
Revenge Has Never Tasted So Sweet (OV2)

massive loads of cursing again... sorry! i have a thing for foul mouth sassyBaek ><




“B-But sir…” Baekhyun tried to ask.


Honestly, he was ing scared less. He hated the damn handsome CEO and he wished he could kill him (not literally). But of course, in front of the man, he was a coward. Who wouldn’t be? The stare he gave to the general public was scary, but when he gave it to you specifically, it was even worse.


“No. I already said it. I’m not accepting it.” Chanyeol finally took his eyes off of the brunette’s face. He let out a small and uncomfortable cough and leaned back against his chair to play off the obvious.


“May I ask why not?” Baekhyun asked nervously.


“Why would you? It seemed like you were having so much fun yesterday, why the sudden change of heart? Hm?” Chanyeol smirked.


He wasn’t gonna lie, he liked the fact that Baekhyun went up against him. Aside from his best friends, no one has ever tried to before. But here the brunette was, sitting there being a nervous wreck, shivering, scared, and breaking out in a cold sweat. Funny how on the contrary, yesterday Baekhyun was all about ing up his day. The situation itself was humorous, really, but Chanyeol wanted to push it further.


“Why would you quit something you started? That’s no fun. The battle isn’t over yet.” His tone was low, but it was scary. Baekhyun shivered but he couldn’t take his eyes off of the handsome . It wasn’t a good idea, but the ’s message didn’t go unnoticed and Baekhyun could have sworn Chanyeol was clearly asking for a challenge.


Fine, what the wants, the would definitely get. Baekhyun looked down and fiddled with his fingers again while thinking hard about his decision. When he finally came up with a decision, he looked back up with a smirk that ing scared the out of Chanyeol, “Game on, .” And then he got up and walked out of the office.


Chanyeol was speechless. He was ing speechless and shocked. Not only was Baekhyun accepting his challenge, but he ing called him an … a freaking ! To his face! And then he had the nerve to walk out of him? No one walks out on The Park! The Park walks out on people! But even with that, he still couldn’t move or say anything even after Baekhyun got up and left. All he was able to do was eye Baekhyun all the way until the doors were slammed shut.





With his smirk and chin held up high, Baekhyun got up and walked out like the boss brat diva that he is. There was no ing way he would let Chanyeol step all over him. But as soon as he got out of the office and slammed the doors shut, he looked up to see if Chanyeol’s secretary was there, but when he didn’t see any sight of her, he leaned against the door with his hands on his chest and started breathing heavily.


“! What the did I just do?! Goddammit Baekhyun don’t you know when enough is enough?!” He whispered to himself. After gathering himself, he got up and took the elevator back to his cubicle.


Luhan ran up to him and asked if he was okay. Apparently everyone saw the CEO come down and personally dropped the envelope off at his desk this morning, hence why they were all so tensed up.


“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” He said while still in a daze.


He still couldn’t believe that he ing accepted the challenge from the CEO. How in the hell was a broke graduate student going to go up against the goddamn CEO? He sat there and wondered if he had a missing screw in his brain or not because this was not normal. You only see these kind of out of dramas and movies. But then he thought about it again, this was his time to shine. This was his time to put that er in his ing spot because he was such an ! The more he thought about it, the more he realized that he was basically given access granted to have his revenge and he wasn’t going to pass up this once in a lifetime chance. Revenge has never tasted so sweet.


Since that has already mentioned that he wasn’t going to accept Baekhyun’s resignation letter that means he still has a job and will still get paid, right? Plus, that er can’t decrease his pay, that’s illegal. But you know what? that . He’s going to take this golden opportunity and run until the end with it.


“Game on, . Game ing on” He said with a smirk to no one but himself.






Chanyeol honestly didn’t think Baekhyun would accept the challenge. He thought the brunette would continue to cower and ask for an acceptation of his apology and also maybe ask to be able to continue working. But that little brat surprised him. Now he has to think up of ways to retaliate. He wasn’t gonna lie, Baekhyun’s pranks were good, oh they were really good, but his will be better. He swore his was going to be better and he will be the one to have the last laugh.


“Game on, brat.” He said while taking a sip of his water and staring out of the floor to ceiling windows.





There are a few types of people that Chanyeol despised:


  1. People who uses him, his family or his friends
  2. People who don’t know but act like they do
  3. People who act like they’re better than everyone else
  4. And especially people who doubt him


So anyone who does at least one of these, was blacklisted. He didn’t give a who you are, what you did, and where the you’re from. You were ing blacklisted.



Baekhyun broke two out of four.








When Baekhyun came back from lunch, he thought everything was fine and that was actually too dumb to do anything, he couldn’t stop smiling. He had the upper-hand now that that knew what he was capable of. Luhan asked him why was he so happy so he decided to tell Luhan what happened.


After hearing about the challenge, Luhan honestly, really didn’t want to have anything to do with Baekhyun during work hours at that point because he was scared of losing his job. He wasn’t a grad student waiting to graduate, he had already gradated so he needed his job.


