Snowball Fight

White World


            “Aish, work today was soooo tiring!” Wooyoung complained, plopping onto the couch. He and the rest of 2pm had finally arrived at home.

            “Stop complaining. Today’s just like every single day,” Jay wacked Wooyoung in the head with a bundle of newspaper.

            “But it’s cold today, hyung,” Wooyoung sighed, covering his head with a pillow.

            “Omo! Guys, it’s supposed get fifteen feet of snow tonight!” Nickhun squealed weirdly.

            “And?” Taecyeon lifted an eyebrow.

            “Yah! Just because it snowed at your place during the winter doesn’t mean it snowed at mine!” Nickhun snapped.

            “It’s not like we’ll be able to play with it,” Jay shrugged, “We have work to do.”

            “But snow equals winter, which equals Christmas, which equals presents!” Chansung started jumping excitedly.

            “Yah, Maknae. Cool it,” Junsu smirked. “Who said you were going to get presents this year?”

            “Whaaaaat?!” Chansung gasped in horror, and stopped jumping immediately.

            “Stop bullying Chansung, hyung,” Junho scolded Junsu.

            “Well, you guys can squabble all you want. I’m going to sleep,” Jay yawned, exiting the living room.


            Not wanting to disturb the other members, Taecyeon tiptoed to the bathroom, because he was the first to wake up. At least that’s what he thought.

            As he crossed the living room, he peeked at the living room window, wondering if it was actually snowing. He didn’t want to admit it, but he missed the snow. Sure, it was cold in Korea, but it barely snowed. Back at home he used to get piles of snow every winter.

            To his surprise and delight, a white world unfolded before his eyes. He stopped in his tracks, taking in the beautiful scene… When something flickered in the corner of the window.

            Curious, Taecyeon crept towards the window to see what animal that had created a disruption in the serene world.

            It was Nickhun.

            He was outside, playing joyously in the snow. Taecyeon strained his neck to the side, and saw that Nickhun had built an army of tiny snowmen. Crouched in the corner of the army was Chansung, who was crushing the puny snowmen and roaring like Godzilla.

            Barely able to contain a grin, Taecyeon opened the window.

            “You guys know we have work today, right? WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO GO PLAY AROUND IN THE SNOW,” he scolded them.

            “I got a text this morning for Manager-nim! Since it snowed so much, the roads are iced over and the metro isn’t moving! All the TV stations and studios are down, so we don’t have any work today!” Nickhun replied, surprised that someone else was awake.

            “What’s going on?” Jay asked as he entered the living room. “Someone turn up the heat; it’s freezing!”

            “We have a day off!” Taecyeon whooped, racing off to get changed for playing in the snow.

            “Is it snowing?” Wooyoung asked, running into the living room, still in his onesie. “YESSSSSS!!!”

            Jay rolled his eyes as he walked to the kitchen.

            “Kids,” he muttered.

            Taecyeon and Wooyoung zoomed through the living and into the cold. Not long afterwards, Junsu and Junho followed them.

            While Jay was inside the kitchen, sipping on some hot chocolate, the rest of the boys were outside creating and destroying snowmen.

            “Hey! Why don’t we go over and invade Miss A’s place!?” a gleam shone in Taecyeon’s eyes.

            “Obviously to go see Suzy,” Junho snorted.  Catcalls erupted from the group of wild boys.

            “W-What? NOOO!!” Taecyeon blushed.

            “Ever since you filmed Dream High with her, you’ve been obsessed with her,” Junsu retorted.

            “Y-Yah!” Taecyeon spluttered.  Junsu smirked and molded some snow into a ball.

            “Don’t you dare!” Nickhun gasped, stepping in front of his snowmen army. “You’re going to ruin my men!”

            “No I’m not,” Taecyeon smirked. “Because Chansung already did the job.”

            “Wait, what?!” Nickhun turned around, to see Chansung frolicking and destroying the snowmen garden. “Chansung! What are you doing?!”

            Chansung looked down at Nickhun dumbly, “Uh…. Playing with the snowmen?”

            “That’s not playing. That’s destroying,” Wooyoung threw a snowball at Chansung.

            “SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!” Taeyeon roared, flinging his snowball at Junho.

            “Yah! What are you doing?! I’m not a part of this fight!” Junho growled. Then he proceeded to create his own snowballs and throw them at Taecyeon.

            Soon, chaos erupted in 2pm’s backyard, and the noise traveled all the way into the kitchen, where Jay was trying to drink his hot chocolate and eat breakfast in peace. Annoyed by all the ruckus, Jay flung on his coat and rushed outside to start ranting.

