Chapter 32

Of All The Odds

Chapter 32 








Judge Park is known for being ruthless when he’s still a Lawyer back in the days. Even up until now that he’s a judge, his presence screams dominance and power. And maybe now, I will experience firsthand how ruthless he can be. 


His piercing glares sent shivers down my spine. Damn it. I’ve been glared by the opposing camp during case trials, I’ve received so many death threats before. Yet, the glares from the father of the girl I love and cherish the most is the scariest. Damn it. I felt like my knees were trembling and might give up. 




“What the heck was that?” His domineering voice echoes as he sat on the swivel chair. He looks so serious with his clenched jaws. If looks could kill, I have died a 100 times already. 


Sandara’s mom was just on his side, gently rubbing his shoulder as if calming him down. Despite how she looks, Sandara’s mom is also silent but deadly. She’s eyeing me as if I took something from her. Oh, I took their daughter— their only daughter. 


Both her parents were nice to me before but now, I can’t see the gentleness. They look so stiff, strict and… dominant. Damn it. 





“I’m not talking to you boy.” He cut me off. 


Boy. He called me a boy. 


With all of my achievements, I’m still a boy to his eyes. Not man enough to be called a ‘man’. Damn it. Am I not man enough to deserve Sandara? To have the approval of her parents? . 


I was speechless. But I don’t want to back down. Sandara and I were both adults now. If this confrontation happened when we were still in College, I might lower my head and say my prayers. But it’s different now. Sandara and I can both stand on our own feet. Two consenting adults. 


“We are dating Dad.” Sandara bravely said. I can see in her eyes the determination. 


Sandara’s mom sighed. She then gave a small smile. “Since when?” 


Sandara held my hand. I looked at her. She gave me an assuring smile. As if telling me that she can handle this. That she can face her family on her own. But heck, I can also face them. I am her man. 


“Since yesterday, Ma’am and Sir. But we both have feelings for each other since College.” I firmly said. 


Sandara gasped. She looked at me as if she can’t believe what I’ve just said. 


“Really?” There was a hint if amusement from her father’s tone. His lips twitched upwards, forming into a smirk. 


“Yes, Sir.” I bravely said as I look him in the eyes. 


He gave me a knowing look but then smirked. “Attorney Kwon Jiyong. Graduated as Magna Laude. Architecture, just like Sandara. Then, you entered Law School after 2 years. Boy, you’ve dated so many girls before my daughter. A typical college playboy.” 


I gulped. I don’t want them to know about that part of me. It was all in the past that I cannot erase. No matter what. I am embarrassed to be known as a playboy. It’s not something to be proud of. 


I want them to know me as a successful man who loves their daughter. A genuine man who loves their daughter genuinely. A man who can make their only daughter happy. 


“You were classmates, right? Since freshmen.” 


“Y-Yes, sir.” 


“And then, all of a sudden, you started to… chase my daughter. Like a smitten dog who wants to have a taste of a tasty treat.” He then gave me a smug look. 


“Dad…” Sandara said. “How did you know about this? Did you—“


“Mr. Kwon Jiyong.” Judge Park said. “Did you find my daughter an easy prey? My daughter is kind, privileged, innocent. She knows nothing about dating, about relationships.” 


“Sir, believe me when I say that I love your daughter.” 


“Love?” His father laughed sarcastically. “Do you think a father will believe a playboy when he tells you that he is ‘inlove’ with his daughter? Boy, I know that kind of game very well.” 


“Yes, Sir.” I bravely said. I held Sandaras hands firmly. “I’ve changed because of her. I cannot erase the fact that I played around before. That was… the bad version of me. The immature version of me. And I am not proud of that. If… If I have known I will meet Sandara, I should have been patient. 

But one day, I just realised that I like your daughter. Your daughter is so perfect in my eyes. She’s intelligent, she’s kind. She’s… innocent that I was so afraid that liking her might taint her. She’s like an angel. And I… am a devil who can taint her innocence.” 


I looked at Sandara who’s rubbing my hands gently. I smiled at her. Then, I looked at her parents. I cannot read their faces. I saw how his father shook his head, as if not believing me. 


“I am inlove with your daughter, Sir. Ma’am. 8 long years, I’ve waited. Patiently waiting for her to come back. With no communication. With no assurance that she will comeback… to me. And that her feeling’s didn’t change.” 


