Almost Is Never Enough

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A/N: trigger warning, proceed with caution. dedicated to those who voted soulmate AU


They say that your first experience with colour would be when you meet your soulmate.


That the colours would form in their eyes, the slight shift in balance when the world moved from greys and blacks and whites to a world filled with tones and wonderment, dripping from the one you were destined for.


They say you will only really see colour, see the world for the first time when you meet your soulmate.


In this world, filled with billions of people, Son SeungWan waited for the day where she would meet her soulmate and see the beauty of the world for the first time.


If only that didn’t sound so impossible.




Wendy huffed and hauled her handbag over her shoulder, pushing past the heavy crowd as she tried to make her way towards the bus stop, the morning human traffic making her increasingly upset as the people around her disregarded her short stature and did not move away to make way for her. She huffed again and sidestepped a man, stumbling slightly when he shoulder checked her into another person.


The soft squeak clued her in that it was a woman but when she turned around to apologise, the woman was gone, the crowd moving around her quickly.


Shrugging, she made her way towards the bus stop, miraculously getting there when her bus rolled in, Wendy jumping in when the doors open.


(Now she won’t be late for work.)


It wasn’t until the doors were closed that Wendy noticed it.


Out from the corners of her eyes, she noticed something that was never there before.


In front of her, the seats of the bus which were usually a muted shade of grey was now a faded colour, warm and inviting and leaving her sight the longer she stared at it.


Wendy gasped to herself and craned her neck to look out the window, frantically scanning the crowd without knowing what she was looking for.


The bus ambled along, taking her further and further away.


The one time she bumped into her soulmate, Son SeungWan had been completely oblivious.


She slumped in her chair, tears forming in her eyes and she closed them tightly.


And hoped that it wouldn’t be the last time.




“Seulgi, I saw colour today.”


“Did you!? Where? Who is it? Why haven’t you introduced me!?”


“That’s the thing. I don’t know.”


“... You poor thing.”




“You’ll find them again, I’m sure of it.”


“Thanks, Seul.”




She tapped her feet and looked at her watch again, wondering where her best friend had flitted off to. Seulgi had planted her by the food court entrance before rushing off, saying something a snack before going for the movie that they were going to be very late for. She blew air out from her nose and puffed her cheeks out, pulling out her phone from her pocket to give that woman a call.


She lifted the phone to her ear, turning away slightly when a group of people walked past her, Wendy trying her hardest not to get knocked on her while she was trying to locate Seulgi.


Someone’s arm brushed past her and she edged away, somewhat annoyed that the group couldn’t just file in normally, her irritation rising when Seulgi did not pick up the phone. Jamming her phone back into her pocket, she glared at the trashcan opposite her, hoping that it would set on fire and calm her down.


Her ire was immediately extinguished when she realised the trashcan was doing the same thing the seats on the bus did, a colour that was fading away as quickly as it came, the sudden splash of brightness numbing down to painful grey.


She veered towards the food court and strained her neck to look for the group of people that was by earlier but her hopes were dashed when she found that they had already dispersed to different stations.


And because she wasn’t looking at them earlier, she couldn’t even tell which ones were the group that just went in.


“Wendy, come on, let’s go! I got the snacks.”


Seulgi bounded up to her and Wendy immediately gripped her sweater, pulled down into a frown.


“Seulgi! Help me!”


Seulgi was understandably confused.


“What, what happened?”


Wendy pointed towards the food court, her heart seizing in when she realised that the crowd had grown without her realising and Wendy knew that with the amount of people in there, she wouldn’t be able to find her one.


(She couldn’t possibly walk up to everyone and shake their hands, hoping to find that person who could immerse the world in colours but at this point, she was very tempted to do so.)


Seulgi pulled on her hand worriedly, the taller woman coming closer.


“Wendy, are you okay?”


Wendy sniffed loudly and shook her head, turning back to Seulgi with watery eyes.


“I missed them again.”


Seulgi said nothing, merely pulling Wendy into a tight hug, her presence comfort enough.




The cycle repeated about three more times after that and each time, Wendy slowly sank into a pool of depression, lamenting the fact that she had a soulmate but they were elusive, never near enough to her for her to reach out and grab.


