Chapter one

Can I love you?

You, Choi Minji is a ordinary high school girl. You attend classes, you hang out with your friend, you watch dramas, you play games and of course you have your own idol too. You named yourself the No. 1 fans of the world most popular boy group -- EXO. 


You are walking home after school and you heard someone shouting your name. You turned around and see you best friend, Hyemi is running towards you in the speed of lightning. Before you can respond, she has already jumped on you and cling on you like a koala. 

"Hyemi ar! Let go! And don't shout out my name so loud! You are embarrassing me!" You say while trying to push her away.

Hyemi let go of you and let out an evil smirk. 

"No problem! Since I am so embarrassing,  I am leaving you alone with these little precious!" Hyemi take out two pieces of paper from her pocket and wave it in front of you.

Your eyes widen when you see the wording on top of the "papers" - EXO PLANET 

"WHERE DID YOU GET IT FROM? I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU IT'S ALL SOLD OUT????" You can't hold in your excitement and start screaming. Louder that Hyemi earlier.

"YAH!! CHOI MINJI! Calm down. You're embarrassing me now!" Hyemi seems uncomfortable since people turned and look at you when you're shouting.

"I'm sorry, I was too happy. It's like finding back a lost child." You start hugging Hyemi and making rounds on the spot. "You're the best, Hyemi ah!"

"Hahaha. How can I angry at you with all those aegyo? Go back home now and get ready for tonight! I will meet you outside the stadium at 5." Hyemi pinches your face at the same time. 

"Araso! "  You waved goodbye and hop home humming EXO's songs.


"Mum! I'm home!" You rush to your mother who is in the kitchen to ask permission to go for the concert.

"Oh, Minji-ah. Go shower and come down to help me to prepare dinner." Mum continue busying in front of the sink.

"Erm, mummy, actually I am going to ask you if I can go out tonight with Hyemi. Hyemi got us tickets to EXO'so concert. Concert starts at 730pm and I am meeting her at 5. Is it alright if I go tonight? I really want to go for their concert. Mum, please..." you plan to melt your mum'said heart with your secret weapon, the aegyo!

"Minji-ah, stop that! I won't let you step out the house...... unless you stop that aegyo." Mum let out a smirk.

I swear I almost cried when mum pause! When she finished he sentence, I hugged her so tightly and start screaming like a crazy girl again. 

"Minji-ah. I am serious, stop that and go shower now. I will drop you at the stadium later. Go now if you don't want to miss your lovers!" Mum says before turning back to continue getting ready for dinner.


You then rush up to your room and start getting ready for the best night in your life. 

After showering, you dry your hair, put on anew one piece dress, spray one puff of perfume, grab your purse, phone and not to forget your precious ticket to the concert. You then rush down.

"Omo, look at my pretty daughter. If I didn't know you are going to the concert, I will thought that you're going for your first date." Your mum ruffles your hair and let out a smile. 


"Okay. Let's go now!" Your mother pick up the car keys and head towards the car. You followed happily. 


"Okay. Here we are. Go and enjoy the night. Let me know when you're done. I will pick you up." Mum stops in from of the stadium and kiss you on your cheek before driving off. 

You waved at your mother. And run towards Hyemi who is already there. 

"Hyemi sorry.  Have you waited for long?" You feel guilty for making her wait. 

"Aniya. I just reach too. Here, take this." Hyemi passed you the glowing stick that she bought earlier. 

Then the both of you enter the stadium. 

And ya! Have I mentioned that Hyemi got you the VVIP seats? Which is just in from of the stage. It is really your lucky day. 


The concert starts with their debut song --- MAMA. 

As soon aso the members appear on the stage, everyone starts screaming. Hyemi is also shouting until you're worried if she is breathing properly. You on the other hand are not shouting or screaming. Because you find it embarrassing.  You just sing along and enjoy yourself. 

All the 12 members are singing and dancing so enthusiasticly. They are all drench in sweat when they are performing their last song -- lucky. 

You sing along. Feeling touched and lucry. You fix you eyes on the stage wanting to remember everything tonight. When you're focus, suddenly a tall figure on the stage squat down to your eye level and point at you while he is singing "I'm so lucky to be your love hmm" and follow by a wink with his puppy eye and that Chanyeol smile. Ya. Chanyeol winked right to you. 

You blushed and keep convincing yourself that it is just coincidence. I am just one lucky fans that he coincidently wink at. Don't be stupid. Heart, stop beating in that weird pattern. But you still can't help but blushed even more then look down to look at your own toes until the song finishes. 

