Chapter 7

Of All The Odds

Chapter 7:

Me too



“What do you mean by ‘seeing you in a different way’? Would you mind elaborating it?” 


I blinked, not just once, and smiled. Yeah, maybe I am going crazy. “Never mind, never mind. Let’s go.”


I walk ahead of her. I felt the bitter taste of my question. How could I even ask her that? In the first place, this is insanely not right. We are friends. She is my friend. And in the first place, I am just admiring her. Admiration and attraction is not on the same page in Websters Dictionary. 


“School festival is fast approaching.” 


“Yeah…” I replied. “This will be the last, huh?” 


She smiled. “Yes. And next will be hell on earth.” She commented while chuckling. “All of the Seniors should really enjoy this because we will be very busy with last projects and finishing practicums. And I need to prepare for the turn-over of the Student Council to the next president.”


“Yeah. We are looking forward to your amazing plans about the school festival.” 


She sighed. “I am not the only one who will plan for this event, Ji. The Student Council Team will do.”


“I know.” 


I asked her to look for a vacant seat while I order. I’ve been thinking, lately the things that I feel towards her is increasing rapidly. I am not just admiring her, I know. And somehow, it felt like this is right in a wrong way. 


“Maybe I should date again…” I murmur. 


Maybe, what I’ve been thinking is the result of not dating. It’s been a week since Kiko and I broke-up. Maybe because of that, I’ve been thinking something crazy about my girl SPACE friend, Sandara. But it’s still fresh. I believe in the ancient 3-month rule


“Iced Coffee for you, your highness.”


“Are you dissing me?” 


I disheveled her bangs before sitting across her. “Of course not.” 


“I have a meeting after our class with Professor Yoon.” She informed me. “You have to wait for me.”


“You don’t have to say it.” I commented after taking a sip of her coffee. “Now I understand why you’re so addicted to coffee.” 


“Geez. Stop drinking someone else’s drink. Other’s might think something else about us.” She commented, while taking a sip too. “Coffee is life, you know.” 


“I think coffee is running through your veins and not blood.” 


“You bet.” She said while laughing. “Ne, why aren’t you dating anyone now? It’s a miracle you don’t have side chicks.”


I burst laughing because of her comment. “Don’t say words like that!” Why is she so hilarious! 


“Why? It’s true. Every time you dump someone, like an old rag, you have an instant replacement.” 


“Sandara…” I said after heaving a heavy sigh. “I am a firm believer of 3-month rule.” 


“Ohh. So you’re respecting your exes? Admirable act, wow.” She said, teasing me. But it do sound like a diss. “It doesn’t suit to your image.”


“Do I have an image of a playboy?”


She chuckled. “Not just a playboy. An . Jerk. And scumbag.”


I looked at her with a menacing look. Of course, nothing serious. I’ll just . “Why do I feel like you’re just cussing me?” 


“That’s the sentiments from your ex-girlfriends and I am saying this in their behalf.” She let out a sigh. “Why are you even playing someone else’s heart? You have a sister and a mother. Aren’t you afraid of karma?”


“That’s part of youth.” I proudly said. 


Youth my-. You’re just an .” 


“I am not.” I laughed. “It’s true that I dated a lot of girls in the past.”


“Yeah. I know.” 


I looked at her as she absentmindedly flick her finger. I don’t know but it felt different. Even though she’s staring straight to my eyes, I don’t usually see her like this. She’s silent, it scares me. I want to know what she’s thinking right now. I want to know what’s running in her brilliant mind. I want to know her points about me. 


I chuckled, shooing away all those thoughts. “But we’ve come up to a mutual decision. It’s not just me who decided to end things. Also, it’s not like I am treating them like a trash or I cheated on them while being wth them. I may be an , and I am quoting it from you, but I liked them all, I must say. It’s just, things aren’t working.”


“Uh-huh…” She said. She bit her lower lip, while drawing circles. “Well, maybe you should start dating now…” 


“It’s been a week since we broke-up.” I commented. “Besides, I am busy.” 


I don’t know if I am convincing her or myself. Well, I am very busy. School works and friendly duties. I don’t even know if I can insert something like getting to know someone else right now. 


“Well, you have to wait for me to go home.” She said with a smile on her face. What a radiant smile! It felt like the whole world is at peace. “I don’t want you to half- wait for me while flirting with your girlfriend.” 


“Woah, I didn’t know you’re a possessive type.” 


She rolled her eyes. “Shut-up.” 






Around 6PM when her meeting ended. I was just sitting at the back part of the Student Council meeting room, playing games. From time to time, I look at her. Damn. She’s really beautiful. The way she speak to the team with full of authority, damn, I can’t help but admire her for more. I look at the members of her team and I want to tap their shoulders because I can see myself in them: the way they look at her with respect and awe. I know, I know. I understand you. I wanted to say to them. 


“Let’s continue the finalising tomorrow. Same time and please don’t be late.”


“Yes, Pres.”  


“Okay. Meeting adjourned.” 



I stretched both of my arms and legs. 2 hours of meeting is such a stressful crap. I still wonder why she run last year for this position all of a sudden. I mean, although she’s capable, extra-curricular activities will just be 10%. 


I walked towards her who’s talking to Mino, the Vice-President. “Are you done?” I asked. I gave a slight nod to Mino.


“Give me 5 minutes.” She said while smiling at me. 


“A’right.” I simply said but didn’t move away. I started to put all her belongings inside her bag. 


“Uhm, Ji-Jiyong sundae.” I heard one of the members said. 


I lifted my head and saw a girl smiling at me. “Eh?”


“Uhh, I am also from College of Architecture. Second Year.” 


“Ahh…Hello.” I simply commented. “What is it?” 


She look at me and then take a short glance to Sandara, who’s still talking to Mino. “A-Are you and Pres are dating?” 


“H-Huh?” I was caught off ing guard! “W-why…did you ask?” 


“I saw you two always being together. During lunch and even going home.” 


I scratch the back of my head while laughing. “Actually—“


“Let’s go?” Sandara asked, while carrying her bag. 


“Ah, yes.” I simply said. “We have to go. Bye.” 


“Take care Pres. Sunbae.” 


I nod while walking towards her who look so tired. I carried her books. “I’m so tired.” 


I disheveled her bangs. “I know.” 


Before closing the door, I heard someone from the student council said, “They look great together, right?” 


“And Dara sunbae is smiling whenever she’s with Jiyong sunbae.” 


“Maybe they are dating. He’s even patiently waiting for her today.” 


“I do hope they are—“




I felt a tiny bit of hope and uncertainty. Damn it. Damn it! Me too.

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Chapter 35: SC jebal
16 streak #2
Chapter 35: Dropped by to upvote the story only
JiSandara #3
Chapter 35: Destiny...against all odds.
Congratulations authornim!👏
Looking forward to more exciting & melodramtic stories🥰
16 streak #4
Chapter 35: I liked the story, and enjoyed every chapter ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #5
Chapter 35: Heavens!!! I finally finished reading this chapter 🥺, I definitely enjoyed this story a lot, it reminded me of the phrase that says "If you love someone, set them free, if they come back to you they are yours! If not they never were. Beautiful story, thanks for sharing
bernie20 #6
Chapter 35: Thank u so much. I enjoyed reading this story ❤️❤️❤️
Looking forward for new daragon stories to come...
Chapter 35: special chapter please
16 streak #8
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting,
I will start reading it <3
Chapter 34: Authornim I read whole fiction in one go and now I want to see their happily married life and kids too ❤️🥰
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #10
Chapter 34: So far it is the perfect relationship ❤️, everything is so nice, they have everything to be happy, nice story