All of me

Two Candles

Jessica looked theose three laughing.She don't know how she feels.Why Taec Yeon is placed her heart,her soul,,she wanna encourage Taec Yeon.She walked straight those and said,
"Excuse me..,"they stop their speech and
"Well..Suzy and I go to hospital ,,Bye bye Taec Yeon and Jessi"as soon as Nickhum has talked it,he brings Suzy..
Taec Yeon looked at them without any blinking."Yeah..u look like a man without a heart.may be Suzy the one u loved??"Jessica asked him.
"Of course.."Taec Yeon answered offhandedly .
"What???really??Why do u open your mind??"Jessica looks gloom.
"Because I don't become an ideal boy for her till now..I hope one day will become."
"What do u do??for me,,I never give up u..I am this kind of girl.."
"That's right!!But u must know is my love is only for Suzy."
"Is this funny??u love Suzy and I love u.U and I fall in one-sided love.So let's enjoy in one-sided love each.don't stop each other..ok???"
"Ok..I valued your love,,.as congratulations on our love,can we make hand-shaking??"
"Of course!!"they shake their hands and smiled at each other,.Jessica take a seat in her Lexus.She turn on the radio.As soon as,her tears fall like a waterfall.She cry becaus of a song on air.,"All of me"by Varsity fan-club boys band.
"🎢🎢If all I get is half of u🎢🎢if all u give is half of u🎢🎢"
Jessica yelled alone,"all I give is all of me,but all I get is nothing,,I don't get half of Taec Yeon."

"Hey my Jessie,why your eyes are like tomatoes??u cry???"Jessica couldn't help to cry in front of her mom while Jessica hug her.."Tell me everything u faced!!!",.Jessica told her mom everything .
"Oh he is a good boy ..though he can flirt u,he can't.I like his honesty.As a appreciation for his forthrightness ,u have to give Daffodil tomorrow.ok??"

"Because u want to be friends???"Jessica asked.

"Yep...u have gotten a good friend..,ok now clean up ur make-up..I've already prepared a glass of milk for my dear"


At Cupid floral service,
"Welcome.."the saleswoman said,,
Jessica looked around and said,,"I want Daffodil bouquet ,Anuty..can I??"
"Off course..can u wait about five minute to prepare it??"
In this time,,"Auntie,,Suzy is coming..'"
Jessica turned to where the voice comes.
"Suzy ya"
"Sica,what r u doing here..??"they surprised so much.
"I also want to know why Suzy is here,."
The florist aunt ,brought Daffodil flowers come to them and said,,"Suzy,where my breakfast by my eunnie??,"
Suzy hung the florist arm and said to Jessica"She is my aunt,the youngest sis of my mom.."
Jessica nodded and show her respect to Suzy arm.."Nice to meet u,T T,I m ,Jessica jung,the colleague of Suzy .."
"Nice to meet pretty..sit and wait here!!I've to do for u the best as much as I can.."

Jessica and Suzy sit together and no speech..
Jessica started ,"I have no wonder u r so interested in flower.."
"Oh can b said because of my aunt..I want to know this is for who if u can tell me.."
Jessica replied ,"for Taec Yeon,,your friend.!"
"Aww.."there is no speech again!!


"Sorry for waiting ..! is now perfect posy ,Jessica ..u like it..?"Suzy's aunt break down the silence..
"Of course ..T T,thanks u so much.."Jessica bring it and go to the cushier.."I hope to meet u next time.bye Bye T T & Suzy .."she left..

"Suzy yah,,so pretty and polite girl!!I want u like her,.now u are not girly.."
Suzy hugged her and whispered,"but u love me because of being your niece..!"

Jessica Lexus head to the coffee shop,a silent place where Taec Yeon is..
"I m here Jessica ."he raised his hands up.Jessica smiled sweetly and told him..

"It is for u as a recognition for your honesty..take it.."
Taec Yeon wondered and"Ok ..oh Daffodil it is my birthday flower"
"Really..I don't know it.My mom told daffodil presents as a gratefulness."
The waiter has come to their table,"Two ice-mocha..ok??"Taec Yeon asked and Jessica nodded.

"U are not like Romeo.."Jessica said..
"Why??"he asked..

"Romeo first love is not Juliet.It's Georgena.She didn't accept Romeo's love.His heart is broken ,,go to the party and met Juliet.then love story begins."she stopped her speech and take her mocha.
"And why do u said I m not like Romeo??"
"Romeo has changed his loved as soon as.but Taec Yeon is not like flirt many girl but the girl u truly loved first and last is Suzy. I hope your love won't be changed like Romeo..that's why.."
Taec Yeon smiled.."I promised u not to destroy your hope..I feel happy since u think me like this.."
Jessica said..,"I wish u two be happy ever after..Good bye my boy,not like Romeo.."
"Kiss the rain"by Yiruma is spread over the coffee shop..

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Sorry for late upload..because of test 1..this chapter contains dialogue of FOS..btw I really want Gus


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Mayhtwe631994 #1
Chapter 1: After listening all of me by Varsity band,this chapter has become..
Mayhtwe631994 #2
Enjoy ur reading& welcome comment..