My Fake Boyfriend
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"Kyungsoo?” His deep voice echoed through the other end of the phone. Kyungsoo had been shaking in his shoes, dreading this call. It’s been about five years since he last heard Chanyeol's voice.

“Kyungsoo, this is still your number right?”

Kyungsoo swallows the lump in his throat and answers, “Y-Yeah. It’s…" He clears his throat. "It’s me.” And, Kyungsoo nods, as if Chanyeol could see him. “What can I do for you?” He asks out of kindness, but he definitely doesn't expect Chanyeol to want him to do something he'd actually be willing to do. After all, he hasn't talked to Chanyeol's not really in the position to request things from Kyungsoo. But, the fact that he's reaching out after so long can only mean one thing and Kyungsoo doesn't think he's going to like it.

“I guess it’s been some time, huh?” Chanyeol’s chuckle came through a tad disdainful. “I feel bad asking you for something so sudden but…I’m going abroad to visit my parents for the holidays…and well I was wondering if you could maybe…uh…-“

“You want me to accompany you, don't you?” Kyungsoo deadpans, expectanlty.

“Er, yeah, If it wouldn't be too much trouble that is...?”

Having known Chanyeol so well, he knew that the giant wouldn't just ask him something like this for kicks. There had to be something else that was bothering him, and before he agreed, he needed to know the whole story.

“And what's with the sudden urgency?” Kyungsoo felt bad asking the way he did, but he needed Chanyeol to talk.

“It’s a long story, really, Kyungsoo.” He can hear Chanyeol's sigh on the other end.

“The semester ended last week. I have a lot of free time. There’s a café over on Fifth Street. Does 5 O’clock work for you?” Kyungsoo concocts.

"I--" Chanyeol's not in a position to deny. "5 O'clock is perfect. I'll see you there."

Kyungsoo hangs up the phone, but he doesn't put it back on the side table. He holds the phone in his hand, staring at it deeply for a couple of moments before setting it back down, his palms burn and they're slightly red from how hard he’d been gripping the mobile. He stands, willing himself toward his bathroom to freshen up a bit. It deosn't take him even five minutes to get fully dressed and ready to meet with his former best friend. Kyungsoo doesn't have a good feeling about this but, he at least trusted Chanyeol enough to not get him into something illegal.




The café wasn’t too full at this time, and the customer flow was spectacular, despite it being dinner-time. Kyungsoo looks to his watch, 5 o'clock on the dot. When he gazes at the door, he's pleased to see Chanyeol walking through, making his way toward him.

Kyungsoo's hands were clamy. He so badly wanted to hide behind the thin, plastic menu that his fingers clawed at out of restlessness. It had been too long, he almost forgot how much Chanyeol towered over most people as if he owned the ground he walked on. It could just about intimidate anybody, the way it intimidated him right this second. As the taller male approached, the menu became Kyungsoo's saving grace. Kyungsoo lets his eyes skim the pages breifly, but his mind wasn't paying much attention to the words, no matter how desperately he tried. He realizes then that no matter how much time has passed, Chanyeol remains to have that grip on him; the same one he had that first night they met. He was screwed. There was no way he was getting out of this, no matter how rediculous Chanyeols request would be. Oh God. He thinks.

“Kyungsoo.” The voice came sooner than he thought, startling him out of his thoughts.

Kyungsoo clears his throat as he looks over at his compaion. "Chanyeol...” His hands trembled as he placed the menu down to look at Chanyeol. Thankfully, Chanyeol is busy pulling the chair opposite him to take much notice of hisKyungsoo's hands, and Kyungsoo lets them drop to his lap. He waits for Chanyeol to say something, but as the moments creep by, he grows more eager. “So?” Kyungsoo urges.

"Oh, right...Uhm...well", Chanyeol is suddenly so unsure of how to start off that he begins to stumble over his words. "My parents...they want me to visit for the holidays. Since they live in the United Kingdom now and evidently, I haven't been out to see them for a couple of months now...but that's not all, I'm sure you're familiar with my...ex?"

You mean the one you left me for? Sure. How ever could I forget that? "His name was...Baekhyun, right?" At that moment the server makes her way to their table.

"Your tea's." She beams happily, unaware of the uneasy tension between both males. She sets a cup of English Breakfast Tea down in front of Kyungsoo and a Plain Black Tea in front of Chanyeol. "Will you be needing anything else, Mister Do?"

