I'm changing because of you.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Do Kyungsoo scrunches his face at the sudden brightness of the morning sun and groans lowly as he proceeds to put on his sunglasses. Once done, he turns around to find Kim Jongin carrying a small luggage and frown at the sight. “You’re going to stay with them?” he asks out of curiosity and his frown deepens when he realizes he’s being too talkative around the idol.

Kai nods his head enthusiastically. “I get a day off; of course I’m going to stay with them!” Kyungsoo takes this as a sign to unlock the car and signal for Kai to place his belongings in the backseat. The idol grins cheerfully and quickly places his belongings to the directed area before putting all of his attention back to the CEO.

Kyungsoo groans loudly and looks away. “Your smile is horrifying. Stop it.”

“I’m just super excited! Thanks for coming, by the way.” Kai speaks rapidly as he can’t contain his enthusiasm within himself.

“Whatever,” the CEO mumbles before tossing the car keys to Kai. “Being twenty-six, you surely can drive, right?” he asks the idol with a little hint of doubt within his tone and raises an eyebrow. Although Kim Jongin’s age probably says it all, Do Kyungsoo must take precautions because ‘the kid’ is always full of depressing surprises. Plus, he doesn’t want to risk his life in some unknown place (to his own accord) with Kai; that’s just too dangerous.

“Of course, I can!” Kai answers as he catches the car keys.

“Then drive,” Kyungsoo deadpans and gets inside the passenger seat.




Sehun stares intensely into the stylist’s brown eyes (currently those brown eyes are judging him to the fullest) and lets out a choked sob as he replays the events that occurred in his mind. The poor manager grabs a fistful of his hair with both hands eon either sides and falls back into the couch. “I can’t, I can’t!”

Luhan flutters his eyelids and takes a sip of water. “What’s wrong?”

“You know how we went out for a drink at the bar last night right?”

“Yeah, and you were as , but do go on.”

“I never knew you could say such things!” Sehun gasps in horror and Luhan simply shrugs.

“After effects of drinking, sorry,” the stylist mutters an apology as he mentally slaps himself for showing his crude side to the manager that he secretly has something for. He lets out a shuddering breath into the glass and tries to pull his sophisticated side back. Luhan straightens his composure and gives the manager a heart-stealing smile. “What about us drinking last night – together?” He couldn’t help but add in the last word; it just sounds nice – Luhan, Sehun, together. It definitely has a nice tone to it.

Sehun lets out a stressful sigh and rubs his eyes. “Kai – Jongin – whatever his name is – he didn’t have the card to come into the room right?”

“Not that I know of,” the stylist replies.

“And he stayed behind after the shoot, yes?”

“Can we just cut the chase and get to the point?”

“Sorry, I just – a lot of things are going through here—” Sehun points to his head in distress and tries to piece every single evidence he’s gathered into one big answer. “—So, anyways, it seems as if CEO Do stayed back with him!” The manager gasps again in shock.

Luhan raises an eyebrow in interest, “Continue.”

“I don’t know what happened, but CEO Do said something about the two of them coming back together and we weren’t there to open the door for Kai! Then he asked if Kai didn’t have any schedules for today – oh, oh, oh!”

“What is it?” Luhan almost yells back in anticipation.

“CEO Do actually let Kai sleep in his hotel room!”

“Hot damn, something’s going on!” the stylist chuckles lowly as he taps his fingers against the glass cup.

Sehun nods his head vigorously in agreement. “Today, they’re going to meet Kai’s parents together! I don’t know what happened, but last time I checked, the CEO hates Kai to the guts!” The poor, distressed manager runs a hand through his hair and sighs loudly in confusion.

Luhan narrows his eyes at the information he just received and smirks. “I see.” He proceeds to get up and dump out the remaining water from his glass when Sehun’s sudden realization from his earlier words hits him.

“Wait, Luhan—”


“How did you know I was – quote – as – quote?”

The stylist’s cheeks immediately turn a shade of red and he gulps. “What do you mean? I said nothing about that! You’re hearing things, Jesus! Get some proper rest, Oh Sehun!” He says a little too quickly and high-pitched before running to his room in embarrassment.




“Your parents won’t be upset with me because I didn’t get them anything, right?” Kyungsoo mutters the question to the idol out-of-the-blue when they stop at a red light. He still has on his sunglasses as he relaxes in his seat with the car roof down and the morning sunlight beaming down on his face.

