This is somewhat centered around Seungcheol with little insights to each of the members~ I swear to you I’ll come back with more Chinaline stuff they need more love plEASE


And please forgive grammar/spelling errors~


~2.4k Words




“Come onnnnnnn hyungs, we’re going to miss the fireworks!!” Chan dashed up the stairs to the top of the hill, the elders trailing behind him. “We won’t miss them, don’t worry!” Seungcheol cried out as he did his best to keep up with the group.


He did admit, he was smitten by Chan’s eyes when he saw their maknae jump excitedly up and down when he saw that there was going to be a fireworks display in their area. It was simply too hard to say no to their big little maknae.


“This is too much damn work to see some fireworks that’ll be gone in 30 seconds…” Jihoon said as he hiked up the hill. His teammates seemed overly excited (at least in his eyes) about these firecrackers. But seeing the joy in s' faces made him anticipate these fireworks, only a little bit.


You could practically feel the excitement radiating off of everyone from a mile away. It was like a massive cloud of happiness storming up the hill. The pure joyful sparkle that shone in everyone’s eyes was enough to make a Carat’s heart melt (as well as explode).


Seungcheol looked up at s -- his kids, family -- as they happily trotted up the trail. He couldn’t help but let a large smile bloom on his face as he saw grins on the other’s faces grow impossibly big. Jeonghan even commented on how long he was smiling, ‘Your face will freeze like that if you keep that smile.’ The latter chuckled.


“Then you guys will always be reminded of how much I treasure you guys~”


“Eyyy our leader is all sugary and sweet for the holidays!” Minghao called out to them as a small smile adorned his face. Their precious little dumpling looked the happiest he looked in weeks as he walked alongside Mingyu and Junhui.


Yah shut it--”


“Last one to reach the stairs has to wash the dishes for the week!” Seokmin screamed at the top of his lungs as he dashed up the remainder of the trail. The others soon followed calling out foul play as their loveable main vocal was meters ahead, giggling like a madman.


“And this is my cue to ditch you Seungchollie, sorry.” Jeonghan flashed one last grin as he sped ahead of him. Seungcheol’s grin turned into a smirk as he raced up the hill, alongside everyone else.


P.S., he might have jumped on Mingyu’s back to get a free ride when he was tired, but that was only because Wonwoo climbed onto his about ¾s of the way up.

P.P.S., Carrying a 63kg fully grown man wasn’t a walk in the park.




By the time Seungcheol reached the top, Jeonghan was already curled up underneath the base of the tree and the 97 line appeared to be having a yelling contest (Seriously, how did they have so much energy?). The eldest of the group sat next to Vernon and Wonwoo who were taking a breather.


“You guys having a nice time so far?” The leader asked the two, “I’ll admit sprinting for my life wasn’t the best thing today, but being here is quite nice.” The youngest out of the three rappers admitted as he kicked back and looked at the night sky.


“Yeah,” Wonwoo’s deep voice rang in his ears, “Though 10:10 is a bit early for New Year’s Eve fireworks, don’t you think?” He questioned the leader.


Seungcheol’s eyes were glossed over with confusion. He could have sworn Chan said he got the time of the display from Soonyoung-- Oh wait. “SOONYOUNG!”


In a matter of seconds, the performance team leader bounced his way to the rappers. “Yes, Leader-nim?” He asked innocently, completely ignoring the aggravated glint in Seungcheol’s eyes.


“Chan told me that you said the fireworks were going to start at 10:10…” He started off slowly, hoping that Soonyoung would catch on, “But don’t you think that’s a bit early to be having a fireworks display?”


Soonyoung looked confused for a good 10 seconds before his face snapped into realization. “Ohhhh about that, they start at about 11:50. BUT-- YAH don’t look at me like that! I thought it would have been fun to just chill out and relax here before we all get really hyped up.”


“You couldn’t have made the time a bit later?” Seungcheol said with annoyance hiding underneath his words.


The cheeky smile their star flashed him said it all, n-o-p-e. Soonyoung dashed away towards Seungkwan and Seokmin before he could get a scolding from Seungcheol.


Seungcheol shook his head as he fell back into the dirt and grass, gazing up at the nighttime sky. A black canvas with tiny white orbs decorating the masterpiece above them.




