Melt me with your words.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Night approaches faster than expected, and the exhausted author leans back in his chair as he takes off his glasses. Closing his eyes, he massages his temples and softly exhales through his nostrils. He purses his lips together before getting back to work, only to be distracted once again when his gaze lands on the little picture frame on his desk. The picture was taken almost twenty years ago, perhaps even longer but Junmyeon can’t quite clearly remember, of his family before his father passed away. In the little frame, the three of them were smiling cheerfully. Author Kim emits a small, regrettable sigh as he carefully picks up the frame.


“You’re going to become CEO of this building when you’re older.” A man nearing his thirties says with a proud tone, his gaze full of warmth and love as he stares down at his young son.

His son’s eyes sparkle with amazement, “Really?"

“Really,” he replies.


Junmyeon gently places the frame back on the table, his heart heavy. “I’m sorry, father.”

A knock on the wooden door pulls the author out of his deep thoughts. He clears his throat and closes his laptop, “Come in.”

His assistant walks in. “Your mother has already gone to bed, you should too.”

“It’s one of those nights again, Yixing…”

“Restless again,” Yixing mumbles with a faint smile. “Do you want some tea?”

Author Kim shakes his head as he reaches for the lamp sitting on the edge of his table. “I think I’ll retire for the day.” He glances up at his assistant with a playful yet pleading look, “Help me?”

Yixing laughs and approaches the author, “Come on.” He grabs the handles of the wheelchair and helps Junmyeon out of his study room.




Kai stands next to the MC, his knees slightly bent so that the female stylist would do finishing touches on his features. He’s wearing a black colored suit with his dress shirt lined with two thin strips of white running down the sides of the buttons. blond hair styled up perfectly, he gets ready to start filming for today’s music show. The stylist makes sure he’s set for filming one more time before giving him a pat on the shoulder for good luck and joins the other staffs offstage.

“Are you excited for your comeback?” The MC asks casually as he goes through the script, eye movements stopping for a moment as he carefully examines a line.

The idol laughs, “Of course! Thank you for asking.”

“Polite as always,” the older man teases playfully. “So, when do I get my signed CD?”

“Soon,” Kai mouths realizing that the live broadcast is about to begin.

The PD holds up his hand for countdown as the cameras begin to roll along with the screams of excited fans getting louder, “Three! Two! One! Go!” In the background, upbeat music starts playing while the lights become focused on the MC and his special guest for the opening talk.

The MC pops into the camera frame with a wide grin, waving his hand cheerfully. “We meet again, everyone! Hello, this is your very own MC, Kwanghee, speaking! Today on SBS Inkigayo, we have many wonderful artists with us! And it so happens that a very special person has made his comeback recently!” Kwanghee claps his hands together before the moves outward, revealing Kai waving in the background. “It’s K-A-I, Kai on the spot!”

“Hello everyone, it’s nice to see you again! This is Kai!” the idol immediately bows respectfully afterward as louder screams erupt from the audience.

Kwanghee gasps in amazement. “Look at the reactions; as expected of the hottest idol!”

Laughing in embarrassment, Kai hides his smile with the script card. “Ah, thank you so much for your everlasting support!”

“You are finally back with an amazing song called ‘Dangerous’! Can you tell us a little about it?” The MC excitedly questions, grinning in amusement as the screams increases again at the mention of the idol’s latest song that has skyrocketed to number one on many music charts in just a few days of release.

Kai nods his head and focuses his attention back on the main camera, “Yes! ‘Dangerous’ is an upbeat song with mysterious vibes and addicting lyrics that will melt your heart!”

“Wow! Can you show us a part of the y choreography?”

“Shall I?” the idol emits an idiotic laugh that results in the whole studio to heat up again with flustered screams.

Kwanghee steps back to make room, “Of course!”

The idol slightly adjusts his tie before starting, “You’re dangerous, baby. My heart has been stolen; it’s dangerous, dangerous. You’re dangerous, babe.” He sings into the microphone as he does a few dance moves before finishing it up smoothly by swiftly touching his lips and sending it to the audience members.

From the back, the MC cheerfully claps his hands and tries to imitate the idol’s sharp dance moves. “Wow that was amazing! We certainly can’t wait for your comeback stage now!”

“Thank you,” Kai shyly smiles.

“You’re also nominated for first place today; how does it feel?”

“Amazing, really! My fans are truly amazing! Thank you so much!” the idol gratefully bows again.

“Well, it’s time to introduce the first act of today! Do your best today, Kai.”

“Yes, I will.” Kai responds, smile never once fading.




Kyungsoo takes a casual walk around his mall, quietly inspecting the stores and customers. Luckily for him, the customers go on about their way without bombarding him with questions about a very certain person he’s “supposedly” dating. As he walks by, staffs who notice him immediately halt their work to greet him respectfully. The CEO simply nods his head in return, not bothering to utter a single word. When he reaches the ground floor, he finds himself gazing at the elegantly designed fountain situated in the center of Enchantment.

Deciding to block out any distractions, Kyungsoo inhales a deep breath and closes his eyes. He’s been feeling so empty these days, lost and confused without an answer. Of course, the CEO would always end up finding comfort at the end of his weary day when he comes home to find a certain Kim Jongin greeting him with the stupidest smile on earth. However, with the sudden reappearance of his childhood friend, Kyungsoo doesn’t know what to do anymore. He’s stuck between the past and the present, and everything just hurts so much…

As if it just happened yesterday, the CEO still remembers the very day when he received news of his important position in the Do Family’s business.


“Unfortunate things keep happening back-to-back, don’t they?” the elderly man speaks grimly as the young teenager enters his office. He stops mumbling to himself once he hears the door click and looks up to find his grandson. “Child, you’ve finally arrived.”

The teen nods solemnly, not sure of what to say. “Did you need anything?”

“You have dreams, don’t you?”

“…Perhaps they’re gone now…”

“Kyungsoo, from now on, put your best into the family’s business. We’ve lost too many precious people,” the man pauses for a moment as he notices a flash of hurt in his grandson’s sad gaze. “You’re going to be CEO of Enchantment in the following years.”


CEO Do bites onto his lower lip, his fists clenched tightly by his sides. The guilt and pain in his heart is slowly consuming him into darkness, but he can’t do anything about it. His cruel past haunts him to no end. It’s like an endless ocean full of dangerous storms; the moment he thinks he’s able to escape, he’s pulled back down to drown even deeper.

A hand on his shoulder brings him back to reality.

“Kyungsoo, what are you doing here?”

The startled CEO turns around to find his assistant giving him a worried look, “Nothing. I was just inspecting the place.” Only when he replies does he start to notice a dull ache in his palms. Secretly glancing down to inspect his hands, the CEO finds himself staring at small crescent marks embedded into the palms of his hands quite painfully. Not wanting his assistant to see, Kyungsoo quickly hides his hands by placing them behind his back.

Baekhyun doesn’t buy the answer, but he doesn’t protest. “Without me? That’s odd.”

“I don’t always need you to accompany me.” Kyungsoo rolls his eyes in playfulness.

“Well, there are a few documents you have to look over. I’ve already placed them in your office.” Baekhyun notifies his boss, but beneath the professionalism, there’s anxiety and guilt lurking. Despite him issuing a contract with Author Kim secretly, he knows that Kyungsoo isn’t dumb to connect the dots afterward.

CEO Do slightly nods his head. “Don’t you have other work to attend to?”

His assistant gives him a surprised expression. “You’re not mad?”

This catches Kyungsoo’s full attention. He knows exactly what the assistant is referring to, and although he is feeling very conflicted, Kyungsoo understands what Baek

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
970 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now