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Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Kim Jongdae stares at the million-dollar document in his hand, eyebrows furrowed and mind heavy with unanswered questions. His grasp unknowingly tightens, the crease of the once pristine document now more visible as it bends with his movements. The reporter releases a long sigh and places the file down on his coffee table. He then closes his eyes and leans back into the cushion of his sofa. The mystery regarding South Korea’s beloved idol and Enchantment’s CEO left him puzzled and speechless.

Yes, he had figured it out after a few hours.

Kim Jongin’s relationship with Do Kyungsoo was a lie.

Yet, throughout the months that he had been stalking (read: professional journalist duties) the couple, this relationship of theirs seemed to have blossomed into something more.

One question still leaves him confused.

Why did they have to pretend in the first place?

Clearly, there was nothing to gain for both parties before this whole mess.

Kim Jongin was going to be signed as Enchantment’s model; his schedule left him no room to even exchange a mere glance at the powerful CEO. Then why - why was Jongdae able to catch the two of them in a dark hallway that night? Nothing seemed to add up. Only after the pictures were released and both parties confirmed their relationship did their stocks rise tremendously.

The reporter’s instincts are telling him to disregard these plot holes and publish his findings, because it’ll definitely boost his career as a professional journalist. However, his morals are rejecting his greedy needs. Jongdae could ruin lives if he did follow his instincts, and he didn’t want to play dirty to get to the top (well, not anymore). Being a journalist meant copious amounts of competition, but he surely doesn’t want to be remembered as someone who only posted scandals of celebrities.

Conflicted, Kim Jongdae turns his attention away from the document.

As he stands up, the reporter widens his eyes, remembering his meeting with the Kim Group’s chairwoman.

The reason why Kim Sookhee sought him that day - it could only mean one thing.

Of course, why has he been so narrow-minded these past days? The never-ending invisible tension between the Do Group and Kim Group ⎯⎯





Kyungsoo jolts awake from his slumber, mind foggy and eyes heavy with fatigue. He inhales a gentle breath of air and soon realizes the position he is lying in. His head is positioned on the idol’s broad chest, the crown of his head tucked under said male’s chin. Jongin’s arm is wrapped around his waist protectively, his other arm laid sprawled out under Kyungsoo’s shoulders. It’s moments like these, the conscious male reflects, that he doesn’t feel like the almighty CEO.

Instead, with Jongin, Kyungsoo feels like a normal human being.

He can finally breathe once more.

Fluttering his eyelids close, the CEO takes in his lover’s comforting scent, wishing he could stay in the man’s arms for a moment longer.

However, after yesterday’s event, Kyungsoo still can’t find peace within himself.

With a heavy sigh, he places his hand on top of Jongin’s, desperately wanting to slide his fingers between the empty spaces of Jongin’s and hold the man’s hand forever, but with careful precision, Kyungsoo removes the arm around his waist. The CEO pulls himself together to the best of his abilities and gets off the bed, not forgetting to pull the covers over Jongin’s body to keep the man warm as he leaves.

His gaze lingers on Jongin’s sleeping form, and the urge to smile has the corners of his lips slightly tugging upward. Bending over, Kyungsoo brushes the loose strands of hair away from the idol’s forehead and gives him a chaste kiss at the corner of his plump lips. The CEO resists the need to shed tears, especially not in front of Jongin, and briskly walks away to tidy up his appearance before his heart takes over his actions.




“Is mother still refusing to come out?” Junmyeon questions the housekeeper with a solemn glance.

She nods her head sorrowfully, not daring to meet gaze with the young master. “Madam has been inside her room ever since the party ended last night.”

Pursing his lips together as the guilt inside his heart grows stronger, Junmyeon accepts her answer with a nod of his head. After a few seconds of silence, the author inhales a small breath of air and dismisses the housekeeper. “Thank you. You may leave now.” She obliges and quickly walks down the hallway; worry is evident in her eyes.

On her way, she stumbles into the author’s personal assistant and without thinking, immediately grabs onto his forearm to gain his attention. “Yixing, may I please have a word with you?”

Yixing, catching onto the clues, agrees. “Mrs. Lim, both mother and son…”

She closes her eyes, her aged wrinkles seemingly more visible than normal. “If only his father was still alive, none of this would have happened.” The housekeeper’s voice is full of sadness.

“I’ll try to persuade them,” the assistant reassures with a smile.

“Junmyeon is lucky to have someone like you by his side.” Mrs. Lim mirrors his expression, and it leaves Yixing’s cheeks turning a light pink out of shyness. “Please don’t leave him. He needs you.”

“I won’t,” although his voice is soft, it holds all of his love for the author.

Making his way down the hall, Yixing’s steps come to a slow halt as soon as the author’s back comes into view. His sharp gaze softens upon seeing how lonely and vulnerable the author looks, his shoulders slumped and head lowered in guilt. The assistant knows that what Junmyeon did in the past was unforgivable, a crime that even the law cannot bring justice to. But he also knows that Junmyeon was pushed into a small corner with no escape.

Junmyeon was rash, careless - hell, he was stupid and foolish to do such a thing.

His desire to be free blinded him from thinking rationally.

It costed him his legs and possibly a lifelong friendship.

But Kim Junmyeon is not perfect.

He isn’t full of sunshine and smiles every single day, and Yixing understands.

He makes mistakes, and he learns from them.

These past ten years, even though the assistant had no clue what had happened, he would always catch the author staring off into space with an expression full of regret and guilt. Yixing had always wanted to intervene, wanted to ask Junmyeon why, but he knew his place.

Maybe Junmyeon’s actions shouldn’t be justified.

Maybe he shouldn’t be forgiven.

But this guilt, Yixing realizes, is also harming Junmyeon just as much as it’s harming Kyungsoo.

They are two lost souls, hoping to find answers after aimlessly roaming around.

Two lost, hurt souls trying to find happiness.

Releasing a breath of air, Yixing approaches the author. “Good morning, Author Kim.” He tries to lighten up the grim mood, a hopeful grin on his face. However, the very moment he catches sight of Junmyeon’s dark circles and tired gaze, the assistant hears the deafening sound of his own heart shattering. Gaze softening, he gently caresses the side of Junmyeon’s face, feeling a slight stubble forming around the man’s lips.

Junmyeon’s hesitant gaze is haunting. “I did the right thing, right…?”

The author hated seeing his mother like this, but he despised himself even more for hiding the truth for so long and practically robbing Kyungsoo of his youth. He had to reveal the truth, but now that he did, why does everything feel so much more miserable?

Yixing nods his head, “You did. And I’m proud of you.”

“Although you shouldn’t have done the things that you did ten years

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
969 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
969 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now