Once/ Ex-lovers /

Kaisoo Oneshot collection
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Kyungsoo and Jongin were each other's first Love. And as they grew older They got separate by distance and time. However Jongin went back to his hometown with a certain plan. He would rather throw everything and take Kyungsoo’s hand, as the faithful and devoted lover as he was. Only life packed all of its circumstances to end their love-story. There are things just never meant to be. 



✯Oneshot/ 12,600 Words✯

Ex-Lovers ➳ Drama➳ Romance➳Childhood friends➳Sickness➳memories.







         The summer was about to end, Dyeon town was ready to say goodbye to the heat, meanwhile the students hated to end their summer break. Two boys entered the small grocery store, they bought lollipops, they met their music teacher at the entrance. “ Teacher Kyungsoo.” They grinned with blue mouths.

“What the—” Kyungsoo blinked in surprise, “ya! Don't eat these cheap candies! Look at your tongues!”

“Let them enjoy their childhood, you were coming here every day buying all the damn candies years ago.” Said the old woman to Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo sulked. “Ajuma! I’m trying to give them an advice!” The boys laughed as he got embarrassed, “go! I’ll see you at school, unfortunately.”

The old woman smiled, she crossed her arms and stared at the green trees around her shop. “You know, I’m glad you didn't leave this small town.”

Kyungsoo went into her store and bought an ice cream. He placed a silver coin on the cabinet and sat next to her by the entrance. Their eyes were barely opened due to the noon sun. “I wanted to leave this town more than anything, but I’m glad I stayed.” He Said before sticking the ice cream into his mouth.

“Well, your grandma is alive because of you,” she fumbled with her long skirt, “she got not one but you, she didn't want to stop you, we know that you guys really care about going to college, even though I don't understand why you have to!”

Kyungsoo smiled, he his lips. “Because it's the only way to have a proper job,” he looked at his ice cream, “I didn't want to be a music teacher here! But, it's my destiny.”

“Are you satisfied?” She asked, looking at him, then again to the trees.

“I am,” he smiled, “my friends who went to Seoul are having a tough time, Meanwhile, I’m here, I have my own house, I don't have to rent a small apartment, I have everything I love here, I like my students and I feel happy about being a teacher in the school where I once was a student.”

She grinned broadly, showing her missing teeth. “You are a friend of your own teachers now.”

“No, well, a few of them, I’m a teacher at elementary school you know.” He stated.

She nodded. He kept eating his ice cream.

A few minutes later, a young lady passed them carrying a watermelon, then she came back. “Good morning!” Kyungsoo and the old lady greeted her back. She uttered happily, “today, an old friend will come back.” 

The young lady was standing there, the sun was shining behind her back, Kyungsoo had to squint his eyes to see her due to the bright sun.

“Who is coming?” Asked the old lady.

“Jongin! Kim Jongin.” She grinned.

“W-what!” Kyungsoo stood up impatiently, “J-Jongin!”

“Correct, he is already here,” the young lady excitedly stated, “he is at the train station, he will stay here for a couple of weeks I think! I don't know! The girls went there to see him! I want to—” the girl had been pushed by Kyungsoo as he ran away, the watermelon crashed onto the floor. 

