Another Reunion

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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M4M: Sadness (Korean)


Danji opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling. Her mind was blank, and for a moment, she just lay in her bed wondering if her ceiling could be any whiter. Then she remembered what important day it was today.

Today would be the first day of COLLEGE.

At the thought, Danji shot up. Her heart fluttered in both excitement and fear.

How would college be like?

What would her first day be like?

Would she make any friends on the first day?

Would she get lost on the campus?

What if her professors didn’t like her?

*Okay. I need to breathe. Clearly, I have some self-esteem issues.* Danji took a few deep breaths and placed a hand over her thumping heart. “Everything will be okay. You’ll be perfectly fine.” She told herself. Danji looked at the clock. The bus to Myunghae University would be leaving in an hour. She would have to hurry up, or she would be late on her first day of college, which she DID NOT want to happen.

Danji hurried out of bed and went to take a shower. She wore the outfit she had carefully picked last night. She had decided to wear something casual but clean. Danji ran a brush through her long hair and looked at herself in the mirror. She took a deep breath and exhaled. She smiled and pretended to introduce herself to her new classmates.

“‘Hi, I’m Danji. I’m from Malhwa.’ No, that sounds too childish. ‘Hey, I’m Danji. What major are you in?’ Possibly…I don’t know.”

Danji scratched her head. Her eyes shifted down to the cross bracelet she had found in the box a few days ago. She reached out and picked up the strange object. *I wonder who this belongs to. If this is mine, who gave it to me? Maybe it was mom’s or dad’s gift to me.* After a second hesitance, Danji clasped the bracelet around her wrist.

A knock on the front door made her look up. She left her bedroom to see who had come to visit her on this important morning. She opened the door and faced Luhan. He smiled and held up a bag of fresh bagels and coffee. “I came to deliver breakfast to you.”

Danji smiled and kissed his cheek appreciatively. “That’s just what I needed. Come in.” She headed to the kitchen and took out the plates and knives.

Luhan sat at the table and put cream in her coffee. “Are you done getting ready for school?”

“Yeah, I think so. My backpack is ready, too.” Danji curled her hair behind her ear and tasted her coffee.

“Let me take a look at my girl.” Luhan gently turned her towards him. He her bangs away from her face and took a good look at her. “You look so pretty. I’m afraid all the college boys will fall for you.” Luhan sweetly murmured as he her cheek.

Danji giggled. “Don’t worry, because the only boy I want will be right here in Malhwa.” She winked.

Luhan kissed her appreciatively. They sat down and started to eat the bagels he had brought. Danji spread cream cheese over her bagel and off the remainder of the cream cheese on her finger.

“Feeling nervous?” Luhan asked. “A little,” Danji admitted.

He continued to stare at her.

Danji sighed in surrender. “Fine. I’m terrified. Happy?”

Luhan chuckled as he put an arm around her. “Why would I be happy that my mate is terrified?” He kissed her cheek. “Do you want me to go with you to school?”

“You’re not even enrolled!” She laughed.

Luhan shrugged. “I could still go with you into the classrooms. No one and nothing will be able to stop me from being with you.”

Danji smiled and patted his cheek. “Thank you, but I’ll be okay. It’s my first day of being independent. I’m ready to be a grown woman.”

“You’re already a grown woman to me.” Luhan murmured next to her ear. Danji blushed and nibbled on the edge of her bagel. Luhan smiled widely. He thought her blush was particularly cute.

They finished the rest of the food and started to head to the bus stop. Luhan carried her backpack for her all the way. They stopped at the bus stop, and Danji took a deep, nervous breath. Her hand started to feel clammy. Could she really do this? Could she go to another town by herself and start a new school life in a new environment?

Danji gulped uneasily. Luhan could feel her hand becoming sweaty and cold. He could sense how nervous she was. Luhan gently turned her towards him. “Gongzhu, you’re still nervous, aren’t you?”

“Only a little.” Danji swallowed hard.

He gave her a look. “…Yes.” She meekly smiled.

A warm smile crossed his lips, and he embraced her securely. “Danji, you don’t have to worry about anything. I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’re a diligent student and a sweet friend. Your professors will love you, and you’ll make friends who grow to love you as much as Minyoung does.”

“You really think I’ll be okay?” Danji whispered.