And ya. That marks the end of the concert. 

Everyone starts leaving the stadium and you text your mother so that she can come and pick you up. She replied and want you to wait in the stadium because she might be there late a bit. 

So you say goodbye to Hyemi as her parents habe already reached. The crowd also start getting lesser.

Meanwhile you wait patiently in the stadium On that VVIP seat. When I decided to get up and leave the stadium. Suddenly, someone hold me back by holding your elbow. You turn around, seeing a tall guy with his hood on and a mask covering his mouth. It is obvious that he just ran to me because he is still panting. 

"Yes sir, what can I do for you?" You smile and ask politely. Thinking is it he lost his wallet or is it he need some help. 

He look at you with a puzzled face and then he act like he suddenly realised something and then take of his mask. 

You widen your eyes and you're very sure that your pupils are dilated too. HA even!  The guy in fronth of you is no other that Park Chanyeol! The member of your favorite boy group,  the person that winked at you earlier. 

He let go your elbow, "sorry miss, I don't mean to be rude and I am sorry if I scare you." 

You nod and still look at him with your big eyes and slightly parted lips due to the shock. 

He chuckled and closed your mouth with his hand by pushing your lower jaw up. This is when you come back to reality. You bow 90 degree, then greet him withe a shaky voice, "A....anyeonghaseyeo, Park..... Ch... Chanyeol-si.  Is there anything that I can do for you?"

He chuckled again at your nervousness, "how can someone be so cute? Hehe. Relax. I won't eat you. I noticed you since the starting of the concert. You're different from the others."

"Huh?" Now you have a puzzled face. 

"Hmm. I mean you're quiet, enjoying the moment but not screaming. I find that scene of you enjoying the concert very attractive." Chanyeol blushed a bit and rub the back of his neck, thinking is he saying some weird stuffs. 

"Th..Thanks. .." you whispered as you are not sure what to respond. Once again looking down to your own feet to hide your blushing cheeks. 

"I was thinking if I will meet you again so I changed and rush out to see if it is possible to see you again. I can't believe that you're still in the stadium after 30minutes the concert ends. It seem like I am lucky. Hehe." He suddenly feel embarrassed and continue, "hey, I don't mean to scare you and I am sorry I am saying weird stuffs."

"Aniya it's okay chanyeol-ssi." You let out a sweet smile so that he won't feel too embarrassed. "Your performance is excellent and we I mean fans enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for working so hard for us. And I will continue supporting EXO." 

"thank you ...... Erm what is your name?" Chanyeol forced a smile from the embarrassment. 

"Minji. Choi Minji. " 

"Very nice name. Nice to meet you. I am Park Chanyeol." 

"Haha. I already know that. I come for your concert. Remember?" You chuckled. You feel more comfortable to talk to chanyeol now. But your heart is still beating like crazy. But it is logic right? This is your idol. And he is talking to you casually. Of course your heart will beat faster than usual.  

Suddenly your phone beeped. It's mum. She is outside the stadium already. 

"Hey Chanyeol-ssi, I have to make a move. My mum is outside already. Once again nice to meet you." You bowed and turn around leaving the place. 

"Hey Minji ah." Chanyeol called out your name. So you turn around and see him walking towards you. 

"Minji-ah I have to say this now if not I am going to regret for the rest of my life. I never have this kind of weird heartbeat before in my life. Especially when this heart beats for someone that I don't know at all. For the past 2 and half hours I can't stop myself from noticing you. I don't understand why. But can you give me a chance to get to know you?" Chanyeol say with his puppy eyes blinking with sincerity as he looks into your eyes. 

You nodded and let out a smile. At the same time thinking if you're dreaming. 

As you nodded, Chanyeol let out the brightest smile and ask for you phone. You,  still blurring, pass him your phone and he type something and give you back your phone. You the back your phone and both of you bow at each other and leave. 

Sitting in the car, you're still thinking is this a dream of what until you hear you phone beeped. 

You take out you phone and the thingirls that you see on your phone screen make you grin all the way home. 


From: Chanyeol oppa

Minji-ah, can I love you?



This is how your first love story starts. 






Hello everyone. I hope that you enjoy this one shot. Feel free to comment or correct me if I have made any mistakes. Enjoy ya. :)

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baekhyuneexo #1
Chapter 1: Hahaa.. Such a nice story. And sequel .... maybe??