. I am so ing nervous. 


My eyes remained at her parents. Sandara’s mom just nods her head— no signs of approval or anything. Her dad seems skeptical. 


Judge Park then looked at Sandara. “How about Donghae?” 


Donghae? That jerk from another University? That jerk in our internship? 


My jaw tensed. I saw Judge Park looked at my way, with a huge grin. Damn it. 


“How about him Dad? He’s just a friend.” 


“I thought you two were in a relationship.” 


I hissed. I looked at Sandara. . What the heck is this? A relationship? 


“Babe… it’s not what you think—“ Sandara said. 


“He was with you in the U.S. for 2 years. I thought you two were dating?” Judge Park asked yet he is watching me. Or to my reaction. 


“Dad, Donghae and I aren’t in a relationship.” Sandara firmly said while holding my hand firmly. “Please stop this—“


“Donghae… is a nice guy. Man enough to follow you there.” 


I gritted my teeth. Man enough to follow her? . I was there too! I was there on her Graduation Day for s sake! I was there and I saw her thrive. I saw how she enjoys her life there. I was there looking at her from afar. 


I was there on her first year, when she won a debate contest. On her second year, she joined their school pageant and she won first place. On her third year, she join the Student Government. I was there… looking at her from afar. Contented and happy with her success. Even without me. 


“Not a coward boy who’s only contented in watching you from afar.” 


My eyes widened as I look at his father. Again, those smirk. Damn it. Sandara gasped. 


“W-What do you—“


“Why didn’t you approach her that day, Mr. Kwon Jiyong?” 


I bit my lower lip as I look down. it. I didn’t want to tell her about it. I want her to think that I let her go for her dreams. 


“Because I love her. And I want her to be her own person.” I said in a low tone. “She… Sandara told me that she wanted to be her own person. W-When we were still in College, we are often times being compared. And she… hates it.” 




“She wanted to be successful on her own. Even if I want to be with her, on her journey, I let her be. I want her to spread her wings and be successful. E-Even without me. And I… will just patiently wait for her here. With my arms wide open.”


Her parents remained silent. Judge Park just sighed and cleared his throat. 


“You are dismissed.” 


“But Judge—“


“I have nothing against you and my daughter, Attorney Kwon.” He said with a ghost of smile on his face. 


“S-Sir.” . I’m confused. 


“I’ve known you since the very beginning. Sandara is our precious daughter, anyone who’s a potential threat to her safety and her success should be known and eliminated.” 




“And you, I was sure you’ll be an with your background. The typical college playboy.” He shook his head. “But I knew what you did there, boy. Magna Laude huh.” 


I gulped. He knew something. About what I did so Sandara can graduate with the highest grade. . 


“Sneaky. Yet, selfless.” He commented. “I won’t meddle with your relationship just make sure you won’t impregnate her before marriage. Because I will pour all of my connections just to your life if that happens. Do you understand?” 


I felt my body tremble. I nod frantically. “Yes, Sir.” 


Judge Park stood up and tapped my shoulder. “What can I say? Welcome to the family?” 


I sighed and smiled at him. “T-Thank you, Sir.” 







I SIGHED AS I got to my office. The talk was nerve wrecking. . I’ve never been nervous like that. I was nervous when I got my first trial case but nothing can compare to the nervousness I felt earlier. 


“Sir, are you okay?” My secretary asked as she gave me a cup of coffee. I shook my head. 


“Water. I need water.” I said as I sat on my swivel chair. 


. Judge Park knew everything. From the things I did to make sure she will graduate Summa Laude; to me sneaking flights just to see her. Damn it. And he knows about me and Sandara while we were still in College. . I now know why Sandara is so afraid of his father before— he can do anything and he knows everything. 




I saw Sandara entering my office. I reached out for her and gave her a hug. All of the tensions were all gone. 


I pulled her closer so she can sat on my lap. I rested my head on the crack of her neck. Gently kissing her. Her scent is calming me. Damn it. I just want to spend my day filling my being with her scent. 


“I’m glad it went well…” I mumbled. 


Sandara leaned on me. She’s gently rubbing my head. “I was nervous as hell…” 


“Why?” I chuckled. 


“I thought they won’t approve of us.” 


“Even if they won’t, I’d still pursue you and continue this relationship. Damn it. With or without their approval, I’ll still love you.” 


“Me too, Ji.” 