Seulgi tried her best to help, firstly by identifying the colour Wendy had seen because it was enough for Wendy to memorise the exact shade of grey the colour had, Seulgi picking out a pencil that had a tag that said purple on it. She then went with Wendy to scavenge the areas Wendy had bumped into her soulmate, trying her best to find the same groups of people in hopes that her soulmate stuck to a clique.


But despite their best efforts, it would seem that it was not the time for Wendy to meet her soulmate.


Wendy groaned and dropped the bottle onto the ground, Seulgi picking up the empty beer bottle and placing it on the table neatly, shifting her roommate’s legs onto the sofa.




The taller woman busied herself with the cleaning up, Wendy watching her in a haze that she would regret the next morning.




Wendy yawned and gestured for Seulgi to come closer, her best friend dutifully putting down the empty alcohol containers to listen.


“Seulgi... What if I can’t find them?”


Seulgi knocked her head gently, curling up into a small smile.


“That’s not going to happen.”


Wendy pouted, shaking her head stubbornly.


“But what if? What if I’m that person who always misses and never gets the prize?”


Seulgi sat cross-legged on the floor, her fingers tugging up the blanket she had placed on Wendy.


“Remember when I was running around in a panic because I saw colours but I missed my soulmate?”


Wendy’s eyes were half closed but she nodded.


“Remember what you said to me?”


Wendy shook her head, already falling into a alcohol induced stupor.


“You said that I should keep my chin up because fate had meant for it to happen.”


The drunk woman murmured sleepily.


“Don’t repeat my wisdom to me.”


Seulgi laughed.


“Yeah, it was wise. So wisen up and listen to yourself. If I could meet Joy, you can meet whoever it was that was meant for you.”


Wendy smiled, a small, weak gesture but nonetheless beautiful and Seulgi patted her head, ruffling Wendy’s hair softly.


“So chin up because you’d meet them, alright?”




Wendy drifted off, leaving Seulgi smile fondly at her childhood best friend, the older woman picking up the bottles again to place into the recycling bin.


And after that, she grabbed her phone to send a text to her girlfriend, Joy replying almost immediately.


Hey, I miss you.


I’ve only been gone for a few days, you dimbulb.


...But I miss you too




Wendy ran down the sidewalk, heaving and puffing as she juggled the files in her arms, all while cursing at her supervisor who had forgotten important documents for his meeting. Unfortunately for her, it meant that Wendy had to go and get them and since Wendy doesn’t drive, it meant she had to go on foot.


Again, she cursed at her supervisor, hoping that the man would find salt in his coffee because that was what he deserved.


(No one said she couldn’t be petty.)


She turned around the corner, her heels clacking against concrete loudly as she excused herself from the people around her, most of them giving her a glare for jostling them. Wendy barely took notice, only caring about how her boss would give her a lecture that would make her ears bleed, even though it was technically his fault.


A woman in her path barely managed to sidestep the destruction that was Wendy, Wendy’s shoulder bumping into her roughly. It sent her into a tumble and Wendy dropped the folders immediately to catch her, her fingers just managing to grab the pale woman’s wrist and pulling her into a hug, the both of them breathing heavily, one from running like a madwoman, the other from the heart attack she got.


“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I was rushing and I wasn’t looking and-”


“No, no, it’s fine, I couldn’t avoid you even when I saw you coming-”


They both continued to blabber on, the passer-bys all giving them dirty looks as they bent down to pick up the files, Wendy still bowing in apology to the lady.


“I’m really sorry-”


Her fingers brushed past the woman’s lightly and she stiffened, feeling the electricity travelled up her arm and down her spine, the other brunette also staring at her with a look of disbelief. Wendy withdrew her hand quickly, blinking at her environment rapidly and she realised that it was changing before her eyes.


From the woman herself, where happiness and joy bled from her skin, to the air around her, the buildings looking slightly more vibrant and the people less intimidating. Wendy inhaled sharply and edged towards the other woman, her eyes taking in her features, files completely forgotten as they teetered precariously at the tips of her hands.




She absorbed the slope of the lady’s jaw, the slight pout she was making as she too stared unabashedly at Wendy, her nose and finally looking into her eyes.


Those mesmerising pools of a colour that could be her favourite if it weren’t for that shade of purple that was currently streaked across a cheekbone, just as warm and inviting as when she first saw it all those weeks ago.


