Chapter 1: Espresso Cafe

Hurt From Within
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Monday morning, the gloomy start of a gloomy week. Placing her pillow above her head in immense frustration, Sulli mumbled at her pillow as the alarm rang piercingly through her. Lazily reaching over to silent her alarm, she knocked it onto the ground, allowing another groan to escape from her lips. Sulli glared at her alarm clock as she picked it back up and placed it back on her nightstand. "Five more minutes," Sulli thought as she searched for the comfort of her blanket once more. Silence followed until a flow of wind brought in the frigid morning air.

"Sulli, it's time to wake up!" Krystal, Sulli's roommate, urged while ripping off the covers. "We can't be late again, or else Professor Kang will––"

"Will what?" Sulli annoyingly protested. "He knows who Choi Minjin is and will not dare to expel me." Nonetheless, Sulli left her mattress, searching for her university uniform.

"Sulli, he's your father." Krystal hesitantly uttered. "Plus, you can't keep using him as an excuse for you being late."

Sulli averted her eyes towards Krystal's with a menacing look upon her face. "Choi Minjin is not my father, and will not be my father in the future." With an exasperated sigh, her features softened as she realized how much she scared Krystal. "Mianhe Krystal, I just thought you'd know why more than anyone."

Krystal sent a warm and assuring smile back before she went back to her side of the room to get herself ready.


Class was about to start with the rush of students filling the previously empty hallways. Students jostled through the hallways, readying themselves for another strenuous week of studying and late nights. For Sulli, it was always the same bleak life that she lived. Repeat the same patterns over and over again, and one gets accustomed to them. The only light of her entire being was Krystal's existence, for her always staying by her side no matter what the student body had to say. It was always her and Krystal, no one else.

Pacing through the hallways in a long seven hour day of course upon course, Sulli was depleted of all energy. Luckily, Krystal was nearby to bring back a smile on her face. While walking back from their last class, Krystal nudged Sulli on the elbow. "Hey Sulli, do you want to go try out the new coffee shop that opened?"

"New coffee shop?" Sulli knit her eyebrows together, glancing over at Krystal. Krystal knew that Sulli wasn't the coffee shop kind of girl, yet she was taking her to one.

"Yeah, please?" Pursing her lips, Krystal made a aegyo expression, winning Sulli to her side. "Gumawo Sulli!" Sulli rolled her eyes, but truthfully, it made her warm and fuzzy that Krystal was happy. "Hm, it should be over here." Krystal pointed as they exited their college campus, entering the center of Seoul's city. Honking cars and walking pedestrians filled Sulli's vision as she walked arm in arm with Krystal. "Oh, I see it, it's over there!"

Sulli felt a tug on her arm bringing her to the coffee shop. Partially dragging her feet on the ground, Sulli lagged behind Krystal.

"Here it is, Espresso Cafe!" Krystal exclaimed with excitement as they entered the shop.

Both were welcomed by the staff as well as an adorable pastel interior, reminding Sulli of what she believed to be a family like atmosphere. Gazing around the shop, she felt cozy and snug.

"Sulli, do you want to sit there?" Krystal pointed towards a table near the window where they could view the skyscrapers of Seoul.

"Oh, sure." Sulli's mind was somewhere else, but she didn't want to disappoint Krystal and forced herself to focus on her dearest friend.

"I really like this place already." Krystal seemed to enjoy herself, and it wasn't hard to tell with her face beaming in excitement. In spite of her bubbliness, Sulli never caught on, remaining as stoic as ever. "Come on Ssul, at least smile." Krystal frowned at Sulli when she didn't, but dusted it off. She was used to this kind of behavior from Sulli, and she never retaliated because she knew Sulli was going through hardships in life that she never would imagine to live through.

"Hello!" A man of his early twenties greeted with a bright smile plastered on his face. "I will be your servant today. My name is Choi Minho and if you have any problems later just call my name." Pausing for a moment, he grabbed out two menus and gently set them on the table. "I will be back for your orders then." After a slight bow, he left.

"So, what do you want?" Sulli skeptically eyed the menu wondering if the shop was reliable. She always ate at five star restaurants, seldom finding herself in a coffee shop on the side of the road. And, she couldn't even bare thinking of street vendor food, how disgusting. Realizing that Krystal never replied, Sulli glanced upward. "Krystal?" Still no response. "Jung Krystal!" Sulli snapped to get her attention.

"Ah de!" Krystal quickly reverted her attention back to Sulli, but something in her eyes gave hint that she wasn’t really focused on Sulli.

“Are you okay?” Sulli waved her hands across Krystal’s face, but it proved to no avail. But then, Sulli noticed something. Krystal’s cheeks began to seep in with crimson, turning her face into a shade of scarlet. “Krystal, why are you blushing?”

“Sulli, do you believe in ‘love at first sight’?” Krystal abruptly mentioned as she leaned towards Sulli.

Sulli widened her eyes, carefully leaning back from the person sitting before her. “What has gotten into her?” Sulli silently thought to herself. “Of course not Krystal, I don’t believe in love and you know that.”

“But, Sulli, I think I have love at first sight.” Fanning herself, Krystall sighed as if she were in a dream she’d never want to awaken from. “Omo Sulli, I’m so happy we came.”

“Krystal, I don’t understand you!” Sulli frustratedly threw her arms, eyeing Krystal with a look of annoyance.

“I like him.” Krystal looked to her right while slightly lifting up her index finger to point in the same direction.

“Who?” Then it suddenly registered. “You mean that waiter you know nothing about?”

Krystal nodded with her cheeks flushed a shade darker.

Sulli shook her head in discouragement as she looked from Krystal to the waiter. “I don’t see anything in him.”