“Oh stop it, Lu. It’s not as bad as it sounds. He just simply asked for a challenge. We won’t play dirty. I know him, he’s the CEO so he won’t do anything to mess with his company, and I sure as hell can’t afford to leak or mess with anything confidential. It’ll be a clean but dirty battle. Don’t worry your pretty little off! I’ve got this under control.” He smiled and patted his friend on the and then he walked back to his own cubicle.


As soon as Baekhyun got back to his desk, he moved his mouse so his computer could wake up. He sat down and took off his shoes and put his feet up on his stool. As soon as the screen came up for him to type in his password, he typed it in and then let out the loudest and girliest scream anyone had ever heard. His scream was heard even from the nearing floors. Everyone jumped up from the scream and all of a sudden they saw Baekhyun running out and away from his cubicle. He ran over to Luhan’s cubicle and ran under his computer desk and covered his head in fear while crying.


“B-Baek, what’s wrong?” Luhan tried to coax his co-worker.


“No, no, no, no, no!” Baekhyun said while shaking his head with his eyes closed.


“Baek! What’s wrong? Tell me what’s wrong?” Luhan tried again. He was now sitting on the floor next to Baekhyun and everyone was crowding around the cramped space.


Baekhyun slowly opened his eyes that were filled with tears, “Lu…” and stream of tears just came pouring down, “I’m going to kill him. I’m going to ing kill him!” He said while crying.


Luhan was shocked and didn’t know who Baekhyun was talking about, until he realized their conversation earlier right before Baekhyun got to his cubicle. He got up and walked over to Baekhyun’s cubicle and looked around the floor to see if there were anything out of the ordinary.


When he didn’t see anything, he looked up at the computer and saw the screen saver. He jumped a little at the spook but it didn’t scare him enough to make him scream. On the screen saver was a scary picture of what looked like a ghost’s face who was exorcised with blood oozing from the eyes, nose, and mouth. Luhan burst out laughing and decided he would save Baekhyun the second heart attack and changed the screen saver for him.


He walked back over to his cubicle and saw that everyone had already left and sat on the floor and hugged his friend. “It’s okay B, I changed your screen saver already. Everything is fine now.”


“I’m going to kill him Lu. I’m going to ing kill him. I’m going to ing murder him and castrate his ing and then I’m going to feed it to my nonexistent cat and then I’m going to ing murder him again. Oh my god Lu, I’m so scared. I don’t want to go back to my desk.”


Luhan couldn’t help but laugh at his adorable friend, so he just sat there with him and hugged him until he calmed down.




No one saw the person hiding behind the pillar silently laughing to himself. He walked away with a smirk on his face.

= 1; Brat = 0








Chanyeol honestly didn’t think Baekhyun would be that scared. But since the brat was more scared than he expected, his victory was even better. He couldn’t stop smiling and laughing the rest of the day while thinking about it. He replayed the scene in his head over and over again. Kris and Sehun thought he was crazy because they have never seen their friend laugh so much before.


It had been a good day, apparently. A good enough day for Chanyeol to invite Kris and Sehun out for dinner, his treat. At a 5-star restaurant! Something was definitely up. But who were the two to say no to a free wine and dine dinner, at a 5-star restaurant!


The rest of the work day flew by fast when all he could do was laugh at the situation. He didn’t get any work done at all but that was okay. His victory made up for the lack of progress he made today. Of course he was cautious all day, but when he got into his car and didn’t see anything out of the norm, he knew Baekhyun couldn’t handle it. He was going to make sure Baekhyun would come up to him and apologize correctly and admit that no one was better than him and that no one would ever ing mess with him ever again, especially that little brat.


During dinner, he told Kris and Sehun about Baekhyun and the challenge and they were literally speechless for five minutes.


“Okay, who the are you and what have you done with my of a best friend?”


“Hey! I’m not an !”


“Okay, who the are you and why do you now have a life?”


“Hey! What was that supposed to mean?”


“Chanyeol, you’re an to everyone except us and even with us, we have never seen you laugh this hard or smiled this much ever since high school.”


“What are you even talking about? I have a life and I laugh and smile! See.” Chanyeol gave the biggest smile he can possible muster without realizing that his eyes were twitching.


“Okay, we get it! You can stop now Twitchy.” Chanyeol scowled at Kris and then the three best friends laughed.




When Chanyeol got to work the next morning, he checked his office and didn’t see anything out of place so he sat down and smiled. He was going to e-mail Baekhyun and tell him to come up and then he will make the brat apologize and admit defeat. Admit that Chanyeol was the ing best and no one would ever defy him again.


He waited for his computer to boot up and when it did, he moved the mouse over to the email icon, wondering why the his mouse was moving so goddam slow and why the did it keep stopping and getting stuck. He had a mission to complete and this ing mouse was killing him! He kept picking up his mouse and dropping it down a little harder than usual to make it work. He JUST bought this mouse like two weeks ago so he knew it wasn’t defective, plus it wasn’t a wireless mouse so there were no batteries in it. Just what the is wrong with this piece of ? I paid $50 for this!


