Someone's life

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It was a cold winter morning. I woke up in my empty apartment that looked more like a shoe box after sleeping for only half an hour due to my insomnia. One room with a tiny kitchen, a mattress on the floor and a plastic box for a table with two cushions on its sides to sit surrounded me. All my belongings rested on a cardboard box, not that I had that many just a few t-shirts and some underwear, but I could call them mine.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. A girl with silver eyes and dark hair looked back at me. She looked tired and too skinny. I turned away from the mirror and went to take a shower. I guess today’s not my lucky day, the water was really cold and by the time I was done my whole body was shaking. I dried myself and put on the thickest clothes I could find. A long sleeved black shirt with a red t-shirt on top, my only pair of jeans and a sweater. I put on a pair of socks and my chucks. I grabbed my backpack and my black and white striped hooded jacket and left.

I walked down the metal stairs on the side of the building since my shoe box is on the second floor. The ground and first floors were joined to make a duplex so the only stairs I can use to get home are outside. When I reached the front of the building I pulled the zipper of my jacket up and covered my head with the hood. 

“Good morning ____, are you going to school?” Someone said. I turned around and saw the landlord standing at the front door of the building which is also her front door, she’s an old lady who’s been living in this apartment building since forever. I smiled at her and nodded.


She’s the nicest person I know. When I met her I was living on the streets. Every time she walked pass me she would give me some coins so I could get myself something to eat. One day she was carrying way too many bags and I helped her bring them to her place. She invited me for dinner which I tried to refuse but she managed to make me stay. We talked a little bit and she offered me to stay in the empty apartment. I didn’t want to at first because I didn’t have any money to pay for it but she explained to me that she didn’t want to rent it, she used that apartment as storage and it was currently empty. She told me that she had an arts and crafts store next door and offered me to work there in exchange for the apartment. After a lot of talking I finally accepted her offer.


“Have a nice morning” She said to me while I waved at her and made my way to school. Two more years and high school will be over I thought while I walked. I got there early as always. I went to my class and sat at the back on my usual seat. I took out a notepad and a black pen and started drawing. Soon after my classmates arrived and so did my teacher. One of my classmates and friends called Yuri turned around and looked at me. “Morning ___, can I see it?” She said pointing at the drawing. I ripped it from the notepad and gave it to her. It was just some trees and a silhouette. “Can I keep it?” she asked me with a tint of hope in her eyes. I nodded my head and she gave me a toothy smile. I chuckled and shook my head. “You should sell this, they’re amazing” She always found my drawings fascinating. She said that she liked them because she was really bad at drawing.

Our teacher made us shut up in that lovely high pitched tone that makes you want to pierce your eardrums just to never have to hear it again. She told us that we had a new classmate and motioned for someone to enter the class. A beautiful girl came in. White skin, long blonde hair and a nice figure if you ask me. She told us her name is Taeyeon. She glanced in my direction and our eyes locked. She smiled and I smiled back at her. Our teacher told her to sit next to me.

She sat down and the smell off vanilla filled my senses. “Hi, I’m Taeyeon” She said offering me her hand. I took it, it was soft and warm. “I’m ___”. The teacher started taking about the solar system and that’s all I remember because I fell asleep. I felt someone shaking my shoulder and opened my eyes. “Its lunch time” She said and packed her things. I sat up straight and tried to fully open my eyes. “You’re Taeyeon right?” I heard Fany ask. She’s another one of my classmates and friends who happens to be Yuri’s girlfriend. They’re the perfect match, full of energy and passion for the things they love. “Yes, nice to meet you…” “Tiffany, but you can call me Fany” “Nice to meet you Fany” They shook hands while I took a protein bar and a bottle of water out of my backpack and placed them in my jacket’s pocket. “C’mon sleepyhead” Yuri said to me while I stretched my arms. I stood up and followed them to the cafeteria.

“Do you want anything?” Fany asked me while pointing at the food stand. “I’m good” I said showing her my protein bar. She sighed and shook her head.


She’s been worrying about me ever since she found out my situation two weeks ago. We walk home together every day, we live around the same area. One day when I got home after I said good bye to her on a junction I heard someone knocking on my door. I opened it and got wide eyed when I saw her there. “You dropped this” She said giving me my notepad. “Can I come in?” she asked. I didn’t want her to see my place, it’s really embarrassing and sad. She waited in silence and after a while of debating with myself I slowly moved aside. She walked in and stood there. I closed the door and then placed the notebook in my backpack. I told her she could sit on the mattress and she did, then I went to one of the cabinets in the kitchen and took out a small bottle of water. She was looking around even though there were not that many things to look at. I sat down next to her and gave her the bottle. “I only have water” I said as she took it. She held it with both her hands and then looked at me. “You live alone?” She asked. I could feel the pity and sadness in her voice. I smiled and nodded. I didn’t know what to say or how to explain but I guess my place speaks for itself because the next thing I knew is that she was hugging me really tight. I didn’t knew how much I needed that hug until I felt tears running down my cheeks. I hugged her back and cleaned my face with the back of my hand. She stayed at my place for a while and then I walked her home. We haven’t talked about it ever since.


