

He love him. So damn much. To the point he willing to do anything for the love of his heart. Obsession had drove him into madness. Craving more and more painful love as he obey, again and again. Once his love commanding him to do so, he'll gladly execute it.

Yesung are one mad man. Drove by unhealthy obsession for someone he knew he couldn't even reach the tip of his fingers onto that love's breath. 

Today was nothing much of a different than usual. The love of his heart ordered him to do the usual. And for that love, he had kill a man.

Kwon Jiyoung. Dead by the hand of the petite male who was now bathed in his victim's blood. Staring coldly onto the lifeless body.

'Was this worth it?'

He wipe the blood away from his frozen face. The temperature had dropped to 10 Celsius that night. Leaving his limbs and body froze under the thick snow as the white blanket covering the now dead man.

"Kwon Jiyoung. It's nothing personal. Wait. I guess it was something personal. Kyuhyun ask me to do it. And his word are my greatest pleasure. Goodbye." said the petite male as he walk away. 

Who would have thought the snow could be as thick as it is. Making his little legs froze as he make his way to the car. 

Bracing all the coldness just for a recognition from one and only, Cho Kyuhyun. The love of his life. The warm to his cold life. The knife to his heart. He know too well about that man. He had gave all his life for that man tot he point the latter had succeed in his life with his help. 

But why...

Why Cho Kyuhyun never look at him.

Why Cho Kyuhyun been ignoring his childhood friend's attention who had help him build his now luxury life.

Why Cho Kyuhyun coldly rejecting him.

Why Cho Kyuhyun choose another man.

Why it has to be Lee Sungmin.

But Yesung could done nothing. Weeping in his own tears as the droplets wash over the bloodied cheeks.


Why he had to stumble upon the two. Tangled in each of their own limbs. Heated in something Yesung unable to understand. Why the two man with each other. 

He had remember what the caregivers at the orphanage had teach him. Never exposing your shameful to someone until marriage binds you together. 

Cho Kyuhyun and Lee Sungmin are still somewhat a new couple. Given it 1 years, 2 months, 28 days and 15 hours. He count.

So why does the ness happen? Does Kyuhyun ever care about his feelings? No, he care. He have too. He needs him. He needs him to kill his work opponents. He need him to clean all his dirty act. Cho Kyuhyun need Kim Jongwoon.

But he never goes by that name anymore. Courtesy of Cho Kyuhyun not wanting anyone knows they had associated in the past. It was now merely, boss and slave.

Yesung was slave to his feelings and emotions. 

And it's hurt him so much.


"Hey, are you okay?"

Looking up. Was his times up. A man clad in black suit and tie. Standing smugly in front of him. Looking down on him who had stumble onto the floor from the cold night. Was it death? 

"You full of blood. Did you kill someone?" said the man. Expressionless. 

No response. He had been train to do so. Solely by Kyuhyun. No speaking to strangers. No trusting anyone except Cho Kyuhyun. No expression, it's futile for a killing machine like him.

Yesung ignore the tall man. He measure it. He stood up from the fall. Standing as tall as the man shoulder. Cho Kyuhyun was a little shorter than the man, thought him.

Walking away, he ignore the man's call again and again. Keep walking towards his car, he need to flee from the scene before the guards knows he had kill the leader of asian most successful company, BB cooperation. 

"Hey. I know you kill that man. Don't you feel threatened by me knowing this happen?" 

Ignoring the man mumbling, Yesung begin to drive away. Leaving the man to gap at his action.

"Beautiful killer. We shall come for you soon"


"Is he home?" 

"Yes, master. The servant are 'cleaning' him right now"

The butler bow down as the boss walk away. With few more turn in the giant mazed mansion, the said boss reached the awaited person's room.



Kyuhyun watch as a male servant shakingly trying to wash all the blood from the smaller's tainted body. 

Yeusng stood there. Nervous erupted in him as his dear Cho Kyuhyun stand still, eyes boring a hole as he wait for the servant to finish cleaning his killer machine. 

"Out now. I need to talk with him." said Kyuhyun in stern tone.

The servant bow once before leaving the half cleaned Yesung. Blood everywhere all over his face to become the vidence of the madness.

"You look beautiful with the blood on. Maybe i should tattoo the red color all over your face." said Kyuhyun.

Blush. It was all he can do whenever the taller speaking so sweetly towards him.

"How's the killing? Did you get caught? You rather late for today's murder." said Kyuhyun again.

"It's going well. Now, you are the number one in Korean ranking. You are the most successful man in this country." said Yesung with flustered smiles.

"Good. That Jiyoung had been annoying me a lot lately. You did great." 

Yesung was about to say more regarding a weird man talking with him that night but Kyuhyun already left his room. Leaving his words stuck in his throat. 

'Maybe... There's something are better to be buried secretly. '


Yesung was called by Kyuhyun to his room. It was in the middle of the night and Yesung could only think one thing. Another mission. 