When he finally got to the email, which only took about 30 minutes, he opened up a new one and began typing the email.


He was typing:


Come up to my office, asap.


But it came up as:


Bdzt gp td zo deepbt, kqkr.





Every time he tried to type anything, it came up some other ing letter. WHAT THE HELL?! He tried to use his mouse but he was so pissed off about the keyboard that he forgot that piece of was moving so goddam slow!


After about half an hour of trying to work with the slow mouse and the ed up keyboard, he couldn’t stand it anymore, so he stormed outside and asked his secretary to find him a mouse and give it to him immediately and then stormed back inside. He sat back down and tried to figure out what the hell was wrong with his keyboard as well. How the was he going to fix this ? He couldn’t even google how to fix it because his ing keyboard was ed up!


“I’m sorry sir, there’s no more mouse around.”




“I’m sorry sir, I can order a new one for you.”


“No. Forget it. Just… Just leave me alone.” Chanyeol sighed and leaned back in his chair. How the was he going to ing work today?! His keyboard and mouse didn’t work for goodness sake! How was he going to send an email to that little brat and make him come up? He sure as hell wasn’t going down to the 3rd just to fetch him.




Chanyeol didn’t see Baekhyun hiding behind the shelf giving his secretary a hi-five.

= 1; Brat = 1








Chanyeol was seriously pissed the off. He still couldn’t get the mouse to work and that was worse than the keyboard. He couldn’t stop groaning because he was so goddam pissed off. It’s been two ing hours and he still couldn’t get to work. Just then, there was a knock at his door and then the door opened with his best friend inviting himself in.


“Hey man, what’s up? I keep hearing you groan and scream like you’re going to murder someone.”


“Yeah I’m going to murder that little ing brat. I know he ed up my mouse and keyboard and now I can’t ing work.”


Kris furrowed his eyebrows together and Chanyeol let out a sighed. “Look.”


He moved his mouse on the screen and Kris saw how the mouse would skip, get stuck or move very slowly and couldn’t stop laughing. He took the mouse from Chanyeol’s hand and flipped it over and wah-lah, there was a small piece of tape covering the sensor.


Chanyeol’s eyes shot wide opened and he looked up at Kris, and then back down at the mouse.




Kris couldn’t stop laughing. His best friend really needed to come out from living under that rock. When Chanyeol kept moving his mouse to make sure it worked correctly, he then addressed his other problem.


“Look at this Kris.” And then he began typing but it all came up as scrambled letters and Kris burst out laughing even more.


“Oh man, he is good.”


“Shut the up. Whose side are you even on?”


“If I could choose, you’d already know.”


“I know, thanks man.”




“GET THE OUT YIFAN.” Kris laughed at his friend. Then he took the mouse and went to the keyboard settings and reset it back to default.


“There. Now you owe me.”


“No I don’t. You chose Baekhyun over me. Now get out. You’re useless to me now.”


Kris could only laugh. His jealous best friend was being a baby again and couldn’t control his emotions. “How about I help you out on your next retaliation?”


Chanyeol looked up at the offer, “Any ideas?”





When Baekhyun walked into his cubicle the next day, he put his backpack down and the monitor. Then he hurried up and stood behind the monitor with his keyboard pulled as far back as possible and when the screen to log in popped up, he typed in his password and then closed his eyes. He waited for a minute or two and then peeked over his monitor just a little bit to see if there was anything weird on his screen.


When he saw that it was his original screen saver, he sighed in relief and moved back in front of his desk. He put the keyboard back and when he went to sit down, everyone heard a loud thump and a very loud “WHAT THE !”


That ing took two of the wheels out of his chair! And it wasn’t two that were next to each other, he took out two that were across from each other so his chair was unbalanced and he fell, right on his .


Now he’s going to have a bruise.




Baekhyun didn’t see the man behind the pillar recording him.

= 2; Brat = 1








Chanyeol couldn’t stop laughing at the video Sehun sent to him of Baekhyun. He laughed at how Baekhyun was still scared of the incident with the monitors seeing how he refused to stand in front of the monitor and chose to stand behind it to check it. And also because in that video was Baekhyun falling on his . He kept replaying that part of the video over and over. He only replayed the part up until the look on Baekhyun’s face when he got up because it was amusing, very cute, but amusing.


He honestly couldn’t stop playing that part of the video over and over even the next day! And for every time that he replayed that part, he laughed to himself loudly. He was enjoying his time watching the video so much that he almost forgot about his business meeting. After he decided to watch the video one last time before he went to the meeting, he decided to watch the entire video this time and when he did, he immediately felt bad because after Baekhyun made that really cute angry face, he began rubbing his back and and made a face that showed he was in pain.


Chanyeol’s smile slowly faded away after seeing that look on the brat’s face and then he put the phone down. His heart immediately felt sunken and he didn’t know why but all traces of happiness were gone. He really didn’t mean to hurt the brat.


