For a moment, I did.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Baekhyun sits on the stool, leaning his elbows on the counter as he watches the man in front of him with an amused grin. They’re in the middle of a light-hearted conversation when the assistant’s phone goes off shortly, indicating that he just received a message.

He glances to his phone before offering Chanyeol an apologetic smile, “Just a minute.”

“Go ahead,” Chanyeol chuckles and goes back to making more drinks.

Baekhyun grabs his phone and checks the new message. The sweet grin on his face fades at once after he finishes reading the last line of the text message. With a heavy heart, the assistant sends a reply immediately. He grips onto his phone tightly, guilt and sorrow present in his brown orbs. “Kyungsoo is so going to hate me for doing this,” he talks to himself softly. “But it’s for his good.”

Placing the phone back on the table next to his glass, Baekhyun erases all evidence of his guilty conscience and replaces it with a bright expression. He taps his fingertips against the smooth surface of the countertop and waits for the man to finish his business.

Chanyeol notices that Baekhyun’s staring at him, and his heartbeat starts to quicken. He clears his throat and turns his attention to the drinks displayed in front of him, hoping that the person in front of him won’t catch the slight blush that’s coloring his cheeks. “You’re done?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“So, how was your day?” the bartender shyly asks.

Baekhyun laughs lightly and nods in contentment, “It was nice. What about yours?”

“Same here,” Chanyeol answers.

They begin to engage in another conversation soon after.




CEO Do knits his brows in confusion as he comprehends the words that he just heard from one of Enchantment’s biggest business partners. He cautiously places the cup of freshly brewed coffee back on the table and stares at the elderly man in disbelief. “My apologies, but could you please repeat what you just said, Mr. Park?”

The man chuckles, “You seem to not believe my words, CEO Do.”

When one involves Kim Jongin with me when they shouldn’t, of course it’d be a lie. Kyungsoo inwardly thinks to himself dreadfully, but continues to fake a perplexed smile. “I’ve been very stressed out with work lately, so excuse me if I didn’t receive your words correctly.” The politeness in his tone of voice nearly sends him a shiver, because Do Kyungsoo is never polite. He’s sly, cunning, and the devil’s reincarnate. However, because the man in front of him is someone of high status, Kyungsoo must act accordingly.

Mr. Park nods his head in amusement and takes a sip of his coffee. “My seventieth birthday is coming up, and this old man would like to invite you and your loved one to the celebration.”

“Oh, I’m definitely honored.” Kyungsoo restrains the evil spirit in him from escaping.

Why the hell is Kim Jongin included in this birthday invitation?

The elder shouldn’t even know of Kim Jongin!

But wait, why did Kyungsoo even associate “your loved one” with the idol? It clearly doesn’t make sense. Mr. Yoo never even specified the person yet, so why was Kyungsoo already assuming things? Maybe his “loved one” being mentioned is his grandfather and not Kim Jongin.

“My grandfather—”

“Not Chairman Do, I mean the person you’re romantically involved with!”


Romantically – involved – with…only means Kim Jongin.


Kyungsoo almost chokes on his own saliva, “O-oh? You know about my relationship.”

“Everyone does! You two are the hottest couple of the year; of course, I found this out from my granddaughter. You remember Eunji, right?” Mr. Park clears his throat and smiles at the young man sitting in front of him.

“Of course, I remember Miss Park Eunji. She recently got married, yes?”

“Yes, yes. It was such a pity that you couldn’t attend.”

“My apologies for not showing up to the special occasion, I had business to attend to in Tokyo that day.” CEO Do speaks in an apologetic manner and wishes desperately for the elder to move on to another topic soon.

Mr. Park chuckles happily and waves off the matter with his hand. “No worries, Kyungsoo. However, because you didn’t attend, you must attend my birthday celebration this time in Macau.” He stops momentarily to examine Kyungsoo’s expression and laughs once more. “Be sure to come with Kim Jongin or else I will not be pleased.”

