
Dreams Do Come True
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Shifting from one foot to the other, Sehun nipped at his lower lip in anticipation. That was going to be the best day of his entire life. It was his Idol’s concert that he somehow managed to get a ticket in the front row and to even top that, there was a fan meeting that was going to be held for very fewer people who were lucky enough to buy the tickets fast enough, like Sehun, and they said Luhan would shake hands with the fans and take selfies with them one by one. He was so lucky to get that. He was so beyond happy that he had such chance to make his dream come true. If he was really going to touch Luhan’s hand, then he would probably never want anything else in his life. He would kiss his own hand and never wash it.

“Calm down Sehun. You’re gonna sweat and smell really bad and imagine Luhan standing beside you to take a photo. He would run away. Control your nerves.” Baekhyun, Sehun’s most annoying friend said and rolled his eyes but Sehun was sure the boy was only jealous that Sehun could go to the fan meeting and Baekhyun failed to be fast enough. he couldn’t hide his smug smile. “You look so ugly right now with that smile on your face.”

“You’re just jealous Baek. So shut it.” He said and giggled at the groan the other let out.

The concert started by a young man, introducing Luhan and thanking everyone for coming before the stage went dark and a single spotlight was pointed at Luhan. Sehun couldn’t control himself, screaming, singing along, shouting Luhan’s name and taking incredible pictures with his very expensive Camera. He was even so happy that he could go home and watch all the videos and pictures he had taken so he could upload them on his tumblr. He could already imagine thousands and thousands of likes and reblogs coming his way. He felt like the happiest person alive.

Maybe he was wrong or maybe he was delusional but Luhan heard him shouting and looked his way and winked. He winked at him. He was dead sure of it. That little chuckle he let out and that amused smile on his lips showed everything. Luhan probably heard all the adjectives he used on him as well then. He probably shouldn’t have yelled You look so damn kissable. 95% of the people around him were girls and he was kind of glad to know not much fanboys were around. He could stand out and manage to steal Luhan’s attention for longer than the others.

After he had sang his songs and danced so perfectly, Luhan took the time to thank everyone for coming and Sehun made sure to shush Baekhyun and take it all on his camera. The fan meeting was a couple of blocks away and after an hour so Luhan could change his clothes and rest a little and fans could get there on time since leaving the hall could take quite some time. Sehun giggled for no good reason every few seconds as he and Baekhyun went towards the place the fan meeting was going to be held but instantly felt bad for Baekhyun since the boy was feeling slightly upset for not being able to make it.

“I promise I’ll mention your name or something or give you pictures of him to edit and post on tumblr. The ones that no one but me can take of him.” Sehun said sincerely and patted the boy on his back.

“You better. Or else I’ll post some about you so you’ll lose all your precious followers.” Baekhyun threatened with a pout that only made Sehun chuckle and nod.

“I’ll text you when I’m home with the hand that has had the pleasure of touching Luhan’s. Be proud of me.” He said and winked before entering the much smaller place. There were comfortable seats and only 50 people had the chance to be there. Sehun sat on his spot in the third row, grinning like an idiot, getting smiles or creepy glares from the girls around him. It was normal of course. Those fangirls either didn’t approve of fanboys or they approved and grinned along with him and even sometimes told him how good his taste is. The stage was so close to them and if he took just a few steps ahead he could stand right where Luhan was going to stand and talk to them.

A few minutes passed by and Luhan entered and stepped on the stage, accepting the microphone from one of the staff and never once failing to smile. He sat at the table placed there with lots of posters and hats which Sehun guessed was going to be given to them. He started talking about his new album and that the dancing was much harder and that he would work much harder for his fans. Sehun was frozen in his place that he almost wanted to take no pictures and only stare at the beautiful person in front of him and only listen to his angelic voice. But he had promised Baekhyun and he hated to miss this opportunity. He took lots and lots of photos and videos, satisfied with every single one of them. After all it was Luhan. The boy looked adorable and beautiful in every angle.

“You can come on the stage one by one and receive your hats and signed posters and we can take one picture together.” Luhan said with a cheerful tone and every one lined up to have their chance. Even though Sehun wasn’t that far behind, he was still impatient. Girls squealed loudly and bowed to him to say thanks with a small, shy handshake and run off the stage and it made Sehun much more confident. He was rather bold and he knew with his height and being a guy he could easily amuse Luhan and steal much more time with him than the others.

