i) attractive

ABC of wenrene / seuljoy




Seungwan rolled around in her blanket, suited enough to be called gigantic human sushi. It’s almost 3 am, but she just can’t sleep a blink. She let out a huffed before threw away her blanket aside, didn’t bother to keep it quiet. Heck, she didn’t even care if she woke up her roommate (which she doubted because Seulgi sleep like a dead log) She grabbed her big sweater and car key. She knew where she going, the diner.


She turned off the accelerator when she parked her car messily (it’s not like there were people early in morning) in front of the diner. She rubbed her palm together when cold wind gushed towards her petite figure before she quickly stepped in the diner and let out a contented sighed after feeling heater shooed away her coldness. She went to the counter before sat on her specific seat, being greeted by the chestnut coloured hair girl.


“Insomnia kicks in again?”


“Yes, Sunny. And tomorrow I have an important meeting which also .” Seungwan replied while tapped her manicured nails against the wooden counter. She looked around the diner before realized a blonde hair behind one of the counter, she seemed like she was sleeping, “Your new worker?”


Sunny turned to where Seungwan was looking before promptly nodded, “Yeah, her name is Joohyun. She just started to work last week. So, what you want to order? The usual?”


Seungwan just hummed a response, not let her eyes off from the striking blonde girl. Suddenly, the sleeping girl let out a grumbled before woke up from her sleeping position. She’s cute. That’s what Seungwan mumbled when she saw the girl rubbed sleepiness from her eyes and stretched after sleeping in strenuous pose for a long time.


After the whole one minute, the girl realized there was another eyes were looking at her. Her face turned to beet red before stood up from her chair. “W-Welcome to the diner.”


Seeing the girl flustered make Seungwan laughed loudly. “You are so cute.”


And the morning passed by Seungwan tried to tease the poor girl (which she found out was older than her) and Joohyun being flustered.









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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I want more story please
RVFXCookieDough #3
Chapter 1: Please post more :)