Are You? (2020)

Stay the Night
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Author’s Note



Hello, everyone ! As a part of trying to reintroduce myself into the practice of writing again, I’ve been updating some of my old, completed oneshots. I think it’s a good way to showcase how much I’ve grown as a writer and as well as get back into storywriting! Hopefully you guys enjoy.








Joohyun waltzes into the room and kisses her goodnight in front of the rest of the girls like it’s the most natural thing in the world. As much as Seulgi hates to admit, it is in fact not. The remnants of her cherry blossom lipstick imprint against the fair skin of her cheek. A pink, pastel brand for everyone to see. Seulgi’s skin promptly sets itself on fire; a slow, controlled burn where Joohyun’s lips had brushed against her took over her already reddening face.

Meanwhile, the other girls looked on in mute amusement, clearly enjoying the spectacle of Seulgi’s gay panicking and Joohyun’s obliviousness to it. Before Joohyun swooped in, the five of them had been chatting about this and that. Mainly, they talked about how Yeri’s classmates were adjusting to the young starlet’s recent debut. Sprinkled here and there were encouraging comments from Seungwan (the brainiest of them, if her Presidential Award was any consolation) and reflections on their latest performance of ‘Ice Cream Cake’.

Seulgi took up her usual spot on their worn sofa, long limbs sprawled and spilling over an armrest. She chimes in here and there, at ease with the flow of conversation. When she cracks a particularly funny joke, she loves the way Yeri and Sooyoung screech and try to beat her up. Or when Seungwan agrees with her and nods so furiously it looks like her head’s about to roll off her shoulders. They’re a little family, all of them.

Joohyun had already gone to bed, or so the four of them had thought. Until Seulgi hears the creaking of the older woman’s door opening and clicking shut again quietly. Instantly, her entire body’s on alert, hopeful to spot another glimpse of Joohyun before bed time. Her prayers are answered a beat later when the older woman does indeed join them in the living room.

As the leader of Red Velvet, Bae Joohyun’s public presence is akin to this serene, untouchable goddess. Joohyun truly was born to be a leader. The quiet air of confidence she carries about herself, her easy grace on and off-camera, the sincerity of her actions, all of these aren’t things that can be easily taught. They’re just a part of who Joohyun is. They’re traits Seulgi wishes she could adopt more easily. In contrast, Seulgi usually felt reduced to a little kid during interviews, always unsure of if she was saying were the right thing.

Right now, though, Joohyun’s just herself. She looks half asleep from her tousled blonde locks are any indication and the sleepy, still dreamy glaze in her eyes. Their leader’s donning her favorite pair of black Nike sweats and an oversized t-shirt as her pajamas yet she still manages to take Seulgi’s breath away. Although they’ve spent some of the hardest years of their lives relying on each other, Joohyun’s beauty never seemed to lessen its effects on her. When Seulgi looked at her, it was like she was looking for the first time.

The rest of the girls were so engrossed in talking, they didn’t seem to notice Seulgi becoming increasingly quiet. They also seemed unaware of Joohyun’s presence, too busy laughing at something Sooyoung had said. But the moment Joohyun stepped into Seulgi’s vicinity, the room went quiet. Or maybe the girls kept talking and Seulgi couldn’t focus on anything other than Joohyun. She was so close, Seulgi could smell the older woman’s fresh shampoo and a hint of her sweet perfume.

“Night, Seul,” she murmurs into Seulgi’s ear, turned red at the tip. Her words languidly fill the air between them and the gentle brush of her lips against Seulgi’s skin makes her shiver. A blush rages across Seulgi’s face like an untamed wildfire. Joohyun suppresses a giggle with pursed lips, eyes dancing in amusement. And just as quickly as she’d arrived, the blonde saunters back to her room. If Seulgi didn’t know any better, she’d say the sway of Joohyun’s slender hips accent the way she walked a tad more than usual.

At the soft click of Joohyun’s bedroom door, Seulgi absentmindedly brushes a hand over her cheek. Maybe I’m just imagining things, Seulgi thought. I’m pretty beat, too. Going to bed didn’t sound half bad. It was just after midnight and by some of a miracle, none of them were falling asleep on top of each other. Seulgi lowers her hand from her face, still deep in thought when she catches Seungwan’s burning gaze from the living room floor.

Sooyoung’s in the middle of excitedly telling Yeri they should get fried chicken for tomorrow’s dinner in lieu of celebrating Yeri’s debut but Seungwan’s eerily quiet. Seulgi slumps down into the cushions in a feeble attempt to ignore the Canadian’s accusatory stare. If she were quiet enough, maybe she’d blend in with the couch and she wouldn’t have to deal with Seungwan’s knowing, prying eyes. She was the only one Seulgi had opened up to about her feelings for Joohyun.

The same feelings that never faded since the day she’d met Joohyun. Seulgi had a feeling they never would. But despite Seungwan’s insistence, Seulgi just couldn’t bring herself to believe there’d be anything more than being just friends for her and Joohyun. It was startling how quickly Seungwan picked up on what was going on with her. A grand total of two weeks passed before the Canadian rounded on her one day.

They were roommates, after all, and Seulgi was defenseless to her pestering, neverending questions. Eventually, she just caved. Rattling off her one sided love story made Seulgi understand just how deeply she cared for Joohyun. If anything, that made the reality of it even more terrifying than before.




Joohyun’s one of the kindest, warmhearted, overly affectionate girls Seulgi has ever known. During their trainee years, chock full of dancing and singing lessons, Joohyun gave everything and everyone more than a hundred percent of herself. She wasn’t always so open, though. Seulgi recalls how painfully shy Joohyun was around new people. Her beauty often intimidated others and the blank, neutral expression she often wore made people shy away.

But when you caught a glimpse of her smile and the twinkle in her eye, how could you not be drawn to her? To the people Joohyun cared about and opened up to, she unconditionally gave every part of herself. She handed out love as easily and freely as could be, never with a second thought and always giving a little too much of herself to anyone who desired it. If Seulgi was cold, Joohyun would share a blanket. If Seulgi was hungry, they’d run off to the Han River and stuff their faces until they were full. If Seulgi...well, you get the picture.

Seulgi figures that was exactly how she fell for her, joining the evergrowing line of people waiting for a chance to win Joohyun’s heart. Yet to Seulgi, it felt like she was lingering at the very end. The competition, if Seulgi even dared call it that, seemed endless. First, there was Jongin. Then, Junmyeon. Not to mention Taemin, Minho, could Seulgi even begin to compare? Her and Joohyun were close friends, maybe even childhood friends, and that was that.

Seungwan would beg to differ, though. There had been plenty of shared experiences between her and Joohyun that made Seulgi wonder, though. Hours and hours after, Seulgi pondered over them and wondered if perhaps the intensity of Joohyun’s affections really were as different as Seungwan made them out to be.

It was true Joohyun never seemed to borrow anyone else’s

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 2: both are the best never get enough of these 🤍🤍🤍
reveluv316 813 streak #2
Chapter 1: 🥰🥰🥰
Jamess #3
congrats on the features
2076 streak #5
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 813 streak #6
congrats on the feature
1059 streak #7
congrats on getting featured!!
Congrats on the feature!!! ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。
2076 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!