Don't Forget

Torn Apart [ Broken Promises]



Why could I not notice the change in your behavior? How could I have been so blind for it to go unnoticed for so long? But I only have myself to blame for the outcome that it took.


Upon our first encounter, I believed I had been blessed. To discover great companions so early in my journey, seemed surreal. I swore to myself that I would treasure and protect said friends with all my heart. Any harm or injustice brought upon them would be shielded or solved by me. I would have done anything in my power to protect you; even if meant losing it all.


"Hyung knows best," you'd say. Always by my side, I felt the support you gave me unconditionally from the start. I grew acustomed to your words, finding my voice empty when taking hold of auhority around he dorm.


My adorable little brother, who was to say how proud you'd make me as the years went by? Every time I'd hear you, I'd be captivated with the easeness and tranquility of your melodious singing.


I long for the days when we'd be laughing so hard while practicing, earning a scold or two from manager-hyung. Nothing nor anyone has managed to surmount your excellent skills in brightenong our- my mood.




Don't say goodbye.


It's been so long since I have been myself. I try not to act different, but I can't help it. I can't pretend. They can't control my feelings. But I know I must. Not for me, not for him. But for you. To show that your decision has affected me so greatly, would defeat the purpose of protecting you. We may not have agreed with what you chose, but we cannot hold that against you. No matter how hurt we are. No matter how empty we feel inside. No matter how much I want to cry; I know that won't bring you back.


There's a saying, “If you love something let it go. If it comes back to you its yours; if it doesn't, it never was.” I guess you were never meant to be a part of us, since you left and never came back. Walked away without explaining to us why. Turned your back on what we considered family. But I guess that's destiny. Our destiny.



Goodbye means forgetting.


The unconditional support and love I gave you was more than enough to prove my love and affection for you. However, it seems my efforts were all in vain as you never once took my feelings into consideration. The day you all left, a piece of myself was taken, leaving me incomplete as you remade your lives far away from ours. Far away from our dreams and promises.


Everyday I am faced with new obstacles, but I try my best not to show it. Maintaining a strong figure for him is all I care about, whether its real, or simply all pretend. My smile has long ago disappeared -abandonned in the past- when you left.


Happy endings don't exist.


Out of the both of us, I think he suffered the most. Being the youngest, it must have been hard for him to adapt to losing three of his most beloved hyungs. You were is adoration. Still are, regardless of the pain you've thoughtlessly inflicted on him. Although he tried not to show it, tried to put on a brave face, I could tell he wanted to break down. I could tell he wanted to tell you to stay. He wanted to scream and let out his anger and frustration with this whole complicated situation...but I wouldn't let him. I told him not to get in your way. Told him not to stop you from fulfilling your dreams. Told him to stop believing in happy endings. Because our group, our family, our friendships, our dreams, were coming to an end; and it would be far from happy.


Despair has become my shadow.


We were willing to go along with your plans, supporting you, and being involved in the process; but you pushed us away before we could even react to the sudden news.


I was willing to give up my dreams, my life, my everything, for you; to protect you, shield you, comfort you; but you left before I could do anything to ease your pain.


We swore to remain brothers until the end; but you left us behind instead. Left us in wonder of a new journey to replace ours. In hunt for new surroundings and relationships.


You left us make memories on your own.





This was a whole lot shorter than expected. Sorry. I have yet to finish the others, including the part before this one. But will post those up ASAP. Thank you for reading, and hoped you enjoyed.




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Chapter 1: Yunho as a leader during all of this TT_TT It's obvious how much he changed during the split :(