Hunter Family

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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K.Will: Slip of the Tongue



“ALEN! I KNOW YOU’RE UP THERE! COME DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!” Luhan blared angrily. “COME OUT NOW BEFORE I TEAR YOUR ENTIRE HOUSE APART!” He knocked on the elevator again and again. There was a large dent in there now.

Vinson snorted. “I’d like to see you try.”

“Is he still down there?” Jimmy walked over to the window and looked down.

Luhan was like an enraged bull. He kept hitting the elevator, hurting himself in the process. Fortunately, his healing power came to use and almost instantly healed the forming scars on his fists.

“He doesn’t know when to give up, does he?” Bin sighed.

Alen just sat on the couch with a pensive stare. In one way, he felt sorry for Luhan. Alen had come into his life and interfered the happily ever after that he could have had. *I’m sorry, but I had to try. I promised to come back and try, and I would never back out on my vow.*

“Damn! He’s almost breaking the elevator! I thought we built that out of titanium!” Vinson snarled in fury.

Alen abruptly stood up and headed towards the elevator.

“Yilun!” Jimmy darted after him. “Are you really going out there? You can get really hurt. He seems very angry. I don’t think he’ll stop at anything to hurt you.”

“I may deserve it.” Alen whispered.

“Yilun…” Jimmy softened. Bin and Vinson appeared behind him with worried faces.

“I can’t hide forever. And I won’t run away anymore.” Alen glanced sideways. “Don’t come out. No matter what you see, stay inside. This is my fight, and I won’t let anyone else get into it.” He left.

“What a martyr.” Vinson sighed.


Danji paced back and forth as she called Lay again for the seventh time that morning. “Is he back yet?”

“I’m afraid not.” He replied.

Danji bit her lower lip worriedly. Where was he? What if he was in trouble?

“Don’t worry, mei-mei. Give him some time. He’ll come back. I’ll call you when he’s here.” Lay hung up.

Danji sighed and put her phone on the table.

Should she look in the forest again? Maybe he was where they had had their first kiss.

Wangzi suddenly shot up from his bed and started barking furiously. Danji stood up with a quizzical look.

Why was her dog barking again? Was Alen back?

Or was it someone else?

The doorbell rang, and she whirled around. Her heart beat irrationally. Danji warily walked up to the door and just stood there waiting. The doorbell rang again. Wangzi continued to bark frantically. Danji looked at her dog’s reaction and wondered if she should even open the door. Danji checked the monitor and saw a man with a big hat on. His coat was slightly tattered, but she could not see his face. *Who is that? He looks like a human to me.*

Very carefully, Danji opened the door. She lifted her head and curiously gazed at the man. “Can I help you?”

A low growl emitted from Wangzi’s throat. The man looked down at the dog and chuckled mockingly. “For a minute, I thought you had a wolf in there.”

Her eyes widened. He looked up to reveal his scarred face.

She remembered him.

He had been the Hunter who had tried to kidnap her.


“Pleased to meet you officially. I am Kim Yoosuk, Head Hunter.” He greeted.

“W-what do you want?” Danji hid behind the door.

“Don’t worry. I have not come to take you. I just want to talk.” The Hunter said. “

Talk? What is there to possibly talk about?” She asked.

“Oh, there is plenty. May I step in for a moment?” He questioned.

Danji reluctantly allowed him into her home. Wangzi barked as the man passed by. The Hunter’s sharp eyes grazed the room and took everything in. He saw a photo of Luhan and Danji on the mantle and picked it up. “Your mate, isn’t he?”

Danji marched over, yanked the picture frame away, and protectively hugged it against her. “Yes, he is.”

The Hunter chuckled dryly and shook his head. “It seems like we have a problem if you answer so eagerly.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being a wolf’s mate. But it’s wrong for you to hunt an innocent wolf down and try to kill him!” Danji snapped with angry eyes.

“Innocent? That wouldn’t be a word I would use to describe wolves.” The Hunter said with dark mysteriousness. “Mind if I sit?”

Without even waiting for her reply, he sat down. Danji frowned. She disliked him immediately. How obnoxious he was!

Danji put the photo carefully back on the mantel. “I would offer you a drink, but I know you’ll leave soon.”

The Hunter was surprisingly not insulted. He laughed instead. “Your fiery personality reminds me of Pansuk. You are his granddaughter for sure.”

Danji’s face fell. Immediate curiosity took over. “You…knew my grandfather?”

“You bet I do. I’m his one and only brother.” The Hunter replied.

Danji’s jaw fell open, and she stared at him in shock. Her grandfather’s brother? That would mean…

“Yep. I’m your grandpa, too.” He stated.

Danji shook her head in denial. “My grandfather doesn’t have a brother.”

“I’m not surprised he didn’t mention me. We split ways after a disagreement. He left his job as a Hunter, which ashamed me to death. He cut off our legacy, and that was unforgivable. I don’t blame him for thinking I’m the bad guy though.” The Hunter shrugged.

Danji searched his face and saw some resemblance to her late grandfather. They both had the energetic, flaming eyes with the same crow’s feet by their eyes. Disoriented, Danji sank onto the arm chair. Why were so many secrets popping up lately?

“Don’t pass out now. I might use you as a bait to lure in your boyfriend then.” The Hunter stated.

Danji snapped out of her daze at his words. “Why are you here?”

“Aren’t you supposed to say ‘Oh, grandpa! It’s so nice to meet you! I’m glad you’re here! Now you can get me out of this mess!’” He snapped sarcastically and looked around. “Do you have any alcohol around here?”

*He reminds me of my grandpa so much. But he’s not my grandpa. My grandpa was never rude and heartless like this man in front of me.* “I’m not in any mess! You didn’t answer my question! Why did you come?!” She demanded.

The Hunter stared at her. “Because of you.”

“Me?” Danji asked, bewildered.

“As much as I hate to admit it, you’re my blood. And to know that my own blood is playing mate with a werewolf disgusted me. So I came to take you out of Hades myself.” The Hunter revealed.

Danji stood up with furious eyes. “I’m not ‘playing’ mate. I am his mate. And I don’t like the way you’re patronizing me. I’m an adult who is capable of making her own decisions. So you should just step out of my life and stop trying t

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748 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1114 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!