"Oh Kyunnie! Harder!"

Shuddered. Legs staggering from the sudden lightning struck his poor little heart. 

Moan and groan. Strangled voice fulfilling the room while the poor killer stand in front of the room with half opened door. Leaving the smaller quite enough view of his precious love buried deep in the feminine one.

"Oh Yesung. Come in. I had mission for you."

Feeling stings inside his throat, he submit to the order and walk into the stained room.

Yesung, keeping his face expressionless as he watch the half panting Sungmin on the bed. 

'Was it anger?' swelling inside him as bite back the walls of his cheeks from the inside. 

"This is your next target. Be careful. This guy are too dangerous but i know you can do it." 

The smiles. The cure of his darkest moment. The smiles that always makes him eager to finish his job sooner. But why is it now.

He felt it was the most disgusted one?

"Yes... Master."


"Kyunnie. Why did you call him while we're having fun?" said Sungmin.

"You know why."

"To spite him. But today, he seems different. What if he finally snapped out from his delusion? What if he run away today?"

Sungmin word had him thinking. Will Yesung runaway from him? His cute little hyung who always obeyed all his order. Submitting himself as the lowest of the mankind just to please his own wishes? 

"He won't. I won't let him. Even if he didn't want to kill anymore, I'll bind him to this house. He can't leave me."

Sungmin smirking as he saw the darkened expression of the CEO. 

"You are so overprotective towards him. Making me wanting to steal him away and broke him more than you have already done."

"I didn't broke him. I cherish him"

Sungmin had to give it up for the taller on being the most sadistic human being. Even Heechul was nowhere sadistic than the taller.

"You know what. I really want to see your face when he really do runaway from you. It will be fun."

Kyuhyun turns towards the smirking feminine male. Pinning down the small hand as he hover up. Cold eyes penetrating the smaller's one as he growl at him.

"You wouldn't like it then, babe."

"Ah! Kyunnie! Eunghhh---


His target. The heir of the Choi company. The company that stood the second rank after Cho's cooperation. But with the heir who was on hi way for the 'throne', Kyuhyun couldn't help but to feel challenged by the heir prestigious achievement. 

Yesung sneak into the mansion. Being small has it peak. Slipping in and out so easily without being seeing by the countless guard.

Soon he found himself in the room of the sleeping heir. Too weird. Too bizarre. 

Yesung had only took few minutes to get into the room. Although the guard was there but the whole house were practically void.

Shrugging the weird scenario off, Yesung strode forward to the bed. Closing in with his blade. He use it. Because Kyuhyun had compliment him with the blood of his enemy and so he done it more since then.

Straddling the sleeping man, Yesung quickly stabbing the man.




But weird. Blood was there. But where's the pressure? 

As soon as he trying to walk away from the bloodied man, a hand had makes it way to his thigh. Locking him to keep straddling the man as the light went on.

"Oh what a wonderful view."

A clap had Yesung distressed from the fact it was his first time to be busted this way.

"Thanks Heechul hyung. It feels good to straddle by someone who more beautiful than you."

Yesung squirms. Frantically trying his hard to pry of the iron grip on his legs. It was then he realize, the blade of his was a fake whole this time.

"Like the toy? We change it while you were busying with your thoughts. Thinking of Cho Kyuhyun?" said the man who the heir had called as Heechul. 

Yesung begin to panic more. They know who he was. They know who was Kyuhyun to him.

Keeping his mouth shut, Yesung keep struggling until the door opens up.

"You captured him already? We've been waiting for too long"

Come two men into the room with stuff in their hand. Smiling and smirking as their sight fall onto the helpless little assassin on top of the heir.

"Siwon, pin him down."

With one order, Siwon, the Choi's heir begin to push the smaller onto his back.

Still with his mouth shut, Yesung flailing and kicking but nothing works. The man was too strong for him.

"Ah look at the little assassin. So hopelessly pinned down. Ready to be eaten. Would Cho Kyuhyun get angry if we have a taste of you?" said Heechul as he sit himself next to Yesung.

'Taste? I heard Kyuhyun said that to Sungmin before. Will they do the same to me?' thought Yesung with distraught.

"Oh! He look scared now!" said one of the two men who just joined them.

"Of course Dongae ah. I've heard from Sungmin that Kyuhyun never touch him before. No one ever did. Kyuhyun treasure him so much." said Heechul.

"Sung...min..?" whisper Yesung with lost looking puppy face.

"Ah, finally speaking are we? Yes. Our Sungmin. Your Kyuhyun's little mistress."said Siwon with a smirk. Glancing down with the smaller's vulnerable face fully occupying his head. 

"But... Sungmin... K..kyu love Sungmin..." said Yesung in more distraugh expression. 

Heechul looking towards another man. Holding out his hand as he wait for the said man to pass him something. 

