Deciphering the Bro Code
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Another sound of the camera’s numerous shots was heard in his line of hearing as he threw a man wearing a black tee a glance. Sure the view was breath-taking. But the one who captures it is more interesting than the whole scenery in front of him.


”Cheol Hyung!” Seungcheol was lost in his trance when he heard his brother yell his name, snatching everyone’s attention. Everyone including the blond male who look at them curiously before ignoring them again and just continued taking pictures.


He just lowered his head to hide the faint pink coloring his cheeks.


”Why, Wonu?”


”I was calling you for about ten times now, hyung. Mom’s looking for you.”


Seungcheol threw another glance at the busy male who has his camera as a necklace before nodding at the pouting Wonwoo and going to their mother to ask why he was called.


It’s already November. The weather is cool but just temperate. Not too cold or too hot, just perfect time to stroll around outside and maybe also an ideal season to spend with your family on a vacation. Thus, resulting in why they are at Nami Island. Tho they are quite thankful for there are not that many people who came this time.


Today is his mother’s birthday and they planned to spend it being together. Just them, family. But what he does not understand is why Lee Jihoon is with them when he was not clearly a Choi nor a Jeon to begin with. Albeit he is his brother’s best friend.


It is not that Seungcheol has a problem with the younger male being with them in their supposed to be a family outing. It is just that, he has been avoiding the latter for a week now so seeing him kinda alarms him when the subject of his distress continue to function as if nothing happened. He was a mess while Jihoon remained unbothered. He smacked his head at the thought.




Seungcheol tried not to smile awkwardly and guess what, he cannot do it. Not when he knows Jihoon is the one taking a happy picture of them, boring him one intent stare through the lenses and scrutinizing every angle before clicking the capture button.


After Jihoon took more than 10 pictures with different angles and poses, Wonwoo said he wanted to have a picture with Seungcheol. Just him and his favorite brother tho he won’t admit it blatantly to the whole world. Seungcheol is more than happy to comply just to give his brother what he wanted, shrugging off the hesitation slowly creeping into his skin.


His smile got a little better after two consecutive shots ergo it was still a little strained.


”try to stand a little closer” he heard the younger directed, gesturing.


After another a few shots, he slowly felt comfortable in the whole set. Well, not until Jihoon moved to them and fixed his fringe so suddenly he was not able to blink. Seungcheol breaths delayed its way out of his lungs as Jihoon fingers made contact to his skin. The younger did not spare him any eye contact as he was doing things that make the elders’ inside burst in butterflies before doing the same thing to his brother just next to him. As if it was a normal thing to do. Tell you what, it was normal. Your mind was just way too dirty. The photoshoot was not as peaceful as before after that.


”Stop it. I won’t bite you.” He jerked when Jihoon suddenly spoke. He attempted to make a U-turn and just get his phone a little later but guess the photographer saw him trying to sneak off the scene. He was planning to update Jisoo and Jeonghan about his misery but he did not expect Jihoon to be seated inside the car, leaning on the back seat with his eyes held close which kinda amaze the older that he know Cheol is trying to escape anywhere near him. What is he, a mind reader? He was not there earlier when Seungcheol plugged his phone to charge. Imagine his horror when he opened the driver’s seat’s door.


”I-I was not avoiding you. Swear.” try hard not to stammer on his words challenge: FAILED.


”okay.” Jihoon eyes are still close so Seungcheol heaved a quiet sigh before doing what he planned: unplugging his phone to the charger with a trembling hand.


”Have fun avoiding me, Seungcheol.”




Seungcheol knew it. He knew it was a bad thing that both of them are in the same place at the same time. Had he known earlier, he would not have come in the first place. He was sure their mother would understand that he has reasons why he cannot come. Though a very insane one. Now, he is suffering big time. It is Lee Jihoon’s fault. That pretty little .


It started a couple of weeks ago. Well, if he was being detailed about this whole thing, he would say it started too earlier than that. Probably more.


