This is us.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Kim Jongin anxiously glances at the ticking golden Rolex wrapped around his right wrist, not paying attention to the pair of sunglasses he was currently adorning slowly droop down the bridge of his nose. The plane had landed later than scheduled, and the idol fears this might interfere with his special surprise he’s been planning ever since he has finished up his tour in Japan. “His plane landed hours ago. What if this becomes a complete failure?”

A pair of hands reach out and yaks his sunglasses away gently, “Night time, Jongin. You don’t need sunglasses.” Luhan smirks playfully, his voice full of amusement as he eyes the anxious idol before turning his attention to the accessory in his hand. “These pair are expensive too…” He says to himself as he places the sunglasses away in its casing with the utmost care. “You should be banned from wearing expensive things with the way you’re constantly treating them.”

“Everything will turn out fine, Jongin.” His manager chimes in with an encouraging grin from the driver seat. “Mr. Byun is currently waiting for you at Enchantment Hotel.”

“He’s probably getting ready to go on another overseas business trip.” Jongin frets even more, his shoulders slumping in defeat and head tipping back against the seat. “I knew we should have booked an earlier flight!”

Luhan rolls his eyes in exasperation. “This kid’s not listening to us, Sehun!”

“I would be worried too if I planned a surprise event for you after not seeing you for years only for something to go wrong.” Sehun replies as he pulls up to the front of the grand hotel. He puts the engine on parking mode and slightly turns around to give the idol another reassuring grin. “Which, in your case, isn’t going to happen. Everything will go as planned!”

The stylist fakes a cough to hide the blush coloring his cheeks at Sehun’s remark. “You’re here. Get out and go to your suite room!” He immediately ushers the idol out of the car with a wave of hands.

The manager chuckles at the stylist’s poor attempt of hiding his flustered emotions. “You have the rest of the week off, Jongin. Enjoy your break.”

As soon as the words leave his mouth, the door on Jongin’s side slides open and a bellboy greets the idol with the utmost respect as he stands to the side awaiting for the idol to get off the car. If what Jongin had been feeling earlier could be categorized as nervousness, he’s feeling ten times worse now. His heartbeat speeds up within his chest, so violently that his ribcage could break any moment for his heart to leap out.

It’s been exactly three years since he’s last seen a certain CEO.

Three long years that holds no competition against his ever blossoming endearment for him.

But tonight, tonight will be the night where they will finally unite.

Kim Jongin has been waiting patiently for this moment.

And he won’t let anything get in the way.

Inhaling a deep breath of Seoul’s fresh night air, the idol does his best to calm his anxious heart and steps out of the car. He fixes his suit jacket and glances up at the hotel that he now resides at whenever he’s back in Korea. Giving the bellboy a brief greeting, Jongin then strides into the entrance of the building, where he catches sight of a man dressed in a custom tailored Armani suit grinning his way.

“Kyungsoo’s plane was also delayed, but he’s currently having dinner with our lovely chairman.” Baekhyun informs as they walk across the floor to enter the elevator. He presses the button intended for the highest floor, usually reserved for VIP guests and those staying at Enchantment’s luxurious suite rooms (read: Kim Jongin). Leaning against the gold handrails attached to the elevator wall, the assistant chuckles at the idol’s stiff form. “He’ll show up. If he refuses to come, I will make him come.”

Jongin’s form relaxes slightly as he uncross his arms in front of his chest in favor of sliding them into the pockets of his designer white slacks. “Thanks, Baekhyun. This means a lot to me.”

“No, no, no!” Baekhyun retorts gleefully. “This means a lot to me - to us.” He refers to the Do Group’s endless amount of employees who have been diligently accommodating (read: suffering) their CEO’s high demands for the best results in the competitive business world. “I’ll be frank; he needs to get laid. Work has been piling up on all of us, especially with the recent contractor in Japan.”

The idol almost chokes on his spit at the man’s honesty. “I - I see.”

Baekhyun laughs in response as the elevator doors slide open. “Go and get ready. He’ll be here soon after I give him a call.” He holds up the iPhone with mischief as Jongin exits the elevator.

“Thanks, again.” Jongin smiles.

“Just continue to make him happy.” The assistant replies. “Kyungsoo deserves happiness.”

The idol nods his head in acknowledgement. “He deserves the world.” Turning around, Jongin strides down the long hallway until he reaches the suite room. He then takes out a card from his wallet and scans it against the scanner, automatically unlocking the double doors adorned with ornate wooden carvings and glimmers of gold. Without wasting anymore precious time, the idol takes a step inside.