Chanyeol picked up his folders and pens and walked out of his office. On the way to the executives’ conference room, he passed by Kris’s office, who was walking out at the same time. Kris saw Chanyeol’s face and was immediately alarmed.


“Hey man, what’s wrong?”


“I think I’m gonna end this little war.”


“What? I thought it was going good? What happened?” Kris saw the guilty look on his best friend’s face and knew something happened.


“Chanyeol, what happened?”


“He fell and hurt himself.”


“What? How did he fall? He shouldn’t have fell if you only took one wheel out.”


“I was so in the moment and decided to take two out.” Chanyeol said lowly. Kris heard him and just shook his head, then he put his hand around Chanyeol’s shoulders.


“Well, now you gotta be the big man and go apologize. Come on, let’s knock this presentation out of the way and then we’ll figure out how to deal with your princess.”


“He’s not my ing princess. He’s a ing brat.”


“Right.” Kris chuckled.




The CEO and Vice President walked into the conference room where everyone else were already waiting. Everyone said their greetings and Chanyeol stood there and introduced the topic. He went on and presented his presentation, which, of course, never disappoint. Everyone was very impressed and he knew he sealed another business deal.


When it was the investor’s turn to present, Chanyeol moved his chair to the side to give the man some room to talk and walk around in the front. When he went to sit down on the chair, the loudest and longest fart sound was heard. Everyone looked at Chanyeol and his face immediately flushed.


WHAT THE ? That wasn’t me! I didn’t ing fart! But the way everyone was looking at him, he had to accept it.


“E-excuse me.” And then he moved a little to sit in a more comfortable position, but when he moved another sound came out, this time, his face was beat red. The man presenting stopped talking and looked at him.


“M-Mr. Park. Do you want to stop the meeting for a bit so… um… so you can… um… go?” The man said hesitantly. Everyone else in the room moved their face to turn sideways and away from Chanyeol’s direction to try and stiffle their laugh, but he could hear Kris and Sehun snickering.


“N—Yes please. My apologies. Everyone is excused.” Everyone began packing up their stuff and left the room. Chanyeol stayed as still as he possible could because he didn’t dare to move. He knew that if he moved, another sound would come out. When it was only Chanyeol, Kris and Sehun left in the room, Chanyeol finally moved and of course, another long and nasty sound came out. Kris and Sehun burst out laughing and he knew they weren’t going to stop anytime soon.


“Shut the up!” He tried to yell at them but of course, it didn’t work. He got up and pulled the thin layer of cushion (which he didn’t even noticed was there!) up and there it was, a ing whoopee cushion.


Kris and Sehun laughed even louder. They were never going to let Chanyeol live this down. And all of this happened in front of the investors? This was ing priceless. “Baekhyun is the ing .”


No, Baekhyun was ! Chanyeol thought.


He suddenly did not feel sorry about the fall anymore. that little brat. Good for his . Literally.




Chanyeol didn’t see Baekhyun outside of the conference room and he also didn’t hear Baekhyun giggling.

And Chanyeol definitely did not know that his secretary gave Baekhyun his meeting schedule beforehand.

= 2; Brat = 2








Baekhyun skipped back out towards Chanyeol’s office and showed the video to his secretary, who dotted over laughing. He wanted to post it on the official website, but then he thought he should keep this battle internal. She gave him a pat on the back and a thumbs up before he left.



When he first told her about the challenge, she was so excited. She didn’t hate the CEO, but if there was a situation for someone to backfire at the , she would be all for them, especially Baekhyun. They became really good friends after he sincerely apologized to her again. So when he asked her if he could go into Chanyeol’s office to tamper with his mouse and keyboard, she immediately opened the door for him.


He made sure he made it back from lunch early. And of course that made his secretary wait until he came back so she could go to lunch. But when he got to her desk, she smiled at him and let him in. She even told him to hide behind the shelf so he could see and hear the reaction because if anyone knew Chanyeol really well, he was very expressive of his mood. After the success of his prank, she gave him another idea. His meeting in two days.



He could definitely say mission was accomplished. Nothing could beat that whoopee cushion! Even the investors had a crack out of it. They all walked out snickering and laughing and absolutely could not believe it happened. It was so worth it driving around Seoul for hours looking for it.



Or so he thought.



When Baekhyun came into work the next day, everyone looked at him and giggled. He knew something was up, but he didn’t know what so he got really cautious. So he carefully walked towards his cubicle, he didn’t know what to expect so before he even got to the aisle of his cubicle, he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths with his hands on his chest. After the ing screen saver and the chair prank, he was scared less of the things that would pop up. that .


So when he almost got to his cubicle, he saw something shiny, like plastic shiny so he walked faster and when he got to his station, he stood frozen with his eyes wide and mouth wide opened. He was utterly beyond speechless.


His ENTIRE cubicle was saran wrapped. He had the corner cubicle so it was easier to wrap it around and HOLY . It wasn’t just ONE layer, it was like 30 ing layers of saran wrap. And in big black bolded letters, at the entrance, it read:



Good morning, how are you?

