The early bird catches the worm

First Come, First Serve
The early bird catches the worm



The fresh spring air was embracing Sungmin, the scent of blossoming flowers refreshing his tired mind in the morning, letting an atmosphere of departure evoke in him. Today was the day he would take heart and confess to his beloved tutor. Sungmin's third semester started and with the beginning of a new university year, the shackles of policies weren't hindering him anymore from confessing to the one he had a crush on. Relationships between professors, tutors and students were strictly forbidden and once the last semester had finished and Sungmin wasn't taking tutorials anymore, he was finally free to date his crush. If he had just gathered enough courage to confess...


Unfortunately Sungmin had never been one of the self-confident kind. He was shy, his looks were average and others often called him a nerd. Indeed he was very diligent and he was following every rule, that was how his parents had raised him and Sungmin respected them and the way they had decided to let him grow up. As the son of a rich family Sungmin wasn't anything special, though. 

The young man was attending one of South Korea's most expensive private universities, most of the students being the offspring of a well - off family or being the heir of a famous enterprise.

It was difficult to stand out through one's family background.


However today should be a very different day. The moment Sungmin entered the campus he heard a lot of students gossiping, talking in excitement and maybe also in fear about someone who would attend the university at the start of the semester. Just from listening passively to what the others had to say, Sungmin snapped the name Lee Sooman.


Lee Sooman was one of South Korea's top politicians, his influence was immense and most of the companies endeavored a partnership with him since he had the power to set new laws which could mean their uprise or the downfall.


So Lee Sooman’s son would attend the same university as Sungmin? He didn't really care to be honest. Sungmin was happy the way he lived. He wasn't popular, he didn't have a lot of friends and his parent's company was successful, yet not as successful as the big giants such as Samsung, LG or affiliates. Sungmin was happy just living his life, no need to be scared of poverty, being free in whatever he was doing and loving the person he wanted to love. Jongwoon.


His former tutor was standing in front of one of the lecture halls with other fellow students and when he saw Sungmin approaching, he quickly waved towards him and smiled brightly.


"Hey Sungmin! Are you attending this lecture, too? So we'll be together?", he asked happily and Sungmin couldn't help but blush when he nodded and shyly grinned. Jongwoon was wrapping his arm around Sungmin and pulled him closer to him, introducing his former student to his friends. "This is Lee Sungmin and he's a genius! He often knew more than me in my lectures and I he will also be a tutor starting this semester! You didn't forget about it, did you?" With his handsome face he looked at Sungmin, the younger male's heart skipping a beat from seeing his crush's beauty from that close.


"I didn't forget it... I'm looking forward to mentor the freshmen...", Sungmin answered to him. How could he ever forget one of the favors Jongwoon was asking him for. There was no way to forget it. If Jongwoon had demanded it Sungmin would have even tattooed his request into his chest, that was how much he adored his senior.


A sudden murmur was going through the crowd and silenced the talking group of boys Sungmin had joined. The guys all looked up when the reason for the sudden excitement was appearing in front of them. It was a tall guy, his brown fluffy hair looking as if someone had ruffled through it in delight. His clothes were brand new high quality collection products, his perfectly fitting black trousers looking carefully chosen to the light grey shirt he was wearing and the matching scarf. That guy could have had every girl. He was handsome, he had sense of fashion and he looked as if he was taking great care of his body. Yet, Sungmin disliked him the very moment he saw that guy. He was an instant rival. 


The other students were watching him, leaving him enough space to comfortably walk through the floor. The name Lee Sooman was dropping the whole time. So this was Lee Sooman’s already popular son? Sungmin frowned.


Just pass us by..., Sungmin thought exertedly and the guy really was about to walk away without paying any attention to the one of the guys. But luck wasn't on Sungmin's side. 


The guy suddenly stopped next to the group. He didn't move at all but Sungmin could clearly see how his eyes were moving, how they were scanning through the group and how they stopped at the sight of Jongwoon. Lee Sooman’s son turned around and suddenly smiled. ..., he even smiled like an angel.


"Hey...!", he greeted them and moved closer. "Can anyone of you tell me where I can find the room 315?" His voice was low and gentle, even angelic and he acted all cutely. With an embarrassed grin he scratched the back of his head. 


Jongwoon immediately reacted, taking back his arm which until now had been still wrapped around Sungmin. He moved directly towards the guy and quickly bowed. "I'm Kim Jongwoon, you're a freshman, right? Let me show you the way."


