More Secrets

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Park Ji Yoon: Fade Away


A few days had passed since Luhan had come back. There was a façade of peace, but something volatile was boiling underneath.

It was a matter of time before the truth exploded in their faces.

Danji came home, dropped her bag, and lay on the couch. Wangzi tottered over and blinked up at her. She smiled meekly and scratched its white ear. “You’re getting bigger.” Danji sighed tiredly and closed her eyes.

She woke up to Wangzi barking fiercely. He seemed agitated, and his fur stood up with caution.

“What’s going on, Wangzi? Is someone out there?” Danji stood up and walked over to the door. She the monitor and was surprised to see that her grandfather’s brother was here again. *What does he want?* Her lips curved downwards. *I’ll just pretend I’m not here. Maybe he’ll go away then.*

“I know you’re in there, Danji. You better open up, or I’ll stay out here all day long. Don’t think I won’t.” The Hunter warned.

Danji sighed. *I never doubted your persistence.* She unlocked the door and swung it open. This time, he invited himself inside without her permission. Wangzi barked and growled ferociously.

“Can’t you lock that dog up somewhere?” The Hunter muttered as he stalked into her kitchen and opened her refrigerator.

Danji protectively picked up the dog with a stern look. “This is Wangzi’s home. You’re the one who is unwelcome. And isn’t it rude to look through someone else’s refrigerator without permission?”

The Hunter didn’t reply. He cursed for her lack of beer and grabbed a bottle of water. After taking a long gulp, he exhaled and looked at her with his sharp, brown eyes.

Danji carefully set Wangzi in his bed and straightened up. “Was there a reason you came to disrupt my day again?”

“You haven’t called.” There was an edge to his voice.

“Because I saw no reason to.” Danji responded simply.

The Hunter studied her face and leaned against the counter. “Are you just stupid or ignorant?”

“Excuse me?” Danji asked, offended. *Are you sure this is your brother, grandpa? He’s so rude!*

“You must be both. I thought you would have figured it out by now, but you didn’t. I have to spell it out for you, huh?” He rubbed his scratchy beard.

“Spell WHAT out?!” She snapped impatiently.

“You don’t remember how your parents died, do you?” The Hunter questioned.

*Why has everyone been asking me that lately?* “No, I don’t. I was five at the time.” Danji crossed her arms coldly.

“Well, I do.” He declared. Her eyes widened, and her arms slowly uncrossed. “H-How did they die?”

The Hunter looked her directly in the eyes. “They died by wolves.”

Danji stared at him. She hadn’t heard him. She actually had, but she had heard wrong. She was sure he had said something. Danji just stared at him as numbness slowly enveloped her. “Come again?”

The Hunter approached her. “They died by damn wolves. They were brutally murdered for what they were: hunters, just like your grandpa and me.”

Danji swallowed the bile climbing up . “I don’t believe you-“

“And you know who was the leader of this attack? It was none other than your precious wolf mate’s father.” The Hunter revealed.

Danji’s heart dropped like an anvil, and blood rushed through her ears. “W-What?”

“Luhan’s father killed your parents!” He hissed. Her legs wobbled, and she swayed uneasily. *This has to be a dream. No, this must be a lit. This can’t be true. How can…no…I refuse to believe it.* She shook her head. “N-No. You’re just lying. You’re just fabricating something so that I’ll go against him-“

“Look at me!” The Hunter grabbed the tops of her arms. Her gaze wrenched upwards and met with his hard orbs. “You don’t want to believe him because he’s the one you love, but it’s the god damn truth. His father instigated the attack on your parents. They died in the paws of bloodthirsty wolves.”

Her last oxygen whooshed out of her, and she slid her gaze onto the ground. Brief flashes of that day flashed into her minds.

Was that why her house had been in such disorder? Because wolves had come to destroy her home and her beloved family?

Tears started running down her face.

