You: It's Cold...

It's Christmas and you were walking on the streets, You decide to walk on the

streets because your mom and dad was on a honeymoon and they wouldn't come

back for a month or two your sis was out with her boyfriend and you were left  

alone, the streets were decorated with green and red lights trees were

decorated with white lights. 

You saw lovers everywhere

You: *pouts* I wish i had a someone...

Santa: What is your wish again?

You: Oh! You gave me a shock!

You turn and saw a man dressed in a santa suite, at his back were a scene of

a thrown that has a big chair and kids were taking pictures with santa's 

Santa: It wont cost you a dollar :) Just wish under this tree...

He points to the big christmas tree beside the scene 

You: Woah!!... :o 

You stand there with your mouth wide open.. The tree is not only big... it's  

beautiful it's decorated with lights and orniments... theres no word to  

describe it...

Santa: I know it's amazing... Go on and wish... perhaps your wish would come


The santa smiles at you and you smile back as he walk away...

You: I guess i need to try....

You slowly closed your eyes and wished your wish under the gaint christmas



You heard someone taking a photo of you, but when you open your eyes, no one

was there....?

You: .....strange.....

You decide to clear your mind and continue on walking on the streets to find

a warm place to stay before going home

You: Ah! 

You saw a little café down at the end of the streets, it was quiet and 

peaceful when you walk into

the café a cute little girl came and welcome you...

Girl: Welcome ^^

You: Ah! ^^ Nae...

The café was small and cute there were one waiter and one bakery.... because

the café was located at the end of the steeets so there wern't that much

costumers... After looking around the café for a bit she leads you to a small

table near the glass wall of the café... 

From your seat you could see a nice veiw of the streets... as if you were possesd by the view, you couldn't hear the girl talking to you

Girl: Umm.. excuse me... here's the menu ^^

You: Oh!.... I'm sorry thankyou..^^

She handed you the menu, it was a cute menu with decorations you open it and

you look through the menu's

You: Ummm.... I'll have hot chocolate with extra cream and one peice of

cheesecake please ^^

She wrote down your orders and went to the bakery... You enjoyed the veiw for

awhile and then the girl serve your hot chocolate and cheesecake on the table

and left... It's a perfect christmas you though even though you're alone...

you laugh quietly then you start eating the cheesecake little by little while

also drinking the hot chocolate 


You were busy eating the cake and the hot chocolate without noticing a guy on

the other side of the window, he was taking pictures of you, when you looked

up you saw a teenage man his age about yours lowering the camera down and

showing a smile on his face...a smile that could light up the world... you

don't mind him taking your photos... though you just smiled back :D

When you were smiling he quickly took a picture of you and then he bowed to

you, you slightly bowed back while he walk away... You think to


You: Is my wish coming true?

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KawaiiMolang #1
Chapter 6: Ouuhh can't wait, can't wait XD
Hwaiting (´・ω・`)
KawaiiMolang #2
Chapter 5: Whate the .... ●_●
I want to know
What going on here
First she got shoot then her parents don't come home
WHY >_< Tell me, TELL ME, Tell meeeeeee
Man this story is ... good and drives me crazy XD