What being saint means


Again. The young homeless man is there again. Siwon owns a small coffee shop with his friend Donghae. It is in a nice place with a park close to it so they have many costumers. And now Siwon sees someone in the park again.


It is a man, very thin man to be specific and probably young because he is walking quite fast and simply his body posture looks young. He is digging in trash bins and collects cans. Siwon is watching him for a while and then goes back to serving their costumers.


In the evening when he and Donghae closed their shop Siwon took a small paper bag with some food. They haven’t sold all pastry today and he wants to eat them later today. Suddenly the homeless man is walking around again and Siwon changed his plans.


Siwon is walking behind the small man and doesn’t know how he should give him the food. The poor man is walking slowly and coughs terribly every few meters. Soon he smaller road and walks toward an abandoned warehouse. Siwon hesitantly walks behind him and sees the man giving few coins to a grandpa who is homeless too. Siwon’s target disappeared inside the warehouse and suddenly some other two homeless men spotted him and yelled something on him. Siwon got scared so he quickly put the bag on ground and ran away.


He stopped after running for ten minutes and breaths heavily. No one is running behind him so Siwon can relax but also he feels stupid. There was probably no reason to ran away and Siwon has showed himself as a coward. At least he hopes that the man will get the food.


It is freezing outside today and Siwon feels nervous because he doesn’t see the man digging in trash bins. Where is he? Did something happen to him? Siwon heard news about many dead homeless people who were killed by the cruel weather. Siwon is waiting but it is already evening and the man isn’t nowhere in sight. They locked their shop and Donghae got in car with his boyfriend Eunhyuk. They offer him ride home but Siwon has to do something important.


He decided to be stop being a coward and carries bag with food. Soon he sneaked inside the warehouse and looks around. There is a small fire but no one is around. Siwon is losing hope when he hears the terrible coughing again. Siwon found the man from park and hesitantly kneeled down few steps away from him.


“Hi. I saw you ...”


The small man chokes on cough and scrambled up.


“I have stolen anything from you!”


He is almost crying because fact that he is homeless doesn’t mean that he is also a thief.


“No no! I came with some food for you!”


Siwon hands him the bag and the man slowly takes it.


“Can I know your name? I am Siwon, by the way.”


The man lifted his head from the bag where is hot chicken soup and some bread.


“Yesung, sir.”


Siwon smiled and reached his head toward him.


“Nice to meet you Yesung.”


Siwon is waiting until small very dirty hand slipped out of his too big coat. Yesung lifted his head and Siwon can finally see his face. He cant believe it. Someone so pretty is living on such place?


Yesung starts to cough again and his frail body is shaking. He doesn’t look like he can survive here and Siwon got up.


“Lets go in my flat. I can help you.”


Yesung looked up and knows that he has to go with him. He takes Siwon’s hand and the kind man helped him to stand up. Siwon has to almost carry Yesung in his flat because he tripped many times and looks like he can faint in every second. Finally they stepped inside and Siwon leaded Yesung into bathroom. Now under strong light he can see how dirty is Yesung.


“Wash yourself while I find some clean clothes for you, okay?”


Yesung nodded and Siwon goes to find some really small clothes. Yesung is exhausted so he sat down on floor and took of his shoes. They are ruined, soles are almost falling off and only strings are keeping them together. Yesung rubs his red toes which are bleeding a bit and took of his coat and hoodie. Suddenly the door opened and Siwon stormed inside.


“I haven’t heard shower, so I was scared that maybe you fainted.”


Yesung shakes his head no and tries to shield his body. Siwon gulped because he looks like a skeleton. His ribs and spine are almost ripping through his skin which is full of bruises and scratches.


“Here are some clean clothes.”


Siwon put his smallest sweatpants and hoodie on the bathroom counter and left. Now he has to cook something tasty for his guest.


Yesung scratches his greasy hair and got in the bathtub. It takes him long time to get rid of every dirt and then he uses clean towel to dry his body. It feels amazing to be clean like this after long months and then he put on the clothes from Siwon. There is even a pair of socks and Yesung is finally warm. He smiles a bit and then walked out of the bathroom.


