
The Doorstep Appa

I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that the baby sitting in front of me was merely an illusion...But as you can imagine how disappointed I was when I saw he was still sitting there. Damn it.

He blinked a couple of times a dribble of snot rolling down his mouth. I cringed at the thought of cleaning it up. 

What mother in their right mind would leave a child outside on a cold winter morning? Look at him! There's no way he won't catch a cold and with me taking care of him, he might as well die right now! I'm not fit to be a father! Hell, I didn't even know I was one!

What to do.. Minseok watched as I paced back and fourth. I stopped and glared him. 

"You have no right to look at me." Chubby little life ruiner! 
He continued to stare, now thinking it the time and place to chew on his fingers.

I examined him closer, but still from a distance. His baby germs are not my exact field of work. Surely he's older than a year, he's sitting up already, a three month old baby does NOT sit up so perfectly.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the note once again. The paper was hard, cardboard like if you will. Similar to the texture of an laminated poster. Then again it probably was... Just out of curiosity, I happened to flip it over. There it was, the birth certificate.

Ah so she lied, you weren't born 3 months ago but more like 12.. I wonder what else she's lying about. 

"Your mother must be on drugs." I said to Minseok, who was still chomping his fingers mercilessly.

He's about a year right now, not counting the nine months he was in the mom... According to his birth certificate, he was actually born in march. 

Ugh! He's not my kid and yet I still feel I have no choice but to be his father I mean, I don't know his mom and of course he was kind of abandoned at my doorstep. You can't really escape such precision.


I'll just leave him at the neighbors doorstep! It could happen to anyone right? I'm sure Ol' Baekhyun would love a chubby little monster, such as Minseok.

I snuck a glance toward his neatly trimmed hedges across the street, then back Minseok a.k.a the sack of slobber, snot, and who knows what other fluids. Alright, I'm willing to do this. Carefully I picked him up, not truthfully wanting to hold him but knowing I had no other choice, I sprinted across the street and onto Baekhyun's door. Minseok sat quietly once again on the steps of a home (thank goodness it isn't mine), being gross once again. Should I knock on the door or not? A brisk, cool air blew just at the thought.

Maybe I should at least knock and run away...just so he's not freezing or anything when Baek finally gets out. Could you imagine a frozen strip of snot on a dead baby? No.

I took a deep breath and knocked on Baekhyun's door, taking no time in running away to hide behind a nearby tree.

For several minutes, I waited for his door to open. So many minutes in fact, I wondered if I knocked hard enough. Just when I was about to check, the door opened with a sleepy, grumpy looking Baekhyun scowling at the entrance standing in his award winning bathrobe.

"Aish seriously..." 

I squinted trying to get a better view of Baek. Surely he hadn't gotten a good glance at the little fella.

"Krease!! Get your out of my tree!" He suddenly turned to my direction, calling me over to him. 

My mouth dropped open before, hanging my head lowy and meeting him at his doorstep. How the hell did he see me!?

"Little , trying to leave a child on my doorstep! Are you crazy!?" He swatted at me with the newspaper he'd been holding. 

"Well damn Baek you weren't supposed to know! How'd you even find out?"

Baekhyun crossed his arms. "I saw you put him down. Seriously Kris... It's 8:15 you know I get up at 8:00. Not to mention all the freaking noise you made, Mr. Not-So-Elegant!"

I scoffed. "Well I'm sorry, my day isn't exactly going as planned." 

"You're right, i'm sorry."His face softened catching sight of the baby once again. " He's cute..What's his name?"

I answered quickly in hopes he would still take him.


Baekhyun smiled.

"Well Minseok, your daddy is going to get his down to a store and buy you some new stuff, cause I'm not taking you in.."

I gave Baekhyun a dirty look as he took the baby in his arms.

"What kind of women are you sleeping with for them to leave a baby in 15 degree weather?"

I shrugged. "How am I supposed to know?"

The blonde gestured for me to hold the baby, to which a scoffed. He held him closer, Minseok blinking his small eyes only at me. 

"Here." I finally took Minseok with as little effort as I could possibly give. "I need to get dressed, after that we can go get stuff for him. Ya' know get him established.."

