The Night Before The Mayhem Begin's

Milk And Cookies
"Jjong what are you doing, your making a mess. Here you do the simple bit's and I do the more awkward bits" Key said and giggled at the cute pout on the older's lips as he passed Key the more difficult present's to wrap.
It was Christmas eve and both Key and Jonghyun were happily sat in the front room, wrapping up presents for their two children Soo Yun and Min Ki. They were brother and sister and Key and Jonghyun had fallen in love with them as soon as they laid eye's on them in the adoption centre.
They had officially become their mum and dad 8 months ago and it was the best thing to happen to them. It had not only made them stronger but made them both fall more in love with each other and they cherished the two children so much, like they were meant to be apart of their family.
Minki was the oldest by a year, he was three years old and was obsessed with Pokemon stuff while Sooyun was two years old and loved everything pink and princess stuff. This was their first Christmas as a family and Key wanted it to be so perfect, Jonghyun and him self had worked so hard to buy they kid's everything they wanted and more.
They loved and cherished Sooyun and Minki since the first day they laid eye's on the small children, both had stuck together like glue and they couldn't adopt one with out the other so they settled it that they would adopt the brother and sister so they could always be together and grow up with each other still. Sooyun had cute black hair that reached her shoulder's, always tied in cute piggy tails, she had large doe like eye's and the cutest button like nose like Key and she had a hint of hos bow shaped lips as well.
Minki was scarily spitting image of Jonghyun, large round eye's, plump like lips and his nose had one nostril bigger then the other. Minki had short black hair and was always very protective of his baby sister. Key and Jonghyun certainly couldn'of asked for more, they had the perfect son and daughter, from the day they met, treating them like they were their own children, begging the staff to let them take the youngster's home there and then.
Both were currently sat on the leather sofa, sello tape and wrapping paper every where while sharing the plate of cookies the kid's demanded were left out for Santa as in their words, had a very busy night and will be hungry, so they put the whole pack out. Jonghyun had been struggling to wrap up the soft Pokemon teddies causing Key to giggle as the older pouted while trying several different ways to make sure it was wrapped yet either the paper ripped or he cut it too short.
"Bummie, stop laughing at me, not my fault they are so awkward to wrap" Jonghyun whined and pouted, that pout soon vanished when sweet bow shaped one's kissed his plump lips. A smile spreading on the older's face.
"Oh Jjong you do Sooyun's bits then ok. They are simple box shape's. Think you can handle that" Key asked, amused as the older's widened a little at Key's teasing.
"Yah Kibummie I'm not that hopeless" Jonghyun pouted and began to wrap the large doll's house, he certainly found it easier to do then the soft toys.
"See I can do this Kibummie" Jonghyun beamed as he held up the perfectly wrapped box, he looked so proud to show his husband he could wrap up stuff properly.
Key giggled and turned his focus on to the job at hand, easily wrapping each soft toy perfectly, smiling brightly as the stack of present's grew under the small tree in the corner. Decorated in multi coloured fairy light's and glittery balls and little snow men, reindeer's and Santa's scattered all over with a bright star on the top.
There was already present's under the tree, some for Jonghyun and some from Key which were from each other and the help of the two little monkeys in bed. They had settled them down earlier so they could get up earlier and see what santa had brought them and the children didn't take long to fall a sleep.
Key was so excited to spend his first Christmas as a complete family with Jonghyun and their babies. He never had been this excited before though it more to see the kid's faces when they un wrap the stuff in the morning. Key was broken out of his dreamy trance by Jonghyun waving a cookie in his face.
"Open wide Bummie" Jonghyun smiled brightly as Key accepted the cookie and hummed happily as the crunch cookie slowly melted in his mouth, pleasing his taste buds. Key picked up a cookie and did the same to Jonghyun who took the cookie.
He looked more like a happy puppy receiving a treat. After spending four and a half hour's wrapping teddies and games for the little boy and a doll's house and Barbie bit's for the little girl, both boy's plopped back on the sofa sighing at the towering sight of present's sitting under and around the tree, they were taking up nearly half of the living room area and Key suddenly felt a little worried, doubt's washing over him.
What if they had spoilt the children too much or they didn't like any thing they had gotten them. Jonghyun seemed to know Key better then any thing and noticed the worried look on the younger's face, even with his black bang's slightly coving his feline eye's.
"Bum Bum, what's wrong baby" Jonghyun cooed as he moved the strand's of hair from the younger's eye's to see him better, leaning over the plate of cookies to peck the younger's forehead.
