La Finale

Cupid's Lost Arrow

It was that time of the year again, the season everyone adored; a time where families watched silly cartoons on television or sat in front of the fire place, drinking hot chocolate together. He secretly envied those people because he did not have a real family to spend time with on Christmas Eve.

Kim Sunggyu was dumped into an orphanage at the age of five where he met her. She was prettier than a rose and delicate like a wine glass. Sunggyu remembered how she would always run to him with tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes because of someone taking her favorite bunny plush toy that was sincerely precious to her.

He smiled as he walked by small stores playing Christmas music to lighten the mood of stressful last minute shopping. Inwardly sighing, he began fishing through his pocket to search for his pastel blue LG Lollipop 2 flip phone and dialed his best friend Dongwoo’s number.

Sunggyu wasn’t someone to ask for advice but at this moment in time, he desperately needed someone’s advice especially since he didn’t have much time left. “Hello?”

Dongwoo replied with a sleepy and grouchy tone, as if he had just been awakened from a nap. “Sunggyu, what do you want?”

Sunggyu rolled his eyes even though Dongwoo couldn’t see it. He did mean it when he said he loved Dongwoo as a brother but absolutely hated how he never bothered to even say a quick hello when picking up his cellphone. “Sorry for bothering you but I need some advice.”  When he received no response from his companion, he waited a minute or two before hanging up and put his phone back into his pocket.

He laughed at himself for even trying to have a serious conversation with Dongwoo.

As Sunggyu began walking to Minhee’s small apartment, he could feel the butterflies beginning to flutter around in his stomach.

Tonight was the night that Kim Sunggyu would finally confess his love to Choi Minhee, his childhood friend from the orphanage. He doesn’t exactly know when he began to fall for his best friend but he did know that it was starting to drive him crazy.

For the past five years he and Choi Minhee have celebrated Christmas together as best friends but this year he wants to spend Christmas together as lovers.

He would be lying if he said he didn’t stay up all night, practicing mini speeches that he could say to her. Sunggyu couldn’t help it though; he wanted everything to be perfect for her.

Before he knew it, he was standing in front of her house and it would be a complete lie if Sunggyu said he didn’t want to vomit because, in all honesty, he did. Myungsoo had told him to act casual but it’s easier said than done.

Sunggyu sighed and knocked on Minhee’s door, trying to act casual just as Myungsoo had told him. The door opened and revealed Minhee, wearing a gray beanie and a black sweater with fairly random designs that he had given her last year as a present.

“I thought you weren’t going to show up, loser.” She smiled jokingly, gently punching his arm.

Sunggyu gave her a funny look before shaking his head. “Do you really think I would ditch you? We’ve been celebrating Christmas together for five years!”

Minhee rolled her eyes before moving out of the way to let Sunggyu in, shutting the door behind her. “I still have a few decorations to put up on the tree and you’re going to help me!”

Sunggyu took off his jacket and placed it on the couch, smiling at her. “What do I need to help you with?”

She pouted and pointed at the top of the tree. “I’m too short to get the star up there.” Minhee stood proudly at five foot three. He could only laugh at her, making her fake an angry face. “What’s so funny?”

He cleared his throat before giving her a sincere smile. “Nothing.” She rolled her eyes before handing him the golden star.

Minhee grinned at him and folded her arms. “You better not screw this up, Kim Sunggyu.”

 “I feel very intimidated with you looking at me like that. Maybe you should exit the room for a short while.” Sunggyu playfully grinned at her.

Minhee gave him a dirty look. “Fine, you could have just asked me to leave if you didn’t want me here.” Sunggyu widened his eyes which made Minhee laugh. “I’m kidding, dork. I’ll go make us some hot chocolate!”

He smiled and slightly nodded, watching her walk out of the room. “Jesus Sunggyu, you really need to watch what you say…” He didn’t exactly know why he was talking to himself especially since Minhee could walk in at any time. Shaking his head he proceeded to put the star on top of the tree, praying to God that Minhee wouldn’t come in and scare him like she did a year or two ago.

Once the star was placed onto the tree he backed away, making sure that he put it on the tree correctly. Sunggyu was known for easily screwing things up which is why he was afraid that he would screw this up as well.

“Look who did a good job!” Minhee giggled, “Here’s your reward.” She smiled as she handed Sunggyu the hot chocolate. “Careful, it’s still hot.”

“Well, it isn’t called hot chocolate for no reason!” Sunggyu has always enjoyed busting Minhee’s chops. Minhee easily got annoyed and Sunggyu just couldn’t help himself sometimes. They barely argued and if they did they couldn’t stay mad at each other for more than twenty four hours.

They both sat down on the floor and placed their drinks on the table beside them. Sunggyu was slightly confused when Minhee silently got up, exiting the room. He ended up staring at his hot chocolate like it was the most interesting thing in the world, jumping slightly when Minhee slammed a book onto the table. “Look what I found.”

Sunggyu scooted a little closer to Minhee so he could get a better look at the book she had placed, or slammed, onto the table. “What’s that supposed to be?” Minhee smiled without saying a word, opening the first page of the book. “Is that what I think it is?”

“Yeah, it’s all of the memories we’ve had together! I didn’t know what to get you for Christmas this year so I wanted to give you this instead.” Slowly closing the book, Minhee slid the book so it was placed in front of Sunggyu. “Remember when everyone thought we were siblings because we both had red hair? That was hilarious!”

Sunggyu could only smile at the thought. “Yeah, I remember that. We had to continuously tell people we weren’t siblings.”

“Or when the time everyone thought we were going out!” Minhee chuckled while taking a small sip of her hot chocolate.

Sunggyu froze and swore he was hearing things. “Wait, what?”

Minhee put down her hot chocolate and looked at Sunggyu. “Don’t you remember that?” Sunggyu could only shake his head. “Forgetful as always, aren’t you Sunggyu?”

“I guess so because I don’t remember that actually ever happening.”

Minhee made a face before giggling. “Well, it was fairly hard to convince everyone that I wasn’t dating you, besides that would be way too weird. You’re like a brother to me.”

Hearing those words broke Sunggyu’s heart into tiny pieces. You’re like a brother to me. Sunggyu knew that is all he would ever be to her. Clearing his throat, he quickly stood up and turned away from her. “You know, I forgot that I had to meet up Dongwoo for something.”

Without letting Minhee respond, he grabbed his jacket and exited her warm and welcoming home just to enter the freezing cold. He didn’t realize that he began running away from her home until shortly after he entered the park that was fairly close to her apartment.

Sunggyu sat down on a bench and could only guess that the God of Love, Cupid, lost the arrow that was supposed to be aimed directly at Minhee. 


A/N: Well, there isn't much to say here but good luck to the rest of the contestants, I'm sure everyone will do great in the contest! I hope you liked the one-shot, I haven't actually written a one-shot before so it was a fun experience for me!


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Chapter 1: owo /love this/ <3
It does sound interesting! Please update^^