"You'll be sleeping for awhile. Don't worry, this horse here won't be touching you at all. We won't hurt you." said Heechul as he injecting the empty syringe into a small bottle. out quite amount of the substance and hold the syringe out in front of Yesung's face.

"Sleeping? N-no... I don't want to... Let me go!"

"Aish hyung! I wouldn't do without consent! It's better if he were to submit to me like he submitted himself to Cho Kyuhyun." said Siwon as he begun to grip on the smaller arm tighter to hold him down.

Heechul only scoff it off as he begin to work on the injection. "Eunhyuk, tilt his head towards the left. I need him to be calm so the needle won't hurt him"

"Roger Heenim!"

"No! Let me go!" shout Yesung again, feeling disgusted by the hand that pinning him down at the moment. 

The shout soon volume down as the smaller limped to the bed. Face distressed as he trying to fight the drug. His little hand meekly shoving away Siwon's hand from touching him so sneakily. 

"Let him take time with the drug. We need to alert Sungmin to come back now." said Heechul. 

Once the other fleed to their own 'chores', Heechul begin to study the weak looking assassin. 

"Welcome to our family, Jongwoonie. We will take a good care of you."

Heechul brush out the fringes from covering the smaller. Smiling so lovingly to Yesung, confusing the smaller as what had to become of him once he's awake from the drug.


"Where is he?"

"Um... Master Cho.. We are so sorry but Master Kim never came back from the mission." 

"What!? Impossible! He will come back once he finished that bastard Choi! What about that Choi!? Is he dead?!" said Kyuhyun with full of wrath.

"C---Choi was seen walking around inside his mansion just now. Master Kim has failed." 

"Bastard! There's no way he runaway from home! Search him! I want no scratches at all on his skin or else, all of you will be dead!"

With that stern order, the butler and servants scatter out everywhere. Searching for their lost master who had never be seen again that day.


Waking up to a nice looking room was Yesung least expected scenery. Comfy blanket. Good pillow. But he knew too well to not getting his hope high with the thought of Kyuhyun had finally retrieved him from those weird people. 

A shackle on his left leg underneath the blanket told it's all.

'Who was the target? Was Kyuhyun dupe me into this fake mission? To throw me away?' 

The questions keep lingers inside his head until the door to 'his bedroom' opens up. In an instance he tried to get up from the bed just to be more in defense ftom the comer.

"Relax. I won't hurt you. I bring you a breakfast" 

Breakfast? Thought Yesung. True enough, he can see the small amount of sunray through the opening of the curtain on the wall. His mission began at 1 am and everything taht happen could be estimated around 1 hour. He had been pass out for at least more than 8 hours.

Seeing the weirdly nice food organized on the tray, Yesung glaring a hole into his supposedly target.

"Don't look at me like that. It's not my plan to kidnapp you here. Heechul hyung love to collect people like you." said the taller who begin to take a seat next to the chained assassin.

"Collect?" ask him curiously. 

"Yup. You heard me right. Collect. You, mister small assassin are one of his collection now. But rest assure, Heechul hyung love all his collection. He treat them like a family." 

"And you think I'll stay here like a good collection?" 

The taller rurn towards the now fuming smaller. A chuckles was slip off his mouth as what he seems was only a mere glare from insulted kitten.

"Well, welcome to the family. No one ever runaway from him. It's not like they can't, they didn't want too. And I'm sure you gonna like it here, Kim Jongwoon."

In full defense, Yesung glide over a little. Leaving his feet the only body part that seems stuck near the taller's spot.

"Wow, chill cutiepie! I told you, we're family. And we meant no harm to you."

"Stop talking about family! Kyuhyun was my only family!" shout Yesung angrily.

He cupped his hand. In the heat of the moment he had to be clumsy by revealing such crucial information. 

"Oho. Cho huh? The one who send you to me? I know he'll be coming for me after Jiyoung's death. Well good thing he send you to us. We got you."

"How.. Do you know..?"

"Wrong question, hun. We've been always know. We just having hard time to locate you. But that was until Sungmin hyung manage to seduce that Cho. Enough with the talk, eat this. It's not poisoned or anything. We'll talk later, Heechul hyung will be telling you everything." 

With that, Choi Siwon left him alone. Leaving him to stare into the void as he finally know why Sungmin was even with them. That man who had taken everything away from him. It was all, a setup.


"Have you found him already?!" 


Everyone keep their distance off away from the fuming ceo. The lost of his treasure was a hell to his workers. It's been 24 hours and no one had ever found their second master.

"He had never been out for this long! Someone had stole him from me! And i want each of you bastard search for him! Get lost now!"

Letting all the anger loose on the bodyguards. Kyuhyun had it enough. It's been 24 hours with not even an inch of his dear Yesung's been seeing by him.

His Yesung. His dear oblivious hyung slash crush. He had been taking care of the other ever since both of them graduated from highschool and move out from the orphanage in the name of seeking dreams and hope together. 

