And Your Heart’s Against My Chest, Your Lips Pressed To My Neck

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A/N: WenReneRi family fic dedicated to Baby Lex

The curtains fluttered slightly, the morning breeze passing through the open window lightly as the sunlight slowly began to paint the room a beautiful orange, the rays creeping up on one of the room’s occupants’ sleeping faces. Wendy scrunched her nose in annoyance and groaned, placing a palm over her eyes to block the direct sunlight, inwardly cursing the position of the bed to the window. She attempted to go back to sleep but the morning sun had already done its job, Wendy’s eyelids flickering open reluctantly as she let out an ungraceful yawn.


She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked at her clock blearily, sniffing gingerly at the time. Slowly, she shifted in the arms holding her in place, careful not to jolt the head cradled in the junction of her neck and shoulder, Irene still breathing softly as she burrowed deeper into Wendy’s warmth, the older woman still lost in dreamland as her fingers lingered upon Wendy’s skin.


Wendy smiled, her lips brushing past Irene’s forehead and she nuzzled her lips against smooth skin, Irene stirring awake at the light touch. Her eyelashes fluttered against Wendy’s neck and the younger woman squirmed away slightly, chuckling at the noise the older brunette was making, Irene protesting against waking up.


“SeungWan.... What time is it?”


Wendy whispered softly, her stomach clenching when Irene’s palm pressed against it, the older woman’s legs entangling with hers even more.


“About eight.”


There was a beat of silence before Irene responded, her lips hovering over Wendy’s collarbone as she whined.


“It’s... so early...”


Wendy laughed, drawing her pouting wife closer to her chest, her nose buried in Irene’s hair.


“I know. But we have to wake up. You need to go to the doctor’s today, remember?”


Irene grumbled but nodded, slowly pulling out of Wendy’s embrace, her warmth lingering on between Wendy’s chest even as Irene rubbed at her face, a small smile on her lips when she looked down at Wendy. The older woman bent down and Wendy propped her body up to meet Irene halfway, their lips meeting in their usual morning kiss.


Irene murmured against red lips, Wendy cupping Irene’s jaw with her free hand and deepening the kiss in response.


“Morning, baby.”


Irene pulled away before Wendy could take things further, looking around their room for something. Shaking her head, Wendy sat up as well, leaning over the bed to grab the sweater hanging off their bedside lamp.


“Looking for this?”


Irene puffed one cheek and took the clothing from Wendy, narrowing her eyes at the smirk Wendy was giving her. She pulled the blue sweater over her head, her answer muffled but audible.


“Yes. Stop throwing my clothes over the furniture.”


Wendy clucked her tongue, her body shaking with silent laughter as she searched their bed for her shirt, pulling on the plaid when she found it tangled with the sheets near the bottom of the bed. She followed Irene out of the room, admiring the slope of her wife’s neck when Irene pulled her hair up into a messy bun.


“Stop being irresistible then.”


Irene threw her a look over her shoulder but said nothing else, both of them entering the kitchen, Irene pulling out the pan and the kitchen utensils while Wendy scanned their fridge, pulling out the ingredients they would need.


“Omelettes, okay?”


Irene nodded and hit Wendy on the lightly, shooing the younger woman out of the kitchen.


“Yes, but I’m cooking today. You need to go get ready because I remember someone telling me she has a morning meeting.”


Wendy scowled, her hands snaking around Irene’s hips, the brunette raising an eyebrow at the suddenly petulant woman.


“But you’re going to the doctor’s. I want to come.”


Irene’s face softened and she wrapped her arms around Wendy’s neck, pressing a kiss to the scrunched up nose.


“I know. But you said this meeting was important. I promise I’ll call once the results are out, okay?”


Wendy sighed and lost the will to resist, her lips against Irene’s chin.


“Anything at all, okay? Even if it’s not a good result.”


Irene’s chuckles filtered through her ears and she pulled Irene into a tighter hug, their abdomens pressed tightly together.


“How about we think positive this time around? Maybe I’ll have good news for you.”


Irene pulled away, a hand against Wendy’s cheek and her eyes bright.


“Maybe this time, I can call and tell you we’re going to be mothers.”


Wendy smiled and nodded, giving Irene a soft kiss before pulling away.




Irene stared at her for a while, her fingers trailing past Wendy’s cheek like a feather’s caress, the soft twinkling sputtering out as Irene turned her around, the momentary gentleness missing.


“Good. Now go shower.”


Wendy laughed and listened obediently.


“Yes, love.”




Wendy glanced down at her phone worriedly, unlocking her phone yet again, her constant fretting catching the eye of her best friend, Seulgi peering into the office with a curious look on her face.


“Wendy? Is everything okay?”


Wendy looked up, pursed and she shook her head, her finger pressing down on the lock button on top of the phone. Seulgi didn’t seem to buy her answer, the older woman walking into the room and seating herself on the chair opposite of Wendy, her arms on the wooden table as her palm cradled her chin.


“You sure? You’ve been distracted the whole day.”


