
New Year's Eve Plan(s)

                Daehyun pulled at the bottom of his jacket nervously as he stared at himself in the mirror. His leather jacket fit him well over the red button up shirt and went well with his black slacks. He pinched and picked at his hair, still not satisfied with his looks completely. It wasn’t that Daehyun was always this concerned with his looks, but tonight was New Year’s Eve and the first one he would be spending with his boyfriend Junhong, or known better as Zelo.

                Daehyun smiled as he thought about his adorable boyfriend and his nickname which fit him so well.

                The ringing of his cellphone was what eventually pulled him away from the mirror. He smiled when he picked it up.

                “I was just thinking about you.”

                “And hello to you too, Daehyun,” Zelo said from the other side of the phone.

                “On your way to the restaurant?”

                “No, that’s why I’m calling… did you make a reservation?”

                Daehyun’s face dropped, “No… are they already full? I’m so sorry, babe. I must have—“

                “They aren’t full. They are closed! I called to make sure they had our reservation and the answering machine picked up and explained they are closed for New Year’s Eve.”

                “Oh…oh,” Daehyun fell back onto his bed. “Well then… what should we do? Do you have a backup plan?”

                Zelo sighed and Daehyun felt so guilty, “I think Himchan and Yongguk are having a party this year.”

                Daehyun perked up, “That’s right! Yongguk doesn’t work this year.”

                “Sound good?”

                “Yes!” Daehyun jumped up. “Let me just change and then I’ll head over.”

                Zelo laughed, “Okay, me too! I’ll see you there.”

                Daenyun tossed his phone and looked at himself in the mirror, “Okay, not the plan, but we still are hanging out. It is going to be great.”

                Not wanting to waste time, Daehyun switched slacks for a pair of black jeans and ed the shirt he was wearing a little. He hadn’t put a tie on yet and the jacket wasn’t too formal looking so he decided it was good enough. It was a party with friends so he figured someone, probably Himchan, would be dressed up anyhow.

                Daehyun grabbed his keys and wallet and headed out towards the bus stop. It wasn’t long until he was on his way. He messaged Zelo who also said he was on his way. Daehyun smiled to himself, knowing Zelo must have done the same routine as him, only halfway changing even though fashion was more important to him.

                It wasn’t long until Daehyun reached the right stop and he hopped off the bus. He looked around, not used to this area since Yongguk and Himchan had only just moved in with each other in a new part of town. As soon as he started walking in the right direction he heard his name called from behind him.

                “Ze—“ Daehyun was interrupted by the surprise hug Zelo wrapped him in. Daehyn laughed into Zelo’s chest as the taller man kept them from falling over from the force of his hug. “Hi, Zelo.”

                “Happy New Year’s Eve, Daehyun.” Zelo chuckled.

                “Happy New Year’s Eve,” Daehyun gave Zelo a tight squeeze before pulling back. “Ready to go to the party?”

                “Yeah,” Zelo grabbed Daehyun’s hand and they started walking. “I was looking forward to the restaurant, but spending New Year’s Eve with friends will be fun.”

                “True. Maybe it was destiny for this to happen.” Daehyun smiled and looked over the younger, seeing he was in jeans and a button up shirt too, but had a plain zip up hoodie on top.

                They talked about their day so far as they walked up the stairs to their older friends’ apartment. The night was looking up for them.

                Zelo knocked on the door and they waited. Soon, Daehyun frowned and knocked again.

                “Weird… I don’t hear music,” Zelo said as he tilted his head, ear facing the door.

                “Is the party somewhere else?” Daehyun asked.

                “It shouldn’t be—“

                The door opened and there stood a coughing Himchan, looking pale with a mask on and blanket wrapped around him. “What—“ he coughed again, “are you guys doing here?”

                “I thought—we thought you were having a party,” Daehyun answered through his confusion.

                “Are you sick?” Zelo asked.

                “No, I dress like this for fun.” Himchan glared up at Zelo, “Also the party was cancelled. Didn’t you get the message yesterday?”