They had been together all their life. Watching over each other as one climb on top while other stay in shadow. Yesung had sacrifice everything for him but deep down, he had been secretly taking care for both of himself and the latter. Hiding the trace from being found by all their past.

'What if one day, Yesung runaway from you?'

"Lee Sungmin."

He had his suspicion but he trust his so called scandal. 

Dialing up the said scandal, he found out the number had been cut off from the service line. Suspicion arose more as he unable to contact the other throughout many more ways.

"I guess... I can only trust Jongwoon..."


He walk out from the room. When the maid came for his still full tray of food, the said maid had unlocked the chain. Leaving the door wide enough for him to realize, someone want him to go out. 

With full of care, he walk out. All weapons had been strip off him when he was out thus making him walk forward with the thought of no running away from there. It was planned for him to follow the empty corridor. 

A light was on. The room afar from him radiating bright light, thinking him that it was an invitation. 

Walking into the room, he found few people had been waiting for him. As soon as he step in with eyes on him, the door close up. Leaving him no other way than moving forward. 

"Ah you done eating?" said a man believe was the said Heechul by Choi Siwon.

"Hyung, he didn't even touch a thing on it!" said another that he remembered as the one who came last night with the drug. That man look so deceiving with his innocent face.

"Really Hae? Jongwoon, that's not good. You have to eat something." said Heechul with a frown.

"Don't act nice. Tell me what you guys want from me." said Yesung, still standing near the door.

"I told you everything already Yesungie."

A voice came from behind him. Siwon came into the room and begin to take a hold of his hand. Dragging him towards the other that seated around a table.

"Don't touch me!" sass Yesung as he swat off the taller's hand.

Siwon pout as he take a seat next to him.

"Jongwoon ah. What Siwon told you were the truth. You are now our family." said Heechul.

"Hmph. You mean collection? I'm not your toy. Release or kill me. You gains nothing from caging me to this place." said Yesung.

Heechul sigh. He was being real with the smaller but it's seems that talk won't do with the latter. He went around the table with a book in his hand. Shooing Eunhyuk who sat next to Yesung, he take the seat and begin to go through the book.

"This. Blue orphanage's album book. A copy for everyone, every year. And this issues, are the last year before you and Cho Kyuhyun left the place."

Yesung begin to frown. How such people able to get the copies. Kyuhyun had destroyed many of the copies to hide their traces. But this androgenic man seems to have one of it.

"How... I thought Kyuhyun had burn everything..." 

"Not all. Not mine's"

With full of suspicion, Yesung begin to question the man's reason. 

"Who are you?" said Yesung.

Heechul didn't say anything back. He went on with the pages and stop on the particular one. A dorm list and photos. There, he point at two boys with different height. One smiling as the other looking all stoic for the photographs. 

"That's you and Kyuhyun. And this one." said Heechul, pointing another boy at the end of the row where every orphans lining up. "That's me. I was in the same dorm as you. We know each other. We are so close to each other. I was surprised when you seems to forget about me when we met last night."

The smaller's creases on his forehead become worsen as memories and photograph came into his head. They were indeed close. But not too close as much as Kyuhyun literally with him 24 hours. It was all the latter who 4 years younger than him in his eyes all this time.

"Well, i can't blame you if you actually forgotten about me. That Cho literally on your tail almost everyday." said Heechul with a bitter smile.

"No. I kinda remember you... But why. Why you even doing this? I mean, of course. I tried to kill this Choi but for you to interfere my mission. Why?" said Yesung coldly. 

"Because i care about you. I know what's Cho had been doing to you. I've been looking for you all this years only to find out that you had been doing this dirty work for that brat. I don't wan--

"You know nothing! Don't you dare to speak like that about him! You are no one to me!" shout Yesung. 

Seeing Yesung getting all work up from the rage, Heechul quickly silent his mouth from talking more.

"Kim Jongwoon. Don't you dare shout at our hyung."

He was threatened. Knife and guns all over his head. The two men who had been quiet about it was already right by his side. Threatening him with all they had. 

"Kill me if you guys had nothing more to say!" shout Yesung again. It was better to that way than hearing all those nonsense, thought him.

"Let him be. You'll know it. Sooner or later, Kyuhyun will leave you. He had been cold towards you for years and yet you still with him. Doing all this stupid mission just to satisfy that brat's greed. For what Jongwoon? For love? He doesn't love you."

"Shut up! Shut your stupid mouth!" Yesung shout on top of his lung. Getting furious the more the man keep talking his word out. 

"Face it, Jongwoon! He doesn't love you! We will! We never let you do that stupid things anymore! We will love you like a family!" said Heechul more.

The longer he heard the older's talking, the more he came to realize it. Everything was indeed the cruel reality. He keep fencing it off from getting into his head but everything was too blurry for him. Feeling suffocate from his own ignorance.

