
Beagle Beat

(Please read the author's note at the end :D thank you! And Thank you Trisha for the beta version!)



You’d say that Park Chanyeol had everything. He inherited good genes from his parents that he grew into a handsome young man with a well-built body that he got from all his work outs for trying to be fit. He had a stable career, fame and even money. His job as a DJ had earned him a number of supporters and fans, it paid well and Chanyeol got his own fanclub too. Although they did’t know him as Park Chanyeol, his listeners, (mostly the girls), loved the songs he played and how deep and charming his voice was.


But then, people tend to see the things that they were lacking, and not the ones that they have. In his case, Chanyeol wasn’t happy with his tedious life. He realized this when he was asked by his co-workers that late afternoon, after his working hours, to come and join them in the bar they were going to visit tonight. He might seemed like a man who’d be a regular customer in bars, the man who had a lot of flings in his high school and college life, but truthfully, relationships didn’t last long for him. They would want to date him and all, but after a week or so, they would ditch him saying that he was not romantic, that he was no fun and that he was so… stiff.


But Chanyeol was just like that. He didn’t go to the bars because drinking was never his thing. He was not into one-night stands either. He’d prefer doing those kinds of things with the person he love. He wasn’t a man who’d like to spend his nights in karaoke bar too for he didn’t like noisy places, he’d prefer staying at home and listened to music or played with his guitar and composed some songs. Just because you weren’t into the activities like that, did that mean you were stiff?


Maybe Chanyeol took it a little too much even when he laughed it off in front of them. But deep inside him, he was hurt. It felt like no one would be able to understand that he was just being who he was. Because of this, Chanyeol made a decision to unwind after his work. He walked from the station to the nearby park. He heard that this place was very popular, especially among the children. There were a lot of food-stalls and the atmosphere here were very bright. It was perfect for his gloomy state now.


Since it was cold, Chanyeol was clad with his thick black turtle neck sweatshirt, dark grey coat that hugged him up to his knee. Wearing a facemask and scarf, Chanyeol looked like he was a thug ready to kidnap a kid whenever it was possible.


He decided to take one of the vacant benches that surrounded the huge fountain in the middle of the park. The fountain was beautiful, there were some lights that reflected the water and even from the distance people would see how bright it was in the park. It was already six in the evening that time, and the sky was turning from orange into ash, before it goes to cobalt. All the while, Chanyeol leaned his back against the bench with a sigh, feeling the breeze of the wind against his face. He enjoyed the calming ambiance from people talking in the distance, the water rippling from the fountain, and even the distant cackles of the children playing in the park.


Speaking of the children, Chanyeol’s attention was caught right after a loud cheering from the group of them a few meters away. They were singing some children songs while they were clapping in sync with its beat. But what made Chanyeol laugh for the first time that day was the fact that there was a mascot man doing the same actions with the kids. It was a giant beagle, actually, that dog with long nose and adorable ears. The beagle’s hands, or paws were on his hips while he swayed them from side to side. Imagine if a real dog would do that, how cute.


Their song ended with a round of applause from themselves and also the parents who were watching from the distance. They weren’t even finished cheering when the kids nodded at each other and one started to chant, “Beagle Beat! Beagle Beat! Beagle Beat!” they all chorused, following that kid’s lead. They were clapping and cheering for more. Chanyeol didn’t know the meaning of that Beagle Beat, but as he watched the beagle, he saw him put his paws in front of his open mouth, as if shocked. Then he waved his hands and shook his head, covering his eyes.


Chanyeol chuckled to himself, was he shy?


The children seemed to know that the beagle was just doing that for fun. Because when three of the children stood from their seat and tug his “furs” chanting, “Beagle Beat!” the mascot acted like he took a deep breath and made an ‘OK’ sign to the kids. The crowd clapped and the children screamed “Yehey!”. In curiosity, Chanyeol watched intently what the beagle was going to do. What was this Beagle Beat that the children were talking about?


The mascot clapped in a certain beat, and soon, the children where following him, doing things the same time with him. When the rhythm was solid, the beagle stopped clapping with them, gesturing the children to form a circle which they happily did so. Beagle stood in the middle, encouraging them to clap louder. His right paw was raised into the air, fingers forming three, then two, then one—


Beagle Beagle won’t you run around? The kids sang in a tune common with nursery rhymes. Beagle claps with them as they continued. The kids are waiting to be found. The kids started moving in circle, walking to the side when the Beagle covered his eyes and pointed in front of him, revolving on his own axis.


We form a ring and Beagle turns around.


Beagle found you, yes it’s you! The kids laughed when a boy was pointed by the Beagle when stopped turning around. The kid jogged towards the Beagle, who was waiting for him with two paws in the air. He clapped it together with the paws twice then they clapped thrice again on their own, before they shook their hips downwards and the kids laughed.


Now we have another Beagle.


We shake it down and down.



Chanyeol watched as the fun went on, now it was the boy’s turn to turn around and pick the next Beagle. Such scene touched his heart to the extent of remembering his childhood. The days were he had no friends other that his pet ferret. They all because he was fat, and he had bad eyesight. It was lonely, really, but Chanyeol’s frown under his mask was replaced with a small smile upon remembering a certain boy who talked to him while he was crying under the tree that one afternoon.


“Yah!” Chanyeol jumped from his seat, startled. When he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and sniffed his tears and snot dropping from his nose, he found a boy before him, probably around his age or younger. He was smaller than he was and was shorter. Young Chanyeol blinked at him because he was certain that the kid was a boy, but then the more he stared, the more he found him prettier than the other girls in the park.


“You’re all grown up and you’re still crying?” he asked in a high pitched voice, hands on hips with a pout on his strawberry pink lips. Chanyeol heard himself sniffed again before he looked down on his feet. “I-It’s because… they don’t wanna play with me… t-the…they said that I’m porky…a-and… I have bad eyesight and…my ears are weird.” Chanyeol heard him hummed, but he didn’t look up because he knew that he would also leave like others, but surprisingly, the kid suddenly took a seat beside Chanyeol, his small hands suddenly grabbing his both cheeks, then pinched his ears, as if examining it. The gesture had Chanyeol blushing, because the boy’s face was so near him and he was so…so… pretty.