Kyungsoo rushed to the train station, his heart exploded like a bombing raid, he ran without thinking! He found himself there, knees shaking, eyes wet and short of breath, “er.” He whispered while watching Jongin there, holding a small bag, surrounded by old friends, he still had the softest eyes and delicate smile! Kyungsoo’s cheeks flared up, he bit his lip and turned around, leaning towards the wall, hiding himself from the eyes around him, he slid down onto the ground and sat there alone, staring blankly, he heard their laughters, but his the drums of his heart were louder. Kyungsoo left his spot when he saw Chanyeol heading quickly to the crowd, he didn't want to be seen, especially by Chanyeol. He raised his hand up and shouted “JONGIN, YAAA.” He hurried towards his friend and embraced him tightly. They all were happy for seeing him after all of these years, he was their childhood friends, Jongin was their beloved friend, everyone loved him, the elder, they boys, the girls, the kids even the dogs and the cats! He caught everyone's heart with his friendly character and everyone's eyes with his unbelievable handsome figure, moreover, he gained the whole town trust, he was generous, honest, smart, good at heart and caring, his eyes were always loaded with love, everyone would think that Jongin was in love with Them due to his dreamy eyes and tender smile, but they all knew they weren't too special to him; it was only his pure heart and kindness, they knew he hated no one, he hurt no one and he loved no one, or perhaps he did! Only Chanyeol knew about Jongin’s secret love. They all knew Jongin had written a poem about someone, they found the paper, they read it, he said it wasn't about a specific person, he said he just loved writing. They all knew he was an addicted to books, and he read every day in the small library of their neighborhood, furthermore, he would never lie, the girls had doubts about his statement, they wished if he would be in love with one of them, they waited for a secret letter or maybe a love confession, but they got none. Only Chanyeol knew about Jongin’s real feelings, he knew that he wrote the poem for Kyungsoo, Chanyeol knew that Jongin loved reading; because he had no other choice since he used to go to the library to see Kyungsoo, Chanyeol knew he said his love confession there, he confessed to Kyungsoo, he knew Jongin was in love with Kyungsoo for years, he knew Jongin gave Kyungsoo countless kisses and endless hugs, he knew Kyungsoo and Jongin were kissing behind the doors, making love at night, climbing the roof to have their own private time, he knew all the naughty things they did between the shelves, he knew their hands interlaced under the table, and their hearts were drumming whenever they see each other, he knew it was hard for them to act like friends, and he knew it was harder to confess their love to everyone. 

Quietly, Kyungsoo gathered his strength and walked away, feeling Jongin’s heart pulling him backward, being like a magnetic field for his iron heart. The young man with the pale face barely went out of the station with his heavy legs and empty soul. He got into his house, his grandmother was watching TV. She looked around and grinned at him. “Where have you been? The show already began.”

“I—I feel sick.” Kyungsoo’s stomach writhed, he felt like vomiting. 

“Oh! What did you eat?” She was about to stand up, but Kyungsoo shook his head.

“Nothing, I just need to lie down.” He went to his room and threw his body in bed, his forehead became sweaty as he thought about meeting Jongin, he didn't want to see him or to talk to him either, he didn't want to even hear his voice or be in the same place with him. He sat down thinking loud. “I need to leave this town, it's time to leave this town.” He repeated with an expressionless face. He scratched his arm and sat on the floor in front of his drawers, he wanted to pack his clothes, he needed to flee. 

Suddenly, his phone rang and he trembled, he knew it would be one of his friends; childhood friends; Chanyeol, Suho or Yoona. 

“Yoona.” Kyungsoo sighed, he would have ignored the call if it was Suho or Chanyeol, but his heart wouldn't allow him to do that with his favorite person Yoona. He gulped and his lips. “Yes, Yoona.”

“Kyungsoo, Guess who is here!” Her breath hitched.

“Ah—” he didn't want to say Jongin’s name, “B-Baekhyun!”

“No! He is overseas!” She gasped.

“Then I don't care.” He said.

“Kyungsoo, it's Jongin! Jongin,” she shouted, “KIM JONGIN.” While jumping cheerfully. 

Kyungsoo couldn't bear to listen to her happy crying, he hung up and turned his phone off, he tossed it away as if it was on fire, he didn't want to see it, he didn't want to see anyone, he closed the curtains and locked himself in his room, even though he knew it all would go vainly. They came knocking on his door, shaking his soul and waking his fears. 

“Kyungsoo! Open the door.” Said Chanyeol.


“Kyungsoo! I know you know!” 

“And I know you know that I know! And you know that I don't want to see him!”

“What!?” Chanyeol blinked.

“Just—get lost.” Kyungsoo shouted.

“Ya! Don't scream!” Chanyeol hissed, “come on Jongin, Let's go.”

The blood froze in Kyungsoo’s body, Jongin was out there! Just behind his door!! He was there! “Come on! Jongin!” Chanyeol repeated.

Hastily, Kyungsoo rushed towards the door and pressed his ear against it, trying to hear any proof of Jongin’s existence, however, he only heard Chanyeol’s voice saying Goodbye to his grandmother. Briefly, Kyungsoo nibbled his lips, crossing his arms, staring at the door, should he leave and check out if Jongin was there or not! He couldn't suppress his curiosity, he knew seeing Jongin would only depress him and open his old wounds, Kyungsoo thought, “my wounds haven't healed anyway.” He took a deep breath and unlocked the door.