'Kyu will never do it!'

'But Heechul was right... '

'No! Kyu loves me!'

"Shut up! He loves me so stop lying!" 

"Siwon, bring him to his room."

"No! Stop keeping me here!" 

"You'll be in your room until you realize the reality that you had been ignoring all this time!" said Heechul sternly. 

Siwon hesitate. He didn't want to upset the smaller more but the hyung word is a must thus he softly dragging the stubborn assassin towards the room back.

"Please don't fight too much. I don't want to hurt you" mutter Siwon, not wanting to look at the pathetic looking Yesung who was now crying madly.

"Just kill me then!" 

The sobbing and sniffling broke Siwon's heart. Was Kyuhyun that important to the crying smaller?

Once they reach up to the room, Siwon cuffing back the smaller's leg carefully. He stay by Yesung's side for a moment before he decided to let the smaller took some times for himself. He knew truth wasn't that much of an easy thing to be absorbed in one day. They need to let Yesung know, they were serious in taking care of the latter in the future. No Cho Kyuhyun could ruin it. Nobody. 


"Dammit! Lee Sungmin! He betrayed me and took Yesung away! Find him or you guys will never see tomorrow's daylight!"

Once they heard the threat, the men scattered out once again even after hour of searching for their lost master

"Tssk! I should've know his real intention! And i would never let Yesung free once i got him back!"


He was having fun. Of course he will. Seeing Cho Kyuhyun's wrath was his goal of life. 

Setting up the hidden camera was the best move by himself. Sungmin stare att he monitor where's the now fuming Cho was throwing things everywhere. 

"Serve you right. I told you. You'll lost him. He deserves to be with Heechul hyung." mutter Sungmin with wicked grin. 

Closing the monitor, Sungmin begin to take his car key with one destination in his mind. The hideout.

Once he's making sure no one was following him, Sungmin drove right straight to the memorized location. 

They had plan it for on years to be exact. The plan to free Yesung from Cho Kyuhyun's manipulation. To free the oblivious man from keep shocking the world with his killing spree. 

"I hope he can settle in with us. That duo Eunhae could be a headache sometimes." muttered Sungmin with a giggles.

After few hours drive, he finally came into the located house area. He park his car at the garage and strode into the house with a big smiles. They finally had a new addition of the family and this time, it was a broken one.

"Eoh? What with the ling face?" said Sungmin as he saw Heechul sighing at the couch.

"Oh Sungmin ah. Thanks for the hardwork." said Heechul mindlessly. 

"Hyung? What's wrong?" Sungmin asked the older, genuinely worried for what had happened while he was gone.

"Jongwoon. He won't accept us easily. He was too hung up on that Cho brat."

"Ah. Of course he is. They had been together for years. But don't worry. I know Yesung already doubting his own belief. I saw it in his eyes. He will want to live here with us." said Sungmin with a beaming smile.

"Really? I hope you were right. I had been looking for him for years and now he hates me just for trying to save him."

"He just an innocent one. He had been taught by that cho to keep believing whatever he had been fed with. And just like us, he will want to stay with you."

Heechul nod as he smile towards the shorter.




Upon hearing unwanted guest inside the same room as his, Yesung begin to scowl at the newcomer. Glaring ice cold to the now smiling man.

"Wow. No need to be so hostile towards me. By the way, we had quite weird introduction just now. I'm Choi Siwon, your target." 

Yesung only scoff it off while turning his focus back to the window. 

Siwon sighing. Chuckling as he saw Yesung strained legs due to his positioning himself near the window while his kegs strapped to a chain under the bed.

"Yesung ah, we meant now harm with full honest. We're a syndicated that clean one act from his past. That is for a person like you. A person who been controlled and being slave to someone." 

"I'm not a slave." whisper Yesung softly. 

"Yes you are. You're a willing slave that can't tell which good or which bad. You confused."

The smaller turn his face towards the taller, eyes looking dead as he keep staring at Siwon.

"I'm not confused. I'm fully grasp on what I've been doing." said Yesung with a faint smirk.

"No you don't" 

Siwon walk up to he bed and took out some of materials he had been holding on to. He quickly laid our several photos that Yesung recognized as his past victims. 

"Using sympathy or even mere psychology to makes me feel guilty won't work. All those dead people deserve it." said Yesung.

"Really? This man. You shot him in the head even with being an amateur in assassination." said Siwon while holding up a photos with an old man in it.


"Although he's quite the bad guy, you kill him without letting him to do what he supposed to do."

"What kind of wicked old man had something to be done on his deathbed?" said Yesung.

"He was planning on inheriting his wills that night when you kill him on his 'deathbed'. With him doing that, his childrens should be able to continue his legacy." 

Yesung chuckle as he shake his head.

"His dirty legacy? You know how many kids he had dupe into ia? He deserves the bullet."