“They’re not weird! They’re cute in fact! It could rival with Beagle!” The boy laughed a 100 watt smile at him. Chanyeol felt the heat burning his cheeks that time when he asked, “B-Beagle? Who’s Beagle?” The boy giggled and lifted his shoulders. “My beagle dog!”


Chanyeol laughed after and commented, “You named a beagle, Beagle? That’s silly!” The boy laughed together with him and agreed, but he told him not to be a killjoy because it’s cute anyway. Chanyeol was then pulled into the other direction, dragged by the boy with a pretty face. He was too shy to ask his name, but Chanyeol didn’t mind that for now, because the next thing he knew, the boy was playing with him every day.


“Yah! You’re all grown up and you’re still sleeping outside?” Chanyeol jolted awake when someone poked his side. He raised his head and realized that it was already dark, and he must have fallen asleep earlier. The night breeze got colder and he braced himself for warmth. “Are you okay, ahjussi?” Upon hearing the muffled voice again, Chanyeol turned his head to his right and found a huge head of a beagle looking at him. Oh, the mascot man earlier… but wait, what was he doing here? And Ahjussi? Come on, he was not that old yet!


“I’m not an ahjussi,” he said first, leaning back against the bench to sit properly, crossing his arms over his chest. When the DJ looked at the mascot man again, he was covering his forever open mouth as if he was laughing. “But the way you talk resembles an ahjussi, though.” Chanyeol pouted under his mask. “Yah, that wasn’t nice! Why are you so nice with the children earlier and you’re rude with me now?”


The beagle chuckled. “Oh, so you were watching?” Chanyeol huffed and shook his head, planning to ignore the beagle. “It’s hard to miss. You’re practically a giant dog walking on two legs,” he snorted. Somehow what he said had the man inside the mascot laughing. For him that wasn’t any special, he was just saying the truth. Was he that amused or he was just laughing for the humor’s sake?


There was a good moment of silence between them after the laugh died down .The beagle mascot talked again, now in a hushed voice Chanyeol barely heard. He was clearly a man, but his voice wasn’t as clear because of the mascot. “I saw you sitting here around the first hour of my shift, and you’re still here two hours after. Do you have any problems, mister?” the beagle suddenly asked.


Chanyeol paused as he pondered over the question. Did he had? Yes, a lot, actually. Was it that obvious, or was it just a question out of curiosity? Even if there was, should he even tell that to someone whose face he couldn’t see and someone he didn’t know? Maybe his half covered face had shown how sceptical he was because the next thing he knew, the beagle’s arm was around his shoulder, tapping him twice. He glanced at the paw patting his arm with a frown, and then he looked back at the big mascot head. Chanyeol didn’t know where to look. He wasn’t sure if the man’s face inside was looking through the open mouth or the eyes itself.


“It won’t hurt to tell a stranger right? Besides, they said it’s good because a stranger wouldn’t judge you,” the beagle said. Chanyeol took a deep breath. His mind was somewhere else for him to even think about the arm that was around him. The beagle was right though, it wouldn’t hurt for him to share. After all, this was what he needed. Chanyeol smiled bitterly for a moment and shook his head. “It’s not really that serious, I just don’t like how people look at me,” he said, getting lost in his thoughts. “I don’t like how they don’t try to get to know me, but they judge me for whatever it is that I do… or don’t do.”


He received a hum as a response, causing him to look at the beagle and wonder how he looks like, or what his expression was right now. “Is there something more? I feel like there’s more,” the beagle pushed and Chanyeol chuckled. “Well, to be honest I’m not satisfied with my life right now, but that’s another thing though. But why are you even asking? Are you going to give advice?”


Chanyeol was startled when the beagle stood up, pointing at him. “Yes, I’ll play DJ Dobby for tonight and give you the best advice ever.” The beagle cleared his throat and put his paws over the side of his head like a man holding his headphone. Chanyeol snorted, as if his ear was there and not on top of his bulbous head. “Thank you for calling, dear listener. About your situation, you know ahjussi, you tend to let those people’s opinions get into your head. That is not healthy. So what if they don’t like you the way you are, they’re not the only people in this world. You can still find people worthy of your time around here. Just think of it like this, you don’t live to please everyone. You live and do the things that make you happy, and wait for the person who would love you the way you are and accept everything about you, in everything that you do and don’t do.” Chanyeol was lost in what the mascot man said. Somehow these were the only things that he could hear right now, without the soft chattering of the people in the background, not the water from the fountains—just those words. He felt the touch of fur against his face as the mascot man’s paws cupped his cheeks, tilting his head up. “If they judge you before they get to know you, just think how much they lost a great person that could have been their friend.”


If he could wish for anything right now, Chanyeol would want the time to stand still. But that was impossible because the moment was lost right before it happened. The nearby clock rang and the beagle seemed to remember something. “Crap! It’s eight! I have to go.” He turned back to Chanyeol and ruffled his already messy hair. “I hope somehow my advice helped you. If not, you should try to call DJ Dobby. He’s my favourite DJ and in his segment he accepts three callers for the day to help his listeners if they need someone to talk to. Also! Listen to his playlist! They’re the best!” The beagle glanced back to the clock and turned to him. “I gotta go! Good luck ahjussi!”


Chanyeol watched the mascot’s retreating back until he disappeared with the crowd. It took him some time to realized how funny it was to think that he was called ahjussi a lot of times by someone who was probably only three or four years younger than him. He wanted to laugh because he got an advice from masked man, him—DJ Dobby who was known for the said segment the beagle was talking about. It was funny, because Chanyeol just met a fan and the fan didn’t know that he was talking to DJ Dobby—and it was funny because he just realized how he was great at giving others some word of encouragement, when he couldn’t even comfort himself at times like this.


Nevertheless, he was thankful that he went to the park today. Not only did he got a chance to see a dog walking on two legs, but also see it dance. He was glad that he was able to meet and talk to that beagle. Not only did the burden in his chest lightened, but also, he had heard the words that he longed to hear for a long time.