Kai laughs cheerfully, “No way! They’re fine with your appearance.”


The light turns green now and the car takes off again.

Kai glances at the CEO momentarily and a thought comes into mind. “Since you’re seeing my parents now, I should see yours one day!”

Kyungsoo groans in annoyance and pulls his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose to give the idol a disapproving look. “How about no,” he deadpans and puts his sunglasses back to their original place. The CEO looks away from Kai and crosses his arms. “Don’t misunderstand my intentions here. I’m going to meet your parents because you’ve done many things to improve my Enchantment. This is strictly business on both sides.” His voice is stern and full of unpleasant tones.

The idol winces at the harshness of his voice, “Fine… I was just offering a helping hand since my parents wanted to meet you…I guess your parents would too.”

Do Kyungsoo doesn’t answer and their conversation comes to a stopping point.

Of course, the CEO can’t help but to be curious as to what Kai said.

Would his parents have wanted to meet Kim Jongin as well?




The idol turns off the car engine and looks to hi side to find Do Kyunsoo dozing off quietly. He contemplates whether or not to wake the male up since he’s noticed how much of a work load the CEO has to face daily. Sighing, Kai decides to wait in the car for a few more minutes.

“I care for you too much,” he quietly says as he observes the sleeping male. The idol frowns when he notices the dark circles still present under Kyungsoo’s closed eyes and unknowingly stretches out a hand, only to stop once he realizes what he’s about to do. Biting onto his lower lip, Kai lets his hand hover close to Kyungsoo’s face before retrieving it as he feels his heart beating wildly against his ribcage.

Kai softly slaps himself and inhales a deep breath of air. “Strictly business, he says.”

Feeling restless and needing a distraction, Kai decides to take out his phone and gasps in shock as his phone begins to vibrate loudly in his grasp. “Oh , , !” he shrieks in his high-pitched voice and struggles to lower the volume. Once done, he glances at Kyungsoo in shock and sees that the male has woken up.

“We’re here?” Kyungsoo asks softly as he stifles a yawn.

“Yeah,” Kai gulps as his phone quietly vibrates in his hand.

The CEO glances at the phone and then back at its owner before raising an eyebrow. “Aren’t you going to pick it up? The noise is bothering me.”

“Y-Yeah, I will! Sorry!” The idol shrieks and clumsily accepts the call before it ends.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes at the typical acts of Kim Jongin and decides to look out the window to not let him become engaged into the idol’s conversation. Simply, Do Kyungsoo is too good to eavesdrop on someone’s conversation. When he sees Kai ending the call from a side glance, the CEO clears his throat to gain the male’s attention.

“So, do we go in now?” Kyungsoo questions as he points to the wooden gates that Kai has parked the car in front of.

The idol nods his head, “Sure!”

As Kyungsoo gets out of the car, he notices that they sky has darkened a bit – a complete opposite from the clear sky from when they started leaving the hotel. However, he’s pretty sure it won’t rain today (this is clearly based off of nothing and is lacking sufficient evidence) and waits for Kai to retrieve the luggage from the backseat.

After locking the car, the idol proceeds to open the gate.

“Wait, there’s no lock?” Kyungsoo asks in surprised as he walks pass the gate and onto a gravel pathway.

Kai smiles in happiness, as he’s glad to be home. “They’re expecting me today so they didn’t lock the gate.” He shows the CEO the lock behind the gate later on when he’s closing.

“Oh,” Kyungsoo simply responds before taking the view of the house in. It’s a traditionally styled home with some modern aspects. The surrounding areas are full of all kinds of beautiful plants. He feels something tugging against the corner of his heart, and the male’s gaze softens for a while as he briefly sees his parents in his memories.

“Come on, they’re expecting us.” Kai says eagerly.

Kyungsoo nods and follows the male from behind, only to be completely shocked when he hears a squeal emitting from the front entrance of the house. He sees a middle-aged woman coming out of the house with her arms stretched out and watches as Kai runs up to her, engulfing her in an embrace. Then, seconds later, he sees a man of about the same age as the woman come walking out, a proud smile on his fatherly face. The sight seems to melt his icy heart, and Kyungsoo starts feeling envious. His gaze softens in sadness and decides to glance at the ground momentarily, waiting for the joyful family reunion to be over with.

“Oh, my dear Jongin, how are you?” the woman asks as she examines her son from head-to-toe, her delicate hands resting on his broad shoulders.

“I’m fine, mom! How are you guys?”


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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
961 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now