You promised

You Promised (One-Shot)



You Promised

The outside was pouring non-stop. Sitting down on the couch, Aron hugged Mel gently in his arms as it sleeps. The others were busy playing games on the Play Station console that JR bought recently. Aron watched in amusement as his dongsaengs started bickering at each other while playing the game.

He placed his puppy down gently on its own bed and stared outside the window. For a moment, he thought he forgotten something- something important. Shaking his head lightly, he went back to the living room. The boys are quarreling over who should play the console since the console only had 2 controllers.

“Shut up guys!” he raised my voice at them.

They turned and stared at him, bewildered by his sudden loud voice. Aron gave them a grin and took both of the controllers.

“Since I’m the hyung, I shall play next,” He grinned mischievously. “Let me see, who’s the nicest member here?”  

His eyes scanned through the four of them with puppy eyes plastered on each of their face.

“My Rennie! Come here!” He exclaimed and passed the controller to the smiling maknae.

The trio groaned and watched as the both of them played the game.

“I. Am. Going. To. Win!” Aron shouted as his player got to the finishing line first. “Aha! Beat that Ren!”

“Aish, hyung! It’s my first time playing this!” Ren protested and pouts.

There was a knock on the door. Aron glanced over at the door and turned to JR.

“Go get it Jonghyun.” He said and continues playing.

“It’s my turn to play!” JR pouted and folded his arms.

Being the kind hyung, he passed the controller to JR and patted his head before going to the door.

The moment he opened the door, he was shocked by what he saw.

A girl stood there looking at him with bloodshot eyes. She was drenched from head to toe and there’s water flowing down her cheeks. The girl was wearing a red over-sized pull over with stripes and skinny jeans.

Before he knew it, his left cheek stings and hurts. He can feel his cheek turning red and the moment he touch it, it sends shock waves down his spine.

It hurts a lot.

“Hyung!” The kids came running to him after they witness what happened.

-Aron’s flashback-

“What’s with the sulking face?” I patted her head lightly and asked.

“Nothing,” She lied and turned her head away from my vision.

I sat down beside her and wrapped my arms around her waist. Resting my head on her shoulder, I whispered in her ears.

“You can’t bear it right?”

She moved my hands away from her waist and stood up.

“Bear what?” She coughed, her cheeks covered in faint pink.

“You can’t bear to leave me here while you are doing relatives visiting at Washington.” I stood up.

“No,” She lied again and turned to leave.

I hugged her from the back and let out a chuckle.

“You lied twice; you owe me two kisses today.” I said to her.

She sighed and turned to face me.

“I really wanted to skip that relatives visiting thing this summer and spend time with you.” She confessed. “And, I’m scared you might leave me…” She pouted and pointed her fingers together.

I laughed and leaned in to her face, rubbing our nose.

“I won’t Shinjoo,” I assured her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer. “We promised to enter university together right? Then from there, we pursue our dreams and career, and then we get married…” I smiled at her and pecked her lips.

“Promise me to call me whenever it rains okay?” She pulled back and told me.

“Why must it be when it rains?” I asked, tilting my head.

“Cause it’s when we met for the first time,” she smiled and pecked my lips.


-Shinjoo’s POV-

It was the first time it rained in Washington and I waited for his call. An hour passed, followed by another, then another.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

“Sorry, the number you are calling is not registered…” I was shocked.

Did he leave me for another girl? No it can’t be… he promised that we will enter university together, pursue our dreams and career together and then… get married.

I dialed his number again… and again… and again… and again. I called his house and a woman’s voice was heard.

“Is… Is Aron there?” I asked, my heart almost jumping out.

“Aron? He’s not at home now.”

“Where is he?” I asked, panicking.

“He left for Korea.”

I dropped the phone. He left. Why? He left me alone. Alone.

“You promised me…” I cried.


I ran down the steps and down the street. I can’t believe it. I saw him and he forgot about me. He didn’t even recognize me. Bastard. Idiot. Liar. Betrayer.

The rain continues to pour down on me as I tore away the paper with his address. I don’t want to see him anymore. I don’t want to. I wouldn’t have known that he went for auditioning after I left and succeeded in getting into Pledis. If it wasn’t for his friend that I met on the streets 2 months ago, I wouldn’t have known that… Aron is in an international boy band. All the time I spent finding him here, has gone down the drain.

He didn’t recognize me.

He didn’t remember the promises he made for the both of us.

It hurts a lot.

My heart hurts a lot.

The rain stopped pouring upon me. I looked up and saw a white colored umbrella above me.


That voice. The voice that I have been yearning to hear for these years.

I turned to him and started hitting his chest as hard as I could, although my hands were cold and weak. He didn’t flinch. He didn’t move.

Instead, he pulled me into his embrace and continues letting me to hit him. His umbrella fell on the ground and he slowly got drenched.

“Sorry,” He mumbled as he held me tight in his arms. I stopped hitting him and hugged him.

“I’m such a bad boyfriend.” He mumbled.

“You are. I hate you.” I cried.

“Forgive me… for everything that I’ve done.” He pulled away and looked directly in my eyes.

My love for him was just too strong. I love him. I would love him forever and ever.

My head automatically nodded slightly.

The rain continued pouring. It’s just like how we first met. In the rain.

I longed for the rain to last forever, so we could stay in that moment forever.

He leaned in and plants a soft kiss on my lips.

He pulled away and smiled at me. Pushing a strand of my fallen hair behind my ears, he looked at me as the rain continues to fall on the both of us.

“Shall we continue our promises?”








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Chapter 1: Cute! :D