“Ah, it’s time already, I hate to say goodbye but don’t worry, we’ll be seeing each other—I mean hearing each other—I’m sorry,” Chanyeol laughed at his mistake, “tomorrow, and I wish you guys a great night! Before I leave though, let me play one last song that I’ve been listening these days. It’s about missing someone that you love, someone you treasure. And think about the time you spend together… how it was lost, and how this song reminds you of those great times. You shouldn’t hurt because you’re missing those times, everyone. You should be happy because that precious person gave you beautiful memories that you’ll carry for the rest of your life. This is the new single released by SM Station, give it up for “The Day”. ‘Til next time guys, this is DJ Dobby saying Happiness Delight~ Annyeong!”


Chanyeol pressed the button of the mic and the technicians on the other side of the booth gave him two thumbs up. He removed his headset and stood from his seat, taking his coat as he stride out of the room.


“Another job well done, Chanyeol. You sure are our hit DJ,” Chen laughed, punching him playfully in the guts. Chanyeol laughed as a response and waved a hand. “Aish, don’t flatter me it won’t work.”


“Oh, come on!” Chen smirked right before the door opened and he saw another two guys peeking inside. It was Jongin and Sehun. The first one was Chen’s cousin and the latter was Jongin’s best friend. He knew why they are here again.


“Hyung, come on, your shift is done right? Let’s go for a drink! My treat,” Jongin grinned. He spotted Chanyeol next to Chen and smiled.


“Chanyeol hyung you should come too, we’ll watch movies too.”


“Nah, I don’t drink.” Chanyeol shook his head with a tight lipped smile. Chen shook his head as he took his own coat. “Stop trying Jongin. Chanyeol here doesn’t know how to live the life to the fullest.” Chanyeol would have been hurt if he was still the same man before, but right after he met the Beagle by the park around a week ago, Chanyeol’s been reminded over and over on how he should not let these comments in his head. It was just unfortunate that Chanyeol wasn’t compatible with his colleagues in terms of hobbies and interests that was why they didn’t click.


When he left the station, Chanyeol thought if he should visit the park again. After all, this was the same day that he met the beagle. He kept reminding himself that he was going to the park to unwind, and not because he wanted to see the mascot man again. If Chanyeol felt how his vital organ slammed against his chest hard when he saw the Beagle walking around holding assorted balloons in his left hand, he didn’t show it. If under his black face mask his grin was so wide his lips might split, he didn’t mind it. Instead, he jogged towards the beagle when he was busy selling a blue balloon to a kid.


“Here’s a pretty balloon for a handsome kid like you!” he said, when the kid took the balloon, the boy tiptoed and kissed the beagle’s cheeks. “Thank you Beagle!” the kid giggled and ran back to his mother. Chanyeol was there all the time when the mascot man turned around and shrieked. The DJ’s eyes doubled when he saw the beagle holding on to his chest, looking at him—or so he assumed. “What are you doing here, you caught me by surprise!” the man gasped.


Chanyeol blinked at him, once, twice before the words sank in. “Am I not allowed here? This is a public place though,” he argued. The beagle stood straight, placing his hand on his hips. “I know this is a public place but you don’t go around appearing in people’s back all of a sudden like a ghost. Sheesh, you’re going to give me a heart attack!” Chanyeol smirked under his face mask and crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you sure you’re a man? You shrieked like a siren back then,” he teased.


Beagle swatted Chanyeol’s finger which tried to poke his side. “I’m a man. This mascot is not for girls, it’s too heavy and hot in here, excuse me,” Chanyeol chuckled and shook his head. The DJ spent his time talking to the beagle, which they both enjoyed by the way. He learned a lot from talking with him. The beagle said that he was always in the park during Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Those were the days when he didn’t had class. He shared that he was in his last year in his university, but beagle didn’t share where it was and what was the course he was taking. He told him that he was doing this as a part time job, besides he love kids. So even when it was tiring and it didn’t pay that high, he continued being a mascot man.


“Aren’t you exhausted? I mean working and studying at the same time?” Chanyeol asked. They were walking around the park and waiting for the balloons to be sold out. This time, Chanyeol was wearing another pair of jeans with holes over his knee and slits over his thighs, then a white sweatshirt underneath a thick jacket.


“Hmm… sometimes it’s hard. But you know if you love your job, no matter how hard it is, it will somehow work out right?” Beagle nodded and turned to him. Chanyeol was slowly harbouring hatred to that mascot. He wanted to see the face behind that overly happy beagle face.


“Enough about me, tell me something about you,” the beagle interjected. “But you can leave out the things you wouldn’t want me to know, it’s okay.” Chanyeol hummed, thinking. His hands were on his back, clasped together as he ransacked his brain into something valuable to share. In the end he told about his childhood and how he was often teased because he was fat, and how that pushed him to maintain a fit and healthy body. He also shared a lot of funny stories, starting from his embarrassing things that happened to him from high school to college.


Chanyeol didn’t know why the three hours of spending his time with the beagle seemed longer than it was. In such a short time, Chanyeol felt like the beagle learned a lot from his life more than the people he spent his time with longer than this. To tell that he knew them for years and still, Chanyeol couldn’t seem to put them in the category of a friend. But to this man, even faceless, he felt like he knew him forever. It wasn’t one-sided, aside from the beagle’s name and face, the man seemed to share every special and funny moment he had in school. The way he tell the story was clear with matching impersonation that had him laughing too, it was almost like he was there when it happened. Chanyeol had never felt so home. He never felt like this before. It was as if he was a puzzle piece that found his perfect match.


The day ended with the beagle saying goodbye when the clock struck eight. Chanyeol didn’t want to end this yet, but he didn’t had a choice. They stood in front of the fountain with the beagle clasping his hands or paws together. “Thank you for today, ahjussi. Usually my shift is quite boring especially whenever there weren’t a lot of kids in the park. You kept me company.”


Chanyeol had this almost permanent frown the whole time the beagle was talking, and the latter laughed seeing how displeased Chanyeol was now that they are parting. “Don’t frown you’ll get older, ahjussi—“


Chanyeol raised his hand, halting the mascot man in front of him. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the beagle’s head with a finger, hard enough for the mascot to stumble a bit. “Remember this, you brat. I’m twenty-five, and certainly I go for the category of hyung to you. But don’t call me that. My name is Chanyeol… Park Chanyeol” Ten seconds passed and the DJ still didn’t get a reply. “Yah.”