We were in that position for a longer time. It’s calming the both of us. The warmth of our bodies. The loud beating of our hearts. 


“So, what’s up with that boy Donghae?” 


I heard Sandara grunted. She faced me and cupped my face. There was a hint of amusement on her face. Damn it. She’s ing adorable and hot at the same time. 


“He’s just a friend.” 


“Why he’s with you in the U.S.?” 


“Because he took his Masters there.” 


I clenched my jews. Damn it. He’s way ahead of me. But heck, Sandara is mine now. I shouldn’t think about those times. Even if I am ing jealous right now. . 2 years of being together? In U.S.? Together? ing hell! 


From the start, I knew that boy is sneaky. He has feelings for Sandara, not a friendly feelings, and I am dying inside knowing he’s with her during those times. The times where Sandara is struggling and maybe confused. 


“Did the two of you dated?” 


Sandara laughed whole heartedly. Like I’ve said something weird and funny. 




“But he has feelings towards you. That Donghae likes you!” 


She laughed again. “But I don’t like him that way so…” 




I pouted. Sandara gave me a peck on my lips. I pulled her closer to mine, wanting more. Damn, woman! Don’t start something you won’t finish!  I can feel my member hardened. 


Her eyes widened. I know she felt it since she’s sitting on my lap. “Nope. It’s still office hours.” She mumbled while giggling. 


“Can we ditch this—“


“I have trial later.” 


I sighed. I caressed her face. “I love you.” 


She nods. “I love you.” 


“I will miss you.” 


“I will miss you too.” 


Damn it. I want to be with her 24/7. 



And it’s a good thing we spent more time together. She’s now living in my condo. We usually spend the time reading books together or watching movies at home. Simple date nights with her is the best thing in my everyday life. 


“There’s a conference next week. And I’m one of the delegates.” I said one afternoon as we have our afternoon tea. 


We’ve been dating and getting steady for 3 weeks now. And I must say, I am ing happy. 


“When?” She asked me. She’s still engrossed with her phone. 


“What are you doing?” I asked her back. 


She looked at me and then smiled. “Oh, just ordering something.” 


I just shrugged. “As I was saying, next week. 2 day conference.” 




“Friday and Saturday.” 


“The heck.” Sandara grunted as hang. “Friday is our monthsary, babe.” 


“Monthsary?” I asked her. Jokingly. Of course I know that. I just want to . 


She rolled her eyes at me. “Duh, we’ve been dating for a month on that day.”


I sat beside her and kissed her knuckles. “I’m just teasing you.” 


“But it’s sad. We can’t celebrate our first monthsary.” She pouted. 


I gave her a quick kiss. “The come with me.” 


She rolled her eyes again. “You know I have work. We both have to work.” 


“After work, go to the conference location—“


“I’ll look like I’m the one who’s head over heels with you.” 


I bit my lower lip. The thought of her being head over heels with me sounds crazy yet I like the idea. I like her being head over heels with me. I want her crazy over me… just like how I am crazy about her. Damn it. If it wasn’t for the  deal with her dad, I’ll gladly impregnate Sandara. So she can’t runaway from me again. 


“Then, after the conference, let’s have a vacation. Let’s say 3 days.” 


Sandara pouted. Probably thinking. “Okay. I’ll file a leave.” 


I smirked. I kissed her lips. She kissed me back. Damn it. How come a kiss from her makes me so crazy? I couldn’t kiss anyone other than her. Damn it. 


“For the mean time, let’s just…” I wiggled my eyebrows.


Sandara laughed knowing what I mean. “Oh, such a ert.” 

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Chapter 37: What a masterpiece 😭🫶🏻
Chapter 37: thanks for the update authornim..waiting for the next chap of The Trouble is You ☺️
Janaky011203 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you again for the update. I really like this beautiful story.
Chapter 36: Kkkkkk what a nice story authornim..this is so lovely. Thank you
Chapter 19: Kyaaaaaaaa
Chapter 15: Ahahahhaahahh I clearly understand you Jiyong Darong is really so cute
tokki9 #7
Chapter 36: Woah thank you for this wonderful story and special chapter. I really love it!
Janaky011203 #8
Chapter 35: Thank you for this beautiful story. They are destined to be with each other. Against All Odds. I just hope this story will come true. Daragon forever.
Chapter 35: SC jebal
Chapter 35: Dropped by to upvote the story only