Impassibles; Emotionless

Operation Wonderland
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 I don’t know who I am anymore, I was a rising star, and according to headlines I still am.  But I mean deep down I feel…. Nothing…lie that is not true I feel something but it’s hard to describe.  When you look at a child you feel happiness, when a loved one dies you mourn, or even watching a scary movie you can’t shake the need to look over your shoulder every five seconds.  Those are all emotions, feelings, something other than what I feel.  Is it loneliness?  No I don’t think so, it’s just nothing.  I feel empty going through the motions like a preprogramed robot.

      The sound of cars and night life sounded me invading my senses, reminding me that I had to come back to reality.  I sighed my breath clearly visible in the evening air, fall was just around the corner.  Another year came and went without any notice.  Osaka was filled with bustling people, the work day now over and everyone in a hurry to get to their destinations, for some it was a loved one waiting at home, others it may be a group of friends that they were rushing to meet.  I stopped in my tracks on the side walk people pushing past me, eager to carry on with their lives.  I glanced up at the sky scrapers that lined the streets, the city was alive with lights. At one point I had thought this view was breath taking I recall when my heart would race and butterflies filled my stomach but now ..... nothing.  I tore my gaze from the sky and continued towards my intended destination.<

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