Kyungsoo musters up a strained smile and nods his head to please the man. “I’ll see what I can do. Jongin is very busy, taken that he’s a celebrity and is now preparing for a new promotion period.” He’s surprised at how smoothly the words flew out of his mouth. Usually, Kyungsoo would be murdering himself for speaking of Jongin in such a pleasant tone. But then again, he’s reminded about their intimacy and how he’s slowly changing around the male. Now, Kyungsoo isn’t surprised anymore.

He knows he’s used to the thought of Jongin by now.

“There’ll be an invitation card sent to you soon. Remember to come as two, not one.”

my life?

Screw everything?

Most definitely yes.

Kyungsoo inwardly groans as his attempts of removing the idol from the picture is terribly tarnished.




“I really don’t have to attend the party, honestly.” Do Kyungsoo continues to speak to himself in bewilderment as he walks around his office, hands behind his back and face showing distress. “Besides, I can always attend next year’s celebration!”

“Mr. Park won’t agree.” Baekhyun interjects with a point of his pen.

Kyungsoo holds up a hand, “Hush and let me think.”

“You’ve been at this for ten minutes already. Just invite him and I’ll rearrange your schedule.” His assistant takes note of this as he hurriedly scribbles down the new plan.

“I’ll do what I want.” He then motions for his assistant to leave his office with a wave of his hand. “I need to be alone right now. Go do your job.”

Baekhyun teasingly smirks, “But I am doing my work.”

“Leave,” Kyungsoo directs a death threatening glare to the man behind him.

“Have a nice day, Your Highness.” His assistant sarcastically replies with a gentleman’s bow before making his way out of the elegantly designed office room.

Kyungsoo narrows his eyes in suspicion, “What is up with him?”

The CEO heaves an irritated sigh and makes his way to his leather chair. He takes a seat and relaxes in the chair as he refocuses on his dilemma – to go or not to go. Kyungsoo knows it’s important for him to attend this celebration of Mr. Park’s to maintain good relationship between Enchantment and Victory Group (which is Mr. Park’s company), but he has to go with Kim Jongin.

How can he possibly attend the party with Kim Jongin when he hasn’t even given the male a proper answer? Kyungsoo is already burdened with this despite the fact that the idol is patiently waiting for him. There’s no rushing to be done, but patience can run thin. One day, when Jongin can no longer wait, he’ll probably demand Kyungsoo to give him an answer.

Kyungsoo runs a hand through his brown locks. “Why did I even get involved with you?”

The male takes notice of the golden card sitting on his desk with beautiful gems decorating its sides and silver letters imprinted in cursive in the middle, spelling the word welcome. He examines the card and desperately wishes that there magically would be a solution to this mess. However, this is no Aladdin movie and Kyungsoo figures it’s best to face the challenge.                                            

A memory comes to his mind regarding conversation with the elder, and the CEO reluctantly reaches out for the office phone to dial Genie Entertainment’s Lady Boss.




“There's someone I want you to meet during the party.” Mr. Park speaks up, interrupting the peaceful silence that surrounds them.

Kyungsoo gazes at the elder in curiosity, “And who might this be?”

“You’ll find out when you come.”




After their arrival in Macau became hot news in China, with the help of the security guards, Kai and Kyungsoo were safely escorted to The Venetian Macao hotel where Victory Group’s Chairman’s seventieth birthday will be held the next day. As soon as they reach their respective hotel rooms, Kyungsoo pulls Kai into his and shuts the door immediately.

“Do you need something?” the idol questions with wide eyes at the unexpected touch.

The CEO releases his grip from Kai’s wrist and clears his throat. “There are going to be many reporters starting from today in this hotel, so be careful with your words and actions.” He gives the idol a strict warning, although he forgets to remove his sunglasses. As he speaks, they slowly slide down the bridge of his nose.

Kai’s charming laugh echoes throughout the room, “I will.”

Kyungsoo narrows his eyes. “This is serious business, Kim Jongin!”

Suddenly, the idol reaches out and takes a hold of Kyungsoo’s sunglasses before carefully removing them. The CEO’s breath hitches in surprise and he can only watch in silence as Kai folds his sunglasses.

“Your glasses were about to – I…cared again, didn’t I?” Kai’s voice softens in realization and he immediately fakes a cough. “Sorry.” He then extends out his hand w

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
969 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
969 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now