"Yes he did. But not his sons. None of his children knew about his deed. An d with you killing him, the legacy had been stole away by some stranger. Leaving his children to starve at the road. They are under 18. Whad do you think could possibly happen when kids roaming out at the street."

"Not my problem. They can go to the orphanage. Like i did. Easy."

Siwon shaking his head more. Listening to cold tonw had him almost gave up on the smaller.

"Second victim. This is truly crossing the line. Madama Yoo are the nicest one so far. Why?"

"Because Kyuhyun told me so."

With all his might, Siwon throw the smaller onto the bed. Straddling the smaller as he clenching tight onto pinned shoulder. 

"It's hurt you stupid!" shout Yesung angrily. 

"It's hurt? Of course it is. But it's more painful when you stab that poor old woman 50 times. You kill my aunt Yesung! My innocent Aunt Yoo!" shout Siwon as he shakes the fidgeting smaller more and more. 

"Urghh --get--off!"

"Don't you feel bad about yourself?! Feeling good isn't it. Playing God."

"I'm not! I'm just ---

"A mere pawn by someone who actually playing the God. Do you even see yourself now?" said Siwon in mockery. 

Yesung can feel himself shaking. The words. He tried to shake it off. But nothing couldn possibly be done at this rate. He felt the massive pain in his chest as he fight it.

"Face it Jongwoon! You are a murderer! A confused one! Cho Kyuhyun use you!"

"No! He's not! Stop!!!"

"Oh i will not stop until you admit it! Admit what you are! Admit that you are a strayed one!"

"No! F***ing stop already!" shout Yesung as he cupping his own ears. Eyes shut tight as he keep shaking his head. Everything was a lie. Everything was fake. His whole life was a fake plays.

Cold. He felt cold as he keep denying everything. His whole world darkened as keep mumbling for the opposite. He was loved by Kyuhyun. Was he?


"Siwon ah. Aren't you too harsh on him?"

Siwon staring at the now pass out Yesung underneath him. He was indeed feeling guilty about it. 

"But things had to be this way Hae ah. Cho Kyuhyun must be stopped. And we need to free Kim Jongwoon from his lies."

Donghae sigh as he strode over them. Pushing the taller away softly to inspect the unconscious one.

"It must be one hella shock for him to to pass out this way." said Donghae.

"It is. I even had to use my late Aunt name in this." said Siwon.

Donghae only smile as he pat the taller's shoulder. He turn back to Yesung and fix the man in a better sleeping position. 

"Did Cho already launch his attack?" said Siwon.

"He did. He went to search your company for now. We will execute our plan tonight since Sungmin Hyung will leak this location to that guy" said Donghae.

"He will face the wrath soon." whisper Siwon.


"Choi Siwon! Come out you bastard!" 

A sudden roar shaken the house occupants or more to the kidnapped one. Yesung knew the voice owner but for some reason, he was hesitant. 

It has been few minutes ever since he woke up. With leg still chained to the bed, Yesung could only sit still while waiting for nothing. 

Soon the voice yelling once again. And this time, he trul hates it.

"Kim Jongwoon! I'm coming for you!"

Few of the people there came out and saw Kyuyhun standing smugly at the open field of the house front yard.

"Oh you finally here." a voice had Kyuyhun darting his glare at the front door.

"Lee Sungmin. I should have known." said Kyuhyun angrily. 

"Oh busted!" said Sungmin in sarcasm as he fake his shock. 

Few minutes past and the awaited one finally came out to facw Kyuhyun. Siwon wore his smirk as he study the menacing looking young ceo.

"Return what's mine, Choi." 

"Was he really yours Cho?"

The two tall man glaring at each other. Emitting hatreds that had others scowl. 

"He was neither yours. He's free. Or will be free. And to be that way, he has to leave you, Cho Kyuhyun." 

Both taller turn to one androgenic man. Siwon bow his head slightly in respect as Heechul walk up to them.

"Huh. Who the hell are you to decide. Jongwoon had been with me ever since we were kids." 

"That's doesn't justify your act towards him, Cho Kyuhyun. We can ruin you just like that. Evidence. Mountain of them are ready to be  transmitted to the law enforcement. It either leave him alone or go to jail separately with him."

"Hyung!" Siwon shout as he frowning at the older's words.

"Like i care. I'll be taking him now." siad Kyuhyun. 

Heechul sighing as he went back into the house. He wall out once again but with someone in his arm.

"Hyung!" Kyuhyun shout desperately as he saw tied up Yesung.

Yesung squirming in weak with his hand bind up behind his back while his mouth gagged by some cloth. He desperately letting Heechul holding him up when almost fall from all the squirming. His shout muffled by the cloth as he staring at Kyuhyun with hopes.

Seeing how desperate Yesung being, Heechul couldn't help but to sigh for the nnth time. He heave up Yesung's hand as he lowered his head a little bit.

"Yesungie, today we will prove to you. There's no love from Cho Kyuhyun for you." whisper Heechul. 