“Ah!” the beagle whined when Chanyeol hit his head, causing the latter to snort. “Don’t overreact; I know you didn’t feel that,” the beagle laughed and made an ‘OK’ sign to him. “I just didn’t expect you to give your name, but then okay, if you wanna be called Chanyeol, then I will call you Chanyeol-ahjussi.” Chanyeol’s eyes widened threateningly at him which lead to a loud, hearty laugh from the mascot man. He stepped back, waving. “If you ever want to unwind, I’ll always be here during weekends! Bye Chanyeol!”






Weekdays for Chanyeol were the same. Go to work, go home, sometimes he spent time with his family living next town since Chanyeol only worked for maximum of five hours per day. Whenever there was time to spare, Chanyeol found himself in malls or in movie theatres. It was like this, just like before.


But it wasn’t as monotonous and dull as before. Chanyeol, at the end of the week, would always look forward in meeting Beagle. He decided to call him Beagle since he didn’t tell Chanyeol his name. He had asked him one time why did he keep his mascot when he was with Chanyeol and Beagle laughed at him saying, “I don’t want you to see me sweaty and stinking. First impression is always important for me. It just that we can’t hang out. When you’re not working, and weekdays for me is full packed when you can just jam here and there.” He even complained, “I wished to graduate fast so I’d have more time for myself. Gosh, school is killing me.”


It was true that weekends became Chanyeol’s and Beagle’s time with each other. The elder would always come to park to spend time with the mascot man. They played with children and sometimes Chanyeol would find himself dancing with the Beagle Beat that the children loved to play so much. There was one time that Beagle pointed at him and they have to shake their hips down and down while the children laughed in joy while watching them. He also remembered the time when he went to the park without his face mask. He’d like to think that Beagle found him handsome because he just stared at him through his mascot. But of course, he wouldn’t want to bust his own bubble and asked him that. However, before they parted that Sunday, Beagle told Chanyeol that he would throw the face mask away if Chanyeol ever tried to put it on again.


Because they only see each other during weekends, they didn’t expect that their friendship will get stronger as the months passed. Chanyeol was still wondering why Beagle still won’t tell him his name, he was getting impatient. Also, he didn’t like the fact that he couldn’t put a name and a face to the voice he could barely hear. Every night before he slept, he’d stare at the selca picture that he took with Beagle. At first glance, it looked like a cute picture because of the mascot, oh how Chanyeol despised that mascot. If it wasn’t for it, maybe it was Beagle’s real face which was beside his that time. He only wished for a chance. He could’t continue liking someone without an identity.






Books and clothes were thrown all over the place, the smell of baby powder and after shave lingered in the air mixing with the vanilla scent from the bubble bath soap  Luhan asked him to try. He liked it actually; it kept his skin moisturized and smooth. With all the pollution that he faced every day in school and work, Baekhyun really needed some bubble bath and Luhan was his angel for gifting him some.


Tossing his towel somewhere again, Baekhyun went to his dresser and grabbed the first thing his hand touched, which was a pair of stripped green pajamas. He put it on, taking a deep breath of relief because thank God, he was finally going to sleep.


As he passed the pile of books on his table, Baekhyun stopped when he spotted the only photo framed on his table. He stopped on his track, reaching out for the small remembrance how he was so happy before he left this place back when he was just in pre-school. In the picture were two kids playing on the sandbox in the old playground. Their faces were sticky with sweat, some sand glued to their cheeks and forehead. They both made peace signs at the camera and their smiles were reaching from ear to ear.


He touched the image of the boy who wore thick glasses, cheeks so fluffy and cute. He chuckled remembering the times when he used to pinch them when he was being silly. “I guess that he didn’t change after all.” He shook his head. “Still selling himself short when he’s the best person one could ever ask for.”


“Oppa, why are you playing with that fat boy over there! Don’t you want to play with us?” one of their girl playmates told him. He was not pleased with what he heard. Yeol or Chanyeol might be fat, but teasing him about it was not nice. That was why he preferred playing with Yeol because even when he was like this, he was kind and he was good in telling stories. “Stop it Jinah, that’s not nice!”


“B-But oppa…” The girl was already on the verge of crying. Maybe because she wasn’t used hearing him raising his voice. He knew that the others think that Jinah liked Baekhyun, but he didn’t like her even when she was pretty.


Baekhyun didn’t mean to make her cry, but it was done already. He saw Jinah’s elder brother approached them and asked her what happened and who made her cry. Jinah pointed at Baekhyun back then, and the latter knew what was going to happen. Jinah’s brother was the big bully that time, and whoever made Jinah cry received punches from him.


He was ready to get hit, he closed his eyes and waited for it. But the pain didn’t come. Instead, he heard a loud thud. When he opened his eyes, he saw Yeol on the ground. His glasses was removed and he had blood on the corner of his lip.


“Chanyeol!” he gasped, running to his aid. He expected him to cry, since Chanyeol was really a cry baby even when he was three years older. But what Chanyeol did that time was very brave. He stood up and covered Baekhyun, facing Jinah’s brother who was just as tall and as big as him. “Try hitting Hyun again and I’ll punch you twice as hard!” Yeol threatened. When the other raised his fist, Chanyeol unexpectedly dodged it and hit him on the face too, causing the other kid to stumble back.


Baekhyun giggled to himself. Chanyeol, the cry baby stood up for him and protected him. He thought how manly Chanyeol was that time. But his smile slowly died down when he remembered that day.


It was raining hard and his mood was as dark as the cloud. He was crying so hard because they have to leave the country. Baekhyun’s father was transferred to America and his parents decided for him to finish his high school there. The first thing that came to his mind then was that he wasgoing to leave Yeol behind. He didn’t want to. Believe him he tried to convince them that he could stay with his grandma, but they didn’t allow him. He asked them to give him time to say good bye to his best friend. So Baekhyun took his courage and went to the sandbox one last time yesterday. He played with Chanyeol to the fullest, and they took this photo he was holding right now. And when they have to part at sunset, Baekhyun told him the truth.