“GOTCHA.” Chanyeol laughed, grabbing Kyungsoo’s shoulder and shaking him, “You bastard! Why are you ignoring me!?” 

“YA!” Kyungsoo’s heart jolted, he pushed Chanyeol angrily, “What the Chanyeol!!”

Chanyeol laughed. “I knew you would leave the room if you thought Jongin was with me.”

“So you lied!” Kyungsoo frowned.

“Yes.” Chanyeol grinned.

Kyungsoo shook his head and went back to his room.” Bastard.”

“Wait!! Wait.” Chanyeol was able to get into the room, “listen, you need to overcome the past and see him!”

Kyungsoo glared at Chanyeol. “Overcome! What!” Kyungsoo smirked and laughed bitterly, “it's not about me being hurt, stupid! It's about hate! Anger! I despise him because he is an awful person, not because I am hurt!”

Chanyeol pouted, he rubbed his cheek. “Well, I’m sorry!”

Kyungsoo’s brows drew together, he seemed miserably angry. “Why did he come back! I will lock myself here until he leaves.”

“Then, you will rot here.” Said Chanyeol with a shrug. He was ready to leave the room, but Kyungsoo pulled him back by holding his arm.

“Wait!! Is he going to work here?” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened.

“Yeah! He will live in his family's house, he said he will find a job!” Chanyeol smiled.

Kyungsoo placed his hand on his stomach. “! There is no escape from him! Ha!”

Chanyeol nodded with a smile.

Kyungsoo glowed at him. “DON’T SMILE AT ME! OFF!!” He pushed his friend out of his room, “LEAVE.” He slammed the door and placed his head between his hands, “I cannot see him! I—can't,” finally, Kyungsoo surrendered and let his tears flowing onto his miserable face. 

Actually, being locked in his room did nothing good, he needed to unlock the door and face his fears, he needed to unlock his heart and release all the pain he had been holding in for years, the pain of disappointment and loneliness. At night, he only left the room to eat, he made a quick noodles for his empty stomach, he ate with an absent mind. His Grandmother left her room, her back was arched forward as she asked him with a painful expression on her face to company her. “Kim Jongin is back! Mr. Jung is holding a gathering in his farm! You know he has the best rice-wine there.”

“I—don't want to go.” Kyungsoo looked at his lap, he placed his chopsticks on the table.

“Why?” She tilted her head, then pressed her palm against the wall to balance herself. 

“I—I just do want to see anyone, and I’m not interested.” He stuttered, didn't know what to say.

“But, he was your best friend!” Her forehead wrinkled. 

“Was,” he moved his sight to the old woman with the bright white hair, “last time I saw him—I was 15 years old!”

She seemed surprised. “Indeed, that's a long time ago.” She understood his attitude, “then, Goodnight, I may stay late with the old people there.” She smiled.

Kyungsoo considered carefully before saying his offer. “I’ll walk with you.” 

“Thank you! I really need someone to lean on, my back hurts.” 

“You got me.” Kyungsoo smiled to his Grandmother, “I will just make sure you arrive safely and leave.” He declared.

“Fair enough.” She held her Grandson's arm and walked along the street with him. 

It was already Dark, only the humble houses sent dim lights over the street, the unpaved path led them to the area of the farms, they walked between the apple trees, the night bugs sang around them, it was calm and warm, they could hear the loud laughters and ballad songs. They stepped closer to Mr. Jung’s farm. “I guess they are dancing.” Said the old woman to her Grandson.

“I can hear them clapping, well, have fun.” He pushed the wooden door for her and smiled as he watched her walking into the farm with a broad smile. Kyungsoo heaved a sigh and closed the door, he shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and walked slowly, looking down. He only stopped when he saw a red pair of sneakers, he moved his eyes from the shoes to the legs, abdomen, chest and face. “J-Jongin!” Kyungsoo shuddered. 