The woman’s cheeks flushed and somehow she managed to make it look pretty, Wendy’s lips curling into what she knew to be a stupid smile and she stepped closer, wanting to know the woman’s name.


“I’m Wendy. You are?”


Unlike Wendy who was satisfied with just looking, the other brunette reached out to touch, her fingers trailing lightly on the back of Wendy’s hand.




The same jolt of electric travelled up her arm again and Wendy found her smile stretching out.


“I’m glad to have finally met you.”


Irene’s face broke out into her own smile, small but amazingly beautiful, the brunette stepping closer as though she couldn’t have Wendy close enough.


“Me too. I spent the last few weeks trying to find who it was that bumped me.”


Wendy giggled and gently tugged Irene to one side, aware now that the world was still moving around them and was very displeased at how two women, two soulmates were blocking the entire sidewalk. Irene stared at her, her cold features softening into an angelic look and Wendy found herself falling and falling. She stuttered slightly, moving her files into her arms, disregarding the fact that her boss wanted them five minutes ago.


"Would you-I mean-do you want to grab a coffee or something?"


Irene’s face twisted slightly and Wendy felt her stomach drop when she answered negatively.


"I don't really drink coffee..."




And was promptly brought back up to heaven when she continued.


"But I'll love to have some milk tea. If you like?"


"Yeah! I love milk tea!"


Irene’s small breath of laughter was like music to Wendy’s ears and Wendy could care less about her supervisor and his need for files when she could be sipping milk tea with Irene and ask about the splotches of colour that she now realised was dotting the woman’s clothing and skin.


There were some things that were more important.




“You met her?! And she’s a painter!?”


Seulgi practically screamed the coffeehouse down, Wendy frantically shushing her when people started to glare at them, the extremely excited brunette shrugging away the looks before leaning forward, her excitement tamping down to confusion.


“Wait. How does that work?”


Wendy grinned, her fingers pressing her pastry into a gooey mess and she spoke lightly, one hand supporting her chin.


“She said that she searched online and memorised all the shades of grey so she could work. But now she’s slightly confused because it’s all so bright. It’s kind of cute, the way she was so confused.”


Seulgi stared at her, gave her a look and .


“And you just look like a lovesick fool.”


Wendy scrunched her nose and tossed a piece of the crust at Seulgi, her roommate dodging it quickly.


“Excuse you. If that’s what I look like, you’re staring into a mirror, Miss Kang, because that’s the exact expression you have when you’re with Joy.”


Seulgi opened to argue, her eyes swivelling to one side and she closed , her head lowering in defeat. Wendy raised a fist in triumph, sticking out her tongue at the older woman, Seulgi looking up to return the gesture. Their childish antics continued for a brief spell before Seulgi put a stop to it, eager to start on Wendy’s new development again.


“So, what are you planning to do? How are you guys going to take it?”


Wendy made a clicking sound with her tongue, her eyes almost crossing from thinking too hard.


“We agreed to take it slow, get to know each other before really jumping in-”


“What? So boring-”


Wendy raised her voice.


“But I feel like that won’t last very long because every time she touched me, even if it was a small gesture, it felt like she was sending small pulses of electricity up my spine. And she kept staring at me with those eyes.”


Seulgi grinned playfully, placing her hands on both cheeks.


“My! How scandalous! How did she look at you?”


Wendy looked out the window, taking in the new world and she sighed her reply.


“She looked at me like she wanted to drown in my presence.”




“What did you first see when you bumped into me?”


“Purple. Why is that?”


“It’s my favourite colour- well, shade of grey.”


“And you, what did you see?”


“Blue, calm and trusting and always by my side.”




“That’s how I knew I would find you actually.”




“Yeah. Because someone whose colour meant all that couldn’t possibly leave me hanging.”




Surprisingly, they did take it slow, making the effort to plan dates and learn about the other’s quirks and habits. Their ease with each other quickly upgraded their soft touches to handholding and hugs but never any further than that, Wendy too shy to initiate it, Irene too careful because she didn’t want to ruin things. But Wendy did not mind because she loved uncovering another layer of Bae JooHyun and she loved the expression that painted on the older woman’s face when she discovered something new about SeungWan.