“A-America? But Hyunnie, that place is so far!” He could see how Chanyeol was trying hard not to cry. Baekhyun nodded, smiling sadly at his friend. “It is, Yeol… and I don’t know when will I get back…”


Chanyeol was so heartbroken that time that Baekhyun ended up crying all night before their flight the next day. He remembered how the elder hugged him tight and begged him not to leave. But how could he even win with his parents? He was just a kid back then. Even if Baekhyun wanted to stay, what could he do?


With a sigh the university senior ended up placing the frame back on the table. He threw himself on the mattress with a loud sigh. When Baekhyun came back to Korea four years ago, he planned to see Chanyeol again. However, on the last minute, Baekhyun’s fear won and he chickened out. He was afraid that Chanyeol had hated him because he left him behind. He thought he’d never get a chance again, because he blew it up twice. Fate didn’t plan it that way. When he first saw that tall man in coat and face mask while he was at work, when he talked to him, the idea of him being Chanyeol didn’t even cross his mind, until he introduced himself. That time Baekhyun’s heart drummed in violently in his chest. He thought that this was another chance that the heavens gave him.


Yet again, instead of grabbing the opportunity to tell him the truth—that Beagle was Hyunnie, that the man inside that mascot was Chanyeol’s childhood friend who left him years ago, Baekhyun once again kept his tongue tied. I don’t want you to go away. I want to know how you have been. I want us to stay like this. Always. Baekhyun wanted to say, but didn’t have the courage to do so.






On their way to the library, Baekhyun untangled his earphones that he fished out from his sweater’s front pocket. It was nearing one thirty in the afternoon and DJ Dobby would be on air around that time. When he first heard DJ Dobby on air, he immediately liked how deep and soothing his voice was, even more when he spent three hours listening to his playlist. Honestly, what pulled Baekhyun to listen to the DJ was his name. Dobby. It was familiar, because he remembered that he used the name to teased Chanyeol. Ever since then Baekhyun became an avid listener of the sensational DJ. No one knew his real name, even his fans. They didn’t know his real name too. But for Baekhyun hearing him every day was enough. Although putting a face on the voice wouldn’t be so bad at all.


“Everyone good afternoon! It’s me again DJ Dobby! Did you eat lunch yet? If not please do, I will be sad if you skip meals because you just want to lose weight. That’s not healthy,” Baekhyun snorted at DJ Dobby’s greeting, but still he couldn’t hide the smile that graced his lips when he entered the library with the books on his arm. He spotted a secluded space on the corner and he jogged silently and reserved the seat for him. He pulled the chair and sat.


“Autumn is going to end we will soon welcome winter, it’s cold outside please do not forget your coats, jackets and scarfs. Oh—we got a message already, wow, as expected from you guys. Well let’s see what we have here…hmmm…okay, Seoeun says: Annyeong oppa, I heard that you said you will be sad if we skip meals just to lose weight, does that mean you don’t like skinny girls?. Baekhyun rolled his eyes as he flipped the page, what kind of question was that? Was that even relevant?


“Haha, it’s not that I don’t like skinny girls, Seoeun-ssi. It’s just I experienced the struggles of being overweight when I was a kid. Got myself bullied a lot of times too so I worked out and maintained a healthy lifestyle. I’m just saying that starving yourself isn’t the way okay? Let’s enjoy food, food is delicious.” Baekhyun stopped whatever he was doing and pondered why he thought of Chanyeol upon hearing that. He shrugged it off and continued listening, feeling giddy when DJ Dobby started his playlist.


“Okay because Seoeun made me remember my childhood days, I will play this song. I just remembered my… uhm first friend and my first puppy love back in the old days. Thanks to that person, I became less of a cry baby, and I learned to stand up for myself. That person made me realized that everyone is beautiful—Ah, why am I talking about this, I’m sorry. Wherever you are, Hyunnie, this song is for you.  Okay let’s give it up for “Beautiful”!






It was Saturday and Chanyeol was in the bookstore around four thirty in the afternoon. He was looking for this certain book that he heard Beagle wanted to buy but he didn’t had enough money yet. He wanted to surprise the younger today and also because he just wanted to give a gift. He spotted the book a few moments later and went directly to the counter. Chanyeol couldn’t wait to see Beagle’s reaction when he saw this.


Just in time that he arrived in the park, he saw Beagle dancing Beagle Beat with the kids again. He dared not to disturb them so he sat back on the bench where he sat the first time he saw the mascot man. Come to think of it, it had been what, four months since then? Within those four months, Chanyeol experienced joy once again. He felt how it was to have someone listened to all your silly jokes and someone to listen to your worries.


He, once again experienced that warm feeling whenever he had someone to laugh with, that feeling where you were not afraid of being yourself. Chanyeol watched Beagle with tenderness, with adoration and fondness until they finished. The kids seemed to enjoy spending time with Beagle. They said because of the mascot man they earned lots of friends and became close to the kids who also visit the park. He remembered talking to a girl one time and they talked about how she met Beagle. The girl told him the story when she was fighting with one of her playmates. That was when Beagle appeared and talked to them. He said that it wasn’t good fighting with your playmates. Knowing such simple yet heart-warming things had him liking Beagle much more than he should.


Half an hour later he watched Beagle skipped towards his direction. Chanyeol laughed when the other almost tripped on the pavement for being so clumsy but he couldn’t blame him. Looking through the mascot must have been harder than he thought. “You’re extra hyper today, Beagle.” The mascot man laughed, that kind of laugh that sounded like bells to Chanyeol. “Too much sugar this morning.”


Chanyeol couldn’t help but chuckle and stare at the younger. He did everything that he could do, imagined how he would look like, and imagined what it would be like saying his name and seeing him without this mascot. None of them could overpass the real thing. Chanyeol would like to take another step, another step closer to this man.