"No, thank you, Boyeon." Kyungsoo gives the female a gentle smile, and she smiles back before walking off with a spring in her step. Upon looking back to Chanyeol, he sees a smirk playing at his lips and Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, mood dampened. "Yes, I'm a regular here. Are you really so surprised?"

"No, I guess not and, uh, yes. His name is Baekhyun."

The real truth was, the only reason Kyungsoo even knew Baekhyun's name was because he'd seen Chanyeol's mom a few times at the market they had frequented. Since she actually knew Kyungsoo, she'd greet him and they'd came to this very tea shop to catch up on the things they'd normally talk about over lunch when he and Chanyeol had still been together. She'd told him how elated she was for Chanyeol and Baekhyun. The inside scoop and all. Kyungsoo had been so furious when he left Mrs. Park that evening he's found out the news.

“Not that it matters, but what really happened between the two of you anyway?” Kyungsoo reaches over to his tea cup and raises the glass to his lips.

Chanyeol sighs, "Kyungsoo...I know you're inclinded to say no but...just hear me out, please?"

Kyungsoo sips at his tea tentativly. “Park Chanyeol." He places the teacup back onto its saucer and continues, "You do realize that you left me, right? There weren't any goodbyes. You couldn't even begin to imagine any of the distress I went through.” Letting some of his vulnerability shine through, Kyungsoo was just about ready to storm out of here. He didn't need that look of pitty across Chanyeol's face. In fact, Chanyeol had no right to beg him for anything. Not after the way he had hurt him.

"Y-You're right...and you can be mad at me all you want, but you know better than anybody that I wouldn't have come to you if I wasn't desperate...I can't do this without you. I know how bad I messed up before, but...Kyungsoo, we've always been friends and when we were together, we did always make those promises on how that, no matter what happened between us, we'd always be friends." Kyungsoo sits on that for a second. Of course, he never would have made such a promise if he would have known that the bond between them would have been severed so easily. "If there's any part of you that still wants to believe in that...please, help me. Just this one time. I won't ask anything of you again, if this isn't your cup of, no pun intended."

Kyungsoo shakes his head, looking down into the abyss of his palms. Hearing Chanyeol spout all of this, and bringing up things from the past was really too much. “What do you want me to do...exactly?” Kyungsoo finally looks at him, letting out a sigh in defeat. It didn't matter what Chanyeol had done to him. He'd always have that space for him in his heart that would render him completely incapable of saying 'no'.

Chanyeol leans back in his seat, a breath of releif and a hand over his chest shows off his newfound ease. “Thank you, Kyungsoo, I owe you more than one, for this!” He smiles, picking the tea cup into his palms. He breaths the auroma before taking a sip.

“Just tell me what I have to do before I decide to hightail it out of here.” Kyungsoo avoids eye contact, and instead nurses his tea.

"Erm...Okay." Then tension returnst to Chanyeols shoulders. "So...Baekhyun and I had a very bad break-up. He would have moved back here, but right before we broke up, he got a really good job offer. From what I've been told though, he's...also become very close with my sister, Yoora. I know Baekhyun better than anybody. If I go back there...there's no telling what'll happen but I don't want to focus on the worst case scenario, I jsut want to see my family and have a good time. Having you there by my side is a clear sign that I don't want him to mess with me." Chanyeol sighs. "I know its selfish to ask you to come along with me but I know you wouldn't back down from this."

“So what? You want to get back at your ex or something?” Kyungsoo eyes the taller boy.

“I...I just don't want him to stir up drama...Kyungsoo, you already said you'd help. Please?" This time, Chanyeol clasps his hands together, begging for the latters help.

“Though it does wonders to see you actually begging me of all people, please stop. Just please tell me you already have your plans set?"

Chanyeol perks up. "We're set for a flight in four days time."

“Good boy. Lets discuss our plan then, shall we?"

“I really do owe you, Kyungsoo” Chanyeol grins, taking another drink of his tea.

"Yeah, Yeah." Kyungsoo says under his breath. "Less talk of who owes who, and more planning, please."




"Last call for those boarding flight 412 to the United Kingdom.”

“Ready to go?” Chanyeol stands, taking hold of Kyungsoo’s bags.