If he remembers it right, it was his high school graduation when he met Lee Jihoon albeit the name was not foreign to him (his brother cannot shut up about his friends). Wonwoo along with his mother and father came to see him march to his graduation but he was confused when he met a blank stare and he was handed a bouquet of flowers before uttering a small ‘congratulations’. The guy was not familiar to him. He then noticed the DLSR hanging free at the guy’s neck. He learned that the man standing before him was the Lee Jihoon his brother was talking about and his mother told him that he volunteered to take pictures of the ceremony so he came with his family. After all, he is Wonwoo’s best friend so it was okay.


After his graduation, he started to live with his family again. Also giving chance to always see his brothers friend frequently.


It was nothing at first. He was just fond of the younger’s presence. Being his brother’s best friend, the guy frequented their house.


They rarely talk. Tho they have developed this kind of bond when they can sit together in one place without exchanging words but still find the atmosphere comfortable.


At first glance, Jihoon is that someone who would not make into Seungcheol’s circle of friends even he is his younger brother’s best friend. The guy is just cold and quiet. The exact opposite of him. So it was a wonder why he was so engrossed watching the smaller guy move around.


Maybe it was the way Jihoon throw his fond gazes to him every time their eyes meets. Or the way he held his hand when he was scared riding that roller coaster downtown. Or that one time he kissed the elder’s cheek when he was drunk at the university ball. (Seungcheol would never forget that) Or maybe the passion he saw that crosses his small eyes whenever he takes a good picture. Either way, he likes those subtle affections that Lee Jihoon gave him even if they did not mean something for the former. But it must be something, right?


“I like you”


He remembered saying it with his head held down in front of Jihoon weeks ago when everything is too much and he cannot handle whatever he was feeling towards the younger anymore.


It was the usual day at the university. But not for Seungcheol since he decided to confess his feelings to his step-brother’s best friend. He gathered up all the courage he could fit in his body just to say those three words.


Jihoon was at the rooftop of the art building, taking beautiful shots of the upcoming sunset like he usually does. Seungcheol walked to him with a hint of nervousness that can be found in his utterance. But the younger just look at him and gave him a grin before uttering the words ‘I know’ and nothing more.


Of course, Seungcheol was startled. Was it too obvious? But that feeling did not last long for disappointment was quick to replace it. After that short answer, the younger continued to take a picture turning his back to him like the confession did not happen at all. That leaves Seungcheol dejected, leaving with a silent sigh.


No, he was not angry at Jihoon that he avoids the younger whenever their paths cross. More like, he is angry to himself for he was too easy. Too easy to rile up. Too easy to hope. Too easy to fall for the other acts. He was embarrassed that he thought Jihoon would accept his confession. That maybe he liked him even a little. And look, he was wrong.


He is moving on slowly. Or at least he tries to. But Jihoon is not helping at all. He continues to act like Seungcheol do not harbor some feelings for him, doing things that would rekindle his feelings. Like that one time when they decided to have dinner before going home in the restaurant nearby.


Jihoon was seated between him and Wonwoo while their parents are in front of them. Seungcheol is distracting himself with the help of food (and also stealing glances) when he saw the youngest of them caught him staring. The food clogged in his throat causing him to let out a painful cough. Jihoon is quick to give him water and pat his back in which Seungcheol blushed. See?


So how can he not hope for something when Jihoon is acting like that?


Luckily, after that outing, he became too busy with university stuff to meet Jihoon. Believe him. He really is not avoiding the younger. He was just too busy that he cannot even attend Jihoon’s birthday.


A month had passed and Seungcheol had stopped hanging out to play with his brother Wonwoo tho they are still good. He joined the Writer’s Circle and from there, he formed a small group of friends including the organization’s secretary, Kim Mingyu.


At first, the guy was intimidating. He was tall and handsome and Seungcheol first thought of him was with a face like that, he sure is a snob. But it turned out he was wrong. Mingyu is a lot like him. He was also a fan of Hip Hop and RnB. He likes to rap too like him. In short, they hit it off and became close.


They often hang out at the university cafeteria along with their other friends. But he and Mingyu hang out more often than the others. They would sometimes go to an arcade and play games or other times they would go to the mall to just stroll around.


Mingyu is quite clingy too. Holding his hand whenever they walk side to side and hugging him whenever he wanted. Sometimes he would rest his head on Seungcheol’s shoulder and kiss him goodbye in the cheeks. Seungcheol does not mind. Mingyu is just so clingy and he treats him like a younger brother like Wonwoo.