Siwon finished cooking ramen and put two bowls on a small dining table in his kitchen. Yesung now looks much better. His black hair is still wet and he has very white skin which is shining without dirt. They sat down and Siwon reached toward him to fold long sleeves of the black hoodie. Yesung flinched away from him and Siwon backed off again.


“I only wanted to fold the sleeves.”


Yesung nodded and let Siwon do it. Siwon gasped because Yesung’s small hands are covered with many cuts.


“What happened to you?!”


Yesung looked on his hands and shrugged.


“Some of the cans are sharp.”


Siwon runs to get first aid kit and treats his fingers. Yesung is biting his lips to prevent himself from whimpering in pain and then weakly smiled on Siwon. His fingers are now neatly bandaged and they start to eat. Yesung is still coughing a lot but enjoys the tasty ramen. Siwon’s tongue is almost burning with desire to ask why he ended on street until they finished eating and Siwon put the bowls in sink.


“I don’t want to be nosy but why did you end homeless?”


Yesung coughed and his injuried fingers.


“My parents kicked me out because I wasn’t smart enough to finish my college.”


Siwon silently hopes that his parents will end in hell.


“What about some job? No one wanted to hire you?”


Siwon knows that this is bad question. Who would stay on streets if they could find a job?


“Not many people are willing to give a job to homeless person.”


Yesung feels ashamed and looked away from Siwon. Siwon prepared two cups of tea and suddenly spotted red stains on Yesung’s socks.


“What is wrong with your feet?!”


Siwon quickly grabbed his legs and took of his socks. He opened the first aid kit again and treated his toes.


“Do you have another injuries?”


Yesung shakes his head no and Siwon decided that they both need to sleep. He has tiny room for guests. It is really small only with a bed and old chest of drawers.


“So, goodnight?”


Siwon closed the door and Yesung slowly looked around. This is big luxury for him after few years which he has survived on streets.


Two hours later Yesung is sitting on floor and waits. This has happened to him before. Some stranger man takes him in their house and helps him. But then they want some kind of payback.


First time was worst. The older man him and in the morning he gave him some cash and a coat. It hurt but Yesung still ran away too scared that it was going to happen again. Later he found out that this is a cycle. He can stay on streets for couple of months but then always agrees with offer of help. Then they hurt him and he runs back on streets.


He is waiting but Siwon isn’t coming. Yesung got up and went to Siwon’s room. He silently sneaked inside and stands next to Siwon’s bed. Siwon heard that his bedroom’s door opened and slowly opened his eyes.


“Is something wrong Yesung?”


He gasped when his eyes fell on Yesung who is standing there wearing only in his big hoodie.


“Yesung ...”


Yesung wants to lie in bed with Siwon who jumped away.


“I came to pay for your help.”


Yesung lay down and spreaded his legs wide. Siwon gulped because a young man is offering him .


“I ... don’t ...”


Siwon throwed a blanket over Yesung and handed him his pants.


“I don’t want anything for my help. I did what was right, that’s all.”


Yesung hesitantly put on his pants again and silently got up. He trailed back in the guest room and laid down again. In the morning he is too ashamed to see Siwon until Siwon knocked on the door. Yesung would like to pretend sleep but his coughing is too strong and it is clear that he is awake.


“Breakfast is ready.”


Yesung sneaked in the kitchen and sat down. Tension in the air is soon unbearable.


“I am sorry because of what I did last night. I am used that when someone helps me then they want some reward.”


Yesung is almost crying in shame and nervously plays with hem of his hoodie.


“Oh my God! I cant believe that people like that exist!”


Siwon is angry, sad and disgusted. Yesung eats his breakfast and then got up.


“Thank you for your help sir. It is time to leave.”


Yesung deeply bowed to him and goes to find his shoes.


“You are definitely not leaving. And also I will buy you new shoes.”


Siwon has some Tylenol so he gave the medicine to Yesung and leaves. He will be back around lunch and Yesung is alone. He looked around the flat and doesn’t know what to do. Maybe he can clean the flat a bit.


Three hours later he finished vacuuming, wiping a little bit of dust and cleaning the bathroom. Now he is tired and his legs are shaking so he sat down on couch. There is a Bible laying on coffee table and Yesung reads a bit but then put it down again because Siwon came with lunch. They are eating and Siwon scolded him that he should rest. Yesung lay down and watches some movie. He is feeling bad that Siwon is working but his coughing is making him weak. His chest hurts really bad and he also has a fever. Yesung is thinking about calling Siwon for help but knows that he cant because Siwon is busy and he cant bother him.


