The Accident

sleeping buddy duty
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Yeri observed the pretty woman from the 15th kissing Wendy goodbye. She was green with envy. Envy, not jealousy, because the heated kiss wasn’t what triggered the intense emotion. Hell would freeze before she felt jealous over those losers sharing spit. Her full attention was actually on the mouth-watering cookies Taeyeon had just received from the blonde. Maybe she could strike a deal with her, give the lucky gal something in exchange for the pastries. Perhaps the older brunette would be interested in being Channel's new mum? She always asked about him, called him cute. And he has been overtesting her patience lately- being the reason she was forced to get on a Wencookies-free diet. It would be a sweet deal for Yeri, but truth be told it wasn't a real option. Every person in the building knew that, despite his adorable appearance, the fluffy animal could be, in fact, a nightmare. No one would accept a trade involving him as payment. She had to think of another offer.

“Yeri! I haven’t seen you around in a while, kiddo. Let’s catch up one of these days. We must have another Harry Potter marathon. I still can’t believe you were sorted into Gryffindor, what a scam. Come visit me soon.” Taeyeon patted her head (keeping the cookies very far away from her reach, damn it) and then left. The guilty look in her eyes told Yeri she was probably asked to avoid sharing her treasure. Wendy has not only banned her from their (her) apartment, but she was also making sure the exile couldn’t get her hands on any of her baked goodies. Outrageous.

“Wan! Please don’t close the door yet! For the 100th time, I’m truly sorry! I should have known better. I promise I will make it up to you! Can you please stop giving me the Elsa treatment?” Yeri was shamelessly using her advanced version of puppy eyes. She hoped Wendy wouldn’t resist this time.

The baker sighed. “Get in, Satan. I may need someone to clean my kitchen. Uff!” She has tackled her to the floor. Hug time it is.

“I love you, so much, you are my favorite person in the entire universe!”

“Gross, get off me you troll.” But she was smiling.


Yeri was currently full of regrets. And also dish soap. She had to ask for her best friend’s forgiveness today when there was a ton of dirty dishes around, didn't she? She should have just stolen from Taeyeon instead. However, she was relieved she wasn't banned from Wendy’s home anymore. 
She had to admit that she deserved all of this. Probably. The damn plushie wasn’t even that cute. When she took a glance at the bedroom, she saw Manen on top of the desk, looking like a bizarre prop in a horror film set. Tim Burton eat your heart out. 

She was drying a pony-sized bowl and cursing her luck. Meanwhile, Wendy was being a , munching happily on the rest of the cookies. Putting on a show that would get her cast in an ad for Oreo. All of this for her only viewer. What a bully. Yeri thought two could play this game.

“So, maybe you have missed me greatly, as your number one food taster, but I see you haven't had any problems eating by yourself. Today is cookies. Yesterday I smelled lemon pie. Wednesday it was banana bread, the smell followed me around the entire day. Torture, I tell you. And how can I forget your main daily dessert”, she made a dramatic pause, “Taeyeon.” Wendy predictably choked on a cookie. She smirked. 

“Yeri! You should watch your mouth, at least if you want to taste anything I bake ever again”, threatened a flushed Wan. 

Yeri immediately backtracked, “I mean, maybe it wasn't all bad in this situation.

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Sorry for the delay! I actually forgot all about this, uh, how do you spell MESS? I wrote it today so it's very probably keen on some editing. Any feedback is welcome, especially if it's constructive.


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Chapter 1: it should be legal to sue you for creating a VERY GOOD plot and abandoning it before Seulgi and Wendy even slept together once
Chapter 1: ToT
Pr3ity #3
Chapter 1: Here i am still hoping you would update soon
sammye #4
Chapter 1: This is so funny! Please update this!
Chapter 1: Hahahahahaha I can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 1: This is really interesting so far.
Yeri is funny I cackled everytime I read her lines. Nice one writing the emergency egg issue hahaha

I'm curious to see what's going to happen next.
dinahsmaknae #7
Chapter 1: love the idea it sounds adorable!! cant wait!
garensuhanazono #8
Chapter 1: OOF TEDDY
Chapter 1: cute and fun however I look forward to the jenrene part
Pr3ity #10
Chapter 1: I'm all ready for some wenseul