
Invisible Monsters

The scene seems as if taken out from a prestigious fairy-tale. The warm rays of the sun bathing the royal gardens, brightening up everyone’s mood, caressing the flowers and simply adding warmth to a beautiful day of early autumn.

Flowers begin to open, the autumnal ones, but the prettiest of roses still remains the bloody and white Osiria rose, which is the mistress’ most favorite.

There is a marbled fountain in the middle of the flower garden, it being in the shape of a Gryphon, crystalline water pouring in the pond, fresh and immaculate. Few benches lie nearby, all of them cleaned and freshly painted a sweet brown, to match the season or maybe the mistress’ taste.

She is beautiful, shining like a jewel, and almost as if she away the golden rays of the sun. A fresh breath of air in the turning autumn, one splotch of color among the golden, the brown and the orange. She is sitting on the bench, her hands gracefully resting on her lap, and watching the ground. Her long, overflowing hair seems to be out of the scenery, with her intense chocolate waves, and big brown eyes. Her skin is fair, her lips plump and her nose small. She wears an elegant turquoise gown, with a brown knitted cardigan thrown over her thin shoulders.

Next to her, a tall and handsome man is currently deciding which rose to pluck, which jewel would the mistress like most.

He is oh-so charming, even as he chews on his bottom lip, as he’s deep in thought. He wears formal attire, one a prince should, and it matches him to perfection. His hair is short and black, adding an edgy touch to his overall appearance.

One had to be utterly blind or stupid, not to agree on that couple being a match made in Heaven.

The prince smiles sweetly, an action which would cause angels to drop from heaven itself. He has chosen his most favorite bloody-white rose, which he presents to the mistress with grace.

She smiles brightly as she accepts it, and it’s a wonder how two icemen’s hearts are instantly melted, when together.

The prince then excuses himself, and he diligently offers a kiss on the back of the mistress’ palm, before returning to official affairs.

Au revoir, dame Jessica.” The young man says, all charms.

’À la prochaine, prince Kris.”  She says her farewells, using the most sophisticated French language.

Turning his back at the pretty lady, Kris walks out of the beautiful garden, each movement of his long legs, each step bringing him closer to me. I was supposed to be glancing at the ground, acting as a shrub, or something along those lines.

Instead, I follow his every move, the creasing of his clothes, the perfection of his face, and his overall actions.

When he’s within viewing radius, I quickly look away, trying to busy myself with my hands. His eyes burn my body, but I don’t look at him. It’d be called a blasphemy.

Bonsoir, mademoiselle," he says as he passes me by and ruffles up my hair.

Surprised, I whip my head upwards, but only manage to catch the thinning of his back, and those wide shoulders.

“Are you coming, Joohyun?” Mistress Jessica’s emotionless voice calls out, not allowing me another second’s worth of daydream, as I am forced to follow, despite my heart pulls at a different direction.


Insomnia seems to overwhelm me the nights before the full moon comes out. Now that the moon is slowly growing back to a whole, its effects over me begin to show.

I am Mistress Jessica’s maid, the one doing her every deed, the one you could probably call ‘shadow’. I’m everywhere, though no one sees me. I’m everything, but nothing at the same time. I’m nature, but a work of man.

Leaving my small chamber, and only wearing my robe, I walk aimlessly around the castle, taking in the silence. Even Nature is asleep right now, as there are no sounds outside.

As I leave through the back door, the moment my bare feet touch the ground, I feel cold snake around me and sneak into my bones. I shiver, but it’s a welcoming feeling, nonetheless.

Those same feet take me automatically to the stables. Not because I’m especially fond of horses, but more like because there is someone. Someone who needs me just as much as I need him.

I cross the night, headed to the stables, feeling his presence getting stronger and stronger. And I know, he also feels me approaching.

When I arrive, the animals panic, although they are soon calmed down by the young man in there. He shushes them to sleep and only then does he turn around, greeting me officially.

He is tall and handsome, though his human features are quite feminine. He has short, but bloody red hair, and warm brown eyes. His skin milky white and a smile to die for. He wears a random shirt, some brown trousers and boots, but he manages to look handsome in them.

“Mistress Seohyun, welcome.” The man says formally, as he bows to me.

“Hello, Han.” I greet him back with a small smile and proceed on sitting on a free stool.

“Unable to sleep?” Han asks, as he seats in front of my legs with his crossed, and offering me a red apple.

I turn down his offer and instead, he chomps on it happily, like the pet he is.

“I could say the same.” I then add, with a chuckle.

He shrugs.

In case you were wondering, we are holding a telepathic conversation. The reason for that is simple: I am mute. And because he is my Familiar, we have a connection, and telepathy is just one of the many advantages.