Wendy’s lips thinned and she unlocked her phone again, the wallpaper staring back at her stubbornly, Irene’s bright smile as she was caught mid turn during the photo mocking her with the lack of messages or calls. Seulgi made a clicking sound and reached across the table, her knuckles bumping into Wendy’s forehead.


“Oi, dimbulb. Are you listening to me?”


Wendy puffed her lips and rubbed at the sore spot, her eyes narrowing at Seulgi, the older woman shrugging unapologetically, repeating her question again.


“Is everything okay?”


Wendy sighed and murmured softly.


“Irene hasn’t called yet.”


Seulgi hummed, her head tilting to the right.


“Was there something important?”


Wendy nibbled on her lower lip and let out a breath, her screen growing dark from the lack of action.


“Yeah. She went to the doctor’s today.”


Seulgi blinked, the information sinking into her head and she gave Wendy a wide grin, her fingers clenching against the table tightly as she chattered excitedly.


“Already? But it wasn’t too long ago when she went for the procedure.”


Wendy sighed, repeating the words that she had long memorised since the first time Irene and her had stepped into the IVF clinic.


“11 days after implantation to see if the embryo sat properly. If it did, the blood test should be positive.”


Seulgi clapped her hands together happily, her actions slowing down as she took in Wendy’s despondent state.


“Is... that not a good thing?”


Wendy sighed and lowered her head to the table, answering the table instead of Seulgi.


“I just... She said she would call, no matter the results, but she hasn’t and it has already been a full day. The results should’ve been out ages ago.”


Seulgi’s hand was comforting as the older woman patted her crown lightly.


“And I’m afraid that it wasn’t a good result? I don’t think she should go through that alone again.”


The office was silent, Wendy closing her eyes as Seulgi continued to pet her like a puppy, her best friend speaking up just as Wendy was about to reach over to check her phone again.


“I know it’s hard... Considering it didn’t take both times the last time. But...”


Seulgi nudged Wendy’s temple lightly, her oldest friend’s words light and optimistic.


“But as they say, third time’s the charm. Maybe she’s still in disbelief.”


Wendy lifted her head slowly, her chest alight with hope she can’t afford to feel.


“You think so?”


Seulgi nodded, a soft smile on her lips.


“Yeah. Because if anyone deserves it, it’s the both of you.”


Wendy matched the smile, knocking her head against Seulgi’s hand.


“You’re kind of the best kind of best friend, you know.”


Seulgi drew her hand back and shined her nails against her blazer, blowing on it playfully as she answered arrogantly.


“Obviously. Where else would you find someone like me?”


Wendy’s mouth pursed sideways and she rolled her eyes at the other brunette, muttering under her breath.


“And the moment is ruined thanks to Seulgi picking up weird habits from Joy.”


“Hey! Don’t call my girlfriend weird!”






Wendy opened the door slowly, her heart dropping when she saw that none of the lights were on, save for the hallway light leading to the living room. Her heartbeat accompanied her through the long walk towards the living room (since when was their living room so far?), her footsteps loud in the silence that enveloped her through her journey. The living was equally dark, Wendy squinting and barely making out Irene’s silhouette on the couch, the older woman staring straight ahead and giving no indication she had heard Wendy.


Wendy swallowed thickly, her hands forming reluctant fists as she shrugged off her coat, throwing the garment over the back of the sofa and seating herself beside her lover, Irene still staring ahead, agape, her fingers tight around a crumpled piece of paper. Peering closer, Wendy saw tear tracks on Irene’s face and she swallowed again, her own eyes prickling with tears, her chest clenching painfully.


(No more. No more putting Irene through heartbreak if it didn’t take this time.)




Irene jumped on the spot slightly, her voice hoarse when she called Wendy’s name, as though she had been crying for a very long time.




Feeling as though her stomach had dropped to her feet, Wendy gathered Irene in her arms gently, Irene’s cheek aligned with her, their skins sticking together slightly due to the wetness present on the older brunette’s face. Wendy took a deep breath in and cooed slowly, forcing her tears back.


“It’s okay.”


Irene’s body trembled slightly and the older woman adjusted her position till she was practically in Wendy’s lap, Wendy dropping her arm to wrap around Irene’s waist securely.




“It’s okay. We don’t have to- I don’t want you to be sad anymore.”


Irene called out to her again, this time more confused than upset but Wendy brushed it off, intent on consoling her grief filled partner.


“It’s fine, we could always adopt? Have a child that way instead. We don’t have to do-”




“I don’t want you to have your heart broken again. It’s okay if the kid doesn’t have your bone structure or my eyes, I’m sure we’d love it the same-”




“I just don’t want you to cry again-”




Wendy paused her rant to look at Irene, blinking rapidly when Irene wasn’t crying. Instead her eyes were sparkling, bright and beautiful even in the dark and the older woman held up the crushed piece of paper shakily, pulled into a nervous smile.




Wendy squinted, the shadows casted across the paper making it hard for her to read.


When she finally could make out what it said, she inhaled sharply.




She blinked once, looked back at Irene, her other hand coming up immediately to brush away the tears that was flowing again (happy tears!), her thumb lingering at the bottom of Irene’s right eye.


She questioned quietly, her voice cracking with happiness.


“It’s... happening?”