“What’s your name?” Luhan asked with his head down, signing the poster.

“Oh Sehun.” He said with a wide smile and chuckled when Luhan looked up, only to be face with Sehun’s stomach. He then slowly looked up with a cute, faint blush on his cheeks that probably only Sehun could see it.

Letting out a small laugh, Luhan stood up straight and looked at him from head to toe. “Man you’re tall.” He said and wrote his name on the poster before handing it to Sehun. “Which hat do you want Sehun?” He asked with his shy smile.

“The one that I really like?” Sehun asked, resisting the urge to smirk just because he was enjoying the way Luhan was intimidated by him.

“Of course. Whichever you like.”

“I like the one on your head.”

Luhan seemed slightly shocked and Sehun liked it.

“You like this one?” Luhan asked, pointing at his own hat and smiled when Sehun nodded. Without hesitating, he took it off and tip toed to put the hat on Sehun’s head himself like he did with the girls, not minding the deafening screams. He then took one of the simple black hats ready for the fans to put it on himself.

“Thank you.” Sehun said with a small chuckle. “You’re really beautiful you know.”

Luhan was yet again surprised to hear such thing and blushed a tad more. “I…I’m actually pretty manly.” He argued with a cute frown, obviously a fake one.

“No.” Sehun quickly denied and shook his head, smirking. “Can I take two pictures Luhan?” He asked quickly with his killing smile and tilted his head, attempting to look cute enough for him to allow that.

“O-Okay…” He stuttered and unconsciously bit his lower lip.

Sehun quickly brought up his camera and asked Luhan to smile his beautiful smile before capturing a perfect close up. For the second picture Sehun gave his camera to one of the staffs to take one, of him and Luhan which turned out as perfect as Sehun wanted it to be.

“It was very nice to meet a fanboy like you Sehun.” Luhan said and he politely bowed and shook his hand before leaving, resisting the urge of screaming in pure happiness and running around like a maniac.

That night, Sehun barely slept. He stayed up all night, posting Luhan’s pictures and videos and also posting a selfie of himself with Luhan’s cap on his instagram which got more likes than his other pictures had ever taken. He fulfilled his promise to Baekhyun even though he was itching to edit those beautiful shots himself and giggled every time his mother came to his door, half sleep, scolding him to sleep because he still had school the next day.

“Dude. Check out the notes of my last edit. That picture of Luhan was so so beautiful. Look at his smile. Aw.” Baekhyun said while dragging Sehun to the school yard so they could check out their tumblr and talk more about the mind blowing concert they attended. “There are tons of videos and gifs of you and Luhan on the internet. I’m so damn jealous. I want that hat.”

Sehun however stayed silent with a content smile, checking his edits on tumblr and how everyone seemed to be reblogging and liking it. Yes. He was that good at taking photographs. After all it was his passion and what he was going to continue in college.

Days, weeks and months passed by and Luhan held more concerts and fan meetings whether in Seoul or other countries. However Sehun’s luck had run out. He was scolded by his parents yet another time and was grounded. He had no money to buy the ticket and even if he borrowed it from someone, he wasn’t supposed to leave the house. His father made sure of that. He only looked at the pictures of Luhan and frowned that he couldn’t be there. Sehun’s a proud child, but he begged his parents. They knew that and instantly found out just how important it is for him to attend the concert. The boy’s grade got better and Sehun tried to be less bratty but by the next concert when his parents allowed him to attend, his luck was still missing ‘cause there was no tickets left.

“Can you believe this? Chanyeol bought me a ticket to Luhan’s concert. We’re gonna go together. We’ll meet you there right?” Baekhyun said, his tone higher than usual just because of how happy he was.

“I didn’t get a ticket.” Sehun mumbled, his head hung low and his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. The amount of sadness in him had gone up to a whole new level.

“Why the hell not?” Baekhyun gasped.

“Because my ing computer wouldn’t work and can you believe this? My internet was working either. I’m starting to think that someone in this universe went to a gypsy to put a curse on me. Those fans are only jealous because I got to have his hat.” He cursed and wailed. “I wanna be there Baek. I should be there. He should see me. I just wanna know if he still remembers my name or not.”