“I know, it’s a boy’s name-”


“No, I was- I thought it was really cute.”




“Really, SeungWan.”)


Even if their actions were slow, Wendy could feel herself dropping into the salvation Irene offered so willingly, almost as though they were living in each other’s skins as they texted and went out on milk tea dates and listened while the other talked.


And when the bouquet of flowers, (Wendy’s favourite) a beautiful arrangement of chrysanthemums and carnations, red, white and yellow offsetting beautifully, arrived every Friday on Wendy’s table without fail, Wendy knew.


She was already deeply and irrevocably in love with the person who brought colour into her world.




“I can’t believe you actually like the playground. Are you sure you’re older than me?”


Wendy teased Irene playfully, ducking away when the older woman swatted at her, her pout prominent on her face. Wendy merely laughed and tugged at their conjoined hands, leading the brunette down the balance beam while her own two feet were planted firmly on the ground. The wind blew around them, the park mercifully empty as it was getting late and Wendy loved that she could be in her own world with Irene by her side.


She glanced up at the woman and found herself, not for the first time, wanting to kiss the jutting lower lip expression that Irene was currently making as she made her way across the balance beam, fingers clasped tightly against Wendy’s.


“Playgrounds are fun, SeungWan. You don’t have to be a child to enjoy them.”


Wendy merely hummed but did not rebut the statement, reaching out with her other hand to support Irene as the older woman jumped off. Irene gave her a small smile and tugged her towards the swings, Wendy shaking her head but following after without hesitation.


“Plus, it helps with stress! Don’t you feel yourself just a little more relaxed?”


Irene glanced back, her eyes shining and her (Wendy’s) favourite blue scarf wrapped tightly around her neck. Wendy agreed easily, already ered in by the way Irene had fluttered her eyelashes at her.


“Yeah, definitely.”


The thumping in her chest and the exhilaration she felt whenever she was around Irene spoke differently but she could understand what Irene meant.


Maybe it was the innocence of childhood saturated within the play area but Wendy did feel a certain sense of comfort, as though this place was protected from the adult world.


Irene tugged her on a swing, Wendy cheekily planting herself on Irene’s lap. The painted took it in stride and wrapped her arms around Wendy’s waist tightly, sighing in delight as she swung them lightly.


“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are under the moonlight?”


Wendy laughed and shook her head, tilting her body slightly so she could see Irene’s face.


“You’re a painter. Are you supposed to be this cheesy?”


Irene smirked and made a biting motion, catching the material of Wendy’s cardigan with her teeth.


“I was complimenting you.”


Wendy shrugged, leaning her head against Irene’s contently, pulling out her phone when the crickets around them started their orchestra, an idea forming in her head.




Irene hummed and nuzzled her nose into Wendy’s cheek, her reply soft against her skin.


“Yes, SeungWan?”


The brunette pulled away from Irene and offered a hand, the painted taking it with a raised brow and another question.


“What is it?”


Suddenly nervous about how her idea would be received, Wendy distracted herself by scrolling through her library, turning up the volume when she found a suitable song. Irene took her hand gently and stood up, her eyes on Wendy’s face again, giving the younger woman that look and Wendy felt a slight confidence boost.


(Surely Irene wouldn’t leave because Wendy was a dork?)


Gathering her sudden surge of courage, Wendy’s thumb clicked on the Adele song and she turned up the volume, music filling the quiet park. She wrapped her arms around Irene’s waist, Irene laughing when she realised what Wendy was planning to do, her own limbs light on Wendy’s shoulders.


“You dork.”


The supposed insult was said very fondly and Wendy could hear the affection lilting every syllable and she nestled in closer, their faces very close to each other.


“Your dork.”


They swayed to the music slowly, their smiles matching and staring into each other’s eyes  as they continued to come closer together.


They continued to dance slowly, even as the music changed, both of them completely lost in the other’s presence.


Wendy inhaled deeply and her eyes dropped to Irene’s lips, just a breadth away from hers and infinitely far. Irene seemed to have picked up on the sudden change in atmosphere, the older woman’s tongue flicking out and wetting her lower lip. A pit of fire bloomed in Wendy’s chest and she couldn’t help herself, tilting her head forward to press their smiles together.