I hope you stay seated!


P.S – trash bag is inside! Have fun!




“THAT ING !!!!” Baekhyun marched right into the kitchen lounge to grab a pair of scissors and when he got back to his cubicle he began cutting through the saran wrap. The multiple layers made it so hard for him to cut and his fingers and hands were so small and tiny that they began hurting. After 10 minutes of barely being able get much done, he wanted to give up and just slouch down on the floor and never get up again, but then, who the was he to give in to that ?


So with that, he began cutting his way through the plastic with so much force and power he didn’t even know where it came from. But he had a mission and he wasn’t going to let anything stop him. He continued cutting through the saran wrap with force and anger and when he finally did get through it, he was even more shocked.


Saran wrap was EVERYWHERE. His chair was saran wrapped and his monitors were as well! Even his mouse! And his ing desk! EVERYTHING! WHAT THE ?!?





Everyone in that area of the floor knew that Chanyeol, Kris and Sehun were hiding in the conference room across the hall but the three made everyone promised they wouldn’t say a word. When the three s heard the brunette yelling, they laughed and hi-fived each other.

(s) = 3; Brat = 2.








Baekhyun was livid. He was so ing livid. He was not going to ing let that mother er ruin him again. He was so sick and tired of the pranks that he swore on his life that he’s going to make this next one the best but worst one yet. Oh that is going to pay for it.




Chanyeol took Kris and Sehun out for a celebration of another victory. They went to a bar last night and had so much fun. The only reason why they decided to go to the bar was because the investors finally approved of the partnership deal, plus the fact that it was ing Friday!


Kris and Sehun and said it most likely was because they felt bad that he had ‘a bad tummy ache’ but Chanyeol didn’t give a . He had the deal and that was all that mattered.


Oh and also Baekhyun.


Maybe he should thank Baekhyun because he was the one who did the prank. He didn’t realized he was sitting there smiling while thinking of ways and how to thank the brunette. Should he do it in a nice way? In an way? Either way, he knew the little brat would give him some smart comment. Thinking about that made him make a scowling and pouty face at no one in particular, but of course, Kris and Sehun were looking at him the whole entire time he was in his own little world thinking about the brunette.


“I think someone’s got a crush.”


That snapped him out of his daze in a quickness.


“Who? Sehun? You finally confessed to Luhan? You know, I could still promote him to your team if you want.”


“What? No you ! Kris was talking about you! And don’t you dare touch Luhan and his files. He’s happy where he’s at.”


“And how would you know he’s happy?”


“Because he has friends that he works with. If you moved him to my team, he won’t have anyone.”


“He’ll have you.”


“Chanyeol, really? We’re executives. Our employees aren’t comfortable being around us, how the hell do you expect them to even want to be friends with us?”


Hearing Sehun say those words took the smile off of his face. He didn’t realized the truth in that statement until Sehun said it out loud. He had always thought that his position as a CEO was awesome since everyone was so scared of him and he had the power to make people be intimidated by him, but did he really want that, now?


Sure, he liked the fact that no one dared to defy him in his own company… except one person. The person who has been making him feel more alive lately. Not that he had feelings for the little brat. No, hell ing no. But he has never had so much fun but have been so pissed off and so stressed out at the same time in his life before. But, nonetheless, it has been an extremely fun week.


Realizing now that all week long, he didn’t even think about anything except work. But when he thought of work, he thought of how it has been so much fun lately, and when he thought about the reason why, it was no other than because of that brat. Chanyeol shook his head, no, no, no, get out of my head. But as much as he tried to get that little brat out of his head, all he could see were those eyes, those lips, and that little mole.


Holy , what the is happening to me?! He definitely needed to get his mind off of…. Things.






The three friends left the bar(s) early that night. He actually made it home around midnight but he sat at his own countertop and just drank more. He sat there to think about everything that has been going on this past week. He has never let himself to let go of himself and of work like this before. He has never had this much fun before. And he definitely knew his stomach started feeling weird when he thought of all of the why’s. And the why’s all lead back to only one reason. And for that, he began to hate it.



He didn’t realized that he stayed in that spot, and finished a bottle of whiskey all alone until almost 3 in the morning.


Kris and Sehun kept Kai up to date with everything since he was back from his vacation. Kai was shock to hear about this new side of Chanyeol so he was extremely excited to experience it for himself. So when Saturday even came around, the three men went over to Chanyeol’s penthouse and invite him for another night out. Their previous night out was a blast and now that Kai was back in town, it would be even better.


Chanyeol didn’t answer their calls nor did he answer his door for them. He needed to figure out why the did he let himself get this way. He has never depended on anyone for his happiness before. Granted, his friends and family were his happiness, and so was his company. But as far as anyone outside of his circle goes, he never made them a priority. He just didn’t trust anyone. He has never put work aside for anything or anyone before.


So how the did this little brat waltz his little diva into his life and literally flipped it upside down? How the did he become the sole reason he was happy this entire week? How the did he became the… no.