Siwon is today really happy when he can go home and hurries back. He got easily used that someone is waiting for him at home. He unlocked the front door and frowned because the flat is dark and silent.




Siwon the lights and cursed. Yesung is lying on couch covered in sweat and shaking while breathing shallow.


“Yesung, wake up!”


Siwon shakes his bony shoulder but Yesung opened his eyes only a tiny bit.


“You have blue lips!”


Suddenly Yesung coughed more than before and bloody mucus landed on his chin. Now Siwon really panics and ran to call an ambulance. Yesung is watching Siwon running around and thinks that it is good if he dies with someone next to him and not alone on street.


Luckily the ambulance is here because Yesung fainted. They rush in closest hospital and doctors took care of him. Then a doctor came to Siwon who is anxiously waiting for some news.


“It is severe case of pneumonia. He is very weak and malnourished so I am afraid that he wont be able to fight much longer.”


Siwon gasped because he needs Yesung. He cant die like this.


“Can I visit him?”


The doctor isn’t happy about it but then let Siwon in Yesung’s room for a while. Siwon is sitting next to his bed and his hair.


“You have to wake up soon.”


Siwon tucked him more under a blanket and then has to leave. He is walking home and thinks about the night when Yesung appeared in his bedroom almost . Siwon felt so special but it is also making him nervous.


He isn’t supposed to fall in love with a man. Siwon remembers one girl from his church who was a lesbian and people were so cruel to her that she left Seoul. What if their hate turn to Siwon? He was never interested in girls and now it makes sense. Yesung has already won a very special place in his heart. Siwon is thinking about asking priest in his church but then changed his mind. He will keep it as a secret and if Yesung feels the same then he will solve this.


Next day Siwon is working but his mind is in hospital with Yesung. Donghae knows that something is wrong with his friend but cant say what it is. Siwon isn’t focusing properly so he ruined few orders but finally they close their shop for today

and Siwon hurries in the hospital to spend some time with Yesung.


Yesung is still unconscious and oxygen mask is covering his mouth and nose. Few tubes are leading into his body and he looks so pale, he isn’t almost visible on the white bedsheet.


“Yesung ...”


Siwon takes his petite hand and the tiny fingers. He pressed Yesung’s hand on his forehead and slowly starts to pray. He wants nothing more than Yesung to be healthy again. Unfortunately doctor who is treating him doesn’t have very good news. Yesung is too weak to breath on his own and his temperature is still very high.


After while Siwon goes to get another bowl of cold water to soak a small towel in it. A nurse told him that he can change it for Yesung because they are trying to get his fever down by medicine and cold pack on his forehead. Siwon opened door of Yesung’s room and almost bumped into some lady on ground because she was standing right behind the door.


“Oh, I am so sorry!”


Siwon bowed to her and she looks at him with panic in his eyes.


“Can I help you?”


He asked her but she only turned around and wants to leave. Suddenly something kicked Siwon. Her eyes! Those perfectly feline eyes! Like Yesung’s ...


“Are you his mother?”


She turned back to her and now it is clear. Same eyes, same small chin and pink lips.


“Yes ... we got a message from the hospital that our son was admitted in here.”


She is looking on ground under her and sobs few times.


“I miss him everyday but my husband doesn’t want to help him. Yesung’s father is a very important man with many degrees and he sees our only son as a failure. I just wanted to see him but I wont disturb you.”


She wants to leave when suddenly the monitors around Yesung’s bed started to beep hysterically and team of doctors and nurses ran in his room.


“Cardiac arrest!”


One nurse pushed Siwon out of and when he turned around the lady is already gone. A doctor is doing CPR and Siwon can only watch them. He is silently praying that Yesung’s heart will start to beat again and after few minutes it really does. Siwon is crying and can go in his room again.


“Dont do this again.”


Siwon is holding his hand when suddenly he remembers that he has a necklace with small crucifix. He took it of and put it around Yesung’s neck.


“This is going to protect you but you also have to fight.”