To answer your further questions, I am a witch, yes. But due to some unpredicted circumstances, I ended up taking Joohyun’s mask, the pure and innocent maid’s face to live at the castle.

“Tomorrow’s Full Moon.” Han’s statement brings me back to reality. 

I nod.

“The Harvest Ritual will happen.” He adds afterwards.

Another nod coming from my side. In these parts of the woods, the Harvest is among the most important part of the year. The world is the richest during this period, and the Full Moon’s strength is unbelievable.

“You will have to hide tomorrow night.” I tell Han, as my bony fingers play around his bloody red locks.

Heaving a sigh, he nods. The Moon affects him as well. We are, after all, connected. And our connection is unbreakable, no matter what others say.

“Will you be alright, after tomorrow?” He asks with genuine worry.

I, honestly, do not know. This ritual, I have to do this ritual annually, where I offer up half of my power and quintessence, in exchange of someone’s safety. Now, you might ask who I am trying to protect…

“Mistress, is he really worth it?” Han’s words are like cold water thrown against my bare skin. I narrow my eyes at him. “I mean, he doesn’t even see you, he has no idea. And besides, he’s already engaged. Why would you risk your life to protect his?”

Being part of the royal army, the Rouge Croix, it’s a wonder that Han still has no idea. True, to any other surreal creature like myself, protecting a mortal’s soul is unheard of. But no one knows the truth, and I will try to keep it that way.

“Because it has to be done. He is important, Hannie.” I reply, while patting the top of his head.

He’s dissatisfied with my answer, per usual. Maybe because this is the only secret I’m keeping from him, the only thing he will never claw at.

“Oh, Mistress...” He gets to his feet, showing his back at me. “You know, a lady told me recently that: There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

Under any other circumstance, I would’ve agreed, but not this time. Maybe because I know it’s an indirect attack to me losing my voice in the meanwhile. The voice of a Caster is more valuable than her life. How is she supposed to cast spells, if she has no voice to do so? That old hag knew what to ask in exchange, for the great sacrifice.

“Let’s not forget our righteous place, shall we?” I warn him, as I also get up, and, fastening my robe around my skin, I walk out of the stable.

I might come off as heartless, but so was his remark. Indeed, Han had been by my side, as my Familiar ever since I officially became a Caster, so many Harvests before. However, that gives him no right to mock me in such a way, or to question my decisions.


I always wondered how it feels to lie beneath the starry sky. To offer your flesh to the celestial body, and to be loved, maybe? Making love to the stars, does it feel the same, as making love to another human being? Exhibiting each scar, each imperfection, while waiting to be analyzed by perfect beings, does that send shivers down your back?

I am, undeniably and unquenchably in love with the Moon. It has always been like that. The Moon has always called out for me, whispering to me sweet lies, asking me to offer my love to it.

Even now, as I walk through the familiar path in the dark forest, my eyes reach up to my beloved, the astral being watching over my every step. It guides me to itself, pleading with me to make love to it.

There is a waterfall hidden in the woods, kept away from the curious eye, the place where I head. The Moon already rose, inviting me to sin. I undress of my clothes, and slowly walk towards the water.

Sliding just one leg in and the magic surrounds me already. I walk closer and closer to the place where the water falls, stopping just under the shower.

  I can feel myself coming undone, as the Moon shines just above my head, igniting my bones and boiling my blood. I feel good. So comfortable.

I step under the shower, letting the icy water fall over me, overwhelm me with its magic. My skin is glowing, as if I’m in heaven.

What would it be, this time? That creaky voice echoes in my head, making goose-bumps pop on the surface of my skin.

Really, if I could, I would do anything to prevent this hag from trespassing my mind. But where the Moon is, there is also her.

“My hair?” I suggest, continuing my small dance in the water.

A moment of hesitation, then the wind whips at my skin. I almost whine, but hold it in. I’ll take that as a ‘no’.

That redhead of yours. She speaks again, and I stop. I want your Familiar.

I tilt my head backwards, to look at the astral body. Its whiteness is starting to get covered by a bloody shadow. It can only mean trouble.

A witch and ever more a Caster to give up her Familiar? That’s unheard of. No lunatic would demand such a tribute. But then again, Mother Nature is not your usual granny either.

“I cannot do that”. I say ultimately, with a definite shake of my head.

The sizzling of the leaves indicates her laughter. She must be having such a sweet time in taunting me.

Then, would you risk to be completely cut open? When I take the prince’s life, I mean…

I roll my eyes at her words. Making me choose between the two most important figures in my life, huh? It’s simply complicated. Seohyun would definitely protect Han. But then again, love-struck Joohyun yearns to obtain the heart of her beloved.