It was now 11:11 P.M. as they sat around their makeshift campfire (made out of their phones flashlights) as Jisoo strummed a few chords on his guitar. They were having some nice, quality time together, singing songs as they enjoyed the nighttime wind.


“Anyone have any songs that could possibly make this lit?” Hansol asked with a large grin on his face. The collective ‘yeah’s’ of the members and the 97 line dabbing brought the atmosphere up even more.


“No, but hold on I brought some things,” Junhui said as he stood up and walked to the base of the tree, where there appeared to be a small backpack lying on the ground. He jogged back and handed everyone a long, thin grey stick as he carried around a lighter.


Ge you bought sparklers?!” Minghao waved around the sparkler like a sword or a ribbon (depending on how you looked at it). The older Chinese male smiled and nodded. “I thought it’d be fun to light these up before New Years. I have some more in my backpack, so we can play with these things all night long.”


Excited gasps and squeals filled the air as they looked at the bare sticks with glee. “Well? What are you waiting for? Light them up!” Seungcheol commanded.


Jihoon helped Junhui light up their sparklers, telling each one of them to be careful. They had to reassure Seungkwan that it would be perfectly fine and that it wouldn’t explode. There was no way that they were going to repeat that incident in their ‘Very Nice’ MV.


The sparklers lit up the area around them as they danced around each other. Sparks illuminated the mountain top where the 13 boys were in their own little world. And that soft city glow in the background gave them a strange sense of déjà vu from the days they spent shooting their ‘Pretty U’ MV.


It was a very nice was to start counting down the New Year.


Hyung, Mingyu dropped his sparkler and now some of the grass is catching on fire!” Seungcheol’s head whipped around to find Jisoo pouring out his water bottle on what he assumed to be Mingyu’s sparkler, as the latter watched the scene with sad puppy eyes.


Change of words, it was a very risky way to start off the New Year when you give a dangerous object to Kim Mingyu.




“2 minutes until the display starts!” Chan yelled excitedly, nearly dropping his sparkler in the process. “Calm down a bit Chan-ah, you don’t wanna set the Earth on fire, unlike Mingyu.” Jihoon shot a dirty look in Mingyu’s direction as their puppy clung onto Wonwoo’s arm.


“Jihoonie, you know how clumsy our Mingyu can get,” Seungcheol said as he strolled up next to their star composer. “That boy I swear… One can only break so many items.” He sighed exasperatedly.


The leader looked at Mingyu, who was now happily chasing a not-so-happy Minghao around the tree. He was sure they didn’t even care if their devil angel was curled up against the trunk of the tree, sleeping. How Jeonghan could sleep while 11 hyperactive kids played was beyond his understanding. He was just glad he wasn’t like Jihoon if he was woken up prematurely.


While staring at the two ‘Min/Ming’ members prancing around like ‘Tom & Jerry’, Jihoon kept hitting his arm, “Yah, Seungcheol-hyung pay attention! The first firework had just been fired!”


Seungcheol’s head pivoted back to look at Seoul’s night sky. Surely enough there was a faint, almost invisible trail of smoke rising up. “Oh shoot--!!” He fished his phone out of his pocket and immediately opened up his camera to record a video.


The first firework exploded into a brilliant show of golden sparks, a loud clap echoing in the air. Loud screams and cheers erupted in the air (including Jeonghan’s terrified scream due to being woken up by a loud bang). “Ahhh yeaaaahhhhhh!!” Hansol jumped up and down happily as he waved his sparkler around, Seungkwan and Soonyoung doing the same dance next to him.


More fireworks lit up the night sky, flashing the bright colors of the rainbow. “You got me like boom boom, yeah, boom boom boom boom.” Wonwoo started to rap as he did an over dramatic dance of their title song. Minghao and Junhui started to goof off while dancing to their song as well, looking more like headless chickens than dancers.


Seokmin and Jeonghan were the only two who were seemingly watching the fireworks peacefully. Which was a total surprise because Seokmin is in the Gag Trio and he expected Jeonghan to sleep throughout the entire display. “Enjoying the fireworks you guys?” Seungcheol asked, zooming in on their faces with his cellphone.