Standing right in front of him, looking a few years older but still insanely handsome, is the man Jongin has been patiently waiting for. His eyes begin to moisten, tears threatening to spill any second now as a vast amount of emotions overcome him. Jongin feels it all - love, warmth, happiness, comfort, and most importantly, home. And by the looks of it, the man in front of him feels the same as well.

Jongin immediately strides across the room, closing the distance between them. As soon as he’s standing in front of the crying CEO, he reaches out a hand and tentatively wipes away the tears staining Kyungsoo’s soft cheeks. “For you, I’ll wait a millenium if I have to.” His tone, although soft, is full of promises and endearment.

Kyungsoo leans into the touch, eyelids fluttering close at the familiar warmth. “I’m never letting you go. I hope you know that.”

“I don’t intend on leaving,” Jongin chuckles softly. “I’m here to stay.”

“Good, that’s really good.” The corner of the CEO’s lips curl upward. “I plan to stay, too.”

The idol’s heart flutters with happiness. “I’m really liking this plan of yours.”

“I’m investing my whole life into this plan, just so you know.”

“What a coincidence, I happen to think the same.” Jongin takes another step forward until the tips of their shoes are in contact with one another. He lets go of all his doubts and worries in this very moment with an exhale. Do Kyungsoo is here with him now, and the feelings are still mutual between them. “Can I kiss you, Kyungsoo?”

The CEO brings his hands up to rest on either side of Jongin’s face and feels the small growth of stubble under his thumbs. “Always the gentleman, aren’t you?” He stares at the stubble for a moment and feels his chest warming at the sight. He guesses that the man must have been so busy these days and forgot to shave. You’ve worked hard, Jongin, he thinks. Nonetheless, he nods in agreement. “Of course you can.”

Jongin leans in without words, and soon, lips meets lips.

Kyungsoo moves his hands so they intertwine behind the nape of Jongin’s neck. The movement allows him to fall deeper into the idol’s embrace, and he grins into the kiss as he feels Jongin’s hands settling on his hips.

The idol gently nibbles on his lover’s plump lower lips before he’s given access to the man’s mouth.

He pours all of his love for Kyungsoo into this very kiss.

Kyungsoo doesn’t disappoint, and returns the kiss with just as much vigour.

Eventually, the tender kiss has to come to an end and two part ways for air.

“I sure do miss this,” the CEO comments, voice coming out in a breathless tone.

Jongin proceeds to slide his hands up until they’re wrapped around the smaller man’s waist as he leans his forehead against Kyungsoo’s. He chooses to say nothing, but the promise of unconditional love in his gaze is enough for Kyungsoo to know that everything is truly alright. Breaking away from the breathtaking gaze, the CEO lowers his gaze until they zero in on Jongin’s growing stubble and he lets out a laugh. “Look at you, working so hard you forgot to shave.”

At the mention of his forgotten daily routine, the idol startles. “Oh , I did!”

Kyungsoo lightly runs his fingers across the stumble above the man’s upper lip. “I don’t know; I think I’m kind of digging this look.” He muses and breaks into full laughter as Jongin ends up whining in embarrassment, his head resting against Kyungsoo’s right shoulder. “Very rustic, Kim Jongin.”

“Don’t tease me,” he hears Jongin mumbling into his shoulder, and because he knows Jongin so well, Kyungsoo can already envision the pout his boyfriend is doing at the moment too.

“How can you go from super romantic to super cute within seconds?” the CEO questions as he runs a hand through the idol’s soft brown locks. “This isn’t good for my old heart.”

At the mention of his heart condition, Jongin jerks up with wide eyes and a worried frown, hands immediately going into panic mode as they skirt around Kyungsoo’s frame. “What’s wrong with your heart? Did something happen to it abroad? You’ve been working way too hard again. Kyungsoo, did you see a cardiologist yet? I---”

Kyungsoo takes a hold of Jongin’s panic-ridden hands and stills them. He then places the man’s left hand exactly where his heart is. “My heart is fine, Jongin. I was only speaking metaphorically.” He chuckles softly and gives the man’s hand a reassuring squeeze.

“Thank goodness,” Jongin breathes a sigh of relief.

Shaking his head in amusement, the CEO takes a step back while still holding onto Jongin’s hand. “Come on, let’s give you a little shave.”

“I thought you liked this look on me?”

“I do, but that’s only for me.”

“You’re a very possessive man, Do Kyungsoo.”

“I’m the CEO of an empire, Kim Jongin. Being possessive is only natural.” Kyungsoo naturally goes along with the teasing.

