Chapter 46

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Eun Ah hugged the duffle bag in her arms and waited in her room until Yongguk finished up with her discharge papers.

She swung her legs against the bed frame, talking herself up in her head, hoping she didn't chicken out once she saw him. 

He was always the initiator of things between them and she hoping to turn the tables on him.

She was going to be bold.

She was going to do this.

Yongguk stepped into room with a smile while he waved her papers around. "You're free! Let's head home, everyone's waiting for you."

Eun Ah took a shaky breath in and smiled weakly as she stood to face him. She swallowed the newly formed lump in before making a straight path towards him.

Yongguk's smile turned into a look of confusion when Eun Ah stalked up to him. She scanned his face before dropping her bag and gripping his forearms. She pressed her body to his so they stood chest to chest and leaned close enough so that the tip of her nose grazed his collarbones, her hot breath scattering over it.

He blinked rapidly at her change in attitude and let out a loud moan when her cool lips pressed against his neck. His breathing became heavier when she stood on her tippy toes to reach higher and trail hot kisses up his neck and across his jaw.

His eyes glazed over and he squeezed her waist as he hissed through his teeth, when her kisses started becoming more open-mouthed and aggressive. 

"What are you doing?" His sentence fading into a frustrated moan when her pink tongue poked out to lap at his skin.

She smiled at his neck and pushed him so that his back hit the door with a thump. He arched his neck out and tilted his head, with a gasp, when her teeth nipped and bit their way down to his collar.  The new sensations were hurtling him into ecstasy.

"Leaving my mark."

She trailed a finger up his chest and pulled his shirt down before attaching her lips there with a harsh . Yongguk let out quiet grunts, trying to compose himself but he knew that there was no way now. Her fingers dug into his arms, surely leaving little half moon dents in his skin. She nibbled the skin between her teeth and gave it a soft to ease the stinging. She didn't know where the confidence came from but she figured that since she had started, she might as well see where it'd take them.

Yongguk's mind was a hazy mess and his eyes lidded when she bit and on that one spot on his neck over and over again.

She never seized to amaze him.

He couldn't process the adrenaline that was pumping in his veins when her lips mixed with the erratic breaths that she left against his skin.

He didn't know why she was suddenly acting like that but all he could do was part his lips with a shuddering breath when she gave his skin one last harsh bite before at the blooming bruise, apologetically.

She gave it a final ghost of a kiss before slowly pulling away. She was too embarrassed to meet his eyes so she focused her attention on a purple and pink bruise that was fully formed on his collar. She brushed her fingers against it, making him shiver, and tried to hide the pride she felt from seeing it there.

It was proof that she'd be the only person to ever be able to get him like that.

Yongguk panted dazedly with a groan as the y vixen that was kissing him before, transformed into a shy little kitten.

"I'd like to see a nurse try to come onto you now."

He stared at her with his jaw hung open as she tugged on the ends of her hair. "Jesus, do you know how god damn y you are?"

A blush raged across her face.

"What're you doing to me, love?"

Eun Ah stepped away from him and bent to pick up her duffle bag while trying to deal with the butterflies floating in her stomach.

"Just in case the ring wasn't enough proof."


Eun Ah was bouncing on the balls of her feet when Yongguk gathered all their remaining stuff. She was so excited to finally be out of the small room and breathe in the fresh air before heading home.

Their home.

He could still feel the pleasant burn from the tender skin of her hickey and it made him shiver just knowing that it was there.

She was his.

He was hers.

Simple as that.

He tried not to scoff when he lifted the detective's bear and  tucked it with all her other gifts. He'd pay good money to chuck that thing out the window but he just ignored the sensation and met her out in the hallway.

She pulled one of the bags out of his hands, to carry herself, before she started bouncing impatiently again.

"Come one slow poke! Let's gooooooo!"

He shook his head and reached down to lace their fingers together as he led her out the door.

"This is going to be the worst. They're not going to leave us alone."

She tilted her head at him curiously, while swinging their hands, "Who is?"

"All of them back home. It was so much better when I had you all to myself and now they're all going to want you. Especially the maknaes and Yongmi."

She chuckled and squeezed his hand. "Sharing is caring Guk-ah."

"That better be a joke."

She laughed and kissed his cheek. "I'm lucky to have a family like them."

He grimaced and glanced at her through the side of his eye when they approached his car.

"How long do you think we'd have to wait before we make them move out? I'm thinking two months before we kick them to the curb."

Eun Ah stuck her tongue out and let go of his hand before jogging ahead of him. Yongguk scoffed to himself and took large strides until he could spin her around and push her against his car. He leaned forward and placed his hands on either side of her head, their lips mere centimetres apart.

He stared down at her innocent eyes and felt his mind whir.

"I really want to kiss you right now."

Eun Ah rolled her eyes and pushed his head away. "There's no way you're going to make them move out. You love them just as much as I do and what would we even do, alone, in a house that bi--"

She squinted when she noticed that he was starting at her lips. "Are you even listening to me right now?"

He managed to peel his eyes off only to have them darken when he met her gaze. His voice was low and husky, barely above a whisper.

"Honestly? No. I just really want to kiss you right now."

Eun Ah's eyes changed playfully as she traced the collar of his shirt with her finger. "Really? How badly?"

He almost growled when she bit her lips, aching to touch them with his own. "So damn badly."

"Prove it."

A smirk grew up his lips as he eliminated the gap between them. "Gladly, love."


Eun Ah jumped up and down when she swung the door open to see all of B.A.P yelling "Welcome Home!" at her.

She dropped her bags and ran to them as they engulfed her in a bear hug. Junhong and Yongmi squeezed her the tightest and Jongup gave her a small smile and an awkward side hug. Yongjae slung his arm around her and listed all the medication she was supposed to take while Daehyun ruffled her hair good naturedly, choosing to ignore the fact that she was 2 years older than him.

Himchan walked out of the kitchen and scrunched his face up when he saw her.

"Was the hospital staff so annoyed that they made you leave?"

Her smile fell into a straight line as she stared at him , unamused. "You still live here?"

"Where else would I go, idiot?" He spat back as he bit into an apple.

"I don't know. Somewhere that isn't around me."

Himchan snorted, "Trust me, I don't want you anywhere near me either and I'd like to remind you that I lived here first, oinkers."

"Hyung, who are you kidding? You were so worried abou--"

Himchan threw his apple at Yongjae before grabbing his keys. "I'm going to go out for some fresh air before you spread mo

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22 streak #1
Chapter 71: What was that?!
22 streak #2
Chapter 52: What a bomb
22 streak #3
Chapter 16: He popped the question!!! Lol maybe more of a directive
Chapter 71: OH NO! I forgot how you did the ending. The cliffhangerrrr. So glad theres a completed sequel already
Chapter 10: Oh wow that moment with Himchan. I remember it. I remember why he had that feeling 🥹
Omg Im so glad i remember this being one of my fave rereads. I’ve had it saved in my reading list for awhile now. I miss bap sm 🥹 I cant wait to start reading this again!
MissMong24 #7
Chapter 63: rereading this for old time’s sake and i cant believe that my heart can hurt so much just like when i first read it. i guess maybe knowing what’s gonna happen at the end of this story makes my heart hurt even more…
Chapter 71: Noooooo!
I'm off to the sequel, thank you for writing Home.
Chapter 61: The tears won't stop gosh
Chapter 51: Mehn! This is a whole lot to take in