The guy also bowed and gave Jongwoon an even more adorable smile than before, driving Sungmin mad with it. 


"Nice to meet you, I'm Lee Kyuhyun."


The two guys looked for a second of silence at each other before Jongwoon blushed and nervously started moving. "Follow me!"


Speechlessly Sungmin watched the two of them take leave, his mouth almost dropping seeing how his crush was acting around another guy. Jongwoon had never blushed when Sungmin was around. Jongwoon had never left some weird silence occur between him and anyone else. The lively person was talkative enough to find a topic to talk about at any time. Jongwoon had never seemed like he had an instant crush on someone ever before. 


Sungmin hated Kyuhyun the very first second he ever saw him.



Kyuhyun and Jongwoon seemed to be inseparable after the tutor had showed the freshman around for a bit. Like a bug Kyuhyun was pestering him, Sungmin being seriously disgruntled when Jongwoon brought his new friend with him to the table Sungmin and the others were having lunch together.


"Kyuhyun will join us, I doubt that anyone of you will have a problem with that, right?", Jongwoon asked with a cheerful smile and sat down with Kyuhyun. No one disagreed,  the others being way to keen on befriending the son of mighty Lee Sooman. Yuck. Sungmin got sick just of thinking to kiss Kyuhyun’s to profit of his father's influence. 


In silence Sungmin was eating his lunch while his friends were talking happily with Kyuhyun, asking him masses of questions.


"Is it true that you ranked No 1 when you graduated from High School?", one of the guys wanted to know. Kyuhyun answered with a smirk. 


"Sure!", he said. Great. He was intelligent. So what? Sungmin also ranked No 1 at his High School but he never made a big deal out of it.


"What about your siblings? They just finished university right? Your sister got pretty famous as a music producer and your brother is working abroad as a fashion manager, right?" Again Kyuhyun nodded, Sungmin getting seriously sick of hearing all those great things about him. Fine.  Kyuhyun was blessed with beauty, his father was goddamn influential and his siblings famous and geniuses just like him. GREAT!


"I heard that Professor Kwon retired, has anyone of you already met the new professor who will replace him?", Sungmin chimed into the conversation and tried to change the topic. The others looked at him in irritation, the only one answering being of course Jongwoon. He didn’t get that Sungmin had only looked for a pretext to stop talking about his newly declared archenemy.


"Yes, the new professor is pretty cool....ahhhh! By the way, I completely forgot that the tutors from last semester have to show up at professor Lee's office around 12:30." Almost instantly all of the heads turned towards the clock hanging on top of the cafeteria's front door. It was already 12:25 and the guys at the table one by one got up. 


"We should leave now.", one of them said and patted Sungmin's shoulder when he passed him by on his way to bring back the tablet and the dishes.


"You'll keep an eye on our new youngster, right?", Jongwoon asked and smiled adorably at Sungmin. He didn't even notice how much Sungmin detested Kyuhyun. And it would probably be the best to keep it like this. Jongwoon obviously had a crush on Kyuhyun and if Sungmin would show his aversion to the young guy, who knew how Jongwoon would react to that. 


Sungmin nodded in silence, watching how his beloved one and the other tutors were leaving. Sitting alone at the table with Kyuhyun was awkward. The talkative freshman didn't say a word, his interest in Sungmin was very limited. It would have been okay to the second-year student if it hadn't been for the sake of Jongwoon to be nice to that guy.


"So... when is your…-?"


"Spare it." Kyuhyun immediately cut Sungmin's attempt to talk to him off. The guy suddenly didn't look as friendly and cute as before. His expression had changed, the sparking eyes looked in a derogatory manner at Sungmin. Kyuhyun clicked with his tongue and then looked straight at him. "I know you don't like me. I know that it is because you're jealous. So I just want to tell you this..."


What the heck was going on right now? Sungmin blinked in irritation at Kyuhyun who had seen through him instantly as it seemed. His sudden change was also more than confusing but Sungmin had somehow known that something seemed off with this way too perfect guy.


"Jongwoon is out of your league. Forget about him, you don't even have the tiniest chance to compete with me.", he said and folded his hands into each other, propping his elbows up at the table. "Maybe he's nice to you... maybe you would have had a tiiiiiiny, very very tiny- almost non-existent - chance if it wasn't me who's interested in him now."


That was enough. Kyuhyun was seriously putting himself above Sungmin. Who on earth did he think he was to dare talking like that to anyone else?! "So you say you're better than me?!", Sungmin barked angrily.


