Beginning and End of Spring

Legend of WuXing



   Her fingers gingerly flipped through the pages of the tattered book. She had read it many times but Nu-gwa never grew tired of the books in the imperial library. They were all she had left to entertain herself with. The pages were decorated with intrinsic drawings of demons and monsters, explaining their origins and how to defeat them. Her eyes grazed over the words that were so familiar again and again to memorize them. Although she would never have such an encounter with these creatures, she at least wanted to know about their existence, maybe even meet one. 

      "Crown Princess Nu-gwa!" A voice startled the the girl with open books around her. 

Looking up, Nu-gwa was greeted with the appearance of her lady-in-waiting. She quickly closed the book on her lap and stood up. It was clear that the woman in front of her was angered.

"Your Highness, what are you doing here at this hour? You should have already been dressed and prepared to meet the guest," the women said, clear disappointment and annoyance in her eyes,"Please do not tell me you're reading those books again."

"Sorry, Lady Yang. I was going to return an hour ago but I was just distracted," she gave a cheeky smile," I won't do it again."

"That's what you said last time, Princess." 

Nu-he's gave another smile, this time apologetic.Instead of a smile back, Lady Yang quickly put the books away and dragged Nu-gwa to her quarters to get dressed. As usual, her perfect smile didn't break her Lady's mein. 

As they reached the room servants attended to her body. They dressed her in the finest silver silk and arranged her hair to frame her face. Golden jewels and precious stones adorned her ebony hair causing the illusion of stars in the night sky. After they were done she was amazed at what she saw in the mirror. She was almost unrecognized, for she only dressed in such rich ensembles once every five years. Today marked the same day five years ago when she was in similar clothing. Nu-gwa had forgotten about it earlier as she was immersed in her book. Today, there was the first day of ceremony to continue the safety and the prosperity of Shang-ri La. To continue the endless cycle of spring. As she was told by Lady Yang, the ceremony was to strengthen the walls that protected Shang-ri La from the outside world and protect the scarcity of life. She didn't know what was outside but guessed that it was where the monsters and demons from the pages dwell. 

"You look beautiful," Lady Yang sighed at the sight. 

Although she gave a smile, Nu-gwa sadden at the comment. Five years ago, she heard the same words from three people whom she loved the most. Now they were not here to praise her beauty. They were not here by her side. Holding her tears back, she prepares herself and begin towards the courtyard. 


She gazed across the courtyard at the dancing figures. Memories of five years played in her mind. Memories of joy and sadness. She used to dance like that. Used to. 

"Princess Nu-gwa," a deep voice interrupted her flashback. She turned to the king, knowing that it was him. 

"Yes, your Majesty?"

"Are you nostalgic of the past?" The king asked with steady eyes. 

She shamefully nodded, as she was unaware that her face revealed so much," I just miss them so."

The king nodded and his beard. Thinking for a while he came up with a suggestion. 

"Why don't you join the dance, Princess? Being enclosed for many days, you ought to make some new friends today. "

Nu-gwa thought for a moment and accepted his majesty's suggestion. With Lady Yang following, she made her way down to the dancing crowd. 

"Be careful,"Lady Yang murmured before going to join the other servants. Nu-gwa gave a curt nod and walked towards the dancing mess. 

The dancers and nobles bowed and welcomed her to join them. As she hadn't danced for some time, she became frightened that she might embarrassed herself. Nu-gwa was rescued from her worried as the dancers grabbed her hand and pulled her along to their dance. Although she didn't notice, she was dancing elegantly, her feet barely touching the ground. She hadn't dance in five years, but now she was content. No, happy. 

She continue to swing her arms and dance until a rough hand pulled her from the group of dancing girls. The stranger pulled her to his chest and began dancing with her. Along with surprise, she felt disrespected. Who dare grab her in such manner? With judging eyes, she looked up to the stranger's face. All feelings disappeared, as she gazed upon the man's face. Besides the scar running down the right side of his face, he was the most handsome man she has seen. He had strange beautiful hazel eyes framed by strong brows and full lips lined that formed the perfect smile. 

"Hello,princess," his honeyed voice made Nu-gwa aware of her staring. 

"Oh, hello. I apologize for being rude," she dropped her gaze. 

"Oh no, Princess. It should be I that apologizes. I was the one who acted disrespectfully by not addressing you and just grabbing you like a lowly girl. Please forgive me," the stranger gave an apologetic smile. 

"Ah... it's, it's.." The beautiful man chuckled at her stammer. She cleared and tried again to speak,"You are forgiven, this time. Please don't do it again or there will be consequences." 

"I will be careful then," he replied. "How rude of me again for not introducing myself.  I am Gong Gong, Duke of Haigin."

"Nice to meet you," trying to keep her composure. They continued to dance until the ceremony ended. With the last drum beat, Lady Yang ran over to Nu-gwa to her chambers. 

"Your Highness?" Gong-gong called out as Nu-gwa started in the direction of her bed chambers. Trying to hide the smile on her face, she quickly turns around to face Gong-gong. 

Trying to be as humble as possible Gong-gong asks her," May I get the pleasure to enjoy a dance with you again?" 

Joy and excitement filled Nu-gwa's chest. She wanted to smile and hug him but she knew her place. With a polite smile she answered with a yes and walked off the her bed. Bursting with joy, she didn't realize that the ground was littered with orange leaves of fall. 


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