Aera’s eyes widened as she heard the familiar mafia name. The stranger lifted his gaze towards Aera. Aera stared at him weakly, hoping behind his white prosthetic mask, he would help her. “This becomes more complicated than I thought,” he whispered to himself.

He took his stance, staring dead at the man in front of him. The stranger dashed forward, beating up all the men in black suit. Shots and groans echoed loudly in the air and Aera only curled up, closing her eyes shut. 

Soon after, the alleyway was quiet again. As Aera opened her eyes, she felt a gentle touch on her face, brushing her hair behind her ear. Aera stared up at him. She was trembling and when she tried to speak, her voice didn’t come out. What she saw was horrifying; the stranger took people’s lives so easily. He sat her up, only to feel her body withdraw further from him.

The stranger stared at her. “V!” The stranger named V turned towards the owner of the voice as he arrived. “Are you okay?” 
“Jungkook,” V called. “Carry her,” 

The guy named Jungkook scratched his head. “Who’s this girl? She’s a mess!” Jungkook lifted weak Aera in his arms. 
V didn’t answer him and walked ahead. “Follow me,” 


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Chapter 3: Can't wait for ur update authornim hehe ?