
Faith (in me)
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Chanyeol's POV

After our marriage, my father-in-law had gave my husband and I a condominium as a present.

My husband is a son of a successful businessman while I am an orphan that works as a security guard at Byun International Holdings, my father-in-law's company.

How did we met? Well, obviously Byun Baekhyun, my husband, is Mr. Byun's one and only son and I am the security guard there... So... Yeah... However, we've got Mr. Byun's blessing after three and a half years of dating. On 2014, we've taken whatever level our relationship it is to the next level; marriage.

On 2014, wait... On December 2014, okay... On 25th December 2014, at 12.01 am, there is an additional member in our family tree; Park Chanhyun. It is the start of the moments where before I sleep, there's crying and as I woke up, there's crying.

Crying here and there... Plus disaster.

Why? Well, I'll tell you detailed stories...

One day,
On 25th April, 2014, my husband kept throwing up in the morning.

"Baek, are you sure you don't want to go to the clinic?" I ask him as I rub his back. We're currently in the bathroom since six in the morning and Baekhyun let all of his last night dinner out into the toilet bowl. 

"Yeah..." He gasps. " I think it's just a stomachache." 

"I don't think so, Baek."

"Don't worry, Yeol-ah." Baekhyun takes a deep breath. "It'll fade away."

I sigh. Why don't he thinks about his health seriously? "Come. I'll take you to the doctor. I'm worried if it'll get serious."

"No. You have work on eight, right?"

"I'll skip. Your father will understand."



박찬열 ♡ 변백현



"Congrats, Mr. Park. A miracle happens in your tummy right now." The doctor said and I could not be any more happier than that.

"Really?! I'll be a father?"



박찬열 ♡ 변백현



Throughout the three months of pregnancy, Baekhyun had been craving so many weird things. Despite any time it is.

"Chanyeol-ah, can you get me something sour?" One night... No... An early morning, Baekhyun once wakes me up to fulfil his cravings. 

"Baek..." I groan out. "It's three in the morning. I'll get it tomorrow, okay?" I say in a hush tone.

A shuffling on the bed for a moment. "But it'll be late. I want it now." I swear that I could hear him pouting.

I close my eyes for a moment before I get up from our bed. "Okay. What do you want, hmm?" Still, I'm very sleepy as usually, I need to get up on seven to work. 

"Really?" Baekhyun brighten up. "I want mango, Chanyeol-ah." 

I was flabbergasted. "B-but... Mango... Baek, it's three. There's no market opens in the early morning." I turn my head to him and again... That pout.

"I want mango..." He mumbles and looks down.

A sigh escapes from my mouth smoothly. "Okay." I kiss his forehead before getting ready to go out.

I've searched for mango everywhere and at last, I'm glad that there's a store open at this early hour. I walk back home with a plastic bag of mangoes in hand. Eyes barely open to focus on the road resulting for me get a bump on my forehead, kissing with a streetlamp. Well, I hope Baekhyun will not be jealous though. 

As I reach home, the house is so silent. By now, I am fully awake, as the 'kiss mark' on my forehead still stinging. I walk into our room and immediately, smile creeps up on my lips. The person I love is sleeping peacefully on the bed. I put down the plastic bag in my hand, beside our bed.

I climb on our bed, hand caressing my husband's tummy where my precious child is. 

"You... You're still in here yet you make daddy suffer like this." I whisper. Eyes never leave my husband's peaceful sleeping face. "Well, with you two in my life, I'm still feeling content right now.", Again smiling, "stay healthy, you two," dreamland calls me once againand aware that the alarm will ring in about two hours from now.



박찬열 ♡ 변백현



Through six months of pregnancy, I never know know that pregnant people... Are scary.

We're on our way to a shopping mall after Baekhyun's monthly appointment with his doctor, Dr. Zhang. And today, he have a good news for us as Dr. Zhang had announced that our little child will be a boy. It was our dream to have a baby boy after all.

All the way from the hospital, we have a small argument where I want my little child to have all of his belongings in blue but Baekhyun preferred purple. Average parents always agree on blue for their son and pink for their daughter, right? Everyone with me? 