Softly, Jongin smiled. “Hello, Kyungsoo.” His voice gave Kyungsoo goosebumps, it caused a massive flood of thoughts, it attacked Kyungsoo’s mind, followed by a tornado of emotions which took a place in his unshielded heart.  Quietly, Kyungsoo’s eyes rested on Jongin, he couldn't breathe. “You can at least greet me!” Jongin uttered with a sad smile.

Kyungsoo frowned. “Why should I ?” He lifted a brow.

“Because—we haven't met in 4 years.” Jongin kept his smile on, even though his face looked rather pale and terrified.

“Yeah! And I’m glad for that! Let's keep it this way,” he turned around and gave Jongin his back, “and I would prefer if you pretend that you don't know me.” He looked over his shoulder with much loathing in his eyes.  Jongin kept his silence, he merely stared at Kyungsoo’s back as he left.




Kyungsoo didn't know where he was going! He just wanted to move as far as he could from Jongin for there was a volcano of anger ready to explode, there were waves of tears ready to fall, his heart turned into a Lava and his tears poured down like the winter rain. “God-” Kyungsoo kneeled on the dry muddy ground and cried his heart out, he had no idea why was he sobbing like that! Why every beat of his heart hurt, why there was a sharp throbbing pain in his bones! His hands were shivering, his knees trembling, he felt like there was somebody squeezing his body, wanting to steal his soul. He placed his palms on his mouth to muffle his crying, he couldn't see anything, tears blurred his sight. 

“Stop crying, you ing id—idiot.” He ordered himself, veins bulging out his neck, it felt like dying more than crying. His body was exhausted and his soul was gray, like the color of the ashes. He was a mass of ashes.

Kyungsoo sniffled, sitting on a forsaken bench, his jeans had been stained with mud over his knees, he suffered a runny nose, a tightness in his chest, his eyes were swollen red as he looked up at the stars. “Why we cry even though we know it won't remove a fraction of our scars!” He whispered, still sniffling and breathing heavily. With a sigh, he went back home, calling for angels to cover him with their gifted clouds of sleep, but he got nothing but gloomy clouds floating around his head, he slept like that and woke up feeling worse. 

“Kyungsoo.” Chanyeol called him, he was outside with his motorcycle.

Kyungsoo peeked through the window, his hair was messy, his expression was soaked with depression. A deep frown landed on his face when he saw Jongin there, Suho and Yoona as well. They waved to him, “come on! We are going to—”

“Not interested.” He said before closing the window and burying himself again under the blanket. He couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat or even think. His mind was hollow, his soul was wavering like a white flag on a stormy weather, his heart felt like an empty shell. That day, he didn't leave the house, not even the following day. 

“Kyungsoo! What's wrong with you?” His Grandmother pouted, she glanced at him, then back to the barley grain which she was cleaning. Her grandson was lying on the floor next to her, a wet towel on his face, trying to reduce the heat of summer. 

“Nothing.” He murmured.

“You are sad! Aren't they looking for you? Are you angry because they are distracted by Kim Jongin! Did they forget you?” She asked without giving him a chance to answer, still focusing on the grains. 

“What?” Kyungsoo sat down and tossed the small towel, he laughed angrily, “Ain't me who feel alone! I like being alone! And they didn't forget about me! I asked them to stay away!” He looked to the other side and hit his thighs with his palms, “what! You think I’m sad! Huh!” Kyungsoo hissed and wore his sandals nonchalantly before leaving the house yard. She smiled and shrugged. 

Kyungsoo walked between the farms, kicking stones and avoiding anyone who could stop and talk to him, he went to the empty school and sat behind his desk as he turned the radio on, the music was floating around the dark place, he spun around with his swivel chair and threw his head backwards with eyes closed. There was no one around, only him and his shadow rolling around. After a half hour of being alone in the teachers’ office, he went to the music room, staring painfully at the lonely piano he hadn't touched for weeks since it was summer break, after taking a deep breath, he played some music, fingers sliding swiftly on the keys, creating a smooth melody which had opened the locked space in his memory, releasing the chained old-memories of his life, where he and Jongin decided to build a boat and sail away in the sea of passion to the island of love and peace, living alone there, leaving all the people with their judgments and red eyes behind. Their relationship was the boat, the time was the sea and hope was their island. But, when Kyungsoo thought they were close enough to the island, Jongin jumped off and left the boat; their relationship, left him alone for no reason! Making him sinking like a stone. Jongin’s voice leaked from his memory to his ear, he whispered softly in the dark. “I will never leave you.” But he did, he left him, he just gone. 