Siwon his hair for last time and went home because he is tired to death. But next day after work he is right back. And here he is, sitting on the same uncomfortable chair watching Yesung’s chest raising and falling. Siwon is hypnotized by the slow moves and fell asleep. He must be really exhausted because he is dreaming about Yesung calling his name. After while he realised that it wasn’t a dream. Siwon quickly opened his eyes and sees Yesung looking back at him.


“Yesung ...”


Siwon hugs his petite body and then goes to find his doctor. His throat is closing because of tears which Siwon tries to stop. The doctor checked Yesung and then smiled.


“Yesung, you really scared us but now you are on way to be healthy again.”


The doctor left and Yesung wants to get up. Siwon stopped him but Yesung then starts to cry.


“You shouldn’t waste your money because of me. This is expensive, I am feeling so much better.”


Siwon sternly glared at him and tucked him under blankets again.


“Dont say such stupid things! It is okay and I won’t let you leave even if you want. Now rest.”


Siwon is smiling while watching Yesung cutely trying to not fall asleep. He lost and Siwon can go home. Next day he is back with big basket full of fruit for Yesung. Yesung is blushing because Siwon is peeling an oranges for him and feeds him, he is fixing his blankets and pillow for him. Siwon is simply turning around only around Yesung. Yesung can’t understand why is this handsome man helping him. He is thinking and suddenly Siwon laughed.


“Handsome man? That must be me.”


Yesung hides under the blanket because he said it on loud and not only in his head. Siwon is laughing but then stopped and lifted the blanket. He is almost killed by cute Yesung’s pouting.


“I think that you are handsome man too.”


Now Yesung looks like a tomato and Siwon is laughing again. He really said it!


“I want to tell you something important. I love you, Yesung. I wasnt sure if I can tell this to you but then you almost died and now I needed to say what I feel.”


Yesung is blushing because no one before told him that they love him. Siwon is looking at him and Yesung is staring back.


“Well .... I love you too. You took me in your home, feed me, gave me your clothes. You care so much about me. The time we were together was best in my life after long time. But I am not sure if I deserve it.”


Yesung is now crying and Siwon hurries to hug him.


“I am not smart, I am dirty homeless.”


Siwon his back and kissed his black hair.


“Of course that you deserve my love. And don’t speak like that about yourself.”


They are cuddling together and only stopped because of a nurse. After four days Yesung can go home with some medicine. He is still weak and tired but he is happy that he can leave.


Siwon leaded him in his bedroom and helped him to change into one of his hoodies and leggings. Then Siwon tucked him under blankets and goes to deal with some paper work around his business. Suddenly someone is knocking on door of his flat and Siwon finds his three friends. Eunhyuk, Donghae and Heechul are standing there panting.


“We need to find out what is going on with you. Last few days you are tired and don’t focus. You seem weird and we need to know why!”


Siwon calmed them down and takes them inside. They sat down and Siwon made coffee for them. Siwon tells him about Yesung but let him sleep. His friends are shocked but in a good way. They want to see this mysterious Yesung and after two hours comes their moment.


Yesung woke up and feels thirsty. He doesn’t want to bother Siwon so he got up and goes in the kitchen. In Siwon’s flat you have to walk through the living room to get in the kitchen so suddenly he is standing frozen in front of three strangers. Yesung hides in Siwon’s big hoodie and Siwon leaded him to couch.


“So this is Yesung. Yesung this is Heechul, Donghae and Eunhyuk.”


Yesung shyly bowed and Siwon went to get him glass of coke. Siwon’s friends are watching how Siwon holds the glass for Yesung whose small hands are clutching the too big glass. After while Heechul laughed.


“Like what the ?! Siwon, you saint !”


Donghae and Eunhyuk are laughing and Yesung is watching them with wide eyes.

He looks on Siwon and really sees this man as saint. Siwon is saint for taking him home but what is more important he makes Yesung feel like a human being again, Yesung feels worthy again. That’s something what Yesung lost long time ago and now his heart is beating for love of this man.


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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 1: It's good story and it's very sweet of how Siwon treating Yesung...
390 streak #2
Chapter 1: Oh! I read this a year ago I guess, and I never left a comment XD Gonna make sure that you have a fan like me hihihi....
Chapter 1: Awwww!!! This is too sweet~~~ i swear i had ist in helpless yeye.... I need help
Chapter 1: Aww..so sweet..thanks