                “Himchan, what are you doing up?” Yongguk asked as he ran down the hallway to the door carrying a grocery bag. “And what—“ Yongguk bit his lip, “I forgot to message you both, I’m so sorry. I thought you were doing dinner so you didn’t need a cancellation message,” Yongguk walked past them to hold the door open so Himchan could go lie down.

                “Change of plans,” Daehyun chuckled nervously and pulled on his shirt.

                “Well,” Yongguk looked inside, “You can come in if you want. We still have snacks and drinks, but we won’t be able to do much…”

                “No, no it’s fine! We can do something else,” Daehyun smiled.

                “Yeah, you both should relax and enjoy each other’s company. We will be okay,” Zelo assured Yongguk.

                Yongguk smiled and the couple could see how tired he looked, “Thanks guys, we’ll see you around.”

                “Happy New Year!”

                Once Yongguk closed the door they both sighed and looked at each other.

                “What now?” Zelo asked.

                Daehyun shrugged and started leading Zelo away from Yongguk and Himchan’s place, “We could go back to my apartment and watch tv?”

                “Yeah!” Zelo looked excited suddenly, “We can watch Gayo Daejun! It’s been a long time since I watched it.”

                “Sounds like a great idea! Sh—we need to run to catch the bus!”

                Panting, they got on the bus in time and found seats. They sat there, still holding hands as they caught their breath.

                “It’s sad about Himchan being sick,” Zelo finally said.

                “Right?” Daehyun’s breathing returned to normal. “Those two are fun to hang out with.”

                “No, I mean in general,” Zelo looked at Daehyun. “New Year’s was the first time they kissed.”

                “Oh, I remember now,” Daehyun nodded. “And they started dating a week later.”

                Zelo chuckled, “Himchan is really sly. I couldn’t believe him when he told me what he did.”

                “You should have seen Yongguk as he told me the story,” Daehyun laughed. “And really… those two a couple… I never saw it coming.”

                “But, it is a good thing they are. We met each other through them,” Zelo nudged Daehyun and looked away, sheepishly.

                Daehyun smiled and raised Zelo’s hand to his mouth so he could kiss it. Even after dating six months, Zelo was still shy with saying his feelings and Daehyun thought it was a cutest thing.

                Soon, they reached the bus stop for Daehyun’s house and took their time walking back, talking about their friends and what they were doing. Daehyun’s stomach grumbling once they reached his door made both of them laugh.

                “I suppose we should eat,” Zelo said after his laughter died down.

                “What do you want, pasta, hamburgers, or curry?” Daehyun asked as he walked into his kitchen.

                “Pasta sounds easy and fast,” Zelo leaned on the counter and watched Daehyun pull out the ingredients.

                “What, you aren’t going to help me?” Daehyun asked once he started heating up the water.

                “But you look so natural around food.” Zelo smiled, “Are you sure you won’t bite me if I get too close to your food?”

                Daehyun playfully glared before smiling, “I won’t bite… hard.” He winked and turned back to the water while Zelo’s laughter filled his apartment.

                Zelo entered the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Daehyun from behind, “Is this helping?”

                Daehyun chuckled, “No. Can you put the bread in the toaster?”

                “Sure,” Zelo kissed the top of Daehyun’s head and went to work.

                It wasn’t long before they were sitting in front of the television with bowls of pasta in their lap and drinks on the coffee table. Daehyun grabbed the remote and clicked on. Except, instead of a tv show being played, an error messaged popped up.

                Daehyun frowned, “That’s strange.”

                “Is your tv not working?”

                Daehyun got up and checked the tv, which was working, but his cable box had a red light where the green light should be coming from. Daehyun groaned, “This damn thing is broken again.”

                Zelo laughed.

                Daehyun looked at him confused.

                “Another plan has been foiled by the universe,” Zelo smiled.

                Daehyun sighed, “Well… any movies you want to watch?”

                “You know what, let’s watch The Lord of The Rings: Extended Edition,” Zelo lifted up.

                Daehyun hissed as he quickly inhaled, “Watch Youngjae’s favorite movie without him here?”