Kyungsoo’s fingers hit the piano keys together, showing his anger, he should have never opened the wound of his past. He hardly healed or perhaps he hadn't yet! All what he was sure about that he didn't want to see Jongin. He stopped by the grocery store to buy oranges, then he went back home. When he entered the house yard, he heard Yoona’s laughter! He didn't get into the house, he went to his right and pushed the white sheet his Grandmother had hung up to dry, thus, he was able to see his friends there.  He sighed in relief when he saw no Jongin there. He walked towards them and sat next to Yoona. “Hello bad boy!” She said.

Kyungsoo smiled.

“Why are you ignoring us?” She asked.

“I guess he is avoiding Jongin.” Answered Suho.

Chanyeol grinned, he agreed. “Yeah! We cannot blame him, can we?”

“Yes, we can! Jongin is our old friend! He left us because his father had to move to Seoul! It's not his fault,” she looked at Kyungsoo, “don't be mean!”

Kyungsoo sulked.

“She is right Kyungsoo,” Suho sipped his beer, then carried on, “your Grandma asked us to come, saying you feel lonely,” 

“What?” Said Kyungsoo, ferociously.

“We miss you! So we came,” Chanyeol lowered his head, “Jongin refused to come here,” he moved his eyes to Kyungsoo, “he knows you don't want to see him.”

“It's good to know that he has some self-respect.” Kyungsoo smirked.

“You are so mean!” Yoona’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Well, I have no time to act like he is welcome!” Kyungsoo hissed.

“Ya!” Yoona narrowed her eyes, “he lost his father two years ago! You should be kind to him!”

“Why should I?” Kyungsoo’s tone was tough.

Suho was shocked. “Why are you angry this much!” He sulked, “he left all of us, he never contacted us, we were hurt, but we didn't involve our dignity in this separation! Friendship is about love and forgiveness! Why are you acting this way?” Suho grumbled.

“None of your business.” Kyungsoo looked away.

“Wow! You are unbelievable! Come on Yoona, Let's go.” Suho stood up, Yoona glared at Kyungsoo, then left with Suho, Kyungsoo crossed his arms and watched them leaving angrily. 

“Ya! They don't know about you and Jongin, they don't understand what's going around.” Chanyeol felt sorry for Kyungsoo.

“I don't mind their frustration.” He shrugged and snatched one of the beers. He felt Chanyeol’s eyes studying him, he knew he was worried.

“Do you know how his father died, Kyungsoo?”


“Hmm, do you know where did he stay?”


“Then, do you know why he didn't apply for college?”


“You don't know a damn thing? Do you know why he didn't contact us?”

“NO! NO, I DON’T KNOW!” Kyungsoo roared.

“Then ask him! Kyungsoo, try to understand his reason!” Chanyeol winced.

“I DON’T WANT TO UNDERSTAND HIM OR KNOW HIS REASON! IT—it,” he panted, “it won't mend my heart.” Kyungsoo’s eyes sparkled with tears, he threw the beer can and went into his room. 

Hastily, Chanyeol followed his and slammed the door open. “Stupid! He is sick! He came here because he is sick.” Chanyeol’s lips trembled.

Kyungsoo paused for a second, he spoke with uncertainty. “Huh, he knows this place has no good hospitals! He is mindless.” 

“You are so helpless.” Chanyeol frowned and left without saying Goodnight

The old woman came in holding a tray. “Where did they go! I made dinner!?”

Kyungsoo was standing in the middle of his room with his head down. She looked around and sighed, “you should be good to your friends,” she frowned and closed his room door, ”goodnight son.”

“Why everyone is against me!! They know nothing!” Kyungsoo closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He sat on the edge of his bed and placed his elbows on his thighs, trying to think about what to do, he knew Chanyeol, Yoona and Suho wouldn't speak to him, he didn't want them to get him wrong, he didn't mean to be rude to them, he was just angry. “This is not an excuse.” He told himself and lay in bed, gazing at the ceiling.

