The First Class

Made in Paris?

*Louisa's P.O.V.*


It's a new year and I'm still stuck in high school. At least my school isn't as bad as other schools since they did advertise their teachers as the finest. I finally understand why this school; and other schools; don't include pictures of students on advertisements after a school tour... because most of the students are mean, cake-faced girls and rough, rowdy boys. I still worked really hard to gain a scholarship into this school, one of Seoul's most prestigious and expensive schools, Seoul Academy. This was all for my best friend Christy, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't want to be in this school. I spotted her at the gates waiting for me.


"It's so good to see you again, we haven't talked to each other in a while! I guess schools are good for one thing, catching up with friends EVERYDAY!" Christy exclaimed. You could hear hear little chuckles from her.


"Uh.. yeah," you mumbled. Either she is very forgetful or she counts minutes in hours because she called me yesterday night to check if I had prepared everything for today. She's probably more motherly than my mum...


"Helloooooooooo, Louiiiiisaaaaa! Are you listening to me?"


My thoughts were interrupted by Christy suddenly waving in my face, my face nearly hit her palm as we walked into the building.


"Woah! I guess I'm listening now," I answered.


"You should pay more attention to me," she said with a pouty face before she jumped up and down exclaiming, "WE'RE IN THE SAME CLASSES! I feel like we haven't been in the same classes for ages and started to think that teachers didn't like us together BUUUT I was proven wrong."


As we were walking past locker bays, we saw a lot of people gossiping and critisising other student's styles and size, what has society come to. Christy also noticed and I swear I saw a light bulb light up above her head. She started to whisper to me.


"I just remembered, some friends from cooking class last semester informed me this morning that there was going to be a famous group attending this school from today. I'm pretty sure their name was... um... Eggs Oh?"


"EGGS OH? WHO NAMES A GROUP EGGS OH?" I was laughing hysterically along Christy as we both walked into our class, we got a few stares that lasted momentarily. Eek! We ended up with 60% of the class being popular or wannabes of our year level. The two of us quickly sat on the second row to the front near the windows and behind the couple Robyn and Robert (Robbie), who are both my friends, just like us, she's a sport fanatic.


Going back to your conversation with Christy, I questioned her, "Why were we all of a sudden talking about this Eggs Oh group again? We both aren't keen music listeners."


"I heard that they're a 12 really hot guys, maybe you might fall in love with one of them," she nudged me while smirking.


"Pftt... you know I won't do that! Remember last time when we were looking through photos of idols on the web, they are so unattractive compared to football players," I replied.


Christy evily said, "Oh really?"


"What are you trying to imply?" I replied in a harsh tone. The teacher walked in, and to maintain my good behaviour, I restrained myself from wanting to slap Christy's right arm with my books.


"Hello class, I'm Miss Kim, your mathmatics teacher for the year and since you seem to be familiar with each other, I won't ask for introductions from you," the teacher said, "but I would like our two new students to introduce themselves."


Automatically, all heads turned towards the door, two boys walked in bowing while making their way next to the teacher. Literally all the girls behind me gasped and exclaiming, I think one of them nearly fainted. Were they that attractive?


"Hello, I am Do Kyungsoo but you can just call me D.O. and this is Oh Sehun. We're pleased to meet you all and we hope you will take care of us," the shorter guy greeted the whole class. All the girls in the back just sighed and you could tell that their hearts melted. There were going to be a lot of nasty break ups going on in this class.


"I hope you will welcome them and treat them well," Miss Kim said before assigning their seat and beginning on our work. Sehun sat next to me while D.O. sat in the front of him. I hope that they will not pester me with questions, I really wasn't the talking type unless you got to know me very well.


I was slowly tuning out from the teacher who was explaining on the topic, chance, which I already excel at. I looked at the wall on my right. At the corner of my eye, I saw Sehun glancing in my direction. I quickly turned my head away for him, I could feel my cheeks burning, gosh, I am easily embarrassed. I looked out of the window, I saw a lush green football field with a few senior boys. I wish I was there right now, instead of here.



A/N: I actually had the courage to do this *backs away* O: I'm sorry if it's really boring, I'll try my best to make a better chapter next time (>_<) Since it's my first time, it would be great if you could possibly give me suggestions and tips, I'm still tring to work my way round here... what does that button do, it looks so colourful! (O.O)

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