Maybe those acts are fine with Seungcheol and he was tolerating it even. But there is one person who minds all of those ‘subtle flirtations’.


Unbeknownst to the two guys laughing at one of the benches in the field, there is a furious eye watching them but they paid no mind to whoever it is.


Months had passed and Seungcheol is still paying no attention (avoiding) the guys whose name is Lee Jihoon. He goes home late so the younger was already gone from their house the moment he stepped in their front door. He tries to not go anywhere near the Film and Media Arts building because he was sure Jihoon was there. He was doing the avoiding thing diligently and so far he was succeeding.


But thing is, he cannot really escape from him, can’t he? There really comes a time when the invisible line he had made will connect to the younger’s abstract. He cannot be running forever. Their paths will cross whether Seungcheol likes it (secretly) or not.


It’s the third week of December. The students were all excited to have their Christmas break for days. And Seungcheol and his friends are no exceptions. They decided to drink at the bar downtown and have fun. For an accounting major like him, it was good to have a booze sometimes to refresh their minds.


He drank his first shot. The table is roaring with laughter as funny stories continue rolling on. They were laughing too hard and high fiving each other. Third glass and some of them are already tipsy. Seokmin is now crying in whatever reason he has and the others are trying to console him. Mingyu lean his head on Seungcheol and the latter pat his head.


Maybe Mingyu is feeling dizzy, he thought. He was up with his fifth beer when suddenly Mingyu held played with his hand under the table while still leaning into him, intimately close.


Their table became noisier when some of their seniors in the Business Department sat with them. Seungcheol turned quiet too as he doesn’t know most of them for he was in Accountancy.


”I think I'm drunk”


Seungcheol was startled when Mingyu whispered in his right ear. He thought the other was sleeping for he also became quiet and still leaning on him. He let out a chuckle.


”I think so too, Gyu-ah”


Mingyu sat upright and stared straight to him. The older was waiting for the former to say something but their staring session was interrupted when they noticed that the people in their table are standing up and going to the center to dance.


”You want to dance?”


His observation was once again cut off when he heard Mingyu. He flashes him one of his fond smiles and utters a happy ‘sure’, making the latter beam him a smile too.


They are on the dance floor. Mingyu dancing around him doing silly moves that made him crackle and copy the taller. They look silly as both of them are not good dancers but they are energetic that they just keep on laughing. They stopped dancing after two songs as they were both panting from exhaustion.


”That was fun!” Seungcheol commented, still catching his breath. Not noticing Mingyu was staring at him for some time now.


Mingyu pulled him into his arms and put his head atop the head of the shocked Seungcheol.




”Gyu, are you okay?” He asked worriedly as he heard him let out a sigh. Mingyu grew unusually quiet.


Mingyu broke the hug. Seungcheol looked at him expectant of what he was about to say.


”Hyung.” The younger of them held his hand before locking his eyes at him, boring him one intent and an affectionate stare that he was started to feel nervous but not uncomfortable.


His body went rigid and his mind when blank when he felt something soft brush to his lips so suddenly he barely had time to react.


The soft thing started to move against him.


His eyes widen when his perception processed what was going on.


Kim Mingyu is kissing him full in the lips. His junior, Mingyu. Kim Mingyu who he was friends with.


The flabbergasted Seungcheol was about to push his friend’s chest away when they heard a loud (very obviously intended) cough. Before he knows it, Mingyu already pulled himself apart from him.


”I hope you had your fun. “ The intruder dryly commented, glaring at the tallest of them.


”Who are you?” he heard Mingyu asked so he got curious and look over his shoulder.


”What are you doing here?”


If Seungcheol’s eyes can be as wide as an ocean, it would have been now as he saw a face that was too familiar with him standing next to them, a cold aura surrounding them.


”I’m Lee Jihoon and I’m taking what’s mine.”


The two friends are confused to utter another thing so they stupidly just stood there trying to process everything.


”Are you done? Let’s go.” He does not know what to say when Jihoon pulled his hand from Mingyu’s grip and started walking with him.


“Where are you taking him?” Mingyu stopped the angry young man.


