One Of These Nights

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A/N: Please enjoy my first ever SeulDy fic! If you're not interested, please also exit. :) ALSO, please read the A/N at the bottom!

Trigger Warning: Deals with Cheating and Hit And Run accidents. 

Irene took a deep breath and checked her watch again, the rose gold surface glimmering under the sunlight. Making sure that she was right on time, she walked through the doors, the soft tinkling of the bell signalling her arrival.


From behind the reception table, Seulgi smiled at her, white coat pristine and stiff as she sorted out some files, Irene shooting back a smile in reply before heading over.


(She took in the rumpled dress shirt under Seulgi’s coat, the forming hickey at the base of her neck and the slightly askew bun.)


Seulgi greeted her brightly as Irene stopped at the table, the food bag placed neatly on the counter.


“Hey, Irene. Coming to give Wendy lunch again?”


Irene forced the smile to stay on her face, nodding slightly as she patted the bag.


“Yeah. I have to go soon though so could you make sure you get it to her?”


Agreeing easily, Seulgi reached out to take the bag, only to be interrupted by a loud voice.




Wendy came bustling in, her smile brighter than the sun and her arms akimbo. Irene barely had time to brace herself before the younger woman swept her into a hug, the familiar scent of their shared fabric softener wafting through her nostrils. Bringing her arms up to return the hug, Irene closed her eyes and listened to Wendy speaking, wanting nothing more than to break into tears.


“You’re so sweet to me. What did you pack today?”


As always, Irene noticed just how energetic Wendy was being, her eyes widening just a little bit more than usual, her movements a little bigger than she would normally do. Wendy unpacked the lunchbox eagerly and whistled low, shooting Irene a smile over her shoulder.


“My favourite!”


Irene nodded and pinched at her forearm, letting the slight jolt of pain anchor her heart and still . Wendy grinned, unknowing of the conflict currently storming in Irene’s mind, placing the box down and sweeping Irene into another hug, this time punctuated with a kiss.


“You’re too good to me.”


Irene closed her eyes at the smile but not before noticing Seulgi’s slightly stiffened demeanour.


And the taste of orange in Wendy’s mouth.


(A taste that had never been there until just a few months ago.)




She knew.


Of course she knew.


She wasn’t blind and she knew Wendy like the back of her hand, the way she smelt, the taste of her tongue in , the glances filled with love directed at her at any given time of the day.


She knew Wendy like the back of her hand and lately, Wendy smelt like a perfume she had hated from before, a taste of a fruit Irene was never partial to and furtive glances of suggestions to another person.


She knew but she doesn’t do anything about it.


Because she also knew that Wendy loves her like how the younger woman loved beautiful things and Seulgi was one of the most beautiful people on this planet.


(Before Seulgi, there was Joy.


And before that, Eric.


And way before that-


There were many before thats.)


And because of that, Irene chose to turn a blind eye to things, always keeping the hurt locked deep inside and ignoring the way Wendy smelt or tasted after her escapade with Seulgi.


Irene chose this because at the end of the day, Wendy came back to her. If Wendy chose to come back to her at the end of the day, even with all the beautiful people out there, Wendy came back to her, homely, country girl Irene, doesn’t that mean something?


It must mean that Wendy only ever loves her right?


(It was a lie she held on desperately to.


It was the only thing she had going for her.)




She paused at the door before taking in a deep breath, steeling herself to greet her wife and the mistress. Pushing the door open, the soft tinkling of the bell signalled her arrival.


The bag in her hands dropped to the ground loudly as her eyes widened at the display in front of her.






Locking lips.


Wendy wrenched away at the sound and panic flooded her eyes, Seulgi quickly wiping at her lips at the sight of Irene. Frozen and unable to say anything, Irene continued to stare at the pair of them, fingers tight around the door she had yet to release and heart shattering at the sight of the both of them.


(She knew Wendy like the back of her hand.


So she knew the look Wendy was sporting right now.


Mussed hair.


Kiss bruised lips.


She knew.


And now she can no longer lie to herself.)




At the sound of her name, pained, guilt filled and from Wendy’s mouth, Irene jolted into action, backing out of the door and kicking the ruined lunch onto the pavement. Wendy stretched her arm out to catch Irene, legs moving swiftly to match the sudden furious pace Irene was backing away with.


“Irene, please!”


Irene swatted her hand away and screamed at her (illusion broken, reality setting in), tears streaming down her face with the pieces of her heart in Wendy’s hands.


“Get away from me!”


She pushed Wendy away from her and turned tail, ignoring the desperate yells coming fr

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iamtsyu #1
Chapter 10: Oh my 💔
yeyeye_1 #2
Masterpiece ❤️🩵
towonderandwander #3
Chapter 2: I'm gonna cry from happiness. TT
Chapter 1: Gpp wend mengalah demi ayank
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 8: i need and want robot irene and wendy with more cute and gentle stories 😭😩🤧
Chapter 5: Omg what a colorful journey of love
Chapter 4: andweee 😭😭
Chapter 3: oh, wow! this was a first for me. a fic where seungwan amd joohyun were animals(cats?) and then ended with them being humans. this was well-written. i was moved and cried on some scenes. poor moewrene. but really, this story is so beautiful. :)