Luhan nodded. “I’m positive. If I wasn’t, I would’ve insisted on following you.” He pulled back and searched her eyes. “But look at me. I’m letting you go alone. Me, the most overprotective mate in the universe.”

Danji laughed. She began to relax. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Thanks, Luhan.” She beamed.

“No problem, gongzhu.” Luhan squeezed her hands. There was a howl, and Danji froze. *Please don’t let there be any coyotes! Not on my first day of school!*

A large animal jumped over the bushes and stuck out his tongue as he panted to catch his breath.

“Tao!” Danji squealed.

The gray wolf strutted over. She threw her arms around him and embraced him happily. She had never been happier to see him. “What are you doing here?!”

Tao whined against her ear. “He came to see you. He wanted to cheer you on.” Luhan said, amused.

“Awww, Tao. You’re so sweet.” Danji rubbed his fur with an amiable smile. “I’ll go to school and do my best. When I come back, I’ll tell you all about my first day.”

The gray wolf nodded his large head. He her, and she giggled as he nuzzled his large nose against her.

“Okay, that’s enough. She’s going to smell like a dog.” Luhan prodded Tao who snorted at him.

“Behave!” Luhan hissed. Danji giggled. She was no longer stressed or worried, thanks to these two wolves.

Tao suddenly sat up with perky ears. “What’s wrong?” Danji asked.

“Nothing’s wrong. The bus is coming,” Luhan announced.

As predicted, the bus came around the corner and came to a halt. Danji faced Luhan with a deep breath. “Here I go.”

“You have your phone, right?” He asked, and she nodded.

“Call me if anything happens. Call me if nothing happens, too. I’ll be waiting right here for you,” Luhan promised.

Danji nodded. He cupped her cheek and gave her one last, tender kiss for good luck. She waved and entered the bus.

Luhan stood there and watched until the bus became lost in the fog. He crossed his arms with a sigh. “She’ll be fine, won’t she?”

Tao gave a throaty growl and lightly nudged his head.

Luhan smiled and scratched his ear. “Yeah, she’s my Danji. She’ll be able to face anything.”


On the entire bus ride, Danji listened to her ipod to distract herself from fainting. The whole time, she was chanting “I can do this” in her head.

“This stop is Myunghae University.” The speaker announced.

*Myunghae? That’s my stop!* Danji yanked her earphones out of her ears. The bus door started to close, but she slapped her palm on the button. “Excuse me, ahjusshi!” Danji looked at the bus driver who was staring at her reproachfully. “I’m sorry.” She bowed and quickly got off. The bus sped away, and she sighed in relief. *At least I made it. I could have missed my stop.* She didn’t even want to think what she would have done if that had happened.

Danji put her ipod back in her backpack and looked at the campus. There were students spread out here and there. Her new university’s campus was spacious with old brick buildings and black plagues on each edifice. There was also a fountain of the founder of the school smack in the middle of the quad. She was sure schools in the city would be much bigger though. Danji took out her map and tried to find her first class, which was general math.

*I can never avoid math, can I?* She sighed and entered the campus.

Using the map, she was able to locate her first class. Danji entered the room to find other students in there. The room was small with individual desks. It seemed much like her classroom at her old high school. Danji chose a desk by the window and took out her notebook and pencil case. She looked around. No one seemed interested in making friends.

Danji sighed and rested her chin on top of her hands. So far, the start of her first day at college seemed lackluster. She felt her phone vibrate in her backpack and pulled it out.

‘How is it going so far?’- Luhan.

Danji smiled and replied back. ‘It’s okay. I found my class, and now I’m waiting for the professor to come.’

‘No friends yet?’

‘Not yet.’

‘Those blind fools. How dare they not try to befriend such a perfect girl?’

‘I’m only perfect in your eyes, Luhan.’

‘You’re perfect. End of story. I miss you.’

‘I miss you, too. I can’t wait to go back to Malhwa.’

‘I’ll be waiting at the bus stop for you. XOXO.’

 Danji chuckled softly at his reply. She tucked her phone away and sighed with mixed feelings. Hopefully, her day would become better, and she would be able to meet a friend or two.


For the rest of the morning, Danji had no luck. She couldn’t make any new friends. Everyone was busy doing their own thing, or they already had their own cliques. It seemed like everyone from Myunghae High School had settled into the school, making no room for her to be part of their crowd. She wished she could see a fa

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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748 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1113 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!