"Sure.", Kyuhyun answered without turning a hair. "Darling...just look at yourself. What do you have to offer? You're looking like some wet blanket. You're nothing more than a clingy nerd who's basically screaming for Jongwoon's love. And then look at me. Now compare.", he blatantly spoke without a hint of shame about his own impertinence.


"I don't care about what you say!", Sungmin hissed and his hands formed fists, his knuckles already getting white from the pressure he pressed his fingers together with. "I was there first! I fell for him first! He’ll appreciate my feelings!“


"But you didn't confess... and so you're faaaaar behind me.", Kyuhyun interrupted him and got up from his seat, a devilish smirk on his lips. "Jongwoon likes guys like me. He already has an eye on me... and I will have him first. Just saying." The blatant smile Kyuhyun was wearing was boiling Sungmin's blood and he was about to erupt every moment. Sungmin style, of course. He would never freak out like a choleric person. "Well, well, my dear little competitor... I'm busy. You don't mind cleaning that for me, right?", he said and pointed at his tablet in front of him. "Seeyaaa~!" 


With a peppy turn he strutted out of the cafeteria and left Sungmin behind, really expecting his senior to clean up after him. One thing was for sure. Sungmin really hated that sassy princess of a douchebag! And they would never become friends! NEVER! 



"Hey!" Jongwoon came straight towards Sungmin before his first tutorial was about to start. Sungmin felt happy seeing Jongwoon around. He must have wanted to check if he was doing well  or needed help and the younger one automatically felt like his crush was caring about him enough to visit him. "I've got some bad news." Aaaaaand it was gone...


"Bad news?", Sungmin asked.


"Yeah, a lot of students of the same semester as you had applied for the tutor jobs and so the professors asked us elder students to let you guys have a chance on it. We even had to choose who we're trusting in the most to take our spots.", he explained, Sungmin already preparing himself to be told to that he wasn’t one of them. "I made sure you're keeping your job.", Jongwoon told him against his expectations.


"You... wanted me to keep the job?", Sungmin asked in disbelief. He was so touched and excited that Jongwoon wanted him to be a tutor. Yet, he didn't know that something worse was awaiting him.


"Sure, and that's why I'm entrusting my most precious freshman to you." Oh no. First, calling Kyuhyun ‘his most precious’ was hitting Sungmin into his guts, causing him some bad nausea. Then, talk of the devil, Kyuhyun was entering the room, looking more than puzzled when he found not only Jongwoon but also Sungmin standing in front of the blackboard.


Oh yeah... this semester would be so much fun...

Author's Notes

Yeeees, finally managed to finish the first chapter of this prequel. I’m so happy I can write about my lovely Kyu-Baby again, hehe. He’s my little sass princess in this story series.

I hope I can let him be the cheeky, naughty beast, he used to be in Meet the Family before *___*

Well…now only the EunHae sequel is missing and then all of my MTF related stories are up and ready to goooo *celebrates*.


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401 streak #1
Chapter 1: whereeee? where's the next chapter button? I'm okay with kyusung, or yemin. I want both!!!! T^T but I think it's a kyumin story #sigh

so? where are you author-nim???? T_________________T
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 1: Looks like the start of an intriguing story here, wish it could be updated, are you still around authornim?
Chapter 1: I know that this might be a kyumin ending but is it ok if I wish that it's not? Lol. I want KyuSung wahahahaha
fatimakys #4
Chapter 1: Hehehe I can not wait until the next update ,, fighting and comeback soon,please!
fatimakys #5
Chapter 1: Hehehe I can not wait until the next update ,, fighting and comeback soon,please!
Chapter 1: I'm not much of a Yesung and Sungmin pairing kind of person, but I love this so far!
Poor Sungmin. D;
Kyuhyun seems like an , but I love when he's sporting that personality. :3
As much as I feel for Sungmin, I want to see some KyuSung! :D
I hope that you decide to continue this. <3
loveSungmin #7
Chapter 1: I love it , write more kyumin lol
Chapter 1: Kyu's kinda fake.. all sweet with Yeye and all mean with Min. I hope Min won't end up killing Kyu. I wish I would know which pairing will win( i am a bit biased myself) but finding out will be the fun part
Melodyewonkyu #9
Chapter 1: Prince Kyu so naughty.
So Yesung will be end up with Kyu? or Min?
I wish he can pair up with some one.
jorgena #10
Chapter 1: PrincessKyu&NerdMin ^^ I love it :D