“Of course you don’t because no one has ever melted you, but one day you’ll understand me.” Krystal perked as she looked down at the menu.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever can we just pick something and go?” Sulli was close to her breaking point, not that she had flexibility either, however, sitting in the coffee shop made her lose some of her dignity already.

“Fine, I’ll pick the Espresso con amor.” Krystal knew better than angering Sulli. “What about you?”

“Probably the Vanilla Latte.” Sulli closed the menu while plopping it on the table.

“Oh, he’s coming Sulli!” Krystal squealed with delight as she fixed loose strands of hair and sat upright.

“Krystal!” Sulli groaned, rolling her eyes in disappointment.

“Are you two ready for your orders?” The waiter, Minho, asked as he readied his pad and pen.

“D-d-de, I would like the E-e-espresso con amor,” Krystal stuttered as she could feel the waiter’s eyes lying upon her. “Thank you.”

Minho wrote it down swiftly and then turned his gaze to Sulli, “And you miss?”

“Vanilla Latte.” There was no please or thank you, just a command, and Minho noticed this. With a hesitant smile, he grabbed the menus and walked away. “Krystal, I really think we shouldn’t come here anymore. This place is so…”

“So what?” Krystal naively responded with a tilted gaze. “Sulli, I assure you it’ll be fine.”

A few moments later, Minho was back with the orders. “For you miss, the Espresso con amor” he gently placed Krystal’s Espresso con amor in front of her, sending a warm smile that melted her heart. “And, for you, the Caramel Latte.” He sent another smile, but this time it came forced. “I hope you enjoy.”

Before he left, Sulli frowned, grabbing the waiter’s wrist. For some reason, a tingling sensation went up her spine with the mere contact of his skin, but she ignored it. “I didn’t order this.” Krystal sat opposite of Sulli, knowing what would come next. Sulli never got something different than she ordered, this was the first. Her maids and butlers were the best of the best, never once making a mistake with Sulli, knowing that the consequences would the loss of a steady financial income. “I clearly remember ordering the Vanilla Latte, not this Caramel whatever Latte.”

“Sulli, it’s fine, it’s close enough to vanilla.” Krystal murmured as she kicked Sulli’s leg under the table as a signal to stop.

“No, it is not.” Turning her head back to Minho’s, she arrogantly continued. “I don’t know where you come from or how you were raised, but I’ve always been taught that customers are number one and that all of their orders must be respected.”

“I sincerely apologize for the swap miss.” Minho muttered through clenched teeth. “I will be back shortly.” Stiffly, he grabbed the cup, but a little too violently, sending some of the latte flying out onto Sulli’s white uniform, the one which he recognized, his university uniform as well.

“My uniform!” Sulli cried dramatically. Quickly reaching for a napkin, she wiped vigorously, trying to remove the stain. “You! How have you made it thus far with your career!”

“Sulli! Don’t be rude! He didn’t do it on––”

Sulli waved her hand to silent Krystal as she focused on Minho. “I don’t know why you’re here in the first place, but obviously you can’t even be a decent waiter. If anything, you should be fired.”

“Miss.” Minho replied a little too strongly for Sulli’s liking. “Although I am your waiter, I still demand some respect.”

“What respect? You?” Sulli questioningly asked as she raised her eyebrows, pretending to be shocked.

Minho couldn’t take it anymore. Not once in his entire life had he met anyone so disrespectful as this young woman before him. No, he couldn’t call her a woman at all, she was an evil creature that popped out of nowhere. “Sorry, but from how I was raised, I was taught to respect others. I don’t know who you are to make yourself all high and mighty but it won’t work on me,” Minho sarcastically retorted.

“You dare say that to me! You don’t know who I am?” Sulli infuriatingly shouted. Almost everyone knew her as Minjin’s daughter. Now all eyes were on her and Minho as if an invisible spotlight shined on them only. “Were you raised on the streets?”

“Sulli!” Krystal tried to interject, but Sulli wouldn’t budge.

“Raised on the streets.” Minho coldly laughed as he starred menacingly at Sulli. Not knowing that he blurted it out loud, he murmured, “I disgust you rich people.”

Sulli couldn’t take it anymore. She stood out of her chair as she stood in front of Minho. “Repeat what you said one more time.” Her tone was icy and cold, quite ominous to the other’s listening. No one had ever denied her with a no or rejected her, and for that matter, mock her like the man standing before her did. No, she couldn’t call him a man, he was an evil frog eyed creature that popped out of nowhere.

“Sulli, let’s just leave!” Krystal didn’t want to do anything at the moment but hide in embarrassment. How could Sulli go this far? “Really, let’s go!” Krystal nearly shouted once more, but was interrupted by another man’s voice.

“What is going on here Minho?”

“Are you the manager?” Sulli quickly interjected before Minho could speak.

“De. I am Kim Dongmin.”

“This waiter right here treate

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Chapter 4: Such a sad story....
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Poor Sulli. Wish Minho would be soon the one who genuinely love her. Thank authornim. It's been awhile since you updated and I'm quite late in reading though, still I enjoyed it. Until the next chapter. Take care.
Chapter 4: Please update more soon thank you authornim
Chapter 4: OMG!!Sulli's past is really pitiful!! I do think Minho really cares her but he didn't realize yet.Please, keep writing
Apriliapatka #5
Chapter 3: Woah nice story, next please
Chapter 3: beautiful story authornim
excited to see what happens next
purnamas #7
Chapter 3: eww minho seems to love his girlfriend too much
thank you for update
Chapter 3: Her father is brutal. I hope Minho will be the only one she seek for protection. I'm glad he appeared when she needed help. Looking forward for the next update. Thanks authornim. Take care.
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 3: Sulli in a gilded cage no one knows why she is arrogant n unloving bec she did not receive love.