Chapter 1 - Serendipity

Koi No Yokan
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Koi No Yokan

When Chanyeol got out of the house that day, He didn’t expect to end up on the road like that. He knew there was something wrong with his car from the start, but he hoped, no, he prayed that nothing would go awry until he reached Busan. But his luck might have laughed at him in the morning and maybe it had even said that ‘you better watch out Park Chanyeol, cause I’m about to get you.’ Which Chanyeol may or may not have ignored on purpose.

Hence, here he was waiting by the side of the road because his damned car wouldn’t start.

He let out a loud huff and dialed the mechanic’s number again. But as his luck said, his call didn’t get connected. What was worse, that his phone started showing a warning of low battery before shutting itself down. Chanyeol almost felt tempted to just bang his head on the car roof but resisted because he didn’t want to look like a freak show in the middle of a road.

With curses spewing out of his mouth rapidly, he sat down upon the car bonnet. He kicked a stray pebble on the road and looked around him. There was a wide stretch of rice fields surrounding him on both sides. There were even a few workers working on the lands with tractors, probably collecting the last slot of grains for the day. Beside the fields, there were several huts scattered over the area. He could see people walking, some students returning home from schools, few children playing.

The scenery was nice. He would have paid more attention to it, maybe even enjoyed it, if he didn’t have to be somewhere else. With a sigh, he leaned back and looked up at the sky. It was mostly red with a hint of few blues and white here and there. The setting sun was casting a glow upon the fields, making it look like as if the sun itself was drowning in it.

He wondered if their life was as simple as it looked. He thought how he would be if he was one of them but he quickly discarded it because imagining himself covered in dirt, disgusted him. Yes, he respected the farmers but he wouldn’t want to be one of them. It was not his forte since he was allergic to dirt and he wasn’t really fond of farming.

Removing those thoughts from his head, he looked down at his watch and saw that it was around 5’o clock. He let out a deep sigh and thought about how everyone would be wondering whether he would be coming or not. He thought how disappointed his father would be when he’ll see that his son was yet to reach the venue.

He was so lost in his head, that he didn’t even notice a figure approaching him. He let another huff and turned to pick at his car again when he spotted a young man looking at him from the fields. The man was short and tan. He had big owlish eyes, a button nose, and really plump lips. His hair was short and he was dressed neatly in a moss green tee paired with old blue jeans.

He had a curious look on his face which was matching Chanyeol’s own. The man then drew closer to him and stopped before him. He eyed Chanyeol cautiously before eyeing his vehicle with interest. He then stepped back and tapped the bonnet to catch Chanyeol’s attention.

“is this thing brocken?” he asked while checking the car.

Chanyeol nodded his head, too dumbfounded to say anything to the shorter man. He watched as the man went back to the field to summon someone who was driving a tractor. They talked with each other in an accent that was unknown to him. After a few minutes, two of them returned to their car with a wooden box.

“Umm…Excuse me, but what are you two trying to do?” Chanyeol asked, eyeing the two male with suspicion. He just couldn’t understand why anyone would want to help him all of a sudden. Wait… do they have some kind of ill intention? Are they trying to extort something from him?

“’ll fix your kar.” The short, tanned male said. He then turned around and said something to the man standing beside him before discussing something. Chanyeol guessed that they were probably talking about the money because he could guess few wons being discussed here and there.

His guess was right when the shorter man said: “But you’ll‘ve to pay us ‘ome cash”

“Okay…” he drawled thinking if all these were really worth it. But he decided against it because why should he deny anyone if they want to help him out? It will be like kicking the person who’s actually helping you out of the ditch.

“Then, please open the bonnet Mr…” the shorter man inquired, looking up at him with those big brown eyes.

For a moment, Chanyeol felt captivated by them. They were just so big and brown and it felt as if they were shining. But he quickly shook himself out of it and said: “It’s Park Chanyeol. And you are?”

“I’m Doh Kyungsoo” the shorter man answered pointing at himself before pointing towards the man beside him. “He’s Minseokkie hyung.”

Chanyeol greeted them with a small smile and went towards his car to open the bonnet. After he was done, he returned by their side and watched as the man named ‘MInseokkie’ or something bent down to inspect the car. The man named Kyungsoo on the other hand watched his every move with interest and often lent him tools.

They e

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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 5: Competition is coming hahaha. Good luck Chanyeol
749 streak #2
Chapter 5: So glad I ran across this story, I am really enjoying it so far. Things just got interesting with the addition of Sehun, can’t wait to read about the dinner. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Chapter 5: i love it so much. so cute
Runa_10 #4
Chapter 4: I hope you would continue this story 🥺
Rb2012 #5
Chapter 4: Loooool
And welcome back
PaigePaige #6
Chapter 4: Wahhh. Thank you for the updatee
220294 #7
Chapter 4: Finally an update ... Thank you
Really curious for the next chapter
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 4: Awww Sehun is so full of himself haha...feeling like Kyungsoo intended to follow him. Hope to hear another chapter..

And thanks for the update dear. I know its been a while but its ok since all of us are busy with something ..

Happy new year dear... and stay safe
Chapter 4: omfg i am so excited for the next chap. I love it
Congratulations on highest bid!