Yesung frown. Unable to understand a thing coming from the man's mouth. 

"You. I remember you. The nerd from the orphanage who keep tailing us all this time. Are you that desperate to snatch my beloved one now?" said Kyuhyun. 

"Oh you remembered? What an honor. Now, that's bold of you to say it's your beloved one. Do you really love him?" said Heechul.

He know something was wrong. He came there after one of his man pick up a signal coming from Sungmin's phone but that was the first time he eve manage to do so. Sungmin was sleek thus they never succeed to cut into the line.

"What are you plannin Mr.Kim. Give me back my hyung and I'll live you guys alive." said Kyuhyun as he keep staring at the tied up Yesung. The smaller looking all helpless and tired in his eyes. Was his tortured?

"Nothing much. We just want you to choose. Our Yesungie here. Or all of your assets in Cho cooperation? Quite fair Isn't it?" said Heechul.

"Huh? Why would i choose? You have no right on him. And he wouldn't want to go with some stranger like you. Right baby?" said Kyuhyun with a warm smiles towards Yesung

'Hyung. Baby. Yesung. But not once you ever call my real name.' thought Yesung. 

"Oh you have to choose. Because i have the right on Yesung. Rightfully legal."

Gasps filling up the yard as everyone confused by the statement. Siwon begin to walk towards Heechul with a frown.

"Hyung, you said we won't use lie?" said Siwon frantically. 

"We won't. Don't worry. We already won now. Take Yesung back." said Heechul. 

Kyuhyun corking his brows as he study the two interactions. Once he saw Siwon was trying to walka away with Yesung, he had no other choice but to drop the facade. 

"Yah, he's not going anywhere! Yesung is mine!" said Kyuhyun. 

"No he's not. From the law and scientific reasons, Yesung belongs to me." said Heechul as he hold back.his laughter. 

Not even his man had any idea for what he had in his mind. Sungmin could only guess it was something to do with his doing under Heechul's order.

"Why do you think I'm kidnapping him all the way here? Buying myself some times to do it by fooling you around with dupe at the town? Blood test had too take few days before i got the results you know." said Heechul. 

"Quit the riddles! F***ing tell me already!" 

By now, Siwon had already dragged the obedient Yeusng. It took him few seconds to realize the smaller had some quite expression on his face.

"Yesung, are you okay?" said Siwon as he settle the smaller on the couch.

It was only then Yesung realize he was now in different room.

"Oh? Where are they?" said Yesung mindlessly. 

Siwon knew something was wrong with him. He crouch down and kneel in front of the smaller as he loosened up the bind.

"Yesung, are you okay? Did the bind hurts you?" said Siwon gently.

"No... It's... I... Kyuhyun...."

Siwon chuckling upon hearing the confused mumbling. 

"You'll be fine." whisper Siwon as he hug the smaller.

It was shocking for him at first but soon the warmth finally seething in as he engulfed in the big arm of Siwon. Smiling contently as he felt something crack inside him.

'It's warm...'


"No! You fake it!"

"I'm not. It's real and i finally registered him as my real family. It took me only a strand of hair to prove this." said Heechul.

"No! Don't you dare fool me! Jongwoon!" 

Kyuhyun shout as he begin to barge into the house while looking for Yesung. 

"Yah! How dare you barge into our house!?" shout Eunhyuk angrily. 

The others follow suit the now frantic looking ceo. They soom found Yesung was hugged by Siwon inside the living room. Kyuhyun was there, standing few feet behind aa he glaring a hole on the taller's head.

"Choi Siwon! Let him go!" shout Kyuhyun as he storm off towards Yesung.


Yesung gasped as he flinch from the shout. The taller was in wrath. Angry and fumed. But why. Why does the anger seems arose because of him?

"You have to come back!" said Kyuhyun as he grip onto the small hand.

Siwon was about to take away Yesung when Heechul held him back. Trusting the older's judgement, Siwon keep himself away to watch the event unfold.

"Baby, tell me you'll come back with me. I need you." said Kyuhyun with plead.

"I... Kyu... Why are you crying?" said Yesung as he wipe off the tears stricken down from the pale face.

"Jongwoon. Please. Please say that you're not gonna leave me... Please..."

He frown. Why the male sound so genuine and yet he felt so faraway from him. Was his heart with the taller all this time? Or was he still in his search for the real love?

"Why you sound so scared, Kyunnie?"

The name. The nickname Kyuhyun had long forgotten. Buried underneath his ego as he told the older to stop calling him that. Was he that much of a prick?

"Woonie hyung... You... You...--

"You are my biological brother, Yesungie." said Heechul, cutting off the stuttering taller.

"What?" Yesung ask as he look into the older's eyes.

"It's the truth. We're separated at birth. I was one years old. You're a baby. The orphanage never told any of the orphans there just to let them adjusted in separated when they got adopted. We are no exception. I just know about it when i trying to search about your background. 4 days ago." said Heechul. 