                Zelo shrugged,” Seems like a good time. Do you have any other suggestions?”

                “No. Sounds like a great idea.” Daehyun chuckled as he grabbed the movie from Zelo and put it in the DVD player.

                Daehyun breathed a sigh of relief when the movie started, “Finally.”

                He went back to the couch and leaned against Zelo as the movie started and they began to eat. Being fast eaters it wasn’t long before they finished the food in front of them and were enjoying the movie.

                “Do you want snacks?” Daehyun asked during a quiet moment.

                Zelo chuckled, “Do you want snacks?”

                Daehyun smiled, “Yes, and ice cream.”

                Zelo grabbed the remote and paused the movie, “Dessert sounds great.”

                Daehyun was in the kitchen grabbing things and noticed they had 30 minutes until midnight, so he grabbed soda, being the only sparkly drink he had. Passing by the counter he noticed Zelo’s phone light up from a notification. “You have a few miss calls and messages from your mom.”


                “Yeah,” Daehyun brought the phone to him.

                “She wants me to call her…. This should only take a moment,” Zelo said.

                “No worries,” Daehyun said as he opened a package of Oreo’s.

                While waiting for Zelo to get off the phone, Daehyun played games and messaged his own mom from his phone. It was only by chance that he looked at clock and realized they had five minutes until midnight. He opened the two soda cans and passed one to Zelo.

                Zelo sighed and hung up, “She wants to video message me. She’s downloading Skype right now.”

                Daehyun’s heart dropped, not wanting Zelo to leave. He tried to think of solutions, “You can use my computer!”

                “Are you sure?”

                “Yeah,” Daehyun ran to his room and grabbed it.

                Zelo chewed his lip pensively, “I’m getting tired though and I don’t know how long this might last.”

                “You can always stay here—I can sleep on the couch or something… but you don’t need to worry.”

                Zelo smiled at Daehyun’s rambling, “Thanks Daehyun.”

                “Also,” Daehyun smiled as he raised his soda can, “Happy New Year, babe.”

                Zelo clinked their drinks together, “Happy New Year, Dae.”

                After the toast, with a red face, Zelo bent down and kissed Daehyun. Daehyun smiled into the kiss and hugged his boyfriend tight.

                Yes, all their plans had been ruined, even watching a movie had been interrupted and they probably wouldn’t finish it since they still had 3 hours left to watch and Zelo was already feeling tired, but the important thing was that they were together. Zelo would do his long video message with his parents and they would meet Daehyun for the first time and the night would end with them falling asleep on the bed in each other’s arms after talking together about anything and everything for another hour.

                It was the last night of one year and the first morning of the next and they had earned a great story to exasperatedly tell their friends later, but in the end they wouldn’t be able to deny that it was one of the best New Year’s Eve nights of their lives so far.

a/n: happy new year!!

hope everyone's year goes well ^_^


lol honesty hour... a lot of this was based off of MY New Year's Eve hahahaha inspiration from real life. Hope it wasn't too boring.

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Figuremeout #1
Chapter 1: 'No, I dress like this for fun' I lol'd at that for far too long XD maybe because that is something I would say if someone asked me the obvious! Loved it<3 Daelo is one of my favourite ships:3
Chapter 1: thank you for the cute cute cute story >.<
my new year's eve just consists of me laying beside my brother and reading new year's message on twitter.
what a way to spend new year's eve haha. great story, by the way :)
Chapter 1: HAPPY (*cough cough* late) NEW YEARS!
SukkieDBSK #4
Chapter 1: AWW <3 thanks for writing such a cute oneshot! I'm happy being able to read some DaeLo starting this year ♥ Best wishes for you!
annethundr05 #5
Chapter 1: This was too cute & I smiled the whole time i was reading it. Also I'm not the only one who's plans when up in flames, spent the evening watching old school Godzilla & eating fro-yo lol.
andnowforyaya #6
Chapter 1: this was so cute!
harlibug #7
Chapter 1: Too cute ^^
KawaiiMolang #8