            “GUYS!!! BE QUIETER, WON’T YOU?!” Jay bellowed, but no one heard him.

            Now, my dear readers, when someone as small as Jay screams as loud as he can, and people still can’t hear him… well, that person feels even teenier. And then if that happens, the person wants people to notice him, so he resorts to other method… like violence. And that’s what Jay did, well, sort of.

            Jay gathered a bunch of ginormous snowballs that he could still carry, and started launching them at the members.

            “Y-Yah! Who’s threw that!?” Junsu whipped around when the killer snowball struck him. To his surprise, it was Jay and his armory of snowballs.

            “Are you guys listening to me yet?” Jay pouted, but Junsu wasn’t listening, because he was too busy running away.

            For about an hour, Jay chased his minions around, tossing snowballs at them. Sure, they tried to fight back, but Jay was small and agile, so he dodged them and returned with double the amount of pain.

            “Nickhun! Let’s form an alliance!” Junsu suggested to Nickhun.

            “Good idea,” Nickhun nodded.

            The two dug quickly into the ground, and soon, an enormous wall of snow rose out of the ground like a fortress.

            “Guys! Can I join?” Wooyoung asked the duo. Nickhun and Junsu agreed, so Wooyoung added onto the wall.

            The three boys continued to fortify the wall, digging from the same hole.

            “Omo, what are you guys doing?” Taecyeon stared at the gaping hole in the ground. The hole was big enough to fit a person, if not two, and it was about six feet deep.

            “Want to help? We’re making a fortress to protect ourselves against Jay-hyung,” Nickhun grinned, exiting the snow pit.

            “Whoa! Look at how deep you guys dug the hole! I can practically hide out in there!” Taecyeon grinned jumping into the hole and tossing out some more snow. “We can create an underground fortress to protect ourselves against Jay!”

            Soon, the hole expanded till it could hold about four people. The other members, curious to see where Taecyeon, Nickhun, Junsu, and Wooyoung had gone stopped their fight and finally noticed the huge fortress.

            “Dude, that hole’s huge,” Jay’s eyes rounded as he looked down the former pit which probably now qualified for a cave.

            “I know, right?” Junsu grinned; he had begun customizing the cave to his taste, and had started to make pretend furniture.

            “Can I help?” Junho asked as he entered the cave.

            “We should just try to renovate this place! It could be like a hideout!” Chansung suggested.

            Liking the suggestion, the boys continued to work on the cave, and they didn’t even notice lunch pass, and the snow right outside the entrance start to melt. Then the sun set, and the melted snow froze over the entrance, trapping the oblivious 2pm members inside.


One week later

            Two detectives stood outside of the missing kpop idols’ dorm, speculating about what might’ve happened.

            “I don’t think they would’ve been able to be kidnapped. First of all, the person would’ve had to traverse across fifteen feet of snow. Second of all, seven people? Really? Don’t you think someone would’ve recognized them by now?” Detective Kim shook his head.

            “Look at all these tiny snowmen in the backyard,” Detective Lee opened the backyard gate. “At least, I think those are snowmen.”

            “They’re so cute! They must’ve frozen! Look at how hard they are, it’s almost like ice! It’s been snowing pretty hard for the whole week, too, and it stopped yesterday. If the snow is exposed to the freezing temperature for a long time then it’ll freeze. They must’ve been made on the first day it snowed,” Detective Kim observed.

            “Is this a fortress? I used to make these when I was little,” Detective Lee chuckled, and then noticed a strange indent in the melting ground. “Detective Kim, stop ruining those snowmen! They can be used as evidence! Come here and come take a look at this.”

           Reluctantly parting with the frozen snowmen army, Detective Kim made his way around the fortress to the place where Detective Lee stood.

           “It looks like an entrance to a cave, but the entrance is frozen over,” Detective Kim muttered. He bent down, knocking the ground. It made a clunking noise.  “It sounds empty.”

            As Detective Kim brushed the snow away, the ice expanded below them.

            “That’s weird,” Detective Lee scratched his head. “It must be hollow below that ice. Is it possible to see through the ice?”

            Detective Kim punched the ice, attempting to break it, but there wasn’t even a crack. The ice must’ve been several inches thick. Then he leaned close to the ice, but not too close that his face touched the frozen floor.

            Seven hunched shapes under him were cuddled together like penguins. Squinting his eyes, Detective Kim realized that those shapes were actually humans. They had messy hair, but stylish and thick outfits.

            “I think I’ve found our missing kpop stars.” 

Hope you guys liked this oneshot!!! :D 

It was just something I wrote in a day... I hope you comment!!! -candym0nster

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Chapter 1: haha i like it! especially the ending! i bet you'll win something with this ;)