At last, I surrender with a content sigh and a smile on my lips. No one can win an argument with my adorable husband ever. I said, ever. Note that. Especially when he is pregnant.

After a long hour in a shopping mall, our cart had been full with all purple things; purple pyjamas, purple toys, and etc. Some of them are white, green or even grey and a little bit of brown but no blue at all. 



By the way, as we're on our way to the mall entrance, Baekhyun tugs on my sleeve.

"Yeol..." Baekhyun calls softly. I knew that tone... The tone had been heard when he wanted something or asked a favor from me.

I turn my head and keep my smiley face on. "Yes?"

"Hurm..." He contemplates. His right hand rubs his other hand's wrist. Pout visible.

"What is it?" I arch an eyebrow. I look down to see what's wrong on his hand. However, there's no scar to be seen on it. Obviously, there is something else going on in his mind. "Tell me, Baek." 

"Eurm... I... Want something." Baekhyun looks down on his wrist. "Something around here." 

I tilt my head. "Huh?" Still confuse. What does he wants? "Well... Why don't we have it now since we're here already?" Without knowing, I'll just go with the flow.

"Really?!" Baekhyun looks up at me like a Christmas tree, and the glint in his orbs shows how happy he is. "Let's go!" He then grabs my arm and pulls me to somewhere I have no clue about. 

I try to catch up with him while pulling the full cart with one hand clumsily. "Uh... Baek? Where are we going again?" Without getting an answer, we stumbled upon a jewelry shop instead. My eyes widen. "Again Baek, what are we doing here?" Eyes never leave the sign board of the shop. 

"I want a brecelet!!" Baekhyun exclaims before bouncing on his steps into the said shop. My jaw drops as I watch him sitting on the chair provided before he runs his eyes on the displayed brecelets in the display glass. 

I gulp once as I follow my petite yet cute husband into the fancy shop. I fight the urge to pull Baekhyun out from the shop because the displayed items, as I could take a glance on, are worth my monthly payment as a security guard. I purse my lips but once I saw that shiny and dreamy eyes of my husband's, inspecting every one of the said jewelries, I could not deny his wish. I let out a low groan because I knew that I can't be a winner in any quarrel with Baekhyun. 

I take a seat beside Baekhyun as my eyes on the displayed brecelets in front of him. I turn to Baekhyun and he smiles like he had his hand wrap around the world like it's all his. I blink blankly before smiling thinly.

Hesitantly, I point out my finger on the display glass, to one of the displayed item. One that simpler than any others. Hoping that he could just agree. "Uh... I'll take this for you?" 

A pout on his lips indicating that he does not approves. He shakes his head once and tilts his head to the left slightly. He smiles again. 

Without looking down, I move my hand to the left and stop as I assume that I point to the other brecelet. I heard a chuckle on the other side of the display glass. Of course, the cashier looks amazed at the cute couple in front of her. 

"This one?" I ask again, aware that maybe the brecelet is a bit pricey than before. I wait for his reaction.

A frown on Baekhyun's face once again make me assume that he does not approves yet again. I take a deep breath. He tilts his head to the left again and I move my hand as he requested. Baekhyun grins widely once I stop moving my hand and point to one of the display. "Yes!" He says.

I give him my wide smile because Baekhyun actually decides to approve one of the displayed. His smiley face brings me happiness. I turn my head to the cashier that had been waiting patiently for my husband to choose. I am still not looking down at what had I pointed out. "We'll take this one, please." I smile politely.

"Okay." The cashier smiles back. For once, I look down before the cashier took it to wrap and at the moment, I could feel that my soul left my body. Blood drain down from my face. Again, gulping the lump on my throat as I watch Baekhyun's dreamy face as the cashier takes the item from the display glass. 