Jongin pretends to be annoyed with an eye roll. He then leads Kyungsoo to the luxurious bathroom connected to an equally luxurious bedroom in the suite, already knowing his way around the place after having been living here for months whenever he’s back in Korea. Situating the CEO in front of the marble sink countertop, Jongin moves away to grab his shaving kit stashed away in one of the lower cabinets.

“Sit up here so I can help you---” before Kyungsoo can finish his sentence, he’s turned around by hands on his waist and is soon lifted up effortlessly to sit on the countertop. In the process of being manhandled so easily and unexpectedly, the CEO squeaks out in surprise, hands scrambling to grasp onto his boyfriend’s broad shoulders for stability. “Kim Jongin!” he wheezes out.

Jongin has on a mischievous expression, clearly not regretting his earlier action, “Hey, Sweetheart.”

Kyungsoo musters up a scowl, “You sneaky bastard!”

“Your sneaky bastard.”

Before the CEO can say anything, Jongin leans forward and steals a chaste kiss from his plump lips. He pulls away just as quick as he leans in, chest tightening at the sight of a flustered Do Kyungsoo. “I believe you were going to help me shave?”

Kyungsoo lightly flicks his boyfriend’s forehead in retaliation, “Spoiled.”

“I love you, too.”

With Jongin positioned obediently between his spread legs and arms situated on both sides of his frame on the smooth countertop, Kyungsoo begins to lightly apply the shaving cream around the idol’s lips and chin with a brush. Jongin is leaning in toward him with closed eyes and a small contented smile on his face, waiting patiently for Kyungsoo to finish the job. The world around them stills for a while, giving the illusion that this moment is only for them to share.

Fingers positioned underneath Jongin’s chin to tilt his head up, Kyungsoo finishes dabbing the cream onto the man’s face. He places the brush down gently and grabs the razor. The CEO doesn’t proceed to shave away the cream right away, instead opting to savor in the idol’s relaxed expression. Kyungsoo can’t resist the growing urge to smile.

They’ve made it so far.

All the secrets, tears, and heart-wrenching past are behind them now.

They’re happy.

He’s happy.

Kyungsoo would have never thought for such a day to come. He never expected to become happy again, to be filled with so much love that it spreads from his head to his toes with a comforting warmth. “I’m happy,” he whispers without realizing.

“I’m glad,” Jongin replies, his eyes still closed. “Let’s be happy for the rest of our lives.”

“This suspiciously sounds like a proposal, Kim Jongin.”

“I’m 29, am in great health, and made it into Forbes 30 Under 30 as one of the most influential artists of this generation. Not to mention, I have a vast fortune of my own now.” The idol nonchalantly replies, despite his heartbeat picking up an alarmingly quick speed. Would Kyungsoo want to be with him until they’re old and wrinkly grandpas with grey hair? Jongin, no doubt, would want to spend the rest of his life with Kyungsoo in his arms.

Kyungsoo arches an eyebrow in approval, “Tempting.” He carefully runs the razor through the cream and dunks it into the can of water to wash the residue away before continuing on. “I’ll have to take you up on that offer soon.”


The CEO finishes up the shaving and grabs a clean towel to wipe off any excess residue on his handsome boyfriend’s face. Knowing Jongin, he’s probably going through a tough selection of possibilities and questions about their future. It’s cute, really, but Jongin needs to realize that Kyungsoo is here to stay. “Hey, look at me.” His voice is soft, barley above a whisper, but Jongin hears him and complies.

“I want you to know, that whether we get married or not, I’m always going to be here.” Kyungsoo gazes into the man’s twinkling eyes with passion. “The past is in the past now. This is our present, and our future, now.”

Jongin wraps his arms around the CEO’s waist and brings him into his embrace.

“I love you so much.”

Kyungsoo inhales the familiar scent of home and the minty scent of the lingering cream. He brings a hand up to the back of Jongin’s neck, fingers twirling against the short strands of hair. “I love you the most, Sweetheart.” Usually the idol is the one to call him by this endearing nickname, but Kyungsoo realizes just how sweet and familiar it feels on his tongue once he says it.

“Sweetheart…” Jongin whispers as he leans back to take in the full view of the CEO’s face.

He raises an eyebrow, “Hmm?”

A grin breaks out. “Welcome back.”

“Two years overdue,” Kyungsoo teases but leans forward until the tips of their noses are touching, gentle breaths fanning against each other’s faces. Everything about this moment is perfect. “But yes, welcome back indeed.” He wastes no time to close the distance between their parted lips.