“I’m sorry Hunnie. But I promise I’ll give you half of the pictures I take today. I’m not good at taking pictures but it’s better than nothing right? We’ll attend the next concert together. I swear.”


“He’s coming to Seoul from Beijing. Oh my God we have to go to the airport today. Dress up. Hurry.” Sehun yelled over the phone, determined to see Luhan that day and call him out. He just desperately wanted Luhan to notice him. Even if Luhan couldn’t remember his name, Sehun would be totally fine. He just wanted an eye contact. He hated himself being desperate like that. It was probably a wise idea to give the boy privacy after a tiring flight but he had been failing in seeing him so many times that he was going insane. Like literally insane.

“I’ll see him today. It’ll be better. He’ll see me. There’s no way he can’t. I’m tall, I’m a boy and I’ll be screaming his name. He’ll notice me.” He reassured himself and left home with a wide smile.


“Oh you’ve got to be ing kidding me!!” Sehun gasped, his mouth wide open in shock of his yet another failure. Luhan didn’t notice him at all. He screamed his name, tried to give him the deer plushy he had bought for him, he ran to get ahead and let him see his tall figure properly but the boy never once noticed. He was hidden in the swarm of girls yelling for attention just like him. But Luhan’s head was lowered and his body guards quickly took him away and out of the airport. They kept telling the fans that Luhan was actually very tired and he had to go back home as soon as possible.

“I’m sorry.” Chanyeol said with a sad smile and patted Sehun’s back.

“Unbelievable.” Sehun said, standing frozen in the middle of the now quite empty airport. “I’m definitely cursed. There’s no other explanation for this. How could I have been that lucky in that night and this unlucky in these weeks? I’m going insane.”

“Let’s go buy bubble tea Hunnie.” Baekhyun said and dragged the frozen Sehun out of there.


It was pretty late when Sehun was coming back from Baekhyun’s house after watching a couple of movies. They were supposed to study for the upcoming test but when they are in the same room, there would be no studying. Sehun’s camera was hanging from his neck and the boy was looking around the rather empty street and dark alleys wondering if he should walk all the way home or just take a taxi since it’s late and his father could scold him again. He wasn’t in the mood of being scolded or grounded.

“Hey there kid.” A deep voice said and Sehun turned around to check if the source of sound was addressing him or not. He indeed was.

“Yes?” He asked with a deep frown.

“That’s a really nice camera you’ve got. Must worth a lot.”

Sehun’s had immediately gripped harder at his camera. The intentions of the stranger were pretty clear to him so instead of saying anything, he took a couple of steps back before turning and attempting to run. But the guy was bigger and looked way stronger than him and in no time he was pulled back and thrown on the ground. His camera didn’t hit the anywhere hard since he fell on his back and groaned in pain. Right when he opened his eyes to somehow defend himself, he saw a very sharp knife in man’s hand. How on earth was he supposed to defend himself when he had nothing? Let himself be cut and maybe be able to run away or hand in the camera and be done with it? The latter was out of question however. He worked so damn hard for that camera. It was all he had and he wasn’t ready to hand it in.

“Please.” He whimpered, dragging himself backwards on the ground to get away.

Before the man had the chance of attacking Sehun, two men in black suits approached and knocked him out which only made Sehun more confused. W

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Chapter 1: Omg the feels ㅠㅠㅠ That part where Sehun ask for Luhan's cap seems familiar ♡ It really is one of Sehun's interaction with a fan ㅠ I miss HunHan so much ㅠㅠ
970 streak #2
Chapter 1: This is a beautiful fairy tale. I love it. ❤️
Just think that I hesitated to read it because it wasn't Sebaek. But I'm happy I read it.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 1: That was the cutest thing I have ever read! It's really great to read about a fanboy Sehun ;)
Chapter 1: Too cute.
foyezza91 #5
Chapter 1: How can I be this lucky? :( can't even afford album,lighstick,concert...I'm always lucky in my dream tho XDXDXD
Chapter 1: Its so cute!
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 1: awwww what a lucky fanboy sehun is <3
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl this is si cute so fluffy!!!! I can't