Irene nodded, her fingers crushing the paper again and she laughed loudly when Wendy threw her arms around her neck, the younger woman hugging Irene tightly as they both fell flush against the sofa, their legs tangling together.


“It’s happening!”


Wendy nuzzled into Irene’s jaw lightly, her smile pressed close to Irene’s rapid pulse and Irene spoke breathlessly, her fingers tight at the back of Wendy’s shirt.


“Yeah. We’re going to be parents.”


Wendy laughed again and her own tears were wetting Irene’s skin, the younger brunette pulling away just enough to look at Irene in the eyes.


“Why didn’t you call? I was waiting.”


Irene blushed, her eyes lowered and she replied shyly with a sheepish smile.


“I was so overwhelmed... I couldn’t do anything else.”


Breathing a disbelieving laugh, Wendy buried her face into Irene’s neck again, her happiness encompassing everything else that was happening.


Because they were going to have a baby.


A baby.


Irene muttered softly, her fingers flittered past Wendy’s nape, her lips brushing against the lobe of Wendy’s ear, sending shivers down Wendy’s spine.


“In nine months, we’re going to have a child who’s going to look like you.”


Wendy’s smile widened impossibly further and her answer scorched onto Irene’s skin, the older woman’s hold tightening on her back.


“I’d really like it if she looked like you.”


Her breathing slightly ragged, Irene questioned the brunette, Wendy making use of her position to slide one hand up Irene’s jumper.




Wendy pushed up on her elbow, their lips merely a breath away from each other and she answered straight onto Irene’s tongue, her wife’s eyes slipping shut at the kiss.


“Because I want to love you twice as much.”




“Yah, yah, yah, put that down!”


Wendy dropped her bag onto the sofa and rushed towards the kitchen, Irene shooting her an annoyed look as she held the pan in her hand like a bat, looking as though she was tempted to swing the cooking utensil at Wendy. Wendy pried open her fingers and placed the pan down gently, guiding her wife out of the kitchen and into the living room, one hand splayed on her back, the other cradling the barely there baby bump.


“What did I tell you about heavy lifting?”


Irene gave her an incredulous look, sitting on the sofa lightly as Wendy arranged the pillows around her, flipping open a blanket and draping it over Irene.


“Heavy lifting- SeungWan, that was a bloody pan!”


Wendy hummed in response, ducking under Irene’s fingers as she tucked the pregnant woman in, dropping a kiss on the crown of the brunette’s head.


“You heard the doctor. Gentle movements, light work, the first trimester is the most tremulous.”


Irene deadpanned blankly.


“And lifting a pan is heavy work, I see.”


Wendy nodded seriously, holding Irene’s hands tightly as she knelt before her.


“Yes. Imagine, standing over the stove, letting gravity pull on your uterus-”


“And I’m suddenly very glad you abandoned your childhood dream of becoming a doctor because that was wrong on so many levels.”


Wendy grinned, lifting her chin so she could kiss Irene properly, whispering softly once they parted.


“I know. But I just-I want you to take it easy, okay? I’ll do everything else.”


Irene sighed.


“I’m pregnant, Wan. Not terminally ill.”


(There was a flash of memory, of a too thin JooHyun and pale lips, of colour leaving and grey seeping in.


Wendy shook her head and returned to the present.)


“Can’t you let me spoil you for the next few months? After this, we’d both be too busy running after a little human.”


Irene stared at her, brown pools swirling with something Wendy can’t name and then they brightened with a smile, Irene shaking her head and leaning forward to brush their noses together.


“Honestly you’re so overprotective. Fine. I’ll listen to you and your very flawed scientific logic.”


Wendy grinned and kissed Irene again.


“Cool. So what do you want for dinner?”


Irene’s eyes twinkled and she squished Wendy’s cheeks between her palms.


“Carrot cake!”


“That’s not dinne-”


“Carrot cake!”


She accentuated the statement with a pout, Wendy’s stern resolve crumbling away like a sandcastle against the waves.


“...alright, but only if you eat some meat as well.”


Irene threw her hands up in the air joyfully, cheering lightly even as Wendy made her way back to the kitchen.


Wendy smiled to herself, shaking her head at the childish antics.


And never wanted it to change.




“I hate you! This is all your fault!”


Irene bent over in pain, clenching at the bedsheets desperately as the contraction hit, Wendy wincing when her wife’s fingers found her arm and latched on tightly. A low groan exited Irene’s mouth and she shot Wendy a soul withering glare, Wendy flinching back slightly when Irene’s nails dug into her flesh, the older woman’s brow dotted with sweat.


“Love, take deep breaths-”


“Deep breaths, my arse! You’re a jerk! I hate you!”


“Love, you need to breath-”



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iamtsyu #1
Chapter 10: Oh my 💔
yeyeye_1 #2
Masterpiece ❤️🩵
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Chapter 2: I'm gonna cry from happiness. TT
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Chapter 4: andweee 😭😭
Chapter 3: oh, wow! this was a first for me. a fic where seungwan amd joohyun were animals(cats?) and then ended with them being humans. this was well-written. i was moved and cried on some scenes. poor moewrene. but really, this story is so beautiful. :)