And right now, my two sides are fighting an imminent battle inside of me. And I have no idea who will win.

It’s a win-lose situation, at any rate. Giving Han up means that I abandon the source of my life. Saving Han, and in the process, killing Kris, my conscience also goes with it.

Choices, choices.

The rustling in the woods captures my attention almost immediately, and without a second thought, I rush out of the water and barely manage to cover my wet body with the cloak, before steps echo through the darkest night. I sense his aura immediately and more humans at a safer distance – for now.

“Mistress!” Han’s red head pops out through the shrubs, and then he’s at my feet breathing heavily. “Run away!”

His voice is terribly scared. But don’t get me wrong. He’s not afraid for his life. He’s afraid for… mine.

“What has happened?” I ask, as I gently pat the top of his head.

Han jumps to his feet immediately, grabbing my shoulders and succeeding in surprising me. Never before have I seen such determined eyes. He’s never looked at me so intimidating. His Familiar senses might be warming him to act like this.

“The Hunters are here. They mistook Jessica for you and killed her. Some villager saw you head in the woods and alerted the guards. They are coming. Run away!” Han says all of these in a breath, forgetting that I can also read his thoughts.

He’s telling the truth. And poor boy, he’s so afraid, worrying about my safety.

“I can’t run away. It will mean that they are right.” I tell Han, a simple act to push his faithfulness towards me.

Color leaves his face, and his grip around my shoulders strengthens.

“You’re crazy if you think I’ll ever let you do that.” He says, in a menacing way.

 I disapprove with a shake of my head. He’s too liable. Just a few moments ago, I was ready to sell him for that other guy’s safety.

“No, Han. I can’t. Joohyun won’t be able to see him again.”

His hands fall from my shoulders, and Han takes on step behind, totally shocked.

“Joohyun?” He stutters. “You think I care about her at the moment?” I see hurt in his eyes.

But I don’t have time to reply anymore, because the guards are so close, surrounding us in a few seconds. Han immediately jumps in front of me, pushing me safely behind him. A low growling comes out of his mouth, and I know that he’s capable of anything, as long as I won’t get hurt.

Hannie, why do you trust in me so?

“There they are!” The guards shout once they have us surrounded, with their guns pointing at us.

“Please, I’ll distract them so you could run away.” Han’s desperate voice echoes in my head.


He begins to tremble, due to anger. It’s good though, at least this will offer him strength. I sneak my arm around his waist, my touch sending shivers down his spine.

“Don’t do anything reckless,” I warn softly.

“Joohyun?” A deep voice startles me a bit, and I look up, finding myself staring into two russet eyes.

Pain is written all over his face, mixed with disappointment and rage. All of them directed towards me. Han tenses up, and that’s when Kris’ eyes look away from me and to him.

“You were in this too?” Kris asks my Familiar, and he feels no remorse.

Han doesn’t care about anything else, other than protecting me.

“Capture them. Dead or alive.” The prince orders and the guards immediately jump on us.

With a howl, Han laces out, clawing at their bodies and managing to avoid the bullets with ease. I move to the side, to connect my spirit with his and offer him greater strength, while giving up mine. I could also fight, though my current state isn’t the best.

“He’s a demon!” A guard shouts as he tries to shoot Han.

But he avoids the bullet with ease, and with a back-flip, he also manages to kick the gun out of his former mate’s hands, only to snap his neck later on.

A smile prints on my face, as I follow his moves. Han is just so perfect. He knows how to protect me.

But then I remember Kris – Joohyun does – and I look around, trying to find him. He’s nowhere to be seen. At least I notice his presence too late. Because, once I do know he is there, big hands close around my neck, pushing me to the ground and getting on top of me.

He weights a lot, and I can’t escape. I’m trapped by his strong hands, and I know that if this keeps up, I’m more than certain to die.

“You, I trusted you, Joohyun.” Kris mumbles through tears.

I look at him with empty eyes. Is this really the man I looked up to? The one I would’ve sacrificed everything for? This… pathetic try of a prince?

Maybe something breaks inside of me. I don’t know. Maybe Joohyun has vanished.

“Mistress!” Han’s cry wakes me up, and I look at his desperate expression, despite the hands tightening around me.

“You killed my Jessica!” Kris cries out, choking me further.

“Seohyun, you damned Caster, save yourself!” I hear Han scream in the background, but a muffled cry comes later.

My stomach is hurt, and I struggle to look after him. More shots and cries, the pain intensifies. I see him squatted on the grass, with guards shooting at him. Each bullet digging through his flesh steals my life essence.


A loud howl echoes through the night, and even I shiver. The guards scream, as a strong light emerges through the dark. From the corner of my eye, I see a beautiful – but wounded – ashy wolf, with bloody eyes.