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 3: So lucky that Chan took him back!!
Palak27 #2
Chapter 2: Well I know chanyeol loves baekhyn but I despise cheaters. Once a cheater always a cheater! I hate baekhyun in this fic so much that I can’t express it in words here.
Chapter 3: I-i I am really speechless rn!!! I mean I will say a lot but emotionally I just idk how u came up with this but a LOUD APLAUSE FOR U!!!!
First chapter the pregnancy period! It was lovely cute and funny and a lot of hard work from yeol (I love yeol it's like in this story I fell fr him all over again) and here it's actually beautiful cause even though Baek made yeol do a LOT!! From mangoes to shower thrice and such that he slept in the tub! It was really tiring for our yeol but I won't blame anyone here as in the pregnancy phase the person goes through a LOT TOO it might be unseen but having a baby in u isn't a piece of cake and chapter 1 to when the nannying as still there everything was actually hert warming on how amazing a new family can e with hard ships but unconditional love (specIlky from Chanyeolie I just LOVE him)
BUT... Chapt2 it took a twist I didn't expect!! I mean the parts where yeol agrees to be a nanny for baeks peace of mind and everyone yeol always says he is happy no matter how hard it is he is happy and content to have Baek and ChanHyun by his side was just all so lovely (I love love LOVE yeolie!! I keep saying this lol but I love him!!) tbh I got a little mad and ChanHyun when he would just cry with Dady but was better with Baek guest and nanny too! I was like COME ON LITTLE PARK GIVE HIM REST!!!;( but oh well it was light hearted cause who am I kidding can't eat mad at a 1 yr old cutie naughty sweet baby!but again yeol never took it as a burden always was happy he had ChanHyun and had seen hi firsts!!!! (As I read through everything yeol would do for ChanHyun while Baek was away made me wish I could be that good to my kids in the future ..I feel it's impossible cause WAHH he has a HIGH level of patience love and positivness!!)
Back to chapter 2- when Baek was with Sehun I was shocked tbh and when e had no ring I felt hurt but just a little cause my hopes were stronger that NO HE WOULD BEER HURT YEOL and I held on to tht hope.. When Baek said LOUSY... Yh LOUSY!! He called yeol LOUSY I repeat.. "L•O•U•S•Y PARENT" I was gassed up idk it was pain or anger I felt more but I just wanted to lol idek just show Baek show him what I say yeol do show him that he is such a good parent ALONE and how amazing of a father he is that him or anyone could be no match for him!! To show how much he WA going through yet how strong he was and yet how considerate he was BUT then my hopes was still there Yh lol I was still holding on to them!! I was sad real sad cause I couldn't stand the fact that yeol had to hear such a comical absurd comment on his parenting from Baekhyun Yh lol Baekhyun judging amazing caring and the best dad ever THE Park Chanyeol on parenting out of all thing PARENTING!! When he is no way even near an average parent while yeol is way above average and yeol tearing up and shocked at that comment made me so hurt!!
Anyway I still had a hope that maybe Baek just die at know maybe he was too into work to realise as I was hoping and hoping he had no affair with Sehun when yeol asked him for the ring and he forgot it .. Funny maybe but I kinda thought he DID forget and was hoping yeol will feel the same but when yeol said 'I saw u put it on' LIEREALLY my jaw dropped cause WHAT!! It was so hard to believe HAVING a lover like CHANYEOL having a husband like CHANYEOL having a son who's father is PARK CHANYEOL how JUST HOW COULD HE BETRAY AND DECIEVE HIM LIKE THAT!!!??????;((( I took time to process that Byun Baekhyun actually cheated on Chaneolie and I hated it!!! Hated Baekhyun!! A LoT!!!
It was so unfair! How could he like it's a proper love marriage he kissed u goodbye every morning and prepared dinner for u every night looked after tge house after ur son after YOU! And while el would pray for ur and chanhyuns health U were ENJOYING clubs parties and beside HanRiver SERIOUSLY BAEK!!?? Seriously!!! But more tan being mad at him I was soooooo hurt for yeol :(
Chanyeol deserves all the love!! Since the pregnancy chapter as s ince the story began till the very end the amount of love CHANYEOL has given Baekhyun alone can never ever be returned (no offence maybe Baek loves him a lot now a lot!!) but the amount of love and care yeol sacrificed for Baek and chyun I don't think he can ever e loved like that by Aanyone!! Chanyeol deserves so much more or atleast theme Amount of love he gave his family but it's not possible cause not everyone can love that much like that!! I wish he does he deserves it but his love is so UNCONDITIONAL and UNDYING that's it's really hard to return!! TT
It might sound weird but I was thinking i wish I could love like CHANYEOL understand like CHANYEOL work hard like YEOL whether as a frnd colleague daughter mother wife or in law I wish I could be as good as he is cause he is EXTREMELY GOOD way more than any word can describe
I jut wish Baek can now shower him. With all the love and care he deserves let's him rest and makes sure to never break his trust (I know he wouldn't but if he does AuthorNim I'm telling u I'll come to wherever u are in the world and not spare u fir hurting this yeol because HE DOENST DESERVE MORE PAIN!) (it's not an empty threat I'll hunt u down;(
Also sorry Baek I usually like u a lot but HERE u did very wrong as a lover as a husband as a father and even as Human u disappointed me ALot but still wanted u back cause yeol loves u that much and I love him that much!! So better not hurt him again!
But I'm glad u realised ur fault and learnt from it and love him now and I feel sorry for U too cause it hurts when u say Iloveyiu and ur husband thinks it's empty AND U WOULD HAVE KILLED URSELF ! DumMy!! Baekk u did wrong but as human we all make mistakes and even thiugh I said bad about u before its again only cause as human u get emotional and stuff so sorry but u understood and restarted egged for forgiveness u showed yeol what ur life would be without him u showed him how much u need him u showed him that h love him and that u truly regret what u did so that's all matter as lone as u three r happy as one family now everything is good! I hope u get rid of ur nightmares soon cause trust me Chanyeol wil never ver leave u he lives u that much! ^_^
ChanHyun I was actually hapoy he cried and missed yeol i mean it's bound to happen still I was just glad that Chanyeol will know how much his only son needs him and Baek will also know what an amazing (and not lousy) at her Chanyeol is and how no one ever could replace his absence and how no one can compare with his live and parenting and DADA the first word I was already I crying mess that that point of the story only to cry morre with slight smile:) loved this story really!!
I'm really excited for the epilogue cause Idek what to expect (except I AM expected a happy family and lots of FLUFFFFF:))))
ohhh also Chanyeol ahhh Chanyeol he went back accepted them he could t hit Sehun more he let him stay at work he didn't want to take the chairman job cause he knows it's for Baek and he still assures Baek tht he forgave him and loves him and comforts Baek!! I'll end this comment now by sating Park Chanyeol us the most selfless soft heart amaizng human being beautiful lover caring understanding husband and best father away again he deserves all the lie in the world and all the happiness to!!! I lie him a lot and his love is so unbeatable!! Yeol is the best I live him!!