Baekhyun had texted Chanyeol’s secretary the night before about his plan and that he would need access to the ’s office. She absolutely loved this one. She thought this was probably the best one yet so she did not hesitate to tell him where the spare key to the CEO’s office was.


Baekhyun got to work an hour and a half early. This was going to be the last one. He’s tired of the battle, so he was going to do this one as his last. If Chanyeol retaliates after this, he won’t retaliate back. This will be his last one, for sure.


So when he got to work at 5:30am, there was no one in the office. He didn’t even care that Chanyeol would be able to see on the surveillance going up to his office. This battle had become so obvious that it was between the two of them that they really didn’t care who saw or who knew.


When Baekhyun walked into Chanyeol’s office that morning, he stood there and finally really inspected the office. It was so clean and so very sophisticated. So very Chanyeol. He felt kind of sad that his relationship with his own CEO came to this because aside from being a prominent , he seems very genuine, especially when he was around people he loved, his family and friends. Then he sighed, there was nothing he could do about it now. After minutes of standing there and picturing how hot Chanyeol would look sitting at his desk being focused while working, he had to shake his mind out of it and get back to his mission.


He walked around the grand mahogany desk and setup his last prank with full effort.






Chanyeol didn’t make it into work until a little after 9am (he’s supposed to be there by 8am) because he… overslept.



When he got to the front of his office’s lobby, his secretary immediately went up to him, “Mr. Park, Mr. Kim Jongdae and Mr. Kim Junmyeon called for you this morning.”


“I know, I saw their miss call.” He said groggily. “Don’t let anyone bother me. I’m not in the ing mood.”


“Y-yes sir.” She bowed and waited for him to go into his office for going back to hers.




As soon as he opened the door, something was odd, something smelled off. He thought it was because he was in such a bad ing mood with all of the alcohol that he drank all weekend and the hangover and throw up that occurred so he just ignored it.


He walked by his sofa set and thought something was missing, and he stood there for a while thinking back if there were anything that was supposed to be there that wasn’t. He looked to his coffee table, and then his nightstand that were in the corner of the two couches but he couldn’t remember if there were anything there or missing or not, so he dismissed that as well.


He thought that his senses were playing tricks on him so he walked to his built-in refrigerator and took out the juice, he took a sip and, no, my taste buds are fine.


He walked to the built-in stereo system and some music. He turned it on from low to high and back to low again and, no, my hearing is good.


But there was just… something was off.


He smelled something but he didn’t know exactly what it is. He walked around his entire office and nothing was out of the ordinary. Thinking he needs to stop being dramatic, he decided he should at least get to work since he came in so late.


As he sat down, he began sniffing because something smelled so bad. He began sniffing around his desk and he could really smell it, but it wasn’t at a certain spot. It was like the smell was just lurking, just following his nose wherever he moved it.


He thought he was going crazy, he decided, I’m never drinking for three days straight in a row ever again.


As the day went on, the smell just got stronger and stronger and it was beginning to get unbearable. So he buzzed his secretary to come in. When she walked in, he thought he saw her crinkle her nose but obviously he was just hallucinating because when he asked her what’s wrong, she said nothing.


“Do you smell anything… off?”


“What do you mean?”


“Does my office smell different to you?”


“No sir. Did you use a new air freshener that isn’t working? I can order a new one for you.”


“No, no. It’s okay. Never mind. You can go.”


She turned around to walk out of the door, but he didn’t see her grinning on her way out and giggling at her desk while she picked up her phone to text someone.



When lunchtime came around, he didn’t even feel hungry anymore, he felt like his sense of smell was working on overtime because the smell just kept getting stronger and stronger. He couldn’t even pinpoint what it exactly smelled like.


Thinking he has had enough of it and that his headache was making it worse, he moved towards the back of his office where there was a border separating a bed from his entire office and decided to lay down for a quick nap.






When he woke up, his headache was gone but he could have sworn the smell got even stronger. Looking at his watch he noticed that he took an hour nap and needed to get back to work so he walked to his desk and sat down where the smell was the strongest. He took another whiff of the smell and wanted to throw up. He didn’t know if it was from the smell or the alcohol.


Chanyeol decided that something must have ing died in here so he began to look around his desk. His desk was the one where it covered the entire front so there were no opening at the bottom. So he got on his knees and began crawling a circle around his desk.


When he got to the back and underside of his desk, he dropped his head to the floor to see if there were anything down there (underneath the low cabinet) and when he saw something shiny, he had to crawl underneath his desk and right there, right ing there, way in the ing corner of his desk, was his ing peppermint jar!


He got lower and stuck his hand underneath to grab it, but, wait, that doesn’t feel like his jar, that feels like a ing bottle, then he moved his hand over, that feels like another bottle. Pulling his hand back and getting up on his knees, he opened one of his drawer to get a mini flashlight.


He got back on his knees and pointed the flashlight underneath and, WHAT THE !?