For a moment, she thought she broke some cardinal rule between them when Irene did not respond, her body jolting slightly in Wendy’s arms.


And that feeling was quickly chased away when Irene got over her surprise and returned the kiss gently, small pecks that were shy yet wanting at the same time, planted on Wendy’s lower lip before she it between her teeth. Wendy groaned softly and pressed closer, Irene’s hand cupping Wendy’s face to gain a slight leverage.


Underneath the moonlight, to the sound of love songs, the both of them shared their first kiss.




And then everything was quick.


Wendy finally introduced Seulgi and Joy to Irene, the both of them were overly ecstatic, Seulgi mostly because Wendy was no longer a sad, moping child, Joy because Irene was just as much of a prankster as she was.


Which resulted in both Wendy and Seulgi being the of their pranks most of the time.


But Wendy could hardly fault Irene because at the end of each prank, be it Wendy having to wipe off water on her face or cream from a random pie, Irene would press kisses of apology all over her face, the both of them cuddling on the couch at Irene’s apartment as the TV blared uselessly behind them.


Wendy loved the feeling of having a family, something Irene had brought with her when she painted Wendy’s world with happiness.




“I want that!”


Irene pointed to the jumbo sized bunny on the shelf, the salesperson blinking in surprise before that turned into happiness. Wendy squinted at the price tag and gulped at the price, having no doubts as to why the dude was so happy that Irene wanted what seemed to be the most expensive toy on the shelf. Irene tugged at her arm and jumped on the spot, looking very much like the rabbit she wanted so much.


“JooHyun, that’s a bit... big, don’t you think?”


Irene pouted like the child she was and whined appropriately.


“But you said you’d buy me whatever soft toy I wanted because it has to replace you when you’re gone for a week.”


Cursing at her past self for being an idiot with words, Wendy could only sigh and nod in defeat, lamenting the state of her wallet and her apparent whipped state she was for Irene.


Which deepened further when she found her heart singing when Irene gave her a fleeting kiss, her hands barely even able to wrap around the toy’s tummy. Finding the sight completely adorable, Wendy shook her head led the partially blind Irene through the mall, her wallet several hundred dollars lighter.


(But the smile Irene had for the whole day made it worth the while.


The gasps she had to struggle to keep down because Irene had neighbours and notoriously thin walls had her thinking what else she could buy for Irene to keep doing that.)


The day before she left for her business trip, she found Irene dressing the doll in her favourite blue sweater, an oversized garment that stretched hilariously over the bulging stomach the bunny sported. Her giggles attracted Irene’s attention and the painter scowled, curling over the rabbit protectively.


“Don’t laugh at Wan. She’s sensitive.”


Raising a brow at the name, she moved close until she could envelope Irene in a back hug, her nose slotting just behind Irene’s ear. Irene titled her head away, allowing Wendy to plant her lips onto soft skin in repetitive kisses, Irene’s breath hitching when Wendy parted to graze an area with her teeth while she talked.


“I’m pretty sure I don’t have that big of a tummy.”


Irene swatted at her, her fingers going under Wendy’s shirt and she smirked, pressing in just so and leaving trails of fire on Wendy’s flesh.


“That’s true. It’s all muscle.”


Wendy hummed slightly.


“Mhmm, you should know.”


Irene blushed at the implication and pushed away from Wendy slightly, immersing herself in fixing the sweater properly on the toy. Shaking her head at the woman who could incite such noises from Wendy and yet was so shy when it was outside the bed, Wendy pulled her back into a hug, murmuring her goodbyes softly into Irene’s shoulder.


“I have to go soon.”


Irene made a small sound of disagreement but didn’t say much else, her fingers twisting into the material of Wendy’s blazer.


They stayed like that until someone pressed the doorbell, Wendy’s supervisor coming to get her so that they could make their way to the airport.


If Wendy made her supervisor wait for an extra minute, it was because she was busy trying to take the taste of JooHyun’s lips with her to accompany her in the next week.




When Wendy finally made it back from her trip, almost in the wee hours of the morning and her body sore from the plane ride, she was greeted with the sight of an Irene cuddling into the jumbo bunny. She paused, grinned and took out her phone to snap a picture because it was extremely adorable-


And that was the exact position Wendy would hold Irene in her sleep.