Kyungsoo shrugs trying to force the sleep out of his eyes. Sure, the actuality that he'd be pretending to be Chanyeol's boyfriend would be nice especially when he can shove it down Baekhyun's throat but he will never get over early morning flights. Everybody knows Kyungsoo is a night owl. The fact that Chanyeol had chosen an early flight must have been out of spite...or at least thats what Kyungsoo would like to believe. In truth, he knew that the only reason the flight was that early was so that they'd be making good time, arrive before lunch. Kyungsoo nudges the black shades further up hthe bridge of his nose and mumbles something along the lines of, “As ready as I’ll ever be I guess.” He tugs at the coat that’s suspended around his shoulders and pushes himself forward.

Once they're on the plane, the flight actual goes by a lot faster than Kyungsoo thought it would, though he was growing more nervous as they got closer to landing. To think that he’d be acting like Chanyeol’s boyfriend in under an hour really did scare him. It was true, within the time him and Chanyeol were apart, he did move on, he dated every now and then, but this sudden reunion might set his old feelings on fire and those are feelings that Kyungsoo had tried too hard to bury post break-up.

“Please buckle up now, the plane is about to land, we will not be held accountable for any injuries that you may attain. Thank you for riding with us.” The soft voice beamed throughout the plane.

Kyungsoo pokes at Chanyeols arm. “Chanyeol. Pst. Giant. Buckle up, the plane is going to land.” Chanyeol doesn't stir and just as he remembered it, the giant is and still continues to be a heavy sleeper. “Tsk. Idiot...” Kyungsoo reaches over with a tsk and buckles Chanyeol up before buckling himself up. “We could have crashed and you’d still be asleep.” He whisperes to his companion, knowing well that not even that was a bother to the sleeping man beside him. "You could have died and never'd be a ghost for the rest of your afterlife because you don't know you're dead. What would I do with you then? Not a damn thing because I wouldn't even know you were walking the earth. You're lucky i'm such a good friend."

It wasn’t a shocker when not even the plane landing didn’t wake Chanyeol up.

“Chanyeol! Wake up!” Kyungsoo yelled into Chanyeol’s ear. “No good, over dramatic, giant that doesn’t wake up.” Kyungsoo huffs, and begins attempting to squeeze by. Kyungsoo places a hand near Chanyeol's cheek, on the headrest for purchase and he inches out into the walkway.

“Mmm?” Chanyeol rubbed his eyes and looks over at Kyungsoo, realizing that he's no longer next to him but mere inches away from his face. “What’s going on?” He whisperes, quite wide-eyed with this new position.

Kyungsoo gives Chanyeol a glare, "We've landed, you idiot. I couldn't wake you up."

Just like that, the spell is broken and Chanyeol shoves the short male away from him. "What were you going to do? Leave me here?" He stands abruptly, gathering his belongings.

Kyungsoo shrugs, regaining his footing. "I tried to wake you up, alright? I was just getting into the walkway so that I could move onto a different tactic." Chanyeol was definitely a lot stronger than he remembered.

Chanyeol shakes his head. "Sure. Well, at least I'm up now. You didn't have to resort to more...violent tactics."

“Ugh. You truly disgust me.” Kyungsoo shakes his head.




"Alright, this is it. Home sweet...erm, home..."I guess. Chanyeol sighs, taking Kyungsoo's luggage from the boot of the cab and placing it onto the sidewalk with his.

Kyungsoo had never been here. To Chanyeol's parents home here in the U.K., that is. Chanyeol and he hadbroken up before his parents decided to move here in the first place. It was a lovely, two-story, white stone cottage with vibrant green vines growing off to the left side of the home, making it look completely breathtaking. The property was gated off in the same type of white stone that the house was made up of. Honestly, Kyungsoo was taken by the homey feeling of it all, especially now in its glory, winter decorations and all.

"Hey, if you're done gawking at the house, we can get the show on the road." Chanyeol nudges Kyungsoo's side with a force that makes him stumble a few feet, and Kyungsoo looks over at him with a menacing glare.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was allowed to do whatever the hell I wanted to, considering the fact that I'd rather be at home in my own bed."

Chanyeol rolls his eyes, and moves to pick up the luggages. "You know I'm really starting to think..." He cuts himself off with a shake of his head.

"What, you think that I'm totally going to obliterate the compotition?" Kyungsoo follows Chanyeol to the front door, arms crossed over his chest.