There, lying against the side wall of his desk, was his candy jar, a ing jar of pickle, a bottle of ranch, a bottle of blue cheese, and three water bottles filled with other that he didn’t even want to ing know what it was, and his jar of peppermints were not a jar full of peppermints but a jar full of ING DURIAN, and all of the bottles and jars WERE ALL ING OPENED.


He reached down and grabbed each one carefully so that they don’t spill and when he got all seven containers of content, his was ing pissed off.


Not only was he pissed off that his office now smells like a ing dump truck, but there was a note on each of the jar and bottle.


A jar full of mini pickles soaked in vinegar, because you’re scrawny like these small little .


A bottle of ranch, because obviously that’s your favorite right? Can’t forget that!


A bottle of blue cheese, because you ate it the other day and you liked it right?


A bottle of soy sauce: because you’re Asian.


A bottle of fish sauce: because I’m Asian.


A bottle of sesame soil: because we’re both Koreans.


And last but not least, his jar of peppermints had a special note:


Some durian for you because durian smells and tastes like , just like you.



“BYUN BAEK ING HYUN!!!!!!!” He yelled from the top of his lungs.




How the hell was he going to clean all this ing up! And there were no ing lids around! That brat was smart and took all of the lids with him!

= 3; Brat = 3






Baekhyun was so dead. He was so ing dead meat. And to ing think that he was going to be nice to the brat from now on? And to think that he was going to give him a ing job when he graduates?! Hell ing no.


He was in the midst of throwing all of this away until he realized that there was another note, this time it was stuck at the bottom of the jar full of durian. Obviously he wanted Chanyeol to ing go through the mess of stinky just to get to that note. And he doesn’t even know why, but something inside of him was telling him he needed to get that note, so as determined as he was, he was going to get to that note. Even if he has to fight through this stink .



After wanting to throw up about 30 times, he finally got to the note. When he opened it, he was prepared to read some smart comment or some stupid , but when he read what was on it. Those feelings in his stomach emerged again.


                I’m sorry.









Baekhyun knew Chanyeol wasn’t going to see that note at the bottom of the jar. He wrote the note and put it in there for the sake of putting his conscious at ease. He knew he went too far with this last prank.


It’s been four days since the prank and he heard that Chanyeol had to air out his entire office. Even with the hot weather, he opened all of the windows and doors on his floor so it can air out. He even got his office fumigated but apparently, that didn’t work out too well for the OCD CEO because he wanted the smell completely gone.



After days of no retaliation, Baekhyun thought that Chanyeol finally gave up. He smiled to himself and did a self-celebratory dance and promised himself to a night of pizza, ice cream and Disney marathon! He’s been too busy trying to finish writing his paper for graduation and also finishing up his work. He was almost done with the project he was working on so he has been working a little over time to make sure that he can finish beforehand.


He wanted to be ahead of his work schedule because he knew that he won’t be able to work here after graduation, especially not after the battle between him and the CEO. With his work ethics, he didn’t want to leave the company with unfinished work so he decided that he would finish his project before his graduation. That would be his graduation gift to himself and the company.



When Baekhyun walked into work that Friday morning, everything felt like it was back to normal. He heard from Chanyeol’s secretary that Chanyeol declared the floor was tolerable enough to breathe normally, which only made him chuckle at the crazy CEO.



While he walked to his cubicle, another day with no saran wrap, yes! He thought everything was fine, that was, until he got to his cubicle, if you can even call it his.


He stepped back out to look at the name tag on the cubicle and his name tag was gone. He walked back in and nothing was there. His monitors were gone, his mouse was gone, his chair, his papers, sticky notes, EVERYTHING WAS GONE.


Thinking that he got the wrong cubicle, he walked back out of his cubicle to go to the other side of the floor, only to see Chanyeol standing at the corner of the aisle, leaning against the wall, with a ing smirk. A ing smirk.


Baekhyun took a few deep breaths and then walked up to Chanyeol.


“Good morning Mr. Park.” He said confidently.


“Good morning, Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun continued to give the a ing glare, while the continued to stare at him with a smirk. He swears if he could he would so wipe that ing smirk off of his face.


“How’s your morning, Baekhyun?”


“My morning is good sir.”


“Good. Well then, have a good day.”


And with that, Chanyeol walked away. Baekhyun was tempted to ask him what happened to all of his , but then he thought. You know what, two can play that game.



Baekhyun sat in the lounge area, legs atop the coffee table, magazine in his hand, with a cup of water, taking mini sips. He has been sitting in the lounge for four ing hours and he has read about 10 magazines and has completed all of the available levels on Candy Crush and Candy Crush Soda Pop.


He was so ing bored he couldn’t stand it. He was waiting for Chanyeol to catch him on the surveillance camera but since the has yet to come down, he didn’t know how much longer he could last.



When 12:30 came around, he decided that he has had enough and decided that he was going to go to lunch. So he closed the magazine, downed his water, threw the cup away and got up. Right when he was about to walk out of the lounge, Chanyeol walked in and closed the door behind him. Trapping the both of them inside.