Inside Kyungsoo’s heart, there were enough broken hopes to constitute an attempt of forgiveness. He wanted his friends to forgive his rudeness, thus, he had to talk to Jongin, he thought while watching the sunlight flickering among the green leaves, ‘It hurts, feeling unwanted or left behind, I felt that way before, when Jongin left me four years ago, and now my friends are angry with me, they don't want see me! Jongin is avoiding me too and they are standing by his side, and I—I do know nothing about what happened to Jongin, I guess talking to him is an unavoidable thing.







It was a new day, Jongin had been there for three days, Kyungsoo ignored Jongin’s existence; thinking it would give him a peace of mind, however, it gave him more troubles, therefore, he decided to meet his friends and talk with Jongin as if he was a new young man whom he newly met. “This is a good solution.” He thought loudly.

Once he crossed the street, Yoona was there with her mother, holding a plastic fish container, carrying it together. “Let me help you.” Said Kyungsoo.

“No need.” Yoona looked away.

“Oh, thank you! My back is aching.” Said her mother and moved backwards, allowing Kyungsoo to come in her place and hold the container with Yoona. “How are you?” Kyungsoo asked his friend while walking to the fish market. 

“Fine.” She seemed cute even though she was frowning.

“I was thinking of— going to the sea together, you know, my uncle’s boat is available.” Kyungsoo smiled.

“What! Really!”

“Yes, you can—ask Jongin to come as well,” he cleared his throat feeling awkward.

“Oh! Thank you Kyungsoo! You are a good person, I knew it.” She grinned, “when we will go!”

“Tomorrow!” He said with a slight shrug, “I’ll talk with Grandma.”

“Cool!” She smiled broadly. “I will tell the guys, thank you Kyungsoo.”

Kyungsoo sighed in relief, Yoona wasn't upset anymore, Chanyeol and Suho would forgive him if they saw his effort to correct the situation. 

That Evening, he was cleaning in his room when Chanyeol called him. Kyungsoo opened the window and saw his friends. Chanyeol, Suho, Yoona and Jongin. He forced a nervous smile. “Come on, Let's drink together.”

“C-coming.” He closed the window and looked around, “damn! What should I wear! What—” he rushed to his closet and he neatly picked up a dark T-shirt and jeans. He glanced at the mirror to check his appearance, then left the room in a hurry. “Grandma, I’m going with my friends.” He ran out of the sitting room and wore his shoes with shivering hands. ‘Why Am I nervous?’ He sulked while lacing his shoes. Frankly, Kyungsoo found that it was hard to be normal in front of Jongin. He was nervous and strained, Jongin didn't talk to him at all, he just smiled and listened to the long detailed story of Chanyeol and Suho’s adventure. Kyungsoo stared at Jongin, he thought that Jongin didn't change at all!! He was calm, nice, soft and very kind, Kyungsoo was sure that Jongin was bored with their story, but he just listened to them with a smile and a nod every now and them.

When Jongin looked at him with his warm smile and tender eyes, Kyungsoo’s heart throbbed, he blinked rapidly and looked at the other side. Jongin smiled and lowered his head. 

Yoona and Suho left first, Chanyeol was drunk, he asked them to go and leave him to sleep there; it was his sister’s Sujo tent.

“Let's walk together,” said Jongin, when he saw Kyungsoo’s shocked face, he grinned. “I’m not a serial killer.” That was the first thing Jongin said to Kyungsoo.

And to Jongin’s surprise, Kyungsoo smiled. “Are you sure!” 

Jongin’s eyes widened and his smile shone brightly. “Yes!” 

Kyungsoo shoved his hands into his pockets and walked beside Jongin, trying his best to leave a few inches between them. “Thank you for accepting me.” Said Jongin.

“I decided to forget the past, and start a new page—” Kyungsoo’s tone wasn't convincing enough to make Jongin believe his statement, “I already moved on, no one knows about—our past, so it wasn't hard for me to move on.”

“Well, I’m glad to know that.” Jongin smiled.

Kyungsoo frowned, why was he bothered by Jongin’s sentence! “Have you applied to one of the colleges?”

“No.” Jongin didn't look at Kyungsoo, he was looking at the path they were walking into.