“Why are you looking at me like that?” Beagle asked him, pushing his face with his paw. The DJ laughed and held the paw away from his face. “Just because I really want to see your face…” When Beagle froze and didn’t say anything for a moment, Chanyeol realized what he had just said might have sounded off. “I- I mean…” He cleared his throat, face burning in embarrassment. “It’s u-unfair you know.” Well unaware of the pout forming on his lips, Chanyeol turned away and missed how Beagle put his paws on his mouth and giggled. “You know my name, you can see my face, and I don’t even know yours…”


“Aww,” the Beagle teased, poking his side. Chanyeol jolted and fought his urge to laugh, he swatted the paw away. “Don’t aww me, you dog. Shoo, go away, I hate you.” He stifled a laugh. Beagle didn’t buy it and sat closer to him, pushing him to the edge of the bench. That was when he noticed the paper bag Chanyeol was holding. When he tried to snatch it, Chanyeol moved his hands further so he won’t be able to reach it. “What’s that?!”


Chanyeol smirked and squared his shoulders and said, “I thought of giving you a gift, but now that I think about how unfair you I change my mind. I’ll just give this to others—“ Beagle snatched the paper bag and hugged it, stealing it away from Chanyeol. “No! This is mine so this belongs to me.” Chanyeol wondered if the man was pouting inside the mascot. “And to stop you from complaining, fine, I’ll tell you my name. Only my name okay?” Chanyeol huffed, thinking if Beagle had an ugly face that was why he was not fond of showing his face; because even so, he would still like him. Chanyeol liked him for who he was, and not for what he looked like. “Fine, fine.”


“In return,” Beagle countered. “You’ll confess something to me.” Chanyeol blinked at him and lifted his shoulder. “Okay fine.” Sure he could do that. What matters was that he would finally know Beagle’s name. He heard the other took a deep breath, and he wondered if he just imagined how Beagle’s hands shook while holding the paper bag. “My name is Baekhyun.”


Chanyeol felt the wind blew just in time Beagle told him his name.




“Baekhyun,” he tried rolling it in his tongue and he liked it. He liked his name. It felt like it matched Beagle’s character. Cute, sassy, hyper… Baekhyun—the man inside the mascot finally had a name; the man who squealed upon seeing the book inside the paper bag; the man who jumped like a kid and told him hundreds of thank you’s; the man who realized that there was still something Chanyeol had to confess to him—whatever it was.


“Now it’s your turn!” Chanyeol crossed his arms and smugly said, “I am prepared, it’s not like I’m hiding something unlike you.” Chanyeol turned his head and saw how Baekhyun stiffened and he brushed it off, tapping the other’s shoulder and reassured him that it was fine, he was just kidding. Baekhyun sat straight on the bench, still holding the brand new book. “Chanyeol-ah… you know that I am a big fan of DJ Dobby right?” It took a while for Baekhyun to hear Chanyeol’s response but he did. It was a soft hum.


He cleared his throat and looked at the man through the hole of the mask. Baekhyun had talked to Luhan about his situation, and his friend scolded him for being a coward. He told him how he heard DJ Dobby dedicated a song to Hyunnie last time, when he was listening to him in the library. Back then Baekhyun thought that it was impossible—because Yeol was Chanyeol. He was sure of that because he could recognize the ears. It was impossible that DJ Dobby was Yeol—and that was when Luhan hit him on his head saying, “You’re stupid Baek. Didn’t you think that maybe, that Chanyeol is DJ Dobby? That they were the same person? How could you be so dumb?”


Baekhyun thought about the possibility that night. Luhan’s right. Chanyeol could be DJ Dobby. He couldn’t tell because he couldn’t hear Chanyeol’s voice properly because of the mask. Every voice that he heard sounded like they came from tunnel. But he knew Chanyeol had a baritone voice. So he thought of confirming it personally to him. And now that he was sitting beside him, Baekhyun fidgeted on his seat when he asked, “Chanyeol where are you working?”


He turned his head and looked at the elder, seeing his lips stretched into a wide grin. “I was also wondering when you will notice my voice.” Chanyeol took a deep breath, wrapping an arm around him. “Since you told me your name, alright, I will tell you. I am currently a DJ in LMR station. I’m DJ Dobby.”






“Luhan what will I do?!” Baekhyun rolled on the floor whining. He was at his friend’s house that night. Right after his shift ended he went straight to Luhan and told him the news. He was still even in his mascot when he arrived that he almost gave Mrs. Lu a heart attack. Now he was rolling on the floor with only his mask off, while the rest of the mascot was still on him. Luhan dropped his book to his side and snatched a pillow, throwing it at him.


“Baekhyun stop being stupid. You told me that Chanyeol looked really lonely the first night you met him again. And you also told me how he often smiles now and you’re really happy about this. Now that you know that Chanyeol and Dobby is one, and Dobby dedicated a song to Hyunnie, which is you, maybe Chanyeol wasn’t really mad at you for leaving him. If he still is, then he’s so shallow. He should know by now that you didn’t had a say to your parents’ decision that time, Baek,” Luhan lectured.


Baekhyun jutted his lower lip and sighed. Even though Luhan was right, he couldn’t wash off the fear that was eating his heart. Baekhyun didn’t want Chanyeol to reject him when he knew that he was Hyunnie. He was really glad that Chanyeol knew him that time only as Hyun, and not Baekhyun. He introduced himself to him as Byun Hyun because that was how he called himself when he was a kid. That was why he didn’t had a trouble telling Chanyeol his full name—Baekhyun. Luhan was right, but then Baekhyun was scared. He felt like if he dropped the bomb, the new bond that he made with Chanyeol would snap. He didn’t want to. He didn’t want that to happen.






Exam week was approaching and Baekhyun decided to take a leave from work. He talked to his employer and he was okay with it. With all the stress and things to do, Baekhyun forgot that he didn’t tell Chanyeol about his leave. He was unaware of the fact that Chanyeol came to see him, as always, that Friday in the park, only to be confused and disappointed to see no Beagle there. He was unaware that Chanyeol waited until eight, the usual end of Baekhyun’s shift before the elder went back home deflated. Baekhyun was unaware that it happened the next day too, and the day after that. Chanyeol would go to the park with a sparkling hope to see him only to go home cold and lonely. The DJ missed Baekhyun—he missed Beagle.