”Seungcheol tell your ‘friend’ that it’s not really wise to argue with me right now that I’m pissed. If he wanted to go out here safe.” Jihoon glare at Mingyu but the latter did not flinch and instead, he reciprocated his glare with a much bolder one, creating a tension that sure catches other’s attention. True to that, the people who were dancing awhile ago have also stopped to gossip what was going on.


”What’s going on here?” Aron, one of their seniors saw them and immediately walk to them, followed by their other friends. If Seungcheol could sink in shame, he would.


He let out a sigh before deciding to take action or the tension would result in a fight.


”Sorry guys. I- I’ll go with him. See you in School. Gyu.” He gave Mingyu one apologetic look not caring about Jihoon who started dragging him out the place.


When he was finally outside the club, Seungcheol removed Jihoon’s hands that were cuffing his wrist. In other circumstances, he might find the touch pleasant and excruciating but what Jihoon did earlier inside the club was not amusing.


”What was that?!” He asked obviously annoyed at the smaller.


”You let him kissed you just like that.”


“What?” he asked. The smaller’s words made him more confused. It did not answer his question.


Instead of clearing and explaining the situation to him, Jihoon took out something in his pocket and pulled him a little down, before rubbing the thing he got (yes, hanky) in his lips a little furiously.


”I’m not a kid! I can kiss whoever I wanted to kiss.” Seungcheol whined. This whole scenario is making him sober up a little tho he knew he was still drunk.


”So you let him have your first kiss that easily? Sure you’re not a kid” Jihoon argued which made him more irritated, the former is rubbing his lips with more force now. He made a move of stopping the latter’s hand and keeping it away from his face.


”So What? He’s a good kisser and even if you pull my lips off of my face that wouldn’t erase the fact that we kissed!” He is more than annoyed now. Jihoon is acting like a total . What does he care anyway? That’s none of his business so what is his problem now?


”Oh really? I’d like you to see me try.” Jihoon gives him one challenging look that made him gulped. But no, he was not backing away from this argument.


”What--” Before he could rebut and say whatever words he stumbles upon, he once again felt soft lips moving to press into his own.


Compared to earlier, his brain easily registered what was happening. He wanted to push Jihoon off him and scream. He wanted to leave the scene and run. He wanted to not fall into the younger’s trap. But his body and mind do not want any of that. His knees are starting to weaken as he melted into the kiss that he cannot help but to respond a little eagerly.


Jihoon started to and pull his bottom lips using his own. Seungcheol felt the former’s hands settling in his shoulder, before traveling down his neck, down to his hips. He could not think of anything but ‘Holy , Jihoon, his crush, the one he was harboring some feelings with is kissing him and it’s not just a kiss. It’s a ing knee-weakening kiss’.


He felt something poking his mouth as if seeking for an entrance and he found himself gripping at Jihoon’s shoulder for support when the latter's mouth started exploring his cavern. He responded rather enthusiastically when he learned the rhythm.


He cannot understand Jihoon and his games. Didn’t he rejected him when he confessed, responding with a cruel ‘I know’? So what is he doing now trying to make him melt into the kiss? And there he is, stupidly submitting.


The warm mouth started to lavish his jaw, the sensitive skin before traveling down to his throat, sinking the tongue there and painting hickeys, the flesh that makes his toe curls into his shoes. He heard something akin to a moan and he is sure it came from him and for a moment there, he found his last brain cell. This shouldn’t be happening. He knew this is a heartbreak waiting to happen but he cannot pull himself off the kiss.


“ Cheol. We need to stop now or I won’t be able to control myself.” He heard Jihoon whisper right into his ear, panting as his hands are still in the elder’s hips. He felt something hard graze brush into his thigh.


”Then Don’t.” He found himself saying. Being drunk and mentally exha

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cheolvr #1
Chapter 1: cuteeeee <333
hmm my fav line would prob be 'that pretty little s***' gbaefnao
i dunno why i just find it hilarious and it kinda sums up their dynamic tbh in this haha
like how jicheol are so whipped for eachother that no matter what they do to annoy eachother they'll let eachother off cuz they're just that whipped oml thats so cute tho aaaa
vry enjoyable to read, so thank u author :))))) <333
Superdbskjunior #2