Never Knew Love Could Hurt This Good

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This fic primarily focuses on Joy, and her relationship with Seulgi. WenRene is the side couple here, guys, please exit if it’s not to your taste.


“Unnie! This is for you!”


A fan passed her a red notebook hurriedly, Joy taking it and hugging it to her chest. She managed to shake the fan’s hand in thanks, the girl looking like she was about to faint before a guard pushed her back. Wincing at the roughness, Joy opened to call out to the fan, only to have her manager push her along, her feet keeping in time with the fast pace the group was walking in. In front of her, Seulgi was stretching her hand out towards her, Joy reaching out to grab her thumb, her body pressing against the older girl’s back.


They rushed into the building, Joy stuffing the book into her bag.


Where it promptly laid forgotten until much later.




“Ahh, where did I put it?”


Joy dug through her massive bag, pulling out random items she forgot she had stuffed in there. She continued to rifle through the bag to find the lipgloss she had borrowed from Irene, the older girl glaring at her from her spot on the couch, one hand running through a sleeping Wendy’s hair, the main vocalist fast asleep on the leader’s lap. Joy shot her a look and took out a red notebook, glancing on the cover curiously before shrugging, placing it beside her and poked her head into the darkness.


A tub hit her face and she squealed in delight, pulling her head and the lipgloss out from the bag, Joy lifting it into the air triumphantly. She smirked at the glaring Irene and tossed it over to the older girl, the brunette displaying a rare sight of athleticism as she caught it just before the pot hit Wendy in the face. Joy shook her head when Irene checked the sleeping girl for any injuries, wondering to herself just when would the both of them pull their heads out of their asses and just admit they liked each other.


(At this rate, Joy could be married and they’d still be dancing around each other.)


Pulling a face, Joy started to stuff the things back into the bag, lingering once again on the red notebook, her eyes taking in the embossed gold lettering on the front.


Love Note.


Raising an eyebrow, Joy crossed her legs and leant against the wall, the mess around her forgotten. She flipped the book open and her eyes widened when she took in the front page, the words jumping out at her.


Ship Note: How to Use It

The two humans whose names are written in this note shall fall in love.

This note will not take effect unless the writer has the couple's faces in their mind when writing their names. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.

If the cause of falling in love is written within 40 seconds, it will happen.

If the cause of falling in love is not specified, the couple will simply fall in love at first sight

After writing the cause of falling in love, details of the couple's relationship should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.


She slammed the book shut, ignoring the stares Irene was giving her from the couch and stood up quickly, hurrying to her room. Her shoulder caught Seulgi’s arm roughly and she barely paused to apologise to the older girl, Seulgi rubbing at her arm in disbelief.


Joy closed her room door, catching just a brief exchange between the two oldest.


“What’s up with Joy?”


“I don’t know. But I’m going to skin her alive if she leaves the mess there.”




“Is this for real?”


Joy flipped through the empty pages, the blank paper mocking her as she took in the instructions again, her brain already formulating a scheme even though she was apprehensive about it. Picking up a pen, she did as the instruction stated and pictured her two stubborn unnies in her mind and wrote their names down neatly, looping Irene’s JooHyun with a flourish and joining it with Wendy’s SeungWan.


(What’s the worst that could happen?)


Keeping an eye on the clock, Joy quickly wrote down the reason for falling in love; first fell in awe of the other’s talent before the awe turned into a small time crush, nodding her head appreciatively for keeping so close to reality. Flipping back towards the front page to read the rest of the directives, Joy hurriedly set a timer and started scribbling down the details of their relationship, resisting the urge to put on something outrageous.


(Just in case it actually works.


Then maybe-)


She dotted the end of the paragraph roughly and admired her work, jumping in surprise when a hand clapped on her shoulder, the tall girl slamming the book close and turning around to greet the intruder with a smile, Seulgi raising a brow at her.




Seulgi pressed her fingers into Joy’s shoulder blade, questioning the younger girl playfully.