"Jjong, do you think they will like the present's. You don't think we are spoiling them too much" Key asked and Jonghyun chuckled lightly, he knew Key was bound to become a worry gut's at some point.
"Of course not babe, It's their first Christmas with us at home. They have been used to being at the adoption centre, getting nothing. Plus we are having our first Christmas as a complete whole family and it will be perfect Bummie, the kid's will love everything and I know I will as well" Jonghyun said and
kissed Key on the lips, letting him feel how much he really loved the younger.
"You really think so Jjong, I just want it to be perfect for you and them" Key said and sighed out, he knew he was worrying over nothing yet all he could think about was seeing the three people he loved so much be so disappointed on such a special day.
"I know Kibummie, it will be the third best day for us baby" Jonghyun said and smiled his wide smile showing those perfect pearl white teeth.
"Third best day?" Key asked a little confused at the older's words.
"The best day was our wedding day then the second best day was getting our son and daughter" Jonghyun said like it was the most obvious thing in the world and Key couldn't help but smile at the cheesy idiot next to him.
"Oh you cheesy puppy, of course but I can't help it" Key said and moved the plate so he could snuggle in to the older's side, inhaling the musky scent of his husband.
Jonghyun wrapped his strong arm's round the younger and pulled Key closer, enjoying the sweet alone moment. Since having Minki and Sooyun around they didn't get to spend as many loving peaceful moment's together or even at night as they always come running in to their bed room. Scared of a nightmare or monster's under the bed, they ended up laying in between Key and Jonghyun who would watch over the children till they fell asleep.
Of course they don't regret having the two little one's and it was all part of life but both boy's sometimes craved to just touch each other and enjoy each other's warmth for a while. Key hummed happily in to the older's neck, finally relaxing and feeling calm after a stressful day of last minute present buying and food shopping.
It didn't help having Jonghyun eat the whole tub of celebration chocolates and Key made the older dash to the shops to buy another one. They were going to be spending Christmas alone, just the four of them as it was so special for them and Key had prepared the special dinner already, just needed cooking once he got up in the morning.
"I'm so proud of you baby, so damn lucky to have you Kibummie" Jonghyun cooed as he slightly tightened his grip round the younger's waist, littering Key's cheek with butterfly kisses. Key giggled at the ticklish but loving feeling.
"J..J..Jjong s..s..s..stop it. I'm lucky to have you too you big dino head" Key giggled as Jonghyun gasped jokingly at the the younger's teasing words.
"I'm not a big dino head you little naughty kitty" Jonghyun nuzzled his face in the younger's hair and inhaled the sweet strawberry scent of Key, a scent he never tire of smelling.
"I'm not a kitty you sappy puppy, now let me go so I can get the cookies" Key sat up and got the plate with the last few remaining cookies left. Jonghyun kept one arm round the younger's waist and used the other to feed the crumbly biscuit to the younger.
They sat there happily munching on the sweet chocolate treat, feeding each other playfully, pinching the odd loving peck on the lips here and there while some sappy, cheesy romantic Christmas movie played on the tv.
The room was dark save for the twinkling Christmas light's and the light from the tv, Key couldn't help the large smile painting his lips as he felt more in the Christmas spirit, the excited, happy feeling washing through his body and his heart beating wildly at the sight of his sappy lover who was pouting at the younger.
"What's wrong Jjongie" Key asked as the other had his puppy eye's on show, quickly flicking to look above them then back to stare in to those beautiful feline eye's he loved. Key looked up and rolled his eye's, Jonghyun was holding a bit of mistletoe above them and puckered his lips for a kiss.
"You are such a big baby Jjong" Key joked and kissed the older's lips who happily hummed, responding to the kiss.
"I'm not Kibummie, I just wanted a kiss from my kitten" Jonghyun smiled and shoved half of the last cookie in his mouth, giving the other half to Key who ate it more slowly, enjoying the taste.
They drank the milk between them, sticking two straws, bumping their noses together each time they both drank from the tall glass. Key honestly hadn't had so much fun in a long time and never had he laughed so much and that was just with Jonghyun being his sweet, dorky, sappy self. Key imagined tomorrow was going to be even better with the Minki and Sooyun about, both taking after Jonghyun with the teasing and dorkiness while Sooyun had picked up on Key's habit's of nagging and , Minki had become more like Jonghyun, even to the point of slowly mastering the deadly puppy eye's to get what he wanted.