Lol starte with 'I'm speechless' ending up with so much to say sorry AuthorNim gave u an essay to read but this Tory was so tiyching as unbelievable my beautiful and painful and the way u created Yeols character is just so superb cause I didn't think such a person could exist to give so much and revive so less yet be so happy and content and yet wish only for his family's good health and happiness! For the last Ttime I LOE YEOL<3 I LOVE PARK CHANYEOL!!!^_^
Thank u for this TOO AWESOME story!!!!
Thnx AuthorNim eXOXO!!!
Chapter 3: superb story
Chapter 2: Woahhh. How could you do that to chanyeol and chanhyun
Chapter 1: Baekhyun ah i know that you're pregnant, but please consider chanyeol's heart too. T_T
Chapter 3: Im crying...
turyka #8
Chapter 3: Ok, this make me cry. Poor Chanyeol, he's the best man and appa. I feel sad for Channie, he must have feel so frustrated when he couldn't find his daddy..
They didn't fire Sehun, really mature...
Great ministory(◕ᴗ◕✿)
Chapter 3: Its such a beautiful story. It melted my heart. I felt bad for chanyeol. It was heartbreaking to see him falling apart. But then, he took right decision and am so happy that he consistently supported baekhyun and trusted him.
Thank you for your precious work :)
Chapter 2: Poor Chanyeol.