“Are you keeping a diary?”


Fumbling for words, Joy hugged the book to her chest and shook her head, not wanting Seulgi to find out about the love notebook.


“N-No! Just something to keep ideas in!”


Her usual cordial smile still on her face, Seulgi took her excuse at face value and rubbed her chin against Joy’s head, the younger girl whining softly.


“As long as they aren’t ideas on how to sacrifice us to your lord and leader, I’m fine with it.”


Joy exclaimed loudly.


“That was one time! And you knew it wouldn’t work, I didn’t have the proper ingredients.”


Seulgi laughed.


“The fact that you found it ‘interesting’ and wanted to try it in the first place means you’re in my book SooYoung.”


Murmuring under her breath about the unfairness of the situation, Joy slipped the book into her desk drawer and looked up to Seulgi, wrapping her arms around the older girl in a hug.


“So what’s up? Why did you come into my room?”


Blinking once, Seulgi knocked her knuckles against Joy’s forehead, the younger girl staring at the brunette incredulously as Seulgi nodded to herself.


“Ah! Yes! Unnie said you better clean the mess in the living room or she’s not going to do your laundry.”


Scrambling to her feet, Joy tugged Seulgi to the living room, the older girl giggling loudly as Joy continued to curse, working quickly to stuff her things back into her abandoned bag.


(The pulse of Seulgi’s heart resonated on her palm, the older girl still laughing but helping good-naturedly.)




They will first have awkward encounters in the kitchen during breakfast, JooHyun bumping into SeungWan as she made her way towards the cupboards for a plate, SeungWan blushing furiously when the older girl reached over her to grab a utensil.


The sleep pulling her eyelids down was quickly chased away when she observed the scene in front of her, Irene sleepily leaning over a blushing Wendy and opening the cupboard, the main vocalist making no move to get away from under Irene’s bracketing hold. Fingers pushed her opened mouth close, Seulgi giving her a look while Yeri pointedly ignored the on-goings in the kitchen, the youngest determinedly buttering her toast without caring about her unnies.


Swallowing tightly, Joy cast her mind back to what she had written in the book, a shiver running down her spine as the written plan played out exactly like how it was in the book. She gripped her fork forcefully and shoved the eggs into , her mind already wandering into other possibilities-


(Maybe it’d work for her and S-


No, more observations would be needed.)


She gripped her fork even tighter, her nails digging into the palms of her hands, allowing the pain to center her.


She would need to observe more.


Make more hypotheses.


Create an actual graph.


Make proper conclusions before using it again-


Seulgi reached over and unfurled her fingers, the older girl rubbing at the welts on her palm worriedly. Joy glanced over, reaching over and patting the fretting thumb.


“I’m okay, unnie.”


(No, she wasn’t, she had just discovered that supernatural powers existed and she can use this power.)


Seulgi continued to rub until the redness faded to pale pink, placing her fork gently back into Joy’s hand before closing her fingers, her words even and calm.


“I know you love eating eggs but there’s really no need to harm yourself.”


Nodding absently, Joy patted Seulgi’s cheek in thanks, still observing the way Irene and Wendy danced around each other in the kitchen awkwardly.


(But it was fluid, natural even.

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yeyeye_1 #1
Masterpiece ❤️🩵
towonderandwander #2
Chapter 2: I'm gonna cry from happiness. TT
Chapter 1: Gpp wend mengalah demi ayank
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 8: i need and want robot irene and wendy with more cute and gentle stories 😭😩🤧
Chapter 5: Omg what a colorful journey of love
Chapter 4: andweee 😭😭
Chapter 3: oh, wow! this was a first for me. a fic where seungwan amd joohyun were animals(cats?) and then ended with them being humans. this was well-written. i was moved and cried on some scenes. poor moewrene. but really, this story is so beautiful. :)
Chapter 1: went back to reading this after rewatching that vlive episode of cake girls. XD