First Love

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Myname: Day By Day


Danji hugged her textbooks to her chest, gripped onto the cups of hot coffee, and made her way towards the library. The wind whistled and blew against her. She winced as her eyes grew wet with tears.

Danji darted into the library and shut the door behind her. She looked back at the howling wind swaying the branches of the trees and shuddered. *Why is it so windy and cold today? I can tell winter is coming soon.*

Danji shook her head and hurried upstairs. She arrived at the study tables and searched for her study partner. She finally found him sitting at the last table by the window. It’s Alen oppa! Smiling, Danji approached him.

Alen pretended not to have heard her coming.

“Hi, oppa!” She greeted. He looked up and smiled amiably. “Hello.”

Danji set her books on the desk and pushed one of the cups of coffee towards him. “For you.”

“Thank you.” Alen took a sip of the hot drink.

Danji sat down and cupped her hands around the warm cup. “It’s really windy outside.”

“Yeah, it will be windy the rest of the week.” Alen nodded as he tapped the end of his pen against his notebook. “Are you ready for your midterm?” He asked.

“No way.” Danji made a face. “I’ll never be ready. I can’t believe there will be four chapters on one test. I’ve never struggled with math until now.”

Alen chuckled affectionately. Danji opened her math textbook and started to study the math problems that might appear on the test. Alen lifted the cup to his lips and paused. The shining diamond ring caught his eye, and his heart squeezed at the sign of commitment. Obviously, something so big and valuable could only be from Luhan. Alen lowered his eyes and decided to drop the matter.

In ceramics, the class was staring to learn how to mold a perfect vase. Danji’s ceramic skills had drastically improved from before, thanks to Alen’s help. Still, ceramics was still her weakest subject. Danji was about to touch the wet clay but stopped when she saw the diamond ring. *I got clay on it last time and had a hard time taking it off. I should be more cautious this time.* She decided to take the ring off and put it in the pocket of her apron for safe-keeping.

Satisfied, Danji sat before her wheel and started to mold the clay.

Alen came by to check on her. He watched as her fingers firmly folded the rim of the vase. The vase was lop-sided though. The corner of his lips quirked upwards. *Obviously, ceramics is not her strongest point.* Alen slightly bent down so that his lips were at the same level as her ear. “Your vase is crooked.”

“It is?” Danji leaned back and examined her work. Her lips jutted out unhappily when she realized he was right. “It is.” She sighed unhappily. “I can never get this right.”

“It’s okay. It takes a lot of practice.” Alen encircled his arms around her in order to get to the vase. Her eyes widened, and she straightened up as his arms came around her. She felt a static shock surge up her body, and her cheeks flushed a deep red. Alen felt her swirling thoughts and paused. Something is wrong with my heart. It keeps pounding in a strange way around Alen oppa. Am I nervous around him? But there’s no reason to be anxious. We’re friends.

*We were a lot more than friends, Danji.* Alen slowly withdrew his arms. “There. It’s fixed. Let me know if you need more help.” He left to give her some space.

Danji exhaled and put her hand over her chest. She took a couple deep breaths, and her heart started to relax. I must be over-caffeinated. Danji pressed her palm against her forehead and sighed. Then she went back to working on her vase.

An hour later, the class came to an end. Everyone began to clean up, and as usual, Danji was the last one to clean. She placed her vase carefully on the shelf and then went to the sink to wash her hands.

“Done?” Alen asked.

She smiled and nodded. “Yeah. I’ll work more on it tomorrow.”

Danji dried her hands with the paper towel. “I have to go to my next class. See you tomorrow!” She grabbed her backpack, waved, and left.

Drawing class was her favorite course, and she didn’t even realize the hour was up. After saying goodbye to her peers, she began to pack up to go home. Danji didn’t even notice her empty hand until she picked up her pencil case. She stared blankly at her bare hand for a long time. Strangely, she felt empty. Something was missing. Something important. Danji gasped loudly. *MY RING!*

At the brink of panic, Danji ran out of the hallway and went up the stairs two at a time. *Please let the classroom still be open. Please, oh, please.* She arrived in front of the classroom and pushed the door. It would not budge. Her eyes rounded with alarm. *No, please! No!* Danji struggled to open the door. She ran to the other door, but that one was locked also.

“No! Is anybody in there? Please! Open the door!” Danji pounded her palm on her door.

It was useless. No one was in there.

Danji spotted her bare hand that reminded her of her stupid mistake. Her shoulders deflated as dread seized her heart. How could she be so dense and forgetful? That ring was a meaningful promise ring, and she had carelessly left it behind. She had never been more disappointed of herself.

“Danji?” A miracle voice called behind her. She spun around to face Alen. He was on his way out when he had heard her pitiful cries of help. “What’s wrong?” He asked in concern.

“My ring…” Danji whimpered as she enclosed her fingers around her bare hand. “I left my ring in there…”

*The diamond ring from Luhan?* Alen tried the doors, but they were locked.

“I can’t go home without it. I just…can’t.” She swallowed hard and blinked rapidly.

“Wait here.” Alen left. Danji sank onto the ground with her head lowered. *How could I have been so careless? I’m so stupid. If Luhan finds out, he’ll be angry for sure.*

The sound of footsteps made her look up hopefully.

Alen dangled a key. “I got the key to the room.”

“Really?!” Danji shot up with a hammering heart. Alen unlocked the door and opened the door. Danji burst inside, and light flooded into the room. Where had I left my ring? Think, think! She snapped her fingers and ran towards the closet where the smocks were. Her face fell. There were at least a hundred aprons in there.

“Did you leave your ring in the pocket of an apron?” Alen asked.

Danji nodded. I’ll never be able to look through all of this. She began to search right away.

Alen didn’t hesitate to help her look for the ring from another man.

Danji’s hands shook as she reached into every pocket. Come on. It has got to be here somewhere. Don’t tell me the ring fell out. What if someone took it? No, no, please no. I’ll never be able to find it then.

“Danji, I found it.” Alen’s announcement made her head shoot up. “It’s this, right?” He held up the diamond ring.

“Yes!” Danji got up and eagerly snatched the ring from him. Her eyes shined as she cradled the ring carefully in both her palms. I’m so glad I found it. Danji put the ring on and vowed to never take it off again. She smiled widely at Alen. “Thank you so much for helping me find my ring.”

Alen nodded softly. “You’re welcome.” He locked up the classroom, and they headed towards the exit together.

Alen studied Danji’s expression. She was staring at the ring with tender, loving eyes. “Does that ring mean a lot to you?” Alen asked.

Danji smiled softly at nodded. “It’s a commitment ring from my boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend,” Alen repeated the word.

Danji looked up at him. “I told you about him, didn’t I?” Alen shook his head.

“Oh. Sorry about that.” Danji smacked her forehead wi

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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740 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1104 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!