Baekhyun appears in his office the following day, a sly grin plastered on his face as he casually takes a seat on the leather sofa and invites himself to a cup of steaming hot tea. “So,” he begins after taking a small sip, “how was it?”

Eyes trained on the device in his hands, the CEO passes up the chance to acknowledge his assistant with a glance. “Enchantment’s stocks seems to be steadily increasing. The contractor in Japan has agreed to partner with us, and their products will arrive within a month’s time.”

“I don’t care about that---” a brief glare from his boss promptly shuts him up for a brief moment. “Okay, fine, yes - yay, Enchantment’s stocks are rising.” Baekhyun lets out an exasperated breath of air and slumps back into the leather sofa. “I’m so enthusiastic about that.” His voice is laced with sarcasm.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes with humor, “You should be.” He places the iPad onto the coffee table and picks up a cookie from the plate next to the teapot. The CEO extends his hand and offers the cookie to his assistant, “Peace treaty?”

It’s Baekhyun’s turn to roll his eyes. “You’re still a workaholic.”

“Old habits die hard,” Kyungsoo shrugs. “And you need to stop colluding with my boyfriend behind my back.”

“Hey! That was not collusion!” the assistant retorts through a mouthful of cookies, looking awfully offended. “You two haven’t seen one another in years. I just so happen to lend him a helping hand, you know, to make sure you guys meet before you take off on another business trip.”

“And by helping…?”

“Just happened to realize you wouldn’t be leaving the country any time soon…” Baekhyun pretends to give a nonchalant aura, but he doesn't miss the chance to send a wink in his boss’ direction. “But he organized it all; I just slipped him a piece of information.”

Kyungsoo sighs, “I didn’t even realize he’s been living at Enchantment Hotel months after its opening.”

“Don’t blame yourself; you’ve been flying across the planet ever since you got back from New Zealand.”

“Still, I should have found ways to keep in touch with him.” The CEO frowns, feeling disappointed with himself for the lack of communication between Jongin and him for the past three years. “He still chooses me after all these years. I don’t know what I did to deserve him.” Turning his attention back onto his assistant, Kyungsoo’s frown deepens when he sees the fond look on Baekhyun. “Why are you looking at me like that? Why am I even talking to you about this? Go back to work!”

Baekhyun smiles in awe, “You’ve really changed, Kyungsoo.”

“I’m going to deduct this month’s bonus from your check, Baekhyun.”

“No, you won’t.”

“Don’t test me.”

“I will make sure Enchantment’s stocks rise by ten percent at the end of this month, Your Majesty.” Baekhyun pretends to tip an imaginary top hat at the flustered CEO.

“You’re impossible,” Kyungsoo grumbles.

The assistant promptly pulls a small invitation out from the inner pocket of his jacket and hands it to his boss, “By the way, this is for you.”

Kyungsoo arches in eyebrow at the baby blue invitation. “What is this?”

Baekhyun shrugs his shoulders with a knowing glint in his eyes, “Open it and see.”

Narrowing his eyes briefly at his assistant, Kyungsoo opens the invitation, wondering what the man is currently thinking at the moment. The exact second he opens the card to reveal its content inside, the CEO’s eyes widen in astonishment, lips parted to let out an inaudible gasp.


You are cordially invited to the wedding of Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun.


“Baekhyun...” Kyungsoo looks up at the man and a grin breaks out.

“Yeah, yeah, save your congratulations for the ceremony.” His assistant replies with a smirk.

“Since when did you and that bartender get together?!”

“That bartender has a - you know what, I’m sure we’ve been over this already.” Baekhyun brushes away the topic, not wanting to repeat the very scene that had happened years ago. He shudders at the memory of Kyungsoo referring to Chanyeol as Pork Chanyerl. “Anyways, I expect you there. And your plus one better be Kim Jongin or else you’re banned from my wedding.”

Kyungsoo laughs, “You just want a free show, don’t you?”

“Maybe,” Baekhyun replies.

Tucking away the invitation back into the envelope with the utmost care, the CEO clears his throat. “You know, the Do Group owns some of the top wedding venues in Korea. And Enchantment is partners with high-end fashion brands specifically tailored toward wedding suits.”

“Ah, the perks of being best friends with a rich heir.”

“Schedule a meeting with one of the Do Group’s wedding planner,” Kyungsoo chuckles as his assistant's eyes double in size. “It’s a wedding gift from one friend to another.”

Baekhyun’s juts his lower lip out into a pout, “Now you’re just asking for a hug.”

“No, not asking for one - wait, Baekhyun, Baek---!”


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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
970 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now