The following week ended up the same, and Chanyeol was wondering where did Baekhyun go? Did he quit his job? Why did he? If so, why didn’t he tell him? Chanyeol felt like his heart was cultivated and someone left a gaping hole in it. He never liked being left behind. He experienced it before at such a young age. It wasn’t his best memory of his childhood friend Hyun. He cried a lot after Hyun left, he didn’t eat and he wasn’t in the mood to study. It might look and sound stupid but to Chanyeol that time, Hyun was his best friend. Hyun was the first person who didn’t , the first one who wanted to be friends with him. Hyunnie was his first puppy love, and he would always treasure their childhood like that.


Now that Baekhyun might be doing the same, Chanyeol thought he was going to lose his mind. He was wondering if he did something wrong. Why everyone leaved him? Was he really not worth it? What should he do for them to stay? He was tired of being lonely. He didn’t want to be alone anymore.






It was Thursday when Chanyeol went to visit his family next town, an hour away from his place. He brought some pastries for his parents as always and used his car. His mother was delighted to see his son again but she could tell how he was down the moment she laid his eyes on him. However, she had some surprise for her boy. “Chanyeol-ah, remember the Byun family who lived two blocks away?” she asked him while they were having dinner. Chanyeol paused from eating and lifted his gaze, blinking. Yes of course he remembered them. How could he forget them?



“Of course, mom, he would remember! Didn’t he have a crush on his playmate back then? What’s his name again? Hyunnie?” Yoora, his sister, . He kicked her shin under the table causing the elder to yelp. Chanyeol cleared his throat. “I remember mom, w-what about them?” His mother giggled and said, “I saw them this morning when I was shopping. And you know what, they said they’ve been back since four years ago, because their son Hyunnie, I’m sure you know him, wanted to go to college here and not in America. They haven’t had time to visit for they were busy with their new business but they were glad that we bumped to each other. That is why I baked some cookies for them. I want you to deliver this to them after dinner, son. I’m sure you wanted to see Hyunnie too right?” his mom winked at him.


Chanyeol was out of the house right after he gulped a glass of water. He brought the cookies with him and sprinted to his car. Of course, he wanted to see Hyunnie. Yes, he was hurt that time, but he understood that it was inevitable. Even if Chanyeol was sure that he still had a tiny crush on his childhood friend, he knew he liked Baekhyun more. He took a deep breath, he would deal with Baekhyun tomorrow, maybe he’d be there in the park again.


It took Chanyeol less than ten minutes to get to Byun’s house. He was amazed how it was renovated and improved but he was more excited to see his best friend. He rang the doorbell and Mrs. Byun instantly opened the gate for him when she realized that it was Chanyeol. She hugged him and invited him inside, asking him to thank his mother for the cookies. “Oh my god, Hyunnie would be so delighted that his chubby and cute best friend is now a handsome model!”


Chanyeol laughed and shook his head. “I’m not a model, Auntie. I-I’m uh, working as a DJ in LMR. I’m DJ Dobby.”


Her eyes widened in awe after that, telling him how Hyunnie was an avid fan of his. Chanyeol felt warm inside, remembering that he once dedicated a song to Hyunnie. He hoped Hyunnie listened to the song. Mrs. Byun told him that he could visit Hyun’s room if he wanted, so he took the invitation and went to the place where they used to play sometimes if it was raining and they couldn’t go to the sandbox. Upon entering, Chanyeol chuckled at the mess. He heard that Hyun was on his last year in college, that explained the books. Instantly, Chanyeol’s eyes fell on the picture they took before Hyun left. He smiled knowing that his best friend treasured their friendship back then too, to preserve the photo like that.


Chanyeol was about to return to the living room when he found something when he turn around. It was a giant mascot, of white and brown beagle hanging on the wall. Chanyeol froze on his spot when he realized that it wasn’t just any mascot.


It was Beagle. It was Baekhyun’s mascot.


The door of the room abruptly open and Chanyeol saw a young man looking right back at him. He wasn’t a fool not to recognize that button nose and thin pink lips. Those were the things that made him think that Hyun was prettier than the other girls in the playground. Although he had dyed his black hair into sandy brown, and that his eyes were slightly defined by kohl, Chanyeol knew that this man was Hyun—and when he turned back to the mascot, his blood had run cold. This man was also Beagle. This man… he was Baekhyun all this time.


“C-Chanyeol I can explain—“ Baekhyun’s heart jumped in fear when Chanyeol ran pass him, making a beeline out of the house. He didn’t waste time and dropped his bag and followed him. He saw how hurt Chanyeol was and how deep the betrayal was in his eyes. He ran as fast as he could, trying to catch Chanyeol’s pace. It was hard… because Chanyeol had long legs and damn he wasn’t as athletic as him. “Chanyeol! Wait! Let me explain please!” Instead of listening, Chanyeol kept on running. Baekhyun’s lungs were burning but he kept on following him. And when he saw a car approaching Chanyeol he screamed.


“Yah! If you wanna die go do it somewhere else!” the driver yelled. Chanyeol bowed in apology before was yanked by a hand, and the next thing he knew was a hand against his cheek. “Are you out of your mind!? You could have died!” Baekhyun screamed at him. Chanyeol didn’t have time to react and didn’t have time to mind the sting on his cheeks, because Baekhyun was crying before him that his pretty face looked funny as hell. “You giant idiot!”


Panting, Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol to the direction of the playground where they used to play. He was still shocked from the fact that he almost got hit by a car and he didn’t know that they were now sitting on the swing. It was when Baekhyun cleared his throat that he was pulled back to reality. Baekhyun wiped his tears away and took a deep breath. “If you’re thinking that I betrayed you for not telling my true identity, I didn’t mean to, Yeol. I- I was scared… because I thought that you’re still mad at me because I left you before.” Baekhyun looked at the elder who was intently listening to him, the wind blowing and drying the rest of his tears.


“When you told me your name… It was then when I recognized you—you and your ears, you and your wide and bright smile,” Baekhyun chuckled. “I got even more scared, and decided not to show you my face because you might recognize me too. I don’t want to lose you again…”


Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun pushed himself and swung gently against the breeze. “I was planning to tell you after my exams, my friend Luhan encouraged me to do it because y-you deserve to know the truth… I – I was just taking my time to gather my courage to do so…”


“You had four years, Baekhyun…” Chanyeol stated, earning an embarrass laugh from the younger. “I know, I’m sorry…”


Chanyeol sighed, looking at the sky. “Why didn’t you visit me the moment you went back?”