That was one of Key's biggest weakness and he could never say no not even to the big puppy he was currently snuggling too. After everything they both had faced over the past few years from so called friends and family, this moment alone made all the fight's and struggle's worth it. Key really felt like the Christmas spirit had gotten to him and so many emotion's running through him all at once.
Happiness, excitement, relief, slight worry and most importantly he felt so loved and wanted and that was just from Jonghyun alone. Minki and Sooyun had made him feel even more loved like the most special person in the world and that alone made him so happy and not needing anything else from life.
"Bummie, you ok sweetheart" Jonghyun asked as Key had been staring at the wall for the past ten minutes making the older slightly worried in case Key was upset.
"Oh sorry Jjong, I'm ok babe just thinking that's all" Key said and lightly stretched his sore muscle's from laying in an awkward position.
"What about Kibummie, don't you hurt that pretty head of your's thinking to much now" Jonghyun joked and slightly pouted when Key playfully hit his chest.
"Just about us and how happy I am now that's all Jjong" Key said and Jonghyun smiled and pecked the younger's forehead again, lacing his finger's with the younger's slim pale finger's.
"You know I'm so happy right now as well, life is perfect. Got you and the kid's, I certainly don't need anything else" Jonghyun said and kissed Key again, the younger happily responding to the sweet gesture.
"Think we should go to bed Jjong, I got a feeling we are going to get woken up up early in the morning" Key said and squeezed the older's hand gently.
The both looked at the tree in the corner, surrounded by present's wrapped in different coloured paper.There was pink, blue, green, purple, gold, silver and red. Some had teddies printed on the paper, some had snow men and santa's and penguins and polar bears.
Some had princess and cute patterns. Jonghyun thought Key liked the paper more then the actual present's inside. To other parent's it might of looked like they had gone a bit made with so much brought for the children and Key certainly didn't miss the weird looks he got when buying all the food in, extra chocolates and cakes which was a rare treat for them, yet it was going to be a day Key and Jonghyun never forget, the day they spent Christmas as a whole complete family.
"Come on Bummie, your fighting to keep those beautiful eye's open" Jonghyun joked and stood up and carefully picked up Key, carrying him bridal style to their shared bed room and helping the younger undress and get his pyjama's on.
While Key brushed his teeth, Jonghyun checked on Minki and Sooyun making sure they were both sleeping and not faking it then sneaking down once him self and Key were settled down for the night. He smiled like the cheesy idiot he was at both sleeping peacefully, Sooyun tightly holding her Sponge Bob teddy and Minki sleeping with half his duvet kicked off but Jonghyun fixed that back over so he didn't catch a cold.
He walked back to the bed room and stripped off and slipped in to bed, opening his arm's wide for Key to snuggle in to. They laid in bed for a while just snuggled up and enjoying each other's warmth and comfort, never had Key felt more in love with Jonghyun. He may act like a dumb idiot yet he was Key's dumb idiot and he loved him to absolute pieces, feeling so lucky to have some one which a heart of gold, love and care for him so much and treat him like he was a king.
They had been married for 5 years now and he never regretted meeting Jonghyun and losing family over him. Jonghyun was his whole world and it was a shame other's couldn't see that. Shoving the bad thought's away he snuggled more in to the older's chest, loving the feeling of those strong arm's wrapped round his waist.
"Merry Christmas Kibummie, I love you my beautiful angle" Jonghyun said and bent down to kiss Key's bow shaped lips. Key peaked up to see the clock on the bed side table and it read 12 am, December 25th.
"Merry Christmas Jjong, I love you too my soppy, love sick puppy" Key pecked the older's lips and snuggled back down feeling sleep take over him.
It was 6 hour's later when two very excited, screaming kid's ran in to their room and jumped on their bed to wake them up, shouting that Santa had been and left so many present's and to quickly hurry so they could open them.
Despite they could barely open their sleepy eye's, both smiled at each other and then laughed lightly, today was going to be such a fun, loving day and both couldn't wait to get started and watch their son and daughter happily open and play with all the new stuff. The Kim house hold was going to become a complete mess for the day and neither cared or could wait for the mayhem and madness to begin.

A/N Hello lovelies <3

Firstly holy hell I got 8 subbers and an upvote before I had written a thing O.O (let me love you all <3)


I'm not sorry for posting a Christmas fic, I was planning to post this at the start of December but I couldn't wait much longer ><


Hope you enjoy this big fluffy thing XD (Remember to keep warm, it's freezing now) XD


Comment and Subscribe lovelies <3 

Love you all <3 See you soon ^.^

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Chapter 1: update soooooooon
Chapter 1: its so FLUUFY IM GONNA DIE!!!
ChelleBelle #3
Chapter 1: Oh my fluffy Jongkey! This is PERFECTION! I loved this!
Cute and sweet