"He's not even mine, I shouldn't have to establish him anywh-"

Baekhyun cut me off before I could finish, placing a hand onto one of his hips.

"I don't care if he's the damn son of Chen! You have him and he's in your hands. Minseok is your responsibility." 

I didn't know what was worse, being nagged by Baekhyun, or being stuck with the cause of it all. I took another glance at Minseok, grimaced, then looked up to Baek. Damn kid was smiling, mocking me as though he knew how much unhappiness he'd caused.

"Come in, get him a little warmed." He said opening the front door once again. 

I followed him inside.

His living space was the first room toward the entrance.  There were a series of pictures on the walls, many I assumed were family members. The furniture consisted of a couch and two side chairs. Both of which looked quite expensive, really. His TV, on the far side of the room, had to be more than 50 inches. How do I know? Because, my TV is 50 and his was definitely bigger than mine. I don't know about you but, a man is judged by the size of his TV. Of course there are other important sizes, but I'll leave those to your imagination.

Baekhyun grabbed a nearby shirt that had been lying on the sofa and a pair of jeans from the floor.  

He untied his robe, dressing himself confidently in the clothes he'd just gathered.

"Your clothes sure are everywhere." I teased "Did Bacon have a female visitor last night?"

Baekhyun giggled.

"Ew, no. I'm not like you, Krease. I don't want anything diseases I can't cure." 

"Oh Ha-Ha." I said sarcastically. "Like what I do is really all that bad."

The blonde gave me an unconvinced look.

"What? Giving love to women is bad?"

Baekhyun kept his face.

"Your suppose to love only one woman, not fool her for one night and never text her back the next day."

I laughed.

"Oh like you don't like getting some."

He didn't laugh with me.

"Let's just get him some stuff to live off of."

I nodded.

Baekhyun grabbed his keys from the dining room table.

The two of us have been friends since junior high. Not just friends, best friends. But despite that were also complete opposites. I like chocolate, he likes vanillia. I vote we get our hair died black, he votes blonde. And now, apparently he prefers to stick with one girl which is just the dumbest thing ever, considering I know he has a girl over almost every night.

Baek took Minseok in his arms, away from me I might add, as he headed to the door.

Is Minseok old enough to stay home alone yet? Hell, a name like 'Minseok' would drive anyone away. What would I have to worry about? I'll leave him and put a sign up in the window that says 'Caution Minseok Lives Here' or even 'Monseok'. Monster Minseok. But in all seriousness that name has to go if he's going to roll with me. Wu Yifan, that sounds cool. Kris? That sounds cool. Minseok just sounds... Boring.. God do I hate that name. I hate it almost as much as I hate his mother for bringing him here.

Baekhyun had been driving for a few minutes now, the baby sitting in my lap, because of course he was left with no car seat, or anything else for that matter, really.

Out of nowhere Baekhyun broke out in laughter. I looked at him, puzzled.


He shook his head.

"You would seriously leave a child on my doorstep? There are other neighbors...and you choose to leave him on your best friends. Kris do you ever doubt your intelligence?"

I couldn't answer him. It seemed perfectly logical to leave him to Baekhyun. I knew who he was going to not just some idiot neighbor of mine and plus, If I ever wanted to see how it all turned out, I could just walk across the street, no questions asked. Trust me, in the 2.5 seconds I decided to leave Minseok on his front steps, I thought about all of this. 

"Look. I won't take him in but I'll help you out. I know you don't know anything about raising a child and the last thing I want is to see Minseok sitting on the steps of someone else's steps, so I have no choice." Baekhyun pulled into a free parking space and turned to me. "I'll be his mother."

I shrugged.
"Why not.. I'm sure you'll do great."

"But Kris.."


"What about your parents?"



That's a wrap. I hope you liked this first chapter ^^ there will be many more on the way.

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continueeeee this OAO
TsukiyoHirasaki #2
Chapter 1: Dammit krease, if it weren't for Baekhyun there, someone (hopefully) would've knocked him out. Someone like me.
Update soon~ I cant wait.. hahaha Kris as a dad and his son is Xiumin/Minseok sounds exciting..lol Anyway, Update sooon~