In Beijing

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Exo-M: Lucky


Two days later, Exo-M and Danji traveled to Seoul early in the morning to catch their flight to Beijing. The seven of them arrived at the airport with their luggage for their three-day-two-night trip. All Danji had were a mini-suitcase and her MCM backpack. Luhan was wearing his MCM backpack also, so they appeared like a couple on their honeymoon trip. They checked in on time and still had an hour left.

“Let’s go get coffee and donuts!” Tao exclaimed. He grabbed Kris and headed towards Dunkin Donuts. The rest of them followed.

After eating breakfast, the others waited on the seats while the couple went to look at shops. Danji on the lollipop that Lay had given her. She gazed at the interesting objects on sale. Luhan was never far from her. He was always holding onto her hand and never let her out of his sight.

Luhan saw Kris waving from afar. “Danji, it’s time. Let’s go.” Luhan lightly tugged on her hand.

“Okay.” She allowed him to tug her along. They went in through airport security and then entered the plane.

Danji and Luhan, of course, sat together. They were at first class, and she was able to sit next to the window.

“Wow…” Danji looked around her surroundings in awe. Luhan sat beside her and clipped her seatbelt on for her. He fastened his own seatbelt. “Is this your first time flying?”

Danji nodded eagerly. “Yes. I’ve never been out of the country before. This is exciting!”

Luhan laughed at her joyful expression. “You should have told me you wanted to leave the country. We could have gone anywhere, anytime.”

“It didn’t occur to me until now.” Danji chuckled as she sheepishly scratched her forehead.

Luhan intertwined his fingers with hers and kissed her forehead. She smiled in response.

“Doing good, mei-mei?” From across, Tao held up his thumbs.

“Good.” Danji smiled and held up both her thumbs.

“How long is the flight?” She asked.

“About 1 hour and 45 minutes,” Luhan replied. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. “So relax and enjoy the ride.”

Danji smiled and nestled against his warm side.


Danji and the pack arrived in Beijing. After retrieving their luggage, they headed to the hotel in separate cabs. The cars stopped, and everyone piled out. Danji looked around at the beautiful, warm city. The sun was high in the sky, and there were many people around.

“Welcome to Haidian, Luhan’s hometown,” Lay smiled.

Danji stared at Luhan. “This is your hometown?” He nodded.

Luhan was happy to return to the place he had been born at, but on the other hand, he hoped he would not run into any of the Elders, especially his father. He had always had some…differences with his father, who had been the previous prince of the pack.

“The hotel is right over there. Let’s go in,” Kris suggested. Once again, Luhan and Danji were able to share a room.

“WAAA! This room is so nice!” Danji squealed joyfully. Luhan watched in amusement as she darted around. “The TV is huge! There’s a kitchen! And there are things inside the refrigerator! There’s even a canopy bed! I always wanted one!” Danji jumped onto the bed and snuggled into the pillow.

Luhan lay across the bed and propped up on his elbow. “You really like the bed so much?”

“Mmhmm…yes,” Danji beamed.

Luhan moved closer and slid his arm around her waist. “Maybe we can stay here then, and do other things that only the two of us can do…” He trailed his fingers up her waist and rested them on her cheek. His half-lidded eyes were tender and sweet.

“That sounds good…but…” Danji sat up abruptly. “I want to go on a tour and see your hometown! Come on, Luhan!” Danji got up to change.

Luhan sighed and lay back down. *I’d rather stay here with you.* He looked out the window and hoped his father was nowhere near here.


Danji and Luhan met up with the rest of Exo-M.

“Do you like your hotel room?” Kris asked. “It’s lovely!” She beamed.

“I know. I heard you squealing.” Chen cleaned out his ears. “Just remember. The walls are thin. So please refrain yourself for the nights we are here, Luhan.” Chen gave him a pointed look.

Danji turned tomato red. “Chen! Do you have to be so…so…”

“Blunt? Yes. I need my good night sleep.” Chen walked away.

Danji sighed and shook her head. *Chen. He’s impossible.*

Tao slung an arm around her neck. “Awww, mei-mei. Don’t mind Chen ge. He’s just bitter because he has no mate, and he’ll clearly be forever alone.”

“I can HEAR you clearly.” Chen pointed to his ear with a flat expression.

Tao cupped his hand around his mouth and bent down to whisper in Danji’s ear, “Forever alone.”

Chen started running towards him. Tao yelped and ran away. Kris stopped him from running all the way up to the mountain. “Enough. Let’s take Danji on a tour.”

The seven of them visited many tour sights, such as the Beijing Botanical Gardens, Wanshou Temple, and World Art Museum. They also took a tour of the university district. Lay took many photos to commemorate the special vacation. “I need to buy another album,” He noted. “You and your albums, ge.” Danji laughed and shook her head.

“Enough tourist sites.” Tao said, bored. “Now, we’ll go somewhere that I like.”

Thirty minutes later, they were at the Golden Resources Shopping Mall. It was the biggest mall Danji had ever seen.

“My heaven!” Tao exclaimed in pure giddiness.

“Oh, geez. Someone is going on a shopping spree today.” Kris declared sarcastically.

“And that someone is me!” Tao sped off.

“I’ll keep an eye on him,” Xiumin left. “Let me come with you.” Chen soon followed him.

Kris, Lay, and Luhan remained with Danji.

“Baobei, let me know if you see anything you like. Since duizhang got your ticket, I’ll be happy to buy you new clothes,” Lay winked.

Luhan let out a sigh and faced his pack members. “Again, why are you guys spoiling my mate? And Yixing, seriously, knock it off with the whole baobei thing.”

“Sorry. Bad habit.” Lay slapped his lips a few times.

“If there’s anything you like, Danji, tell me.” Luhan took her hand and placed it on his arm while giving Lay and Kris warning looks.

“Let’s go our own way before Luhan explodes with jealousy.” Kris backed away. “Good idea. I prefer to remain in one piece on our vacation.” Lay chuckled and followed Kris upstairs.

“Finally, we get some time alone.” Luhan put his arm around Danji and grinned. “Let’s go, gongzhu.”

The two of them went around the gigantic mall. By the end of the mall trip, they had seven bags, and five of them were hers. They could not outdo Tao though, who had thirteen bags, and all of them were his.

“We couldn’t stop him.” Xiumin claimed.

“Tao.” Kris sighed and shook his head.

“Don’t judge me.” The youngest wolf scoffed.

“I’m hungry. Let’s go grab something to eat,” Chen suggested. They left the shopping mall and went to eat a famous hotpot nearby.


That night, Danji and Exo-M headed to Wudaokou where most university students hung out. There were many restaurants and bars.

“Wow! It’s a Korean restaurant! And another one! And one more!” Danji excitedly pointed out the familiar eateries.

“There are a lot of Korean places in this area,” Tao informed.

“That’s cool,” Danji beamed.

“Let’s go in here.” Chen nodded to a bar. They entered the crowded bar. Loud music pumped from the speakers. Young adults were laughing, drinking, and having a good time. Danji winced as the disco ball shined in her eye. She had never been to such a place before.

“Are you okay?” Luhan asked, concerned. “Do you want to leave?”

Not wanting to be a party pooper, Danji managed a smile and shook her head. “I’m fine. I just had something in my eye.”

Luhan wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Keep close. I don’t want to lose you.” She nodded and gratefully encircled her arm around his wais

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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748 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1113 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!