“Why not! You live in Seoul, you left this humble town. And I’m sure that there must be bigger opportunities.” 

“I—” Jongin rubbed his hair, “I haven't thought about it yet.”

Kyungsoo smirked. “I wish if I had one of these opportunities, I finished high school and this is my first year as a Music Teacher.” 

“It's great, you love music and you love kids.” Said Jongin.

Kyungsoo halted and looked at Jongin. “Don't talk about what I love or hate!” Suddenly, Kyungsoo’s eyes darkened.

“I’m sorry.” Jongin looked at his feet, timidly.

“Yeah, you should be,” when Kyungsoo saw Jongin’s sad face, he felt guilty, he exhaled and shook his head, “anyway, see you tomorrow, if you didn't come, Yoona and the others will come on me.”

“Okay.” Said Jongin.

Kyungsoo barely heard Jongin, his voice was low. With a long sigh, Kyungsoo walked before him.”Goodnight.”

Jongin stiffened,  there was no one around but the street-lamp and the flying insects around it. Briefly, he stared at Kyungsoo’s back, then to his own shadow, he thought it was longer than his life chart.

He went back to his family's house, it was empty, he used to live there with his parents, he was the only son, after his parents’ divorce, his mother left to Australia and he stayed there with his father. He was 15 years old when his father got really sick and went to Seoul to meet a good Doctor, he had been diagnosed with a blood disease, he died two years later. Jongin remained in Seoul, then after another two years, he came back to where his heart belonged, to where he lived the best days of his life. Jongin desperately wanted to see Kyungsoo, he was aware that Kyungsoo wouldn't welcome him, he didn't care as long as he could see him daily. Jongin walked around his house, stood near the groce

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Chapter 86: I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it.. PERFECT 👍🏻
Chapter 86: Magnificent 💕
kaisoolengzkie141214 #3
Chapter 86: you continuously amaze me💚💛❤️I really loved your works…
Chapter 86: I feel like I watched a movie😍Wow!!
Chapter 86: Another wonderful story ❤️
Chapter 85: Yay, I finally finished reading this story.
I kept stopping & starting & repeat.
I am happy I was able to wrap it up this morning.

I hate the fact Jongin was a total jerk to Kyungsoo to spite his father, because Jongin actually needed counseling and not to be mistreated further by his father, esp since he was still grieving his mother's death.

Kyungsoo didn't deserve to suffer from Jongin's misdirected anger at all, and truth be told, Jongin didn't deserve him either.

Okay, I didn’t care much for Jongin's father because of how he treated Jongin unfairly & terribly.
He kinda ruined the story for me.

Even at the end with Jongin's father improved behavior & acceptance of Kyungsoo & Jongin's union, it still wasn't enough for me to forgive Jongin's father.

I am glad Jongin's father finally came to his senses, though.

Thank goodness for the special individuals that supported Kyungsoo & Jongin throughout the story, because they needed a strong support system, esp when they were facing such issues.

Congratulations to the lovebirds [KaiSoo] who were able to resolve their issues, find a common ground, express their true feelings, & maintain a strong bond throughout their hardships.
I wish them a long healthy & happy life together.

❤️Author Sun-Gee, thank you for continuing to write various stories for your diverse readers, and I feel there's a story for everyone.

🙏🏼Have a great rest of the day & weekend.

P.S. Please don't ever delete my favorite stories, because I enjoy rereading them in between stories.
Chapter 86: I somehow thought that Kyungsoo is half Tyloon, half human with his eagerness to go to their land. But dear, after each time i read your wonderful stories, i always come up with a question. How does your mind work? Its incredible! The story, the plotline, characters, settings, the twists.. you are magnificently amazing dear. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Love you dear!
Chapter 86: Just wanna say you are my favorite author 💕
Chapter 86: Such a plot twist with Soo being not only half Tyloon but also the leader's son!!! That's one of the reasons I love your creations so much, my dear friend, each & every story is so wonderfully crafted to keep you very engaged & with so many surprises in store for the reader!!! Thank you for another wonderful story!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jinu86 #10
Chapter 86: Power of love kaisoo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Always amazing story dese, thank you dear ❤❤❤❤❤❤