Chanyeol snorts as he puts their luggages down onto the porch. "We'll see."

The door opens in a rush and they're greeted by Chanyeol's mother, eager to welcome them. "Hello! Hello! Welcome! Oh, Kyungsoo, it's so good to see you!" She pulls the shorter male into a bear hug. "I had no idea that you and Chanyeol got back together, but when he told me that he would be bringing you this year, I can't deny how happy I was to hear it. Please, Come in! Come in! Warm yourselves up by the fire. I've got hot cocoa coming heating up as we speak!" She ushers the pair into the warm household.

Kyungsoo reels in it all. The house smells like cinnamon, just the way he remembered the same smell around this time of the year at their old home in Seoul. In the living room, the christmas tree was on full display, and he could tell that it was a real pine tree, since the room smelled of fresh pine as well. The living room is dimly lit by candles around the room, and the tv over the fireplace is paused. Chanyeol's mom must have been watching some k-dramas. Kyungsoo stops looking around when a tap to his shoulder catches his attention.

It's Chanyeol. "Hey, I'm going to put everything in my room. Do you want to wait here?"

Kyungsoo gives his head a firm nod. "Yes, I'll be fine here." Kyungsoo also goes the extra mile to rest a hand at Chanyeol's forearm, even accompanying it with a small smile.

Chanyeol looks at Kyungsoo thoughtfully, taken aback with his sudden change in attitude. It's only when he hears his mother and her exaggerated, "AWHHHHH!" that he realises what Kyungsoo had just done. She squeezed the two of them close together and pats Chanyeol's back. "Go get your things situated, and come back down! There's so much we need to catch up on! Hurry, Hurry! Your sister should be here any minute now, too."

"Alright mom, don't bore Kyungsoo too much while I'm gone."

"Ha.Very funny, Park Chanyeol."

Chanyeol collects their things and makes a beeline toward the stairs, leaving Kyungsoo with his mother. She hands Kyungsoo a mug of warm, hot cocoa and the two sit to enjoy thier cup of warmth by the fire. They engaged in casual talk, and Kyungsoo almost slipped right into the fuzzy, warm feeling all around him until a door, followed by chattering takes him from his heaven.

"Helllo, my wonderful fami- Oh. I didn't know we'd have company. Hello,...Kyungsoo." Yoora cracks a smile, resting her purse down on the armchair nearest her. She walks over to her mother and encases her in an embrace. "I missed you. I'm sorry I've been so busy with work. I've been meaning to come by more often."

"It's okay sweetie. take a seat, where's your husband?"

Yoora takes a seat next to her mother, she eyes Kyungsoo suspiciously. Mrs.Park hands her daughter a mug off the tray. " working late tonight. He'll be joining us tomorrow morning for breakfast."

"That firm is running him dry. It's no wonder why you haven't given us a grandchild yet." Mrs. Park snorts.

"Mo-oom." Yoora groans. "You already know that's not our plan right now."

"I know sweetie, I'm just teasing."

Yoora rolls her eyes. "Where's dad?"

"Oh, you know your father, he's out getting the final last minute things. Have you spoken to Baekhyun today? Will he be joining us too?"

Ding-dong. ding-dong, ding-dong.

"Ah." Yoora grins. "I assume that must be him. Shall I?" Yoora gestures toward the door, and her mother pardoned her. Yoora darts toward the door and pulls it open, revealing a face Kyungsoo wanted to beat the smirk off of. Luckily, he was in a metaphorical position to do just that.

Kyungsoo moves then, as if a switch had been turned off. He smiles as he strides over to greet the man. "Hi, we haven't met. You must be Baekhyun, I'm Kyungsoo." Kyungsoo can see the questions in his eyes and answers them before Baekhyun has the chance to ask. "Chanyeol invited me over this year."

"I heard my name." Chanyeol calls out, Kyungsoo can hear him battering down the stairs.

"You sure did take your time." Kyungsoo turns to him with a grin and an outstretched hand. "I was just introducing myself to Baekhyun, and well, explaining that you invited me to come put with you this time." He wraps and arms around Chanyeol's waist as he meets his side.

"O-Oh." Chanyeol falters. "Right." He gives Baekhyun a nod. "Hey, it's, uh, it's been a while. How have you been Baekhyun?"