While Wendy had the taste of Irene’s lips to get her through her business trip, Irene had made the toy a substitute for Wendy.


If that wasn’t the cutest thing in the world, Wendy did not know what was.


(Dear god, she was so in love with this woman and her penchant for purple but always stealing everything blue of Wendy’s.)


She removed her clothing slowly, leaving on her white shirt before crawling into bed, slotting herself between the bunny and Irene and she pushed the huge plushie off the bed. She grinned in triumph when Irene curled into her reflexively, her fingers clutching at the front of her shirt while her eyes fluttered open blearily, her voice coming out in a rasp.




Wendy shushed her gently, lifting her head so that Irene could snuggle in deeper.


“Yeah, go back to sleep, Hyun.”


Irene mumbled something but it was muffled by her neck, the older woman soon falling back asleep. Wendy laid there and savoured the warmth she had been missing for a week, her eyes growing tired and finally slipping shut, her arms never releasing Irene from the hug.


She woke up to Irene pressing gentle kisses on her face, the older woman’s smile even brighter than than the sun.


“You’re back!”


Wendy smiled softly and reached out to cup Irene’s face, pulling her down into a proper kiss, murmuring her words straight onto Irene’s tongue.


“I’m home.”




“You guys are like... disgustingly sweet...”


Seulgi pulled a face at Wendy, the brunette ignoring her in favour of staring after her girlfriend, Irene trying to manhandle two plates in her hands while discussing with Joy which delicacy they would bring over to the table from the buffet. Seulgi sighed and reached over to knock Wendy in the temple, the gesture barely affecting her as she continued to follow Irene’s movements with her eyes, her smile growing wider and wider each time until it was taking over half her face, complete together with hearts in her eyes. The older woman looked over to the buffet line, hoping to catch Joy’s eye and share a long suffering look together when she noticed Irene had also become distracted, no longer concentrating on the food as she peered across the metal trays to glance back towards Wendy, the same lovestruck expression present on her face.


Shaking her head at the both of them, Seulgi pulled on Wendy’s shirt, clearing pointedly when Wendy turned to look at her, the brunette smiling at her sheepishly while rubbing her neck.


“I repeat, the both of you are disgustingly sweet.”


Wendy’s lips curled into a smirk and she retorted easily.


“You and Joy are diabetes inducing.”


Opening to reply, Seulgi quickly swallowed back the words, not wanting it to veer off from the agenda she had in mind. Wendy stared at her and reached over to hold her hand, an exaggerated look of worry on her face.


“Is everything okay? You look-”


Seulgi nodded quickly before blurting out what she wanted to say, Wendy’s eyebrows raising to her hairline.


“Joy wants us to live together.”


Wendy’s face went through a variety of expressions before settling on excitement, bringing her hand back to clap.


“That’s amazing! When?”


Scratching the back of her head, she took a cursory glance to where Irene and Joy were standing, her eyes softening when they landed on Joy, Wendy pursing her lips and holding back the tease that was at the tip of her tongue. There was a beat, the din of the restaurant filtering around them before Seulgi spoke up again, Wendy leaning forward to listen better.


“Soon. But there’s a problem?”


Wendy frowned.


“What is it?”


Seulgi sighed and placed her chin on her hand, her eyes coming back to meet Wendy’s.


“Her lease on her place ends in a month, so logically, she’d move in with me. But...”


Seulgi trailed off, biting her lower lip and staring at Wendy’s nose.


Wendy made another face, a look of amusement flitting in her eyes and she teased gently, already forming a plan in her head.


“Are you kicking me out? Considering our apartment is really only meant for two people.”


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iamtsyu #1
Chapter 10: Oh my 💔
yeyeye_1 #2
Masterpiece ❤️🩵
towonderandwander #3
Chapter 2: I'm gonna cry from happiness. TT
Chapter 1: Gpp wend mengalah demi ayank
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 8: i need and want robot irene and wendy with more cute and gentle stories 😭😩🤧
Chapter 5: Omg what a colorful journey of love
Chapter 4: andweee 😭😭
Chapter 3: oh, wow! this was a first for me. a fic where seungwan amd joohyun were animals(cats?) and then ended with them being humans. this was well-written. i was moved and cried on some scenes. poor moewrene. but really, this story is so beautiful. :)