“Mr-Mr. Park.”


“Baekhyun.” Has that smirk never left his handsome face? Baekhyun rolled his eyes. He was trying to be respectful but if this wasn’t going to back down then fine. He wasn’t either.




“Oh, so we’re on the first name basis now?”


“Yes, we are. Can you, move? I’m hungry and it’s my lunch time.”


“Baekhyun, didn’t we have a meeting the other week about these 2 minute breaks?”


“Yes sir we did.” Baekhyun said in mockery.


“Since when did two minutes become four hours?” So he was watching me.


“Since 8am.”


Chanyeol stepped closer to the brunette, who took a step back for every step the was taking towards him, “So when were you planning on actually working?”


Baekhyun let out a chuckle and then he looked back at Chanyeol.


“Work? Why should I work? You took my equipment away, obviously you don’t need me to work, correct? You took my computer away, you took my chair away, and you even took my name tag away.”


Chanyeol continued to walk towards Baekhyun with a smirk while the brat backed up into the wall.


“And why didn’t you ask where your was? You saw me this morning. And you’re an employee, if you don’t work, you don’t get paid. So now we’re 4-3, in my favor, brat.”


“Legally, I am still under contract until I graduate, so yes, I still am an employee, and I am and will still get paid. But since you decided to gift me this nice little mini vacation where I don’t have to work, hey that’s on you. Not me. I didn’t ask for it.” Baekhyun said while he walked closer to Chanyeol as if him to challenge him, again.


Chanyeol stood frozen. He didn’t realize his plan would ing backfire on him. He couldn’t even say a word. He didn’t even think about the consequences of moving all of Baekhyun’s equipment into his office.


Seeing that Chanyeol wasn’t going to say anything, Baekhyun decided to walk until he was chest and chest with the man, “That’s right. Now who has the last laugh? I do. So look here, . This battle that we had going on between the two of us,” Baekhyun leaned in and whispered, “It’s now 4 to 4, but I have the last laugh. So I win, .”


Chanyeol smirked but he couldn’t stop looking at those lips. Those very tempting pink lips. He unconsciously his lips and leaned his face downward at the brat.


“Oh yeah? So you think you’re better than me?”


“Oh I don’t think, I know I am. You are no match for me mister.” He pointed and poked at Chanyeol’s chest. “Now, I can get my raise. Because I defeated you.” Baekhyun began to lower his voice, while staring up at Chanyeol’s lips. Has he always had these thick lips? .


Chanyeol laughed and that sounded beautiful.


“What was that again?”


“You heard me. I defeated you.” Baekhyun said confidently. When the hell did they start lowering their voices?


“You did? So 4-4 is a defeat?” Chanyeol said in an even lower voice.


“Yes, in my book it is. Because I got the last stance. Now am I going to get my raise?” Baekhyun got closer and said lower.


Chanyeol thought, to hell with it and leaned down as close as possible so their lips barely touched, and stopped right before he took the brat’s lips.


“No, but you’re going to get a date tonight.”






first thing's first...

i DO NOT condone to messing with your CEO... only baekhyun is allowed to, because he's a sassy brat who doesn't give a lol

no but really, if you ever use any of these pranks on anyone, please do not credit me, just let me know how it went LOL


also, i'm really really sorry it's not as good as OV, i honestly didn't even think OV would even get the response that it did, and it's all thanks to you all <3


here are the y triple towers <3



this is just freaking perfect. their height difference is my most favorite thing about them <3 and look how yeol literally has to look down at baek t_t 


AND THIS!! MY ABSOLUTE ALL TIMEFAVE <3 bad boy yeol can't leave baby b alone... and look at his lips! he subtly blew baek a kiss t_t


sorry i'm spamming you guys with these pics and gifts.. i had so much more i wanted to post.. but i couldn't decide which one to use at my chapter pic so decied to post some of them here t_t sorry... ><


Also, if you will, please sub to this, vote it, and comment and let me know what you all think... i'm still new at this whole writing fanfic thing and any feedback, be it encouragement, advices or criticisms are welcomed! i do read every comment! <3



lucy <3 

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Thank you everyone for the congratulatory messages on the feature! It’s not something I’ve ever expected (also this is an old story and I haven’t written anything in over 2 years). Thank you for taking the time to read and upvote this story! Moreso, thank you for getting this story featured ❤️


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 1: The pranks were very good!!
Firelight-0461 #2
Chapter 1: Really enjoy it.thank you author-nim for this story.
Chapter 1: The cliffhanger noooo
Chapter 1: The cliffhanger noooo
174 streak #5
This is really funny and good ❤️
Osekop12 #6
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 1: I WANT TO SEE THE DATE😭😭😭
Chapter 1: Kyaaaahhh this cliffhanger of an ending is really really aahhhh I couldn't even put it in to words. But this was really awesome and fluffy and funny ❤️
Chapter 1: Reading it for the 1000th tim ;_;
Sequel please T0T