Lean on me when you're tired.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Junmyeon glances at his mother’s retreating figure from within the shadows, listening intently to her hushed conversation with someone on the phone. His brows furrow in confusion as he hears her mention his childhood friend along with an unfamiliar name that is Kim Jongdae. An odd feeling begins to stir in chest - a tight and uneasy feeling that hasn’t been shy to show itself ever since Junmyeon witnessed his mother’s suspicious action the other day before he entered her room. The author intends on eavesdropping a few seconds more, but when he hears gentle footsteps approaching him, he tears his gaze off of the woman and finds his assistant gazing at him with curious eyes.


The author immediately hushes the confused assistant, his index finger place right in front of his lips. “Yixing, I need you to do something for me.” Junmyeon speaks in a quiet voice, beckoning for the male to come closer to him.

Yixing, still not grasping the situation quite well, only nods his head and approaches his boss. “Is there something wrong?” his voice is laced with concern.

“I—” he parts his lips, but his words are caught in his throat. The gaze that has always been there to warm his distant heart, the gaze that Junmyeon has found himself being held captive many times, oh how those gentle eyes gaze upon him with so much care and worry that his stomach begins to churn at the thought of involving someone as kind as Yixing into his personal affairs. Ironically, he wants to laugh at himself for such an outdated thought. Yixing has always been involved from the start, so why is he suddenly feeling this way?

“You can always tell me, Junmyeon.” Yixing speaks up as he notices how tense the man has become.

Junmyeon closes his mouth and dryly swallows the rising guilt within. “I need you to find out what my mother has been doing these past few weeks.” He brings a hand up to grasp the younger man’s right hand, gripping it tightly.

Taken aback by the abrupt request, the assistant flutters his eyelids. “Junmyeon, I really don’t know about this.” Pursing his lips together, the assistant brings his other hand and places it on top of the author’s. “But I’m sure your intentions mean no harm. I’ll find out for you.” Yixing’s frown turns into a slight grin despite his mind protesting the agreement. He has never once questioned the man’s purpose, and he plans to keep it this way.

“Thank you,” Junmyeon gives the assistant’s hand a squeeze.

“I’ll get back to you when I find something.” Reluctantly, the assistant removes his hand from the man’s warm grasp and walks away, not daring to look back for he knows his curiosity will get the best of him.

The author releases the breath of air he’s been holding in, despite not being brave enough to send Yixing off on his little mission. Junmyeon knows, he knows how well Yixing will disapprove of this request, but he can’t find himself to ask his mother face-to-face. To him, his mother is a kind person; even if her actions seem harmful, she only wants the best for the person she cherishes, and that is why he can’t find it within himself to confront her suspicious actions. Deep down, Junmyeon knows his mother only wants the best for him.

But if it involves his childhood friend, Junmyeon doesn’t know how much longer he will be able to keep up with this façade.




“It is a pleasure that Enchantment is able to partner up with your company.” Byun Baekhyun expresses his gratitude to the representative of Enchantment’s new business partner with a smile, offering the man a handshake.

The man nods his head, “Likewise. Well, I shall return and finalize the rest. Please send my regards to CEO Do.” He bows his head and walks off, leaving the assistant with some spare time before he needs to return to work.

Heading towards the staff lounge, the assistant’s smile soon falters as he catches sight of three female staffs gossiping. With an evident frown on his face, Baekhyun enters the lounge to dismiss the gossiping, but what he hears next makes him go against his decision.

“Did you hear about the Kim Group?”

“Apparently, the chairwoman of the Kim Group appeared at a meeting not long ago.”

“Since the Kim Group did own Enchantment, do you think she’ll take it back?”

One of the staffs scoffs, “Maybe she’ll do a better job than—”

Baekhyun’s blood begins to boil at this small conversation. How dare they, without knowing the truth, talk about his dear friend? How dare they have the guts to talk as if they know the whole story? His breathing becomes harsh as rage continues to build up within him. Clenching his fists tightly, the assistant enters the room with a menacing glare directed to the little trio. “I believe you three have better things to do than talk about something you don’t know.”

Frightened, the three staffs turn around at once and bow in apology.

“We – we’re sorry!”

“If you think CEO Do can’t handle this company then dismiss yourselves from here!”

The three immediately scurries out of the room, fear written all over their faces.




Baekhyun storms into the CEO’s office, face red with anger and fists clenched tightly by his sides. He finds the person he’s looking for engrossed in some kind of document, eyes focused despite the dark circles forming underneath, and his anger immediately subdues to sadness. The burning passion in his gaze simmers down, and the assistant releases the tension within his clenched fist. “Do Kyungsoo, what am I going to do with you?”

Said male looks up with an exhausted gaze, “Baekhyun?”

“Do you know what I heard today from the staffs?”

“It’s probably some nonsense gossip.” Kyungsoo nonchalantly dismisses the topic and goes back to work.

“Your own staffs have no faith in you! They think Kim Sookhee will take back Enchantment for sure.” Baekhyun refrains himself from shouting at his friend, but the injustice that he feels for him is soaring through the roof by now. It kills him to know that someone as confidence as Do Kyungsoo is losing hope with every passing moment.

The CEO emits a bitter laugh, his hand losing its grip on the expensive pen. “Am I really that hopeless for them to think that way?”

“I believe in you, and Jongin does too.” Baekhyun whispers with sincerity. “Hell, I even know Jongin’s fanclub is practically in love with you too. The fierce CEO is able to tame the wild Kai and turn him into a lovesick puppy. You can’t lose yourself in this battle, because I know you will prevail in the end.”

Kyungsoo wants to laugh at this. If anything, it was Jongin who was able to tame him, to bring him out of his self-pity and make him realize that there is still reason for him to love again. The man he loves is willing to do everything for him, yet Kyungsoo can’t even reach out to him without lying. He wants Jongin’s comfort, but he doesn’t want Jongin to become involved in his dark past. The Kyungsoo he has built himself up to be cannot shatter itself in Jongin’s mind; he cannot let Jongin find out about his past.

Kyungsoo doesn’t want to hurt Jongin.

Hell, he doesn’t want to hurt another living soul.

“You know,” the CEO begins softly, “I will be able to handle this alone.”

“Do Kyung—”

“Yes, I am pushing you away Baekhyun, but it’s for your own good.”

“It’s for my own good, but you’re hurting yourself even more.” The assistant lets out a scoff as he realizes something else. “Knowing you, you’re probably still keeping Jongin in the dark.” Seeing that he receives complete silence as an answer from the CEO, Baekhyun runs a hand through his dark locks and inhales a deep breath to keep calm. He then nods to himself in pure amusement, a hand resting on his hip. Not wanting to deal with this situation any longer, the assistant turns his back to his closest friend.

“Baekhyun, if you dare tell Jongin anything, consider us done.”

“You would rather dig your own grave than let others help you?” Baekhyun closes his eyes in both anger and misery. “You’re even willing to push away those who care for you? Do Kyungsoo, I expected nothing less than this cold exterior of yours. I was a fool to think you’d change.”

Kyungsoo wills himself not to break down even if everything is taking a toll on him.

“But you know what? I wo

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
969 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
969 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now