Baekhyun shrugged. “Like I said, I was scared…”


When Chanyeol snorted, Baekhyun pouted and the elder couldn’t help but chuckle. “So it’s fun for you to watch me guess who you are when you already know me?” Baekhyun whined and countered, “It’s not like that, Chanyeol. Don’t make me anymore guilty. I’m sorry…please…” he pleaded.


The DJ looked at him and shook his head with a tight lipped smile. “I’ll accept your sorry in one condition.”


“What is it?” Baekhyun was determined to get Chanyeol back and he was up for the challenge. The elder chuckled and pointed at the spot in front of him. “Dance the Beagle Beat first.”


The younger’s eyes widened. “Now?”


“Now,” Chanyeol chuckled when he saw how embarrassed Baekhyun looked right now.


“I’m not even on mascot!”


He laughed, Chanyeol nodded his head and smugly said, “That’s the point, I want to see you dance that corny dance without Beagle.”  Baekhyun scowled, but complied anyway, muttering something like it’s not corny, it’s cute. Chanyeol, all the while Baekhyun sang, clapped with him. When Baekhyun pointed at him to shake their butts together, Chanyeol gladly did the dance with him.


That night they went back to the sandbox and created the silly castles they used to make when they were kids. Baekhyun came up with the idea of reposing their picture years ago, and Chanyeol gladly did the gig with him. Now they laid together in the sandbox, facing the sky, they watched the stars blinking in the dark. Chanyeol closed his eyes when he felt Baekhyun’s knuckle touched his. Smiling, Chanyeol took the slender hands in his own keeping it warm. Baekhyun chuckled, turning his head to him. “Chanyeol…”


“Hm?” the other hummed, eyes still closed, “Why did you nickname yourself Dobby?” Upon hearing the question, Chanyeol laughed and opened his eyes, red tint all over his ears and cheeks. “Well, this is gonna sound silly but… I remember the first time when you called me Dobby. I was so flustered that time and I couldn’t forget it. You were here already and you called me just in time I arrived with Mom… you were like, Dobby darling come play with me!” Baekhyun laughed out loud, remembering that time. Chanyeol told him that after that, his mom and sister won’t stop teasing him with Dobby.


“And you… where did that Beagle Beat came from?” Baekhyun grinned. “Aigoo, you’re old now and you can’t remember that anymore?” Chanyeol frowned at him and Baekhyun shook his head, giggling. “I used to have a beagle named Beagle right?” Chanyeol nodded, remembering that.


“I made that song about Beagle to make children laugh, coz I remember you laughing and smiling the first time when I mentioned you about Beagle. So I spread a song about it, and whenever I sing the song, I remember the most beautiful smile that I ever seen.”






Baekhyun graduated with flying colors. A week after the ceremony, he talked to his mother that he would be moving to Chanyeol’s apartment. Since the Byun Family knew Chanyeol, like their second son, they let him. Baekhyun only brought his clothes with him since Chanyeol had everything in his apartment. And today might be his first day in Chanyeol’s apartment, it felt like this was more of a home to him.


The alarm rang loud like a witch’s shriek. Baekhyun rolled on the bed to get his phone and turn it off. With his eyes still closed he let his hand wandered on the bed in searched for the device when suddenly it stopped. “Come on sleepy head, you’ve been snoozing your phone for ten minutes, it’s time to get up.”


Baekhyun whined, “I’m still sleepy…”


“Alright, you want to be late for your interview?” asked the voice. He then felt the bed dipped on the side, followed by an arm wrapping around his waist. This made his morning the best of the mornings that he ever had. He shook his head and finally opened his eyes, meeting Chanyeol’s bright eyes. “Of course not,” he pouted.


Chanyeol pinched his nose and stood up, arms sliding on his back and the other under his knees. He shrieked when Chanyeol carried him up, laughing, “Okay let’s go eat breakfast!” and ran off to the kitchen.


“Chanyeol put me down! Don’t you dare drop me!”





beta version



Okay I promised yina a , and i'll be uploading an extra chapter for that. 

This is unbeta-ed yet. will go back and edit later. 

I hope you like the story. 

Feel free and drop some feedback below . thank you!


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1105 streak #1
Chapter 2: aww even the is cute! :D
1105 streak #2
Chapter 1: THIS IS SO CUTE!!
Chapter 2: This is such a cute fic, I just cant.
Beagle Baek and Dobby Yeol moment is too precious here.

Thank you for the sweet and fluffy read, I really enjoyed it.
Chapter 1: awww fluff fluff lokve this so much thnx !
*I'm not being lazy for not writing a new comment on every one of your stories, because this one explains my feelings the best <333
Hi Author Nim ^-^
I don't think I ever commented and I'm disappointed in my self. And I'm going to tell you why. This story, is one of the best stories/fanfiction/books I have ever read. The amount of effort that was put, by you, into this incredible MASTERPIECE, is just wow. I can't even put into word how much I appreciate your work. and it's not just that, I would like to thank you also for being part of my depression recovery. Of course you didn't know, but every one of your masterpieces that I have read made me feel a lot better every single day. To some people it probably sounds stupid, and too dramatic that fanfiction helped me. But the way you write is just art, and your stories were so deep with amazing plot, by reading then and getting into them it helped me forget for a moment the hardship that I'm going through.
I'm sorry I never told you how amazing of an author you're, and your writing and your imagination, both are just, let me repeat myself, wow.
Thank you again. And please don't ever feel discouraged about your writing or your ideas, because you need to know that there are people out there, like myself, that appreciate every single thing you write.
And to make sure you understand, this comment is not just for this fic, is for other amazing stories of yours that helped me heal and I feel really connected to them. I truly love them so,
Thank you.
Chapter 2: So sweet loved it❤
Chapter 2: reread this and gosh, i still love it~~
Baozisaur #8
Chapter 1: It still never fails to make me feel elated :))) chanbaek here is sooooo fluffy!!
Chapter 2: awwww this is so ute