Yesung eyes fall on the now crying Kyuhyun. The taller was hanging his head low, avoiding his stare.

"Kyu... You said you already searching for my family... You said my family died already... You lied to me..."

Yesung voice cracked as he trying to pry off the hands that clinging like lifes depends on it.

"I.. The orphanage told me... Your brother got adopted away... So.."

"No! You! I trust you! And you lied to me!" said Yesung as he begin to shove away the taller. 

"Please Yesung. I love you...."

"You didn't love me! You are liar! A fraud!"

Seeing his little brother flailing around like a mad person, Heechul quickly went over and caging the small body in his arm. 

"You better leave now Cho. Give him some times" said Siwon.

Knowing the other was right, Kyuhyun slowly getting up. He left with sullen as he watch Yesung cry in the hand of his now real brother. 


"Feeling better?"

Yesung sheepishly nod as he rub his runny nose. He glance at the older who sat at the end of the bed. Was there any resemblance between them? Years they had been separated and to think he would have an older brother himself was quite still vague for him.

"Do you want something to eat? You keep skipping your breakfast." said Heechul.

"Um... No... I'm not hun---


Yesung blush. His stomach had to fail on him at this moment. He look away from the smirking older and pouting to himself. 

"Fine. I'll cook something for you. Do you want anyone to accompany you right now?"

Yesung shrug it off. Does he really want to be with someone right now? He wait till his older brother disappear into the corridor and lay down for a moment. 


"Yesung? Sorry to bother you right now." 

Yesung look up and found Siwon standing at the door frame.

"It's okay..." mutter Yesung timidly. 

Siwon smile as he went over to the bed. He study the blushing one as he admire the beauty of him.

"You look beautiful just like the first time i saw you."

Blush. Beet red. Was it normal for a man to compliment another man? 

"Wh--what are you talking about!" Yesung stuttering as his small hand covering half of his face.

"Ahaha! You look so cute like this! Our first greetings weren't that pleasant at all huh?"

"First? You mean the day i tried to kill you?" said Yesung.

"No. Remember the day after you kill Jiyong?"

Yesung nod as he tried to remember more. Nothing came up in his head. It was all blurry for that day, he had cried his heart out from his misery. 

"I was the man that found you kneeling in the snow. Remember that? I found you all bloody after your kill."

Something hit him of. The tall man that clad with smart looking suit. Siwon was that man.

"Oh. Now i remember. You even threatened me. Jerk." said Yesung. 

Siwon chuckles. 

"Well, i was testing you. Are you feeling better now?"

Yesung nod. Was he even feeling anything. All he want now was some peaceful time away from everything. And it's seems that being with this people did it. Especially Heechul and Siwon. Siwon.

"What will happen to me now? Will you guys turn me over to the cops?" said Yesung.

"No. I don't thinking Heechul hyung want to let go of you again. We will be your new family. You can start off clean from now on."

"Really? Do i even deserve a new start?"

"Everyone does. We will help you. I will help you, my helpless damsel in distress." 


"I am. How about some food? I'm sure Heechul hyung will finish by now." said Siwon as he hold out his hand for Yesung.

The smaller stares at the big hand as smiles creeping onto his face. Was it worth a new start? 

Maybe for once, the answer is yes.













A/N: i know it was lacking something but it is what it is. Yesung are happier with new life. Kyuhyun was left to reflect on his attitude for treating yesung the way he did. And I'm tired lol. Oneshot are exhausted af sometimes. It's kyusung to slight yewon.

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Chapter 1: Wow wow wow!! Assassin Yeye and CrazyKyu!!
Thank gosh they didn't give up on Yeye~ he doesn't deserve to be used like that T-T
401 streak #2
Chapter 1: this is the second time I hate kyuhyun when I read fanfic about yesung and kyuhyun, it's nice that I read the end about slightly yewon hahaha...

upvote <3
charismavi #3
Chapter 1: Jerk Kyuhyun..grrrr...
But at least AB Brothers are together and a bit YeWon eon't hurt hehehe...
cloudykuro #4
Chapter 1: That's it? Moreeeeeee...
Kyu still needs to be punished and yewon still needs more moments. Sequel pleaseeeeeee
Chapter 1: I hate kyu here.. but pity him at the end..
But i'm happy for Yesung then.. thanks for this story *3*
LongBanana #6
Chapter 1: well, feel that bastard Cho Kyuhyun!! I really hate you here!! ?
poor for Yesung, the innocent must commit murder because of your greed!! You deserve it madafakya!! *okay, hold my mouth now before more and more curses come out* just kidding .
hey, you know this can't end here! we must see Kyuhyun's misery without yesung at his side again. Haha. and I'm happy Yesung started his new life

With siwon :)))) :****
Chapter 1: Its beautiful,,kyusung,yewon,yechul