They went to get their lunch while I stayed at our usual table. I opened my protein bar and took a bite. It tasted worse than it looked but I was used to it. I sipped on my water to get reed of the taste and then took out my notepad. I glanced at my friends waiting in line and started drawing them. When they finally got to pay for their meal I was already done with mine. They sat down and started eating. Fany placed an apple in front of me and I thanked her for it and ate it. I ripped the drawing from the notepad and when I was about to place it my pocket Yul told me to give it to her so I did. Then I folded my arms on the table and rested my head in them. “That’s us” She said and showed the drawing to Fany and Taeyeon. I don’t know what happened next because I covered my head with the hoodie and fell asleep on my folded arms.

The bell that signaled that lunch was over woke me up. I picked up my notepad and walked back to class with my friends. Taeyeon was walking by my side while Yul and Fany walked in front of us showing each other affection. They’re too cute to handle when they’re like this. I chuckled to myself and Taeyeon turned to look at me. I smiled and pointed at the couple. She giggled and I felt my heart skip a beat.



During the next few weeks I got closer with Taeyeon. I didn’t talk much but I’m a good listener. She shared a lot of stories about her home town with me and I’m pretty sure that I’m in love with her. I don’t know if I should tell her or not because I’m really ashamed of my life and I’m afraid of making her run away because of it. And I also don’t know if she feels the same way so I’ll put my feelings aside for a while.



I was sitting on the counter of the store drawing when the front door opened. I raised my head and saw the girl of my dreams walk in, I instantly smiled, my Friday afternoon took a turn for the better. “Good afternoon miss, how may I help you?” I said to her and she looked at me wide eyed. “____, I didn’t know you worked here” She said with a smile that bright up the whole store. I just chuckled. She walked closer to me and the smell of vanilla made me relax. “What are you drawing?” She asked looking at the piece of paper in front of me. “The store” I said and gave her the drawing. She looked at it and then turned around to look at the store. “Cool” She said giving me back the paper. “What do you need?” I asked her. She took out a piece of paper from her pocket and gave it to me. “Do you have anything from that list? I’ve been to three different stores and they told me that they didn’t have them” She said as she leaned on the counter to look at the paper with me. I read it and nodded. “I think I have everything. Let me check” I said and got out of the counter. I walked around the store and picked up the items written on the list. I placed them all on the counter. “Yes, here’s everything. Do you need anything else?” She grinned and shook her head. She paid for everything and went outside to answer a phone call while I placed the things in bags.

She came in with a disappointment look on her face. “What’s wrong?” I asked her and she forced a smile. “My dad says we can’t hang out today, he’s going on a business trip” Her parents were divorced, she lived with her dad because her mom’s been neglecting her since she got a new boyfriend. “You can stay here if you want” I said with hope. “You’re my first costumer of the afternoon and I don’t think anyone else is going to come” She smiled while nodding, a real smile this time and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I got out of the counter again and walked around the store, I picked up a few oil paints, brushes and a canvas. “You like to paint right?” I asked her from behind a shelf. “Yes, but I’m not as good as you are with your drawings” She said and made me blush. Thank god I’m behind this shelf. When I c

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Sorry for the lack of updates, I lost my dad in october and I've been working on my mental health ever since, I'm working on going back to regular updates and writing more. It just gets hard sometimes, I'm so sorry, have a nice day ^^ Thir13en


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mina_sr_my_wife #1
Chapter 25: I Need More Taeyeon X Y/N😭
Chapter 25: Welcome baaackkk!!!
Did you kill Taeyeon's husband???
The cliffhanger... ahaha
Chapter 24: Hi hello, welcome back author-nim~
Chapter 23: Welcome back~~ thank you for the update, and take care author-nim
Chapter 22: I'm ready for the next chapter, btw thanks author-nim
Chapter 15: The 'tomorrow' thing is really adorable uwu
Chapter 13: Two words. Fluff Overload. This is just so cute ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Chapter 13: omg that was too cute!! Reminds me of how another couple I know of interacts.... <3
Chapter 12: so oc is a half-zombie??
29 streak #10
Chapter 12: So “oc” didn’t turn into zombie?