“This is why we must get them back, Danji. They’re the reasons why you are an orphan. If not for creatures like them, my brother and your parents would still be alive.” The Hunter spoke lowly. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to sob out loud. He released her, and she stumbled backwards. “I don’t need your permission anymore. I’m going after the wolves no matter what you say. In the end, it’ll be best for you.” The Hunter marched out of the house, and the door slammed shut.

Danji sank onto the floor and tears rapidly fell down her face. This was the biggest secret she had been hit with. *Luhan’s father…his father…killed my mom and dad…he’s the reason they’re dead.* She drew her knees to her chest, covered her face, and wept mournfully.


Danji did not know how many hours had passed by. She sat numbly against the wall with dry tears stained on her face. She heard the door open but didn’t go greet whoever had come into her home.

“Danji!” Luhan rushed over. He grasped her arms and searched her face frantically. “What’s wrong?! Are you hurt?!” She didn’t answer. “Come on. I’ll help you up.” Luhan wrapped his arm around her and stood her up. She lost the feeling in her legs and slid down. He caught her waist and held onto her tightly. “What happened? Are you feeling sick?” He put a hand against her forehead. “I’ll get you a drink of water. Sit here.” Luhan led her to the couch and carefully sat her down. He went into the kitchen, poured water into a glass cup, and brought it over. “Here.” He held the cup out.

Danji snapped out of her daze and took the cup. She didn’t drink it though. She just stared into the water with a blank face.

Luhan sat on the coffee table in front of her and worriedly examined her face. “Danji, what’s wrong? Why do you look so distraught?” She didn’t say anything. *Damn. I wish I had Alen’s ability right now. It would come in handy.* He took her hands and squeezed them. “Danji…”

“I found out about something. Something ridiculous. Something that cannot possibly be real.” She whispered.

“And what is that?” He asked.

“…It’s about my parents’ deaths.” Danji whispered. Luhan stiffened at once. His heart started pounding as his heart whirled.

“They were killed by wolves.” She stated. *Damn.* A pang of pain hit his chest.

Danji lifted her gaze up to his. “Wolves just like you…”

Luhan uncomfortably squirmed and looked away to avoid her penetrating gaze. *Does she know that it was my father?*

“And the lead wolf…was…was…” She clamped her lips shut. It was too terrible to say. He turned his head and gazed at her distraught self. “You don’t have to say it. Let’s just go into your bed and sleep, yeah? We can take a nap and put all these worries away-“

“It was your father!” Danji blurted. Luhan froze. More tears shed from her. “Your father was the one that killed my parents, Luhan. My parents…died because of your father…”She broke into a choking sob. Luhan felt a dead weight on his shoulders.

Guilt consumed him again, and he felt pity for the loss of her parents. Luhan knelt in front of her and held her tightly. “I’m sorry, gongzhu. I…I don’t know what to say except for that. Even though he’s my father, I have no respect for him. He goes out and kills people who get in his way. That’s how cold-hearted he is.”

Danji pulled away. Sniffling, she searched his eyes. “Why don’t you sound surprised? You’re acting like you knew this all along.”

Luhan looked down. Her eyes widened, and she grew immobile. “Don’t tell me…you knew everything?”


“YOU KNEW?!” Danji sprang up. Her sorrow transformed quickly into rage. “YOU KNEW YOUR FATHER MURDERED MY PARENTS, AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME?!” He flinched at her loud words. “Danji, please, let me explain-“

Danji stepped back and shook her head with wild eyes. “I can’t believe you knew everything, and yet…you never told me. You never said anything. When were you planning to tell me?”

“I couldn’t. I knew you would act like this.” Luhan pointed out. 

“So was that why you asked me about my parent’s death that day?” Humiliated tears welled up in her eyes. “Was it fun mocking me when I didn’t know anything about my own parents’ deaths and you did?!”

His face fell. “Danji, no. I would never do that-“

“What else did you keep from me?! Did you know that my grandfather was a Hunter, too?!” She shot. Her e

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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748 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1113 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!