Baekhyun, who'd been uncharacteristically silent perks up at the sudden attention. "Well, I've been working way too much, but I can't complain. Things are good. I'm in a place that I'm very proud of. But, enough about me. What about you?"

"Now, Now. Why don't we all take a seat and continue our chat somewhere...not in front of the door, huh?" Yoora cuts in, tapping Baekhyun on the shoulder.

"Uh, yeah. Let's sit down." Chanyeol turns away, leading Kyungsoo back toward the living room. He sits down next to Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo snuggles into his side. This time, Chanyeol didn't falter. He makes a show of the closeness he has with Kyungsoo.

"So, Kyungsoo. Have you...met Baekhyun before?" Yoora asks, curiously.

"No, I don't think I've had the pleasure."

"Then...Chanyeol's mentioned me?" Baekhyun grins.

"Actually," Kyungsoo says matter-of-factly, "He has mentioned your name but only in passing. Truth be told, I don't know much of anything about you other than you two used to be together. I like to get my information from the source anyway."

Baekhyun's smile drops. "Well, I guess I do have to appreciate that way of thinking."

Kyungsoo offers Baekhyun a smile. "If it's all the same to you, Mrs. Park, Chanyeol did offer to show me around since it's my first time in the U.K."

"I promise we'll be home for dinner." Chanyeol adds.

"Awh, alright. I was going to ask you to help with the cherry pie, but your sister and Baek will have to help me instead. You two enjoy yourselves, and be careful, okay?" She eyes Chanyeol.

"We will, mom." Chanyeol stands, reaching for Kyungsoo's hand.

The two of them walk out the door, leaving Baekhyun scathing away in his position right beside Yoora.




For the most part, Kyungsoo hand't realized how peaceful hanging out with Chanyeol would be again, after so long. When it was just the two of them, all of the bitter resentment Kyungsoo had held on to seemed to evaporate like the mornig dew. Much like Kyungsoo's suggestion, Chanyeol took Kyungsoo sight-seeing. Kyungsoo couldn't believe how beautiful Derbyshire was. He was especially taken with the farmers market. Oh, the things he could do with all the vegitation and herbs. He wished he had more arms to carry things. But oh, how he wished that some of these things would last until he would go back to Seoul. His imagination sparks at all the possible dishes he'd be able to create with half of these ingredients. Kyungsoo settled for a couple of things he could use while they were in the united kingdom, as well as herbs for teas, and he and Chanyeol were on their way.

The afternoon passed much more quickly than Kyungsoo would have liked to admit. However, they were just in time for dinner like Chanyeol had promised his mother, and now, Kyungsoo had yet to meet Mr. Park. Was he nervous? Well, he'd met the old man before, but he wasn't sure to what details he'd known about Chanyeol and his relationship to-date. So, yes. He was nervous on reacquainting himself with Chanyeol's father.

As they re-emerge inside the cozy cottage, Chanyeol's mother is frantically moving around the room, preparing the dinner table. "Oh, perfect. You two are back! Yoora! They're back Everybody, take a seat. The food is almost ready." She calls out into the space around them.

That's when Kyungsoo see's Mr. Park's head dip out of the kitchen door frame. He scans the room before settling his eyes on his son. The two pass a nod before Mr. Park's eyes meet Kyungsoo's.

Kyungsoo quickly dips into a bow, and Mr.Park smiles over at him. It's quite a simple thing, really, but if Kyungsoo knows anything about Mr. Park, it's that these minimal gestures go a long way. The fact alone that Mr. Park smiled was enough to deduct that he and Mr. Park were at good standings. He hadn't tainted whatever budding relationship he'd had with the old man. That's good. Actually, it was better than good.

He and Chanyeol sit at the table wi

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I'm going to try to get this finished and re-uploaded by christmas! Send some love and positivity, I really need it to get this thing out into the world again! T-T


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Chapter 1: Oh wow
18 streak #2
Chapter 1: This was really good.. I’ll be back for the epilogue lol :)
Chapter 1: sweet :)
Chapter 1: this is so cute >////<
Chapter 2: One shot. XD though I don't mind. I love Chansoo
krisyeol14 #6
Chapter 2: full fledged story :)
Chapter 2: Full fledge or anything would suffice ^_^ Waaaa I'm excited.
Derpy_potato #8
Chapter 2: i would like a full fledged story :))
Chapter 2: I prefer a one shot but both are fine with me :)