He tears at the guards, despite bleeding, despite hurt. All the while he continuously screams in my head to save myself.

And I find myself looking at this man. He’s crying, while his big hands are shaking uncontrollably. He wants to kill me for indirectly assisting at his fiancée’s death. But he can’t. He’s not man enough for that.

And I realize: I would sacrifice even the Moon, to save my beloved Familiar.

I try to kick with my legs, though I know it won’t help much. It would serve as a distraction though. Until I gather the necessary runes, focusing my mind on them, and using my inner voice.

A black blade forms in my hand, and with a swift movement, it tears into his stomach. Kris coughs up blood, dirtying me with the red liquid, and I only push the blade further into his abdomen. He looks at me terrified.

“Why don’t you die?” I ask him with a wicked smile. “And meet with your beloved Jessica?”

The damage is done. The prince has fallen.

He mouths something, but I’m too busy to decipher it. I simply push him backwards, on the grass and the growing pool of his blood.

With a sigh, I turn to Han, and find him staring back at me. A gentle smile spreads on my face, but I imagine I look quite mortifying, with blood all over me and my chest bared.

“Come here,” I ask of him, after dropping the blade.

The ashy wolf doesn’t hesitate, and, limping, he comes to my side. My bloody fingers play in his fur, dirtying him, and eventually, I fall against the ground. Still, Han is there to protect me. Just as I protected him.

“You… You really…?” He asks with disbelief, and I can only nod.

“Yes, Hannie. The Caster is back.” I say as I place a chaste peck on his forehead, between his eyes.

It took me a few lives and probably my humanity to realize this. However, I do not regret any choice. I am, above all, a Caster. Mingling with humans is taboo. 

“Let’s go far from here.” I say to Han, and he nods, allowing me to jump on his back.

He’s injured quite badly, but after we find a safe place, I will heal him. And make sure he will never leave my side, not even after I die.

As he begins to walk, half-limping, a cough resonates through the dark.

I look to my right, noticing it comes from Kris. My eyes narrow, and for a moment, my killing intent is back. Not only that, though.

The fragments of my conscience tell me to leave him alone, in his purgatory.

“I… will find you… and… kill you…!” He forces out through coughs.

A chuckle leaves my lips. Han strongly disagrees with this, but then again, I am back. The real me.

“You do that, Love,” I then add, with an evil smile.

Han leads me through the night, and the woods hide us and our presence. We are also protected by the Harvest Moon, the strongest of them all. And we leave the human world, swallowed by the shadows, getting lost in time.

I nearly lost myself there, to the strongest venom to Casters – Love. But Han, my dearest Han, he was there to wake me up.

Because, after all, I am a wicked being, and happiness and world peace are the last on my black list.





Phew, it took me a while. But here it is.

Before you whine that you don't understand this or that, or that the ending has confused/disappointed you... Try reading the story from beginning, alright? And pay attention to the details, because everything is written there :)

And another thing... Please refrain from comments such as saying 'this scene is similar to this' and 'that scene is similar to that'. I'm tired of those. And if you want to know, I used the term 'Caster' because they need their voices, to cast spells. 

Also, wish me luck (maybe) for the contest?^^

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Fire_trek 350 streak #1
Chapter 1: This was a cool piece of literature! I loved the language used and the emotions that the characters held. I’m not going to lie, I was confused on which one was Joohyun and which one was Seohyun but then I got it at the end. Thank you for your work, author nim
wonderdream #2
Chapter 1: Nice story there. I always like your writing. Thanks for writing this:)
kpoperrose #3
this was a really good read and the i think it's great that she chose Han in the end :D
Chapter 1: I like how this story has the aspect of original fairytales.
You know? The weird rules and detailed nature base.
Chapter 1: Congratulations on winning!

Can you please tell me how and when do you get inspired?
I would really like to know.
Thank you.
Chapter 1: Congratulations on winning!

Can you please tell me how and when do you get inspired?
I would really like to know.
Thank you.
seomate_sone #7
Chapter 1: I love your story ! i have never read a fanfic portraying so as a "bad" woman. wooooot and i love the concept tooo. ! the story seems familiar :)
Chapter 1: I love this story!Can you make a story about Seohyun and Luhan?
jellyfriedgreen7 #9
Chapter 1: This story was wicked!!! Lol, I didn't mean that as a pun whatsoever, I just meant it was great and I really enjoyed it. Seohan was perfect here! Luhan was absolutely gorgeous and lovable. I actually don't know if I understood everything! Because I couldn't exactly connect the title with the story. Maybe I'll try to read this again some time? Hehe.
Good luck with the contest! It's too bad you won't get as many point for using more known couples, but still, this story seems like a winner to me! :D