They let out a soft ‘yes’ as the two continued to look at the sky, lighting up with numbers shining lights. “Hey hyung,” Seungcheol then turned towards Chan, whose smile was impossibly large, “Thanks for letting us do this hyung. It’s so pretty and wonderful…” The maknae trailed off, as he became more and more immersed in the bursting colors.


Seungcheol could just feel his heart swell at those words as he took one last view of the members in 2016. Them smiling happily, arms around each other as they laughed like brothers. “Yeah, it is pretty wonderful isn’t it?” He whispered to himself.




There was only one minute left until the clock struck midnight, and to say that they were hyper was an understatement. It’s like how a kid has a sugar rush, but instead of being high on sugar they’re high on dopamine as they’re laughing their lungs out.


Junhui had his phone set up as the timer counted down. Everyone watched the screen with anticipation as it reached it’s last 30 seconds, and as Seungcheol stood up.


“Everyone, I know it’s been a pretty, tiring, long year,” He started off, the timer counting down at a somewhat alarming rate.


“But we made it, together! I just want you to know that once we leave 2016 behind,”


15… 14… 13


“We are going to make 2017, SEVENTEEN’s year.”


9…  8… 7…


“LET’S WORK HARD AS SEVENTEEN!” He said as he fist pumped in the air, a few of the members holding their phones like a toast. “Yah let’s get in our circle!” He motioned for them to gather around quickly.


“Three, two, ONE!” The SEVENTEEN members counted as they put their hands together, creating their ring circle. “HAPPY NEW YEARS!!” They cried out, entering the new year while holding each other; A promise to never let go.


“YAH, WORLD! MY NAME IS LEE SEOKMIN OF SEVENTEEN! I AM GOING TO ROCK 2017 WITH MY MEMBERS!” Seokmin roared at the top of his lungs out at the midnight sky.


“I’M KWON SOONYOUNG, THE 10:10 OF SEVENTEEN! I PROMISE TO HELP MAKE THIS YEAR EVEN BETTER THAN LAST YEAAARRRRRR!” As soon as Soonyoung started to scream, the other members soon joined in.




“Seungkwannie, don’t you want to wish for better English skills?” Hansol teased the older member, earning a large groan from him.


Seungkwan, being the diva he was, gathered up some pebbles and the sticks from their burned-out sparklers and started to take aim at the New Yorker. It was quite the sight to see Hansol beg for forgiveness behind any large shield as he did his best to hide from Seungkwan’s projectiles. You could practically hear the members laugh and encourage their playful fight from a mile away.


Seungcheol could feel tiny teardrops forming in the inner corners of his eyes. He had to admit, the fireworks accompanied by the cheerful laughter of s was enough to make his 2016. “Awww, is our dear leader overwhelmed by this moment?” Mingyu teased the elder, jokingly elbowing his side.


“You have no idea.” His voice was barely audible, as it was drowned out by his precious member's giggles filled with contentment, and the colorful explosive stars lighting up the start of 2017.






‘Ello Minna-san~ How did you like this one-shot? Hopefully it satisfied you~


IT’S 2017 OH GOD 2016 WENT BY SO QUICKLY Nah jk it was a very unforgettable year for many reasons

I suddenly feel old ;-; I’m already in high school… I actually updated some of my stories… It’s a miracle ;*;


I hope your 2017 will be filled with joy, laughter, happiness, luck, and all of the good things that just makes life SPARKLE! Make this year your year, treat yourself!


And I’m curious, what’s your New Year’s Resolution? Mine is to stop procrastinating and jUST DO IT-- Ik it’s a dead meme I can’t help it. My ultimate goal is to update more regularly and focus more on the things I would like to do (i.e. Learn Thai and Korean, and learn some dances).


Anyways, that’s all I have for now, Minna-San. I hope you enjoyed this one-shot

I hope y’all had a good day/night, and if you didn’t, I hope this story made you smile at least once.


And remember, Happy New Years! Let’s have another good year with SEVENTEEN!


Until next time, toodles~


Lotsa Loves, Nic.




Snapchat: pastelmochi

LINE/KAKAO: kuud3r3baka


Feel free to add me if you’d like~ I promise I don’t bite ;*;

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Chapter 1: Omg clumsy mingyu was the cutest in this tbh
Jeonghan being relatable tho
This whole one shot was like pure bliss? It's just